Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » About 2,500 attend anti gay marriage rally
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About 2,500 attend anti gay marriage rally

Wednesday, Oct 23, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Red meat for the faithful from our live session coverage post

* The official crowd estimate from the Secretary of State…

As of noon, Secretary of State Police estimate today’s rally, both inside and outside the Capitol, at about 2,500 people.

An inside photo…

* Back to the rally…


  1. - Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:13 pm:

    Did Bill Brady show up? Sounds like his kind of crowd and his office is steps from the rotunda.

  2. - Served - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:14 pm:

    Getting lots of positive, family-friendly value vibes from this group!

  3. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:15 pm:

    These bigots are sickening.

  4. - Abe the Babe - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:17 pm:

    The arch of history is long, but…

  5. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:18 pm:

    –@ProFamilyIL board member Jim Finnegan says he has nothing against individuals, but calls homosexual lifestyle “deviant, disease-filled.”–

    “Hey, some of my best friends are disease-filled deviants. Not really. Nothing against them. I just don’t want them to marry each other. For some reason.”

    Fun crowd. Positively oozed with Christian ethos and family values. Have a good time, Sen. Dillard?

  6. - Aldyth - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:19 pm:

    Fifty years from now, their great-grandchildren will be asking what in the world was wrong with their great-grandparents that they ever thought this way.

  7. - olddog - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:27 pm:

    I would have voted for Dillard in 2010 if he’d been on the general election ballot. This year, he has totally and irredeemably lost my respect.

  8. - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:31 pm:

    Great piece by Eric Zorn today.

  9. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:33 pm:

    Watching Kirk Dillard throw away any chance of being elected to any statewide office sure is entertaining.

    Haven’t seen career suicide like this since JACK! decided to take his wife to Paris.

  10. - Hey There - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:33 pm:

    If Dillard makes it through the primary, he will regret that photo of him speaking at that rally with the sign behind him saying, “Homosexual marriage is an abomination.” Talk about looking backward and intolerant.

  11. - 4 percent - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:35 pm:

    Nail in the coffin for Dillard’s chances if he were to get out of the GOP primary. Fatal mistake.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:37 pm:

    ===“deviant, disease-filled.”===

    There was a time that such speech would repel all Americans.

    There was a time that differences were not rooted in hate, but rooted in both sides making an arguement, and trying to make the best arguement to sway those with honest questions for both sides.

    There was a time that the Middle scoffed at the Left and the Right.

    Now. Now is the time that such speech rallies citizens of both the Left and the Right like moths to Light, so the echo chambers make those who speak in those tones feel better.

    Now. Now, if your arguement is not rooted in a distain towards someone or some group, then you are not making any arguement valid, no matter how the facts make them so.

    Now. Now, The Left’s and the Right’s anger towards the middle reminds me of the poilitcal spectrum that shows the Far Right and the Far Left almost “touch” in that cirualar Prism, and neither can see how their similar tactics for different “ends” make the Middle completely sick.

    The worst of this issue in the last two days has been on display. That is the most disappionting of all.

  13. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    “I am against same-sex marriage because I love people.”

    Yeah, we can feel the love here…

    Did they remember to bring the torches and pitchforks?

  14. - Stuff happens - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:46 pm:

    So not only is Dillard a bigot, he also can’t do basic math. Now if he’d support the death penalty he’d be a shoe-in for state office in Texas.

  15. - Lil Squeezy - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    More people attended a rally than registered for health insurance and we’re supposed to celebrate that?

  16. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:48 pm:

    Stuff is right. Dillard would be perfect to replace Rick Perry.

  17. - John Bambenek - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    Am I missing something but how is SB10 unconstitutional?

  18. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    1. It’s too bad Dillard gave up trying to win an election in November. I won’t be voting for him in the primary since his double down against equality.

    2. Just because some people don’t think an issue is a civil rights issue doesn’t mean they are right. You have the fundamental right to be against gay marriage, to be gay and then not be gay and the right to just be confused in life. You do not have the right to use the government to oppress people for your religious beliefs.

    3. Mark Johnson has a weird sense of what love is. Love is patient, love is kind, love denies equal rights…

  19. - Northsider - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:51 pm:

    Haters gonna hate…

  20. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:54 pm:

    === I would have voted for Dillard in 2010 if he’d been on the general election ballot. This year, he has totally and irredeemably lost my respect. ===

    Same here.

