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The grownup is not behaving like one

Monday, Nov 4, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

The rich irony of Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan denouncing somebody else for attempting to be a “kingmaker” is so obvious and laughable that I can’t help but wonder why a guy who’s been a take no prisoners kingmaker himself for so long in this state would ever think of saying such a thing.
You may already know the story. The Better Government Association and the Chicago Sun-Times took a look at some of Madigan’s campaign petition passers to see if they had government jobs. 

What they found wasn’t surprising at all.  Seventeen of thirty people who passed Madigan’s nominating petitions worked for the government. Another 12 had at one time worked for the government.

Power tends to feed off itself.  The longer you’re around, the more power you tend to have, and the more power you have, the more you can get. And Madigan has been around Illinois and Chicago politics forever. He is at the top of the heap as far as state government power goes. 

Ideologically, Madigan has moved with the times.  He favors both medical marijuana and gay marriage, for example. 
Politically, the man is anything but post-modern.  He’s the 13th Ward Democratic Committeeman, and he runs his ward like it’s been run for a century or more. 

Running an old-time organization, however, requires old-style patronage, and Madigan is a master at finding jobs for his precinct workers.

A good case in point is Patrick Ward, a Madigan precinct worker.  Ward was already drawing a public pension while working at Metra, but he wanted a raise and hadn’t received one, so he asked his sponsor for help.  Madigan made a couple of calls, then backed off when the man who ran Metra objected to political interference.  That guy eventually resigned with a golden parachute and a vow of silence.  But when the media got wind of it all heck broke loose and all fingers pointed to Madigan.

The Sun-Times and the Better Government Association’s investigation team took a look at Madigan’s most recent nominating petitions, noticed Ward was a circulator then took a look at the other names.

The BGA sent people door to door to talk to the other circulators and see if they were the same folks who popped up on their government employee searches.  Some of those precinct workers alleged that they and their families were harassed, and Madigan got angry.

So, Madigan unleashed a diatribe against the BGA and its leader Andy Shaw for being on “an unrelenting journey to become a kingmaker in Illinois politics.”

Madigan is fiercely protective of the loyal members of his 13th Ward organization, who are almost like family to him.

A statement simply denouncing the BGA’s tactics would’ve been reasonable, although still ironic considering how personally aggressive and “unrelenting” Madigan’s House campaigns can be.

And some of the BGA’s political motivations and top contributors are also fair game.  The group preaches political cleanliness, yet it doesn’t always associate with the cleanest of the clean.

But all Madigan did with that “kingmaker” comment was turn the BGA’s Shaw into a folk hero and help Shaw raise lots more money. You’d think Madigan would comprehend the public consequences of such an over the top claim.

Word going around is that Madigan may also be trying to head off another ongoing BGA probe.  But all he may have done was whet the group’s appetite.

The Speaker has really been off his game the past several months. He literally ran away and hid from Chicago reporter Chuck Goudie a few months ago, which resulted in a humiliating story on the Chicago media market’s most-watched TV station.

He publicly tossed his own daughter under the bus after she blamed his resistance to retirement for her decision not to run for governor.

And Madigan insulted Senate President Cullerton last May by telling a Sun-Times reporter that Cullerton displayed a “lack of leadership” on pension reform.

Partly due to his daughter’s aborted gubernatorial bid and partly due to the Metra “scandal,” polling has shown that the public’s awareness of Madigan has grown this year. And the public definitely doesn’t like the guy. So, he’s only hurting himself and his members with stunts like this BGA attack.

Madigan is valued at the Statehouse for being the most grown up of the grownups. But he’s simply not acting that way of late.



  1. - PublicServant - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:10 am:

    I think Madigan’s comment trashing Cullerton’s “lack of leadership” explains why Cullerton is now supporting the unconstitutional “compromise” language being worked on by the pension committee. He’s allowing Madigan to lead with a law that will be overturned by the ISC. Then he can sit back and say, “I told you so”.

  2. - Levois - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:12 am:

    I always thought of the Speaker as the only grown-up in the room especially in the days of Rod Blagojevich his now felonious arch-emeney lol. I wonder what’s going on these days that you had to write this column.

