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Rauner talks about his prospects and comparisons to Romney

Wednesday, Oct 30, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bruce Rauner was interviewed on WJBC radio the other day. Listen to the whole thing…

* A couple of things stood out for me. He is apparently convinced that if he spends enough money and attends enough events, he will win this race.

According to Rauner, his polling shows him ahead by 20 points among people who’ve been exposed to his ads or seen him speak.

If he’s convinced of that, then we can expect a lot more spending.

A lot.

* He was also asked how he differed from failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, another rich guy in a similar business. His response…

“He was an analyst, I’m a salesman.”

Good point.

* He continued…

“I’m not Mitt Romney. You know, my grandparents lived in a double-wide trailer and didn’t speak much English. I drink a beer and I smoke a cigar and I ride a Harley, I use a gun, I’m a self-made guy. I still do ranching and farming myself and I come from a small-town farming family. I’m a very different person and I’m connecting with the voters and we’re going to win this race.”



  1. - x ace - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 12:54 pm:

    ” Salesman ” - So was Yellow Kid Wiel

  2. - Mason born - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    Rauner translated

    “Who you gonna believe me or your lying eyes”

  3. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 12:55 pm:


  4. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    And Willard’s dad was born in Mexico.

  5. - Midstate Indy - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 12:57 pm:

    “I use a gun” honestly makes me thinks hitman, not everyman sportsman/hunter.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:07 pm:

    Salesman …where have I heard that before …

    “He will be attractive! He’ll be nice and helpful. He’ll get a job where he leads a great Illinois. He’ll never do an evil thing! He’ll never deliberately hurt a living thing… he will just bit by little bit lower our standards where they are important. Just a tiny little bit. Just coax along flash over substance. Just a tiny little bit. And he’ll talk about all of us really being salesmen…”

    I am mocking, ok … if you take the quote as 100% without the intent, that is on you, not me.

  7. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    –I come from a small-town farming family–

    If, by that, you mean growing tomatoes in the backyard in Deerfield when you were a kid.

    This guy cracks me up.

  8. - reformer - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:11 pm:

    If he really wants to distinguish himself from Romney, Rauner could come out for raising the IL estate tax on millionaires in order to bring in more revenue. I doubt anyone will hold his breath waiting for that to happen. It’s fair to say Rauner and Romney both oppose the principle that taxation should be based upon ability to pay.

  9. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:14 pm:

    Personally, I’m quite tired of the “When I was a little itty beety…” pronouncements. Everyone seems to be making them nowadays as if people don’t know how to put each one into the correct context–which often evidences the exact opposite of what they’re trying to claim.

    The “I’m a salesman, not an analyst” bit is intriguing though. Wonder where he’s going to go with that one.

  10. - JAFTC - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    ==“He was an analyst, I’m a salesman.”==

    Umm, Bruce, Romney was a Governor elected in a blue state. Why would you want be seen as different from that?

  11. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:18 pm:

    Bruce us different from Romney, he thinks only 46% of us are takers.

  12. - MIghty M. Mouse - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:19 pm:

    What is Bruce Rauner’s position on releasing his tax returns? Romney had a big problem with that, grudgingly releasing only one return, as I recall.

    It has been said that Romney didn’t want people to know that he wasn’t just a millionaire but was actually a billionaire, and he was afraid people would find that fact just too hard to relate to.

  13. - Lord Stanley's Cup - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    I’m surprised we haven’t seen any horse race polling on this race. Rauner obviously has been doing it based on his comments and he couches it above in a way to suggest while voters like him when they hear his message, not enough of them yet have heard it.

  14. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:28 pm:

    =…and he was afraid people would find that fact just too hard to relate to.”

    And there’s the problem with many of those who have money and run for office. If you think you can’t relate or that your audience will believe you can’t and/or see through your well-rehearsed “talking points” about your background, then you probably won’t win–no matter what.

    Hard to believe that the days of the wealthy who actually could relate and cared about what the average American was experiencing are over. But then, they were the OTHER kind of “globalists.”

