Rate the ad
Tuesday, Oct 22, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Gay marriage advocates began running this ad on black radio stations over the weekend. Rate it…
Woman #1: You know what? It’s not fair that same gender-loving couples can get married in some states, but not in Illinois.
Woman #2: Not in Illinois? That’s not fair.
Woman #1: Nope. And that means same gender-loving couples don’t get treated equally when it comes to family leave in an emergency or Medicare. Listen to what President Obama had to say about it:
Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. For if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.
Woman #2: So our President’s out there for marriage equality?
Woman #1: And Michelle, too. Here’s what she said:
In a country where we teach our children that everyone is equal under the law, discriminating against same-sex couples just isn’t right. So it’s as simple as that.
VO: Join President and Mrs. Obama and folks across our community who believe in fairness. Tellyour legislators to pass the religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act.
Paid for by Illinois Unites for Marriage.
* As subscribers already know, a new head count by the Windy City Times shows pro gay marriage forces within striking distance of passing a bill. Check it out.
* Related…
* Daily Herald Editorial: It’s time for a vote on marriage equality in Illinois: Promises were made then that a vote would happen during the fall veto session. And no matter which way it goes, it’s time for legislators to go on the record despite concerns about the political calendar. Legislators on both sides of the issue are concerned about potential opponents filing against them in the primary based on this vote. Much has changed, however, in the last few months.
* Buses depart this morning for March on Springfield for Marriage Equality
* Illinois gay marriage rally draws protesters to Springfield
* Poll: By 2-to-1 Illinois Catholic Voters Back Same Sex Marriage
* Thousands expected to rally for Illinois same-sex marriage
* All eyes on Harris as veto session approaches
* Latino community leaders lend support to marriage equality
- walkinfool - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 9:37 am:
The fairness message works.
The Obamas being used right now might be focused on some Dem holdouts, but won’t work with the GOPers we need..
I received a personal and district-specific phone call last night, asking me to leave a voice message to my rep supporting marriage equality, and offering to forward me to his office number. Very good call, IMO.
- Mike - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 9:37 am:
What do the black community leaders want in return for their support of this bill?
This is Springfield, so they must want something…
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 9:49 am:
===but won’t work with the GOPers we need..===
Considering that the ad is running on Chicago black radio stations, I seriously doubt Republican legislators are the target market here.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 9:55 am:
Gave the ad a 7, but that is a generous “7″ because the work that needs to be done is with the clergy and in the church groups, not necessarily the voting public.
President Obama is good leverage, but that leverage needs to be done in the Caucus Room, and be used to sway the members of the Black Caucus in that arena, all the while working the clergy in the Districts, and working the congregations with the Obama endorsement.
A “7″ is generous, but it’s a 7 out of 10.
- A guy... - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 10:03 am:
A not as generous, but still respectable 6 on a scale of 10. There is obviously a belief that Michelle Obama will resonate with African American women on this issue or she wouldn’t even be in the commercial. Not sure what effect that will have on African American Men. It will be interesting to see the results of polling done in the areas where this ad is designed to affect. If people are frustrated with the web issue snafus of the Affordable Care Act, the President’s timing might not be as fortuitous. It’s good enough to adopt a “wait and see” attitude now.
- Just Observing - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 10:20 am:
Such an ad certainly won’t do any harm… it will only help… but marginally. Changing people’s views on gay marriage will be an incremental process… not something that can be swung in a short time period with an ad campaign.
- Spectator - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 11:22 am:
Was that a push poll? The most vocal opponents of Same Sex Marriage were and are black evangelical ministers, but the poll claims that blacks are strong supporters of the stalled bill.
As for “Catholics” did the poll differentiate between those who actively practice their faith and attend church services as opposed to those who do not participate, but identify themselves as “Catholic.” Our local cardinal and pastor have distributed many messages to the parish opposing SSM.
- Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 11:39 am:
==The most vocal opponents of Same Sex Marriage were and are black evangelical ministers==
You must have missed white evangelicals and Catholics in your “most vocal opponents” review.
==Was that a push poll?==
The point of a push poll is not to measure results from said poll.
- Hatless - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 11:48 am:
Spectator - I am at Mass every Sunday, sent my children to Catholic Schools, and my wife is employed by a Catholic School. We are all in favor of Gay marriage.
This isn’t your grandparent’s Catholic Church. Most of the Catholics I know take the Bishop’s opinions with a grain of salt.
- BooBooKitty - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 4:16 pm:
This is a fallacious argument. Most political advertisements on Black radio stations appeal to emotions and Gospel songs and never address the real issues for making an informed and intelligent decision. This is no different. What’s “not fair” is that same sex marriage is considered a civil rights issue. Yes, we are created equal, but the love we commit to one another is not equal. If that is the case, then the romantic love a 15 year old has for a 50 year old and vice versa can equally be argued in this commercial. It’s as simple as that.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 22, 13 @ 4:52 pm:
– If that is the case, then the romantic love a 15 year old has for a 50 year old and vice versa can equally be argued in this commercial. It’s as simple as that.–
Simple is the key word here.
Consenting adults, dude.