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World Series open thread

Thursday, Oct 24, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There are probably enough Cardinals fans/Cub haters out there to justify this post. A cautionary note

With [last night’s 8-1] win, the Red Sox have now taken nine World Series games in a row, last losing in Game 7 against the Mets in 1986. Boston started the streak by sweeping St. Louis in 2004 and continued it by routing the Colorado Rockies in 2007. The latest victory ties the Red Sox with the Cincinnati Reds for the longest active World Series winning streak, though the Reds haven’t been to the Fall Classic since 1990.

The Yankees are the only team in baseball to have enjoyed a longer winning streak in World Series games, doing so three times. The Bombers won 10 straight between 1937–1941; 12 straight between 1927–1932 and 14 straight between 1996–2000.


  1. - Norseman - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:00 pm:

    My son’s response to the series was to put a bet on the Cards to win. As a Cub fan, he figured to either profit monetarily from a Cardinals win or to enjoy rubbing in the loss to their fans should the Sox prevail.

  2. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:01 pm:

    Just bad all around last night. Sounds like there may have been some funny stuff on Lester’s glove, but it didn’t affect the outcome. At most, the umpires will be on high alert for foreign substances the rest of the Series and we’ll see if Lester’s results are any different if he pitches again. Hope Beltran is OK. Great play by him last night.

  3. - LincolnLounger - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:02 pm:

    Cards fan, but these are certainly two great teams.

    Just glad to be a fan of a team that is familiar with playing baseball in October.

  4. - MrJM - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:03 pm:

    When I first moved to the Chicago area, I learned to hate the Cubs by first getting to know their fans. But in the years since, I’ve been lucky enough to get to meet people from all over Illinois and now I hate the Cardinals too.

    – MrJM

  5. - Amuzing Myself - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:10 pm:

    In what was certainly one of the Cardinals’ worst games of the entire season, the hyperventillating by everyone outside Cardinal Nation is pretty amusing. Horrible game, but not an unexpected result in a Game 1 on the road. Take a pill. All they need to do is win one in Boston to take homefield advantage back to STL on one of their “happy flights.” Hopefully this will be an entertaining series. Cards never do it the easy way, with the exception of 2006 when Detroit played the entire series the way the Cards played last night. Go Cardinals.

  6. - Cubs Fan - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:11 pm:

    Cubs in 2015!!!

  7. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:13 pm:

    Also, last night’s game removed any doubt left that a World Series caliber team should not have the likes of Pete Kozma at shortstop. They will have to address the position via trade or free agency since there’s no top talent in the pipeline at the position and they can’t keep going with Kozma or an old, broken down and expensive Furcal.

  8. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:19 pm:

    I wish MLB could figure out a way to start the WS earlier.

    First pitch last night was 50 degrees. Tonight, the first pitch temp. is forecast to be 45 degrees. That’s football weather.

    That kind of weather makes for sloppy baseball, especially at night, particularly in the early innings before the blood gets pumping. We saw some of that last night.

    The worst was the Cards win against the Tigers in 2006. So many errors. It’s a shame when the MLB showcase becomes a death march where the players just want to get off the field and get out of the elements.

    I don’t know what you can do. You really can’t start the season earlier. Shaving games off the schedule won’t work unless the owners or players or both are willing to take a haircut.

    But a possible Game 7 on Halloween, at night, is too late.

  9. - Skeptic - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:25 pm:

    Cards looked nervous last night (which I find amazing given how many of them have been to the show before.) But I expect they’ll right the ship and have a good show of it.

    And I agree with wordslinger…didn’t they have a game in November last year? That’s just too long. As a fan I rather see a 154 game season than Halloween baseball. That’ll never happen though.

  10. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:39 pm:

    I don’t buy it that Lester was loading up the ball. When the air is that cold and heavy it’s hard to get any breaking stuff to bite, loaded or not. He was painting the black.

    And the popup screw-up aside, that Yadier Molina is the goods. He’s the best defensive player in baseball, and makes his pitching staff so much better.

    They know they can sell-out on their put-out-pitch and Molina will knock it down.

    How’d you like to be the other Molina boys? Both great catchers, but not even the best in their family, lol.

    Kind of like Joe Garigiola growing up with Yogi Berra on The Hill. Joe was never the best catcher on his block, much less in The Bigs.

  11. - Steve Reick - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:44 pm:

    The Cards will be fine, and will win the Series in 6. As to the season being too long, MLB should schedule each team to play 8 or so day-night doubleheaders each season, thus shortening the regular season by a week.

  12. - Frank - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 2:53 pm:

    I always pull for the underdog, but the Cards and Red Sox are both baseball royalty, so hard to split. But I’ll root for the Cards. One reason to hate the Red Sox: the length of there games! Nothing worse than a four baseball game…almost as bad as a Notre Dame game on NBC.