  15. - Darienite - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:33 pm:

    ==”I drink a beer and I smoke a cigar…..”==
    Somehow I doubt they are Busch and a Swisher Sweet.

  16. - Veritas - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:42 pm:

    Romney’s FATHER sold goods out of the trunk of his car.

  17. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:50 pm:

    So what? Even decades ago, “globalists” managed to swing win/winmore deals favoring the US–AND beat Prince Charles’ and the Maharaja’s bumbs playing polo.

    Generally speaking, much more impressive than what Romney and his father did and now do.

  18. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:51 pm:

    Sorry. That obviously should have been “beat Prince Charles’ and the Maharaja’s BUMs playing polo.”

  19. - Archiesmom - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 1:57 pm:

    Romney’s polls also showed him winning the 2016 race. And now he’s on the daytime talk show circuit with Ann hawking the family cookbook.

    Rainer may be smarter; but he’s going to have to get through the bruising primary, which will give Quinn additional fodder - if Rauner makes it through the primary. And if Rauner thinks he can out-populist Quinn in the public eye, I wish him luck and a massive amount of cash. Because despite what many political insiders think of him, there are a whole lot of people who gave approved of Quinn’s maneuvers.

  20. - Knome Sane - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 2:06 pm:

    “And I count my gold bars one at a time”.

  21. - TJ - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 2:08 pm:

    The less time he compares himself to Romney, the better for him.

  22. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 2:12 pm:

    –What is Bruce Rauner’s position on releasing his tax returns?–

    Who’s going to take the lead on that and when will they do it? Could be some real red meat there.

    I know Brady was hesitant last time because he took a business loss so didn’t have a tax liability. He got whacked like everyone else in the housing bubble, so I don’t think he should be shy about it this time.

    I would shoot for five years from Rauner. That way, if he shed some dodges the last couple of years in anticipation of a run, they’d show up in the earlier years.

  23. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 2:18 pm:

    Good to see the tax return question coming up again. Get enough years to Lite Gov Whiplash to a charity deduction for her donated “fall” settlement

  24. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 2:21 pm:

    To take a contrarian viewpoint to most of the comments, Rauner is obviously sticking to his ’sales’ origin. And doing it pretty well.

    He’s focusing on a very precise message (only a few points) that has broad appeal, and strikes home. Agree with it or not.

    He’s working to stay away from social issue ‘furballs’ that will cast him in an adversarial viewpoint.

    The entire salesman persona isn’t a bad choice for IL governor. You won’t get the “I’m The Governor!” routine at every opportunity. Good sales pukes don’t operate that way, because it corrodes the business atmosphere. Gets you nowhere.

    I get that most of the pro’s and activists don’t like the guy. But don’t underestimate the effect of his sales ability on the electorate.

  25. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 2:38 pm:

    Yes, Judgment Day. That needs to be his story and he needs to make sure he sticks to it.

    *unsuccessfully tries to suppress a laugh with a cough and then decides to quietly leave the thread so as to ‘not disturb the others’*

  26. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    A summary to date:
    He’s a rich guy who has raised a lot of money despite that.
    He got his petitions right.
    He doesn’t talk about a job he had 20 years ago as the only Chief of Staff in history who actually ran the state while the governor let him.
    He’s got his flaws, but getting off message isn’t one of them. He’s speaking over the crowd here that doesn’t like him.
    On the populist front when a General Election rolls around, it’s hard to discount how many disgruntled Dems might just vote for him i.e. the same Dems who very well may have voted for Bill Daley. In a state where 51-49 is a landslide, you never know. He’s certainly the guy showing the most composure at the moment.

  27. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 3:02 pm:

    *peeks in*

    =He’s got his flaws, but getting off message isn’t one of them. He’s speaking over the crowd here that doesn’t like him.=

    Yes! Yes! What beer-drinking, ceegar-smoking, Harley-riding “Cinderella” story Rebel!