  21. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:57 pm:

    sad to see D-Lard grow to be such a bigot
    Does SOS count all the kids who got dragged down here as if they were adults? There are about 600 over 21 haters in the building. And a lot of bewildered children

  22. - PolPal56 - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:57 pm:

    The vile rhetoric merely shows how desperate they are becoming as they fight to convince themselves they have not already lost what they perceive as a war. They continue to fight battles, but the tipping point has passed, and all they have left is hot air and futile lawsuits.

  23. - reformer - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 12:59 pm:

    == Talk about looking backward and intolerant. ==

    I doubt Dillard expects his position will help him in the general election. I think he understands it would not. Instead, he’s trying to make it through the primary where this kind of intolerance can help him. It’s a reflection of who takes GOP primary ballots.

  24. - MrJM - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:07 pm:

    With 2,500 attendees, the anti-gay marriage assembly can now act as an official Loya Jirga.

    – MrJM

  25. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:12 pm:

    So what big GOP names were not there…

  26. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    Does Dillard honestly believe the right is ever going to forgive him for the Obama ad?

    I just don’t get the logic behind the shift to the right.

  27. - Peoria Pete - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:19 pm:

    MrJM @ 1:07 - your comments are the best laugh I’ve had all week. Thanks!

  28. - really? - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:20 pm:

    Seriously. This is 2013. Our society has advanced in so many areas including human behavior and scientific understanding of our species (both our species and understanding have long evolved to be different then previous ages). The beliefs proclaimed by today’s demonstration sounds like they belong to some long lost tribe in the Andes or the down-under Outback.

  29. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:21 pm:

    D-Lard’s position will not help him in the primary
    Brady has cornered the haters already
    D-Lard just struck out with moderates and crossovers
    It is a sad decline

  30. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:22 pm:

    - MrJM -,

    I would add, you have been on top of your game for quite some time. You are difficult to keep pace with, that is for sure.

  31. - Darienite - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:24 pm:

    ==Instead, he’s trying to make it through the primary where this kind of intolerance can help him. It’s a reflection of who takes GOP primary ballots.==
    True. Because with 4 candidates, the GOP winner will likely emerge with around 30% of the vote. If he wins, he thinks he can smooth over his statements and evolve into a less extreme candidate. Won’t happen.

  32. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:24 pm:

    @John Bambenek - I think the argument is that SB10 is unconstitutional on 1st Amendment (Church and State) grounds, in that they’re being forced to recognize something their religion prohibits.

  33. - walkinfool - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:25 pm:

    Dillard simply cannot believe what he has been saying lately. Has he lost his grip on reality? Has he become that cynical?

    I was a Dillard supporter, but he has driven me away.

  34. - Tony - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:29 pm:

    This would be so funny if it wasn’t so sad.

  35. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:32 pm:

    If nothing else, I hope the Illinois Family Institute takes comfort from today’s rally that their 1st Amendment Rights, which they believe to be under duress, are certainly alive and well.

    Freedom to exercise your religion? Check.

    Freedom of speech? Check.

    Freedom to assemble and petition the government? Check.

    Even better news for them, none of their 1st Amendment Rights will be impacted whatsoever when gay marriage is finally law.

  36. - SIUPROF - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:33 pm:

    D-Lard thinks that same sex marriage is unconstitutional but abrogating pension contracts with public employees is not.

  37. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:35 pm:

    Very disappointed in Dillard.

    Mr.JM, OTOH, just keeps knocking them out of the park.

  38. - Former State Employee - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:42 pm:

    I left the Capitol around 11:30 today, and was amazed at the number of young children (who greatly outnumbered adults). I guess it’s OK to skip school if you are used to promote the family bigotry values.

  39. - Served - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:45 pm:

    At this point, a Dillard nomination is one of the few things that could get me to volunteer for Pat Quinn.

  40. - uwagapies - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 1:47 pm:

    skip school? I would assume this is the same lot as the home-school crowd.

  41. - Just The Way It Is One - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 2:02 pm:

    Wow! 2,500 folks out to rally on a cold day in late Fall?! That’s WAY more than yesterday’s pro-vote gathering! Just goes to show that when we hear the pro-forces are a “few votes short,” that’s “no phony baloney” THERE! (It also points to the serious practicality/argument many have espoused of holding-off on pushing much further on FORCING some failed tally until at LEAST next year at some point)…!

  42. - Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 2:05 pm:

    Religious school field trip to Springfield may explain the number of children at rally.