  13. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:00 pm:

    –As to the season being too long, MLB should schedule each team to play 8 or so day-night doubleheaders each season, thus shortening the regular season by a week.–

    Nothing’s easy when it comes to scheduling 30 teams to have an equal number of home/away games across North America with inter-league play.

    Except for the best-drawing teams, the gate at day games is significantly lower than at night games.

    Plus, to get more double-headers, you’d have to re-open the Basic Agreement. Player aren’t hot for them.

    Neither are most teams. They don’t have the fan bases for two games in one day.

  14. - Steve Reick - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:16 pm:

    “Nothing’s easy when it comes to scheduling 30 teams to have an equal number of home/away games across North America with inter-league play.”
    I didn’t say it was a perfect idea, but how else can you shorten the season and keep the same number of games? They could start the season sooner with the early games being played in warm/dome environments.

  15. - RNUG - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:23 pm:

    This Cub fan is going to be rooting for the Red Sox … Mrs RNUG used to live in Boston.

  16. - A guy... - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:23 pm:

    I’m an American League guy and I hate the Yankees more than any team. Anywhere. Hope the Bosox take that record away. Don’t hate the Cardinals. Don’t care enough about ‘em to hate ‘em. Go Peavy!!

  17. - Joe M - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    Wacha. the spotlight is on him now to turn things around.

  18. - Draznnl - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:29 pm:

    As a Cub fan/Cardinal hater married to a woman from Boston, I can only say one thing: Go Sox.

  19. - downstate commissioner - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:47 pm:

    Will be interesting to see how this series plays out-don’t expect a sweep. Boston should have been paying attention in the 9th inning-the Cards never quit until the very LAST out…

  20. - Skeptic - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:52 pm:

    “Nothing’s easy when it comes to scheduling 30 teams..” I have an idea, how about each team draws up their own plan for the schedule, and then they vote for which schedule to use, majority wins. And if it ends in a tie, get a hat like Abe Lincoln wore and draw a name. It could work!

  21. - RNUG - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 3:54 pm:

    downstate commissioner @ 3:47 pm:

    Neither does Boston, which is why it should be some great baseball to watch.

  22. - Teddy Ballgame - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 4:07 pm:

    Two of the New York Yankees victims during their two streaks were the 1932 and 1938 Chicago Cubs teams.

    Of course, prior to breaking its World Series losing streak, Boston’s last WS title came at the expense of the Cubs. Interestingly, the Chicago games were played at Comiskey Park in 1918.

  23. - Deep South - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 4:17 pm:

    The Cards lost the first game of the 1982 World Series 10-0…but went on to win the series 4 games to 3.

    Cards fans aren’t worried….yet.

  24. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 4:23 pm:

    I wish MLB could figure out a way to start the WS earlier.

    1. Fire Bud Selig.
    2. Go back to two divisions in each league. No wildcard cuts down on post-season play.
    3. Re-instate scheduled double-headers during the regular season. The season could go back to starting in mid-May and ending in early September.

  25. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 4:23 pm:

    I forgot–lose inter-league play.

  26. - BIG R. Ph. - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 4:57 pm:

    What time is the Cubs game tonight?

  27. - Bobbysox - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 5:21 pm:

    Who cares what the temperature is?! If you aren’t there, you can watch in your warm home or cozy bar. If you are there, you don’t really care. I remember games 1 and 2 in 2005. Cold yes, but I did not mind a bit.

  28. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 5:39 pm:

    –Who cares what the temperature is?! If you aren’t there, you can watch in your warm home or cozy bar. If you are there, you don’t really care. I remember games 1 and 2 in 2005. Cold yes, but I did not mind a bit.–

    Yeah, well, it’s really not about your comfort.

    You ever played baseball in 45 degree weather? Were you at the top of your game?

    You think there’s a reason most games are played in summer?

  29. - walkinfool - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 5:49 pm:

    Bosox pitcher trying to get an unfair edge? Now that’s real good old-fashioned baseball!

    I think Cards have talent to win.

  30. - Amalia - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 6:02 pm:

    sorry that Thornton did not make the Second Sox roster, but at least Peavy made it. good trade by Hahn, helps multiple teams. The First Sox still have 2005, though my memory of it is getting a bit dim. Cubs fans must feel like they live in a concrete room without light!

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 6:19 pm:

    I stayed away from “here” because I love baseball, I mean I absolutely love the game.

    When I watch the game played at the highest level, for “all the marbles” and I think about the Cubs, my team (gotta ‘own’ them too I guess, ugh!) … and I know the Farm is looking real good, and the product today is not going to reflect what could be a promising future, I just remember how close my team has been, and how futile since they have become.

    Love the old time franchises playing, Cards and Sox, with the 1967 referneces and just the the “game”… and the history and Fenway, and the nuances you try to pass on to those who ask

    “why is the pitcher doing that?”,

    “Why are the runners moving on that count” …

    The beauty of Baseball, that is what I love. It is “must-see” for me. “who is on the bench? Who do they have in the ‘Pen? Who is up next inning?”