    *Leaves again hoping this is what all that money being spent on trying to find the right things to say keeps working*

  28. - Eugene - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 3:09 pm:

    There are a lot of disgruntled Dems, thanks to the execrable record of PQ. But they are not going to vote for Rauner. They may stay home, though if Rauner sticks with his class warrior for the rich rhetoric he may just motivate Dem voters to come out and vote against him. This guy does not have populist appeal, no matter how much money he spends. A super rich guy from the financial sector, a guy who clouted his kid into an elite school, a guy who paid a corrupt lobbyist big bucks to get himself some state business? No, if they nominate Rauner, the Republicans will just continue their proud tradition of nominating candidates so bad that they can’t even defeat a very unpopular Democrat.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 3:58 pm:

    ===On the populist front when a General Election rolls around, it’s hard to discount how many disgruntled Dems might just vote for him i.e. the same Dems who very well may have voted for Bill Daley===

    lol, I guess the Unions that taught Bill Brady are now going to go with the guy who is going to make Illinois, Wisconsin? No way, no how. You think the unions mobilized against Bill Brady donwstate, imagine the Unions all over the state “shaking up” the field aparatus to defeat the Payton Prep Clouter.

    Not even close.

    Rauner is a “fraud in presentation”; He is an elitist, and - Eugene - really nailed and framed the Rauner arguement very well.

    Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner is going to try to spend till the cows come home and “sell” his narrative of who he WANTS apeople to think he is, versus the 7 or 8 houses all over the counrty, the Clouting of a Denied Daughter from Winnetka, denying a child an opportunity at a better life, becuase Rauner is about Rauner, and Rauner only.

    Add in his Ambulance-chasing “Slip and Sue” Lt. Governor choice, once Rauner can’t sell his “fraud in presentation”, and is seen as Rahm Emanuel’s vacation buddy, Rich Daley’s friend in clout, and one of the largest donors to Rich Daley AND Rahm Emanuel …through the Primary or not, Unions and downstaters will not flock to a guy who lives one way, and prenteds to live another way.

  30. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:11 pm:

    One race at a time Willie. I was going to mention the Clouting, but I knew you’d get to it. lol. It took a lot more than “unions” for Quinn to defeat Brady (or Brady defeat himself?) There are Independents and Soft D’s that this guy will appeal to. The real question is whether the Brady, Dillard, Rutherford Hard R’s will support him in big enough numbers if he wins the primary. Quinn’s a lot of things, but he’s not “easy to hate” for partisan reasons. I still think the whole “slip and sue” moniker is beneath you. I doubt that will matter, but I do want to go on record. Jil Tracy should have run for Gov. She’d have CF most illustrious commenter supporting her. She’s the only person you seem to have any regard for in this mix.

  31. - votecounter - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:19 pm:

    Judgement day
    It’s a primary! Pro’s and activists are the constituency! You have to make it to the general to get to the regular people and you can’t get there without the base. You know there is trouble when he parses his polling claims.
    The last time I saw Rauner speak he used almost the same line but he said “I’m leading by 20 points with people who have seen me speak.” Not the exposed to my message. I don’t know if that is new or he just left it out the 3 times I saw him.
    If Rauner’s is polling, (I would think it’s at least weekly), it means he still has not caught Brady! (who last time I saw was at 21%) If he was, you know they would leak it to make Brady’s people see the futility of supporting him. 3 million under 20%? I wonder how big a piece the campaign guys get for the commercial buys?

  32. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:26 pm:

    =The real question is whether the Brady, Dillard, Rutherford Hard R’s will support him in big enough numbers if he wins the primary. =

    I’m still trying to figure out why some Conservative leaders are rumored to be supporting him.

  33. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:27 pm:

    And that’s “Conservative”–social and otherwise.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:27 pm:

    ===There are Independents and Soft D’s that this guy will appeal to.===

    Who is going to work Election Day for Rauner?

    PPC can’t even put together a decent “fly-around” to get people to just show up, for Bruce Rauner. He touts all these people he meets. Payton Prep Clouter meets these people at other people’s events. The guy is a mile worth of $100 high, and paper thin support statewide. Remember, the lack of Field Organization doomed Bill Brady, and it will sink PPC against the Unions, all unions, mobilized against PPC, which will incluse teacher’s unions, maybe even teachers from Payton Prep, who taught his Denied, Clouted daughter ….