  43. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 2:05 pm:

    –Wow! 2,500 folks out to rally on a cold day in late Fall?! That’s WAY more than yesterday’s pro-vote gathering!–

    Um, apples to apples, the SOS put today’s rally at 2,500 and yesterday’s at 3,000.

  44. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 2:06 pm:

    ==There was a time that differences were not rooted in hate==

    I’m 65 and that time must have been before my time. The McCarthy hearings, the treatment of civil rights activists, the sometimes vicious behavior of abortion (pro and con) activists . . . all seem rooted in hate and intolerance. If there was a golden era of compromise not preceded by some violent expression of bigotry, it would be welcome news to me.

  45. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 2:45 pm:

    Just The Way It Is One

    You know what? your side tries this nonsense over and over and over, and fortunately for us, your side does not get its own set of facts.

    I hope you are one of the people who won’t be able to admit you were on the wrong side of history in a few years. It’ll be like the opposite of Disco Demolition–instead of more people claiming to have been there than could have fit in the old ballpark, your side will say they’ve always been for civil rights for everyone.

  46. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 2:49 pm:

    I suppose if same sex marriage is unconstitutional for “violating” freedom of religion, then it would also be unconstitutional for the state to recognize marriages involving someone that is divorced, since it “forces” Catholics to “recognize” something there religion prohibits or marriage between a muslim women and non muslim man, since that “violates” the freedom of religion for Muslims by forcing them to “recognize” something their religion prohibits.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 2:55 pm:

    ===The McCarthy hearings, the treatment of civil rights activists, the sometimes vicious behavior of abortion (pro and con) activists . . . all seem rooted in hate and intolerance.===

    What side …won … - Anonymous -?


    When “that time was”, you are not going to have vivid memories of attack dogs and “Red Lists”.

    Sometimes leadership on two sides of an issue, make it about the issue, and not about the hearings, or the hatred.

    Those times you mention had all the hate man can thrust upon another man.

    How did it end? Who won?

    That is the lesson.

  48. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 3:01 pm:

    Oh, Senator Dillard. There is absolutely no point to winning the GOP primary if you have irretrievably offended the majority of the electorate. This was a sorry issue to hang your hat on.

  49. - Just The Way It Is One - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 3:06 pm:

    Gee–all sorts of defensiveness out there today. Just saw the SOS police estimate of 3000 for yesterday, although what I read YESterday was “hundreds” (per Chicago Sun-Times) and “over 1000″ (per SJ-R). So be it. But to Mr. Chavez@ 2:45 pm: so sad to read you stooping to lower ground with your “nonsense” swipe about my choice of words: you are entitled to your opinions/comments as I am mine–don’t always jump to impulsive, inaccurate conclusions and assumptions about me/my views being on one “side.” I’ve fought the good fight for people’s “civil rights” hundreds of times.

    And as to numbers there today, anyway you shake it, 2500 is a good chunk of people, although I AM more curious than ever as to what the Sun-Times and State Journal Register’s Estimates for toDAY’s Rally are…?!

  50. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 3:13 pm:

    Did Willy just “school” a 65 year old, or was that Willy’s way of agreeing? (Hard to tell sometimes.)

  51. - reformer - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 3:24 pm:

    A March survey of nearly 1,000 white evangelicals by the Public Religion Research Institute found half of those under 35 favored same-sex marriage. If that’s true even among younger evangelicals, it’s clear Dillard’s position is not designed to attract younger adults to the GOP banner.

  52. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 3:24 pm:

    ==How did it end? Who won?

    That is the lesson.==

    I am not arguing who won, or why an argument was won. I’m just wondering when it was that differences were not “rooted in hate”. The “win” may make acting in a hateful manner unlawful, but it does little to erase the hate that engendered the law.

  53. - haverford - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 3:40 pm:

    That clicking sound you just heard was the mouse of a Quinn staffer saving that photo to the Dillard file… just. in. case.

  54. - uwagapies - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 4:44 pm:

    justthewayitisone… So there was 3,000 at the rally yesterday, Out of the Rally today how many of those were children? Don’t troll here.

  55. - Johninchicago - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 4:52 pm:

    I voted for Kirk Dillard in the last Republican primary for Governor. He won’t get my vote this time. I’m very disappointed in you Kirk.