    I never worry about how long a game is, wethere I am attending or watching. If I want a clock on a game, there are plenty to choose from, and soccer’s (football’s) clock is a “subjective” clock at that …

    I want the Adult beverage, taken for enjoyment, not for me to pass out of ruin the game for others, I want the hot dogs, the “smell” of a ball park, watching “my club” turn two to get out of an ining, or a hitter to work the count so my team can get into the other teams bullpen…

    It’s tough to watch other teams, especially the Cards, I will admit it, but I watch, it’s must-see, and I hope to see a WS on the North Side someday, but if I don’t see it soon, it doesn’t matter too much, I love the game, which is bigger sometimes than colors on the uniform, or names on the front of the Un-eez.

    Hope it gets closer, hope it goes 7, hope there are heros, hope there are goats, but hope the game itself, the big picture game, delivers on some Fall magic.

  32. - Just The Way It Is One - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 8:35 pm:

    Pretty impressive run by the Bosox, with the 9 straight, but, really–how about those da_ _ YANKees!! That Club between ‘96 and 2000 was really something to witness, hate ‘em or not, particularly when the only REAL “Sox,” from CHICAGO, had the Best Record in the American League in 2000, only to get hammered by Seattle and have to, along with the rest of us, eventually suffer again through watchin’ the Yanks win yet ANOTHER World Series–their 4th in 5 years at that point…!

    (But make no mistake, I’m no fan of the Carmines-another name for the Red Sox for those unaware-or of the “Yankees of the National League,” that Club from St. Louie!! Just too many Pennants and Championships in my Lifetime alone for those Teams-although I sure do respect them/their Organizations for their overall Success–and not enough of the same for our 2 Chicago Baseball Clubs) UGH!!!

  33. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 8:38 pm:

    Willie, I like how you get more cameras in post-seaon. You get to see more of what’s going on.

    Still, to me, TV can’t capture the real experience of baseball.

    If you want to follow baseball, you’re up in the pressbox. If you want to live it, you’re down on the field.

    Football or basketball, total TV creatures. Or even hockey, which with HDTV has come a long way since the old black-and-white WGN telecasts back on the farm.

    Baseball on TV is tough.

    On radio, sublime, theater of the mind.

    But in person? Madon.

    It brings my blood pressure (which I’m told is a problem, but I get angry and don’t believe it) down to nothing.

    Going to my kids’ games back in the day. Taking them to Wrigley or Cominskey (by the way, Cominskey way more family friendly, to this day — not even in the ballpark).

    Best day ever? Blowing off work and going to a day baseball game. Always.

    It’s baseball, Willie. 60 feet, six inches. 90 feet. Couple of white lines. No clock. Green grass.

    At this point if my life, among the few things that I enjoyed and could do again without going to jail, running a ballpark is at the top of the list.

    Take care of the fields. Lay down the chalk. Paint the clubhouse, Fire up the grills. Tap the keg.

    What could be better?

    It’s on my bucket list. It will happen.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 8:51 pm:

    - wordslinger -,

    You are so right. Being at the Ball Park, nothing compares. There is a rhythm, the “game” has a pulse, a pace, TV never can capture.

    The subtleties, the signs from the vase coaches, short & second signaling the “cover”, double play depth, pinching the corners, you can’t see it, or smell it, no matter how Hi-Def that TV.

    No “clock” means leisure, wrapped around anxiety and pressure, with the pregnant pauses of the “game in the game” which makes baseball nothing like other sports.

    I get your “bucket list” wish, Something about a ball field, it’s magic, takes you to a special place. I hope you get that wish, and you get to enjoy it, in all your glory.

  35. - RNUG - Thursday, Oct 24, 13 @ 8:51 pm:

    wordslinger said =what could be better?=

    Not only blowing off work, but doing it with your spouse. Still remember one time when I had a full day conference in Chicago and took my wife with me, promising her a good dinner that night for our wedding anniversary. By 10 AM it was obvious the conference was a complete bust, so when I met the Mrs for lunch I gave her a choice of dinner that night as promised or hopping the L out to Wrigley to make the 1:15 game. Our anniversary dinner turned out to be brats at the ball park. We both still remember that day …

  36. - Soccertease - Friday, Oct 25, 13 @ 8:34 am:

    Boston’s streak is over!

  37. - Waffle Fries - Friday, Oct 25, 13 @ 9:27 am:

    Yes, streak is over.


  38. - Anonymous - Friday, Oct 25, 13 @ 9:43 am:

    The Cards - a classy team that keeps on winning! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ‘EM

  39. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Oct 25, 13 @ 10:03 am:

    Guess we are ok in Card Nation
    I think it is ironic that only the Cubs would have a docudrama on the 10th anniversary of Bartman kicking off the 2nd century of futility.
    GO Cards

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