Couple of the Week: Chai and Mandi
Monday, Oct 28, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Mandi Hinkley and Chai Wolfman met while working in a bagel shop during their sophomore year of college. Before they knew it, they were inseparable. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, they moved to Chicago. “I’m so grateful to live every day with the love of my life,” Chai says. “Creating our family together and raising two thoughtful, curious, energetic, and loving daughters is a dream come true.” But despite their 13 years together, the state of Illinois treats Mandi, Chai, Autumn and Violet as second-class citizens. Our state denies them the protections that only marriage can provide. “Chai and I want to do whatever we can to love, support, and protect our family, and the fact is that there are many things we just can’t do if Illinois doesn’t recognize us as a family,” Mandi says. It’s not just about the legal protections marriage affords. It’s about dignity. It’s about equality before the law. It’s about fairness. It is time for the Illinois House of Representatives to get on the right side of history and pass SB10. It’s time to stop excluding same-sex couples from marriage. Illinois families can’t wait. The time is now. For more information, visit
- Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 12:00 pm:
And, yes, for the first time comments are opened on an advertisement.
Just a couple of notes.
1) I won’t delete any comments that I wouldn’t ordinarily delete.
2) However, if things get out of hand, the advertiser has the right at any time to close down comments.
So, let’s be civil and see what happens with this interesting little experiment.
- Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 12:14 pm:
I hope Kirk Dillard watches this video.
- Clauser - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 12:35 pm:
Passing gay marriage is about treating all families equally under the law. This video is powerful and cuts through the rhetoric. I’m hoping Illinois House members will watch it.
- wordslinger - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 12:41 pm:
Clearly, Chai and Mandi are a threat to me, my wife, our marriage, our children, our family, my faith, my religious freedom, and truth, justice and the American way.
That’s why it’s my business to stick my nose into their lives and use civil law to keep a county clerk from issuing them a marriage license.
- Suburban Dad - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 12:47 pm:
What a beautiful family. When I see the love this couple has for their children, I wonder how opponents can say that this is about “children.”
- Just Observing - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 1:01 pm:
The two children are being raised by the women regardless if same-sex marriage is the law of the land… so how our children being “protected” by outlawing same-sex marriage?
- Carolyn Bennett - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 1:22 pm:
They deserve to be able to take care of their family.
- captaingeorge - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 1:40 pm:
It’s not about protecting othere children, it is about preserving marriage as an institution. These two people went into their lives together knowing that same sex living with conjugal privileges is not a recognized connubial relationship. Now, we should dance their dance because their free choice is not recognized? No, sorry about that. If the proponents of same sex marriage cannot understand that homosexuality (not a homosexual experiment ala a once or twice lifetime experience)is an aberration in nature, then they are not very good students of biology or anthropology. They just know what feels good. Other things to consider is the application of divorce laws to the relationship. There will be just as many divorces in these relationships as there are the traditional hetersosexual ones. Attorneys are probably licking their chops over this boon to their “industry”. What of the children of these divorces? If one believes that homosexuality is created by nature and not by nurture, I guess we should think that it will stay at a 5% to 10% level of occurence; however, if one believes that a century or more of learning psychology should not be thrown out the window, then we can expect a large increase in homosexuality post same sex legalization. Can a society thrive with a 20 to 25% rate of homosexuality among its citizenry? I propose not. Such a civilization will implode on itself, and be talked about in the history books as the failure of the equalizaiton of libido laws. Shall we throw religion into the discussion? Widely condemned by the 3 largest organized religions in the world, why should any of us think that because we can practice the religon of our choice that we are somehow immune from the societal decay that emanates from such wickedness? Poiticians seem to be catering to thte homosexual community as if this huge voting bloc somehow is a homogenous group that places more importance on this issue than any other; but, such is not the case. It is as stupid of a thought process as believing that all heterosexuals have the same outlook on all issues. May be just an indication of the small minds in public office today.
- Motambe - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 1:44 pm:
Several of our mainstream religions define homosexuality as immoral. There may be some religions where there is no judgement about whether same sex relations are moral or immoral. And I assume aetheists have no religious background upon which to base an opinion. These are deeply personal beliefs held by people according to their faith, or lack thereof. This is a religion based issue, and the state should not be making laws to regulate it.
So my questions are, should the state government make any law at all regarding who may or may not get married? And if so, then why?
- Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 1:55 pm:
===be talked about in the history books as the failure of the equalizaiton of libido laws===
You use a lot of big words to make a completely ludicrous point. The world’s not gonna end, dude. Take a breath already.
- wordslinger - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 2:01 pm:
–if one believes that a century or more of learning psychology should not be thrown out the window, then we can expect a large increase in homosexuality post same sex legalization.–
Sure. It’s a choice.
When did you choose to be heterosexual?
- Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 2:01 pm:
@ Captaingeorge. Exactly how does Chai’s and Mandi’s love and commitment threaten the institution of marriage? I don’t get it. @Motambe. Many religions and religious leaders accept and sanctify same-sex marriages. Others do not. It’s irrelevant. SB10 pertains to civil marriage only; it has no bearing on what happens or does not happen in church.
But while we’re on religion, what about the Golden Rule?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 2:07 pm:
===Widely condemned by the 3 largest organized religions in the world, why should any of us think that because we can practice the religon of our choice that we are somehow immune from the societal decay that emanates from such wickedness?===
“Tradition and memory of the past must help us to have the courage to open up new areas to God. Those who today always look for disciplinarian solutions, those who long for an exaggerated doctrinal ‘security,’ those who stubbornly try to recover a past that no longer exists—they have a static and inward-directed view of things. In this way, faith becomes an ideology among other ideologies.
I have a dogmatic certainty: God is in every person’s life. God is in everyone’s life.”
-Pope Francis
- Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 2:17 pm:
Let’s move past the troll, please. Thanks.
- Kate - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 2:43 pm:
They are a beautiful example of family being derived from love. Public opinion and civil laws will never create or destroy their sense of family, but wouldn’t it be great if we had a law to protect it.
- straight suburban mom - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 2:57 pm:
I am so impressed with this couple. How many of us would be willing to go on-line and share the story of our families? I cannot wait for couples like Chai and Mandi to be able to live their lives in private, with all the protections that my husband and I enjoy and take for granted.
- Wacha Wacha - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 3:29 pm:
They are way too happy. Let them get married!
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 28, 13 @ 6:21 pm:
These ads … have a far greater impact then picketing Greg Harris, and threatening Harris and Speaker Madigan.
Which are you more likely to listen to is you are a member of the General Assembly?
The ranting guy with the bull horn and a handful of people picketing a supporter,…
Or this video, making the case, with resonable and rational adults, that remind you of your family, your friends, your neighbors …?
Nicely done.
- Equal Rights For All - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:52 pm:
Nice video about a nice couple. Why shouldn’t they be allowed to marry and have the same protections as all other couples? No adequate reason. Hopefully, IL will lead and pass Equal Marriage - without delay. The time has already come and gone to pass it.