  56. - Jaded - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 5:04 pm:

    Lots of hating on Dillard on this thread. Kinda thought the gay marriage proponents were lovers and not haters.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think any of the four GOP candidate support the gay marriage bill, which means you weren’t going to vote for any of them in the first place.

    If you are not going to vote for Dillard because of his stance on same sex marriage, you either: 1) Were not going to vote for him in the first place: or 2) you are one of those wacko single issue voters. That puts you in league with the Paul Caprios of the world who are opposing great republican state reps because they are voting for the bill. Either way, you’re a hypocrite.

  57. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 5:12 pm:

    == in that they’re being forced to recognize something their religion prohibits==

    It does no such thing. No church is being forced to recognized a gay marriage. It’s this type of falsehood that people latch onto. Religious people can object to same sex marriage on religious grounds if they want to. I’m fine with people holding whatever opinion they want. But they don’t need to lie about things. What annoys me the most about this “it violates my 1st amendment rights” garbage is that people actually believe it. I would argue it’s a violation of others rights that they think their religious beliefs trump everything else. As long as nobody is forcing a church to do anything then they have zero argument.

  58. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 5:15 pm:

    Wow. Calling gay people deviant and disease filled in the same breath you say you have nothing against them? With “friends” like that who needs enemies?

    I would respect these “rallies” more if they weren’t filled with hate speech like this.

    Oh, and I’m still waiting for anybody to provide an answer to the question as to how gay marriage affects them in any way.

  59. - Will Caskey - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 5:16 pm:

    I truly love Dillard’s Obamacare swipe. Just goes to show you this is all wrapped up in the snarling, incoherent rage of the Republican lizard brain.

  60. - DuPage Rep - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 5:17 pm:

    A cold calculated shift to the right to win the Jon Zahm vote. Need to look long and hard under past all the D-Lard to find a backbone.

  61. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 5:33 pm:

    I’m really shocked at Dillard. You;d think he’d realize how many moderates he’s antagonizing.

  62. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 5:35 pm:

    =Just goes to show you this is all wrapped up in the snarling, incoherent rage of the Republican lizard brain.=

    Tell me, Will Caskey, exactly what is it that is inside the “snarling, incoherent rage of the Democratic lizard brain?” Or is there no such “being?”

  63. - kimocat - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 5:42 pm:

    As they say, follow the money. All of these Family Council types are just bilking the “folks”. This is just a way to generate bucks by being hateful. They are sickening.

  64. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 8:21 pm:

    And yet… Dillard’s district supports same-sex marriage by 30 points.

  65. - Timmeh - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 9:13 pm:

    “snarling, incoherent rage of the Democratic lizard brain?”

    I don’t know if I want gay marriage legislation to pass so that people have equal rights, or if I want it to pass so I don’t have to see as many newsposts with the banter between both sides on them.
    Probably both equally.

  66. - DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 10:20 pm:

    This seals the deal- Dillard’s candidacy is now officially a joke. Not that it wasn’t last week, but to pander to the right wingers on this type of issue is not what you would expect from Former Chief of Staff to Governor Jim Edgar. I never cared much for Edgar but at least he had the good sense to stay clear of the right wingers.

  67. - Quizzical - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 10:35 pm:

    Maybe Dillard is a stalking horse for Rauner. He’s bound to take a bite out of Brady’s crazy vote with positions so noxious that he couldn’t win a general election for anything.

  68. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 23, 13 @ 11:42 pm:

    –I never cared much for Edgar but at least he had the good sense to stay clear of the right wingers.–

    Except when he was running them over in primaries.

    Like Jack Roeser.

    Or Steven Baer. Who’s apparently found a new hobby:

  69. - Skeptic - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 8:04 am:

    @Demoralized: I totally agree. I wasn’t arguing that SB10 was unconstitutional (in fact it has my 110% support), I was merely pointing out to the other commenter what the perceived “unconstitutionality” was.

  70. - Downstater - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 9:33 am:

    So much pointless anger and an insufficency of cogent responses can found here. To date, I still have not found anyone supportive of amending the marriage laws who can tell me or anyone else if one changes marriage’s traditional definition, then how can marriage to be clearly defined and from there how can it be successfully regulated by the state?

  71. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 9:38 am:

    –To date, I still have not found anyone supportive of amending the marriage laws who can tell me or anyone else if one changes marriage’s traditional definition, then how can marriage to be clearly defined and from there how can it be successfully regulated by the state?–

    Huh? Defined by law, regulated through licensing. Just like now.

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