    ===I still think the whole “slip and sue” moniker is beneath you. I doubt that will matter, but I do want to go on record.===

    Who sues all the groups “Slip and Sue” sues and then … magically… decides that money is nothing? Either she is a pool excuse for an attorney, or incredibly ignorant about perception until its too late.

    What “corruption” did the Offcier of the Court, “Slip and Sue”, see, but didin’t report, or didn’t see, but wanted to report, or never saw, never reported it, but wanted to throw those who gave her a job with Jim Ryan under the bus, selling her soul to PPC. Pick a lane, but don’t pic too quick, “Slip and Sue”, you may fall and have to sue Bruce Rauner.

    ===Jil Tracy should have run for Gov. … She’s the only person you seem to have any regard for in this mix.===

    Jil Tracy is, right now of all the announced LGs, the most qualifed to be governor, and could take over if the need arised and BE governor. You think Maria “8 precinct” Rodriguez can run the 5th largest state?

    You think Steve “Oh! THAT guy,” Kim, is prepared to face Cullerton and Madigan as a Co-Equal in Government?

    The job is to be able to step in to be Governor. Jil is qualified to do that, and far more qualifed than Maria, then Steve, and “Slip and Sue” too.

  35. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:35 pm:

    “Hes ahead by those who have heard him speak or seen his ads.” Thats fine for a sales pitch. And might have some relevance in a general.

    But we need to talk about republican primary voters who actually show up on a cold march day and vote. Nothing he has pitched has been seriously challenged. He has yet to pitch one plausible idea.

    Who in the GA is with him? Who is going to sign on to bulldoze the dirt?

    Until we see polling details, it may just be the popularity of buzzword themes. Eventually there has to be something really there.

  36. - Samurai - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:48 pm:

    Longhorn–He has the support of Dan Duffy, probably Dave McSweeney for starters.

  37. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:50 pm:

    Willie, one of us will be wrong eventually, but I think you’ve got a blind spot in this case. Granted I’m not visiting precincts downstate or in Oswego, or in Chicago, but he’s resonating in places I’m visiting where other guys should have it locked down. I remain undecided, but at this point it’s down to the 2 R’s. Brady’s 75K isn’t enough to run in Bloomington and Dillard just can’t get it together. We’ll see.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 4:55 pm:

    - A guy … -,

    Elections, and election totals, and where those votes were cast, tell the story. Much respect. Cannoil all around.

  39. - walkinfool - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 5:06 pm:

    aguy and judgmentday have it right, IMO.

    Bruce has a real chance to win. And hopefully, he has yet to show his knowledge and intelligence, while pandering to the ideologically stunted in his Primary base.

    I hope if he makes the General, he pivots to talking about business and economics as he really knows them, and stops spouting the Randian nonsense he quotes in his current ads, (which is not why businesses/jobs come or go from Illinois.

    We need practical solutions, not mythical ones.

  40. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 5:13 pm:

    Yeah. If we didn’t live in the same State…no strike that…Country, I’d wish all that and one more “pivot,” too–just for your benefit, walkinfool.

  41. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 8:14 pm:

    Brady 30. Dillard 27. Rutherford 24 and Rauner 19. There’s Bruce’s 20 points. ALMOST

  42. - DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 9:58 pm:

    Rauner comes off as phony in this as well of most of his stuff. No authenticity at all. He has in common with Romney the fact that neither is convincing as a regular guy. Somehow Rauner thinks that just mentioning motorcycles, cigars and beer makes him someone the average schmo can relate to. You have to be really out of touch with people to think something like that.

    The best thing I can say about Rauner is that if he is elected he won’t be the worst Governor Illinois has ever had. Unfortunately he seems to think that since he has piles of money he would be the best.

  43. - Crunch - Thursday, Oct 31, 13 @ 5:22 am:

    Term limit and stop taking my Hard earned dollers to increase the pay of people that has been in office far too long

  44. - eastbound and down - Thursday, Oct 31, 13 @ 8:55 am:

    No story here move along, another bored rich guy his spending and hope he spends more is generating jobs and business, but he is not going anywhere can you say transparently fake.

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