  3. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:12 am:

    He played into Shaw’s and Goudie’s hands. Back in the day. pithy sarcastic quips would have sufficed to defuse the situations.

  4. - frustrated GOP - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:13 am:

    We all wait for the day he’s gone and the change to come, yet, nature and politics abhors a vacuum and the battle that will come afterwards will be interesting and painful. But given the last few months, maybe it’s time soon to seek retirement.

  5. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:15 am:

    The Speaker’s prime directive is keeping the House majority Democrat. To that extent, these gaffes, if that is what they are, do not hurt him or his members. He is elected to the House only by the voters in his district. He is elected Speaker by the House majority. The GOP could not raise too many eyebrows with its Fire Madigan campaign and the Dems certainly won’t gin up such a campaign. There would have to be a latrine-full of stuff to hit the fan before enough of it splashed on the Speaker to cause party disloyalty to him.

  6. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:17 am:

    What’s going on is political pressure….from Quinn, from taxpayers, from the civvies, from the workers who earned their pensions. He’s between a rock and a hard place and knows no matter what happens, lots of folks are going to be even madder than they are now. Throw in the event with his daughter and fighting off BGA probes and how old is this guy? Something’s gotta give, sometime with him and it might be starting to unravel now. We’ll see.

  7. - Soccermom - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:17 am:

    A golden parachute and a vow of silence? Sounds like the answer to a question in catechism class: “What is the emblem of St. Madigan? And what discipline is practiced by the members of the Holy Order of St. Madigan?”

  8. - Fatkatu - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:23 am:

    My guess is that he just don’t care what people think.

  9. - John Galt - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:25 am:

    And thus begins the long, slow, but inevitable drumbeat of “Has Old Man Madigan Lost a Step; Perhaps He Should Retire” journalistic theme.


    1) He will NEVER voluntarily retire.

    2) At first, the mixture will be 80/20 people defending Madigan, either denying he’s lost a step, or admitting that, yes, he’s lost a step or two, but he’s still several steps ahead of everybody else. Then, over time at ratio will start to shift.

    3) For me, the only real question is how power will shift with the IL Dem party. I doubt Madigan will deliberately transfer powers. He’ll hold on as long as possible–beyond what is wise. The real question is–how successful will he be? Will he hold off the young turks until the bitter end, thus leaving a massive power vacuum? Or will he spring leaks here & there, and some of his key people (or other factions) start to slowly fill the void before it becomes entirely empty in one sudden collapse?

  10. - OneMan - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:35 am:

    The irony is kind of thick. I suspect he sees this as much as protecting his folks as it were than anything else.

  11. - Just Observing - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:41 am:

    === But all Madigan did with that “kingmaker” comment was turn the BGA’s Shaw into a folk hero and help Shaw raise lots more money. ===

    Eh, I don’t think it turned Shaw into a “folk hero” nor do I think the BGA raised much money off it. I think for many, including me, it cements the notion that the BGA is more after headlines than bonafide government reform. I love the premise behind the BGA and want the BGA to succeed, but I am regularly turned off my their sensationalistic approach.

  12. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:46 am:

    The real question is how long will others — news organizations and other activists, accept the BGA as a government reform group or just a political operation.

    The Tribune already has done it. Perhaps others will continue to shy away from using unverified content from registered lobbyists who operate through undisclosed dark money funding.

    Perhaps the economics of journalism mandate this unverified content be used.

    Time will tell.

  13. - Anon - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 11:54 am:

    It was surprising how effectively Quinn poked Madigan this summer for stiffing a meeting and calls, and not having a cell phone…seems the media had as strong appetite to embarrass the Speaker, even though he had been praised on his pension reform plan. Also surprising how quickly and awkwardly Lisa disintegrated as a gubernatorial candidate. A certain aura of invulnerability seems diminished. Imagine that could throw one off his game a bit.

  14. - A guy... - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 12:09 pm:

    When you attack his staunch support team, his local army, it’s time to swat a fly with a sledge hammer. He did. All politics is local, hyper local. Those 30 petition passers, who probably account for a Madigan sign on every lawn in the ward, are probably pretty appreciative of his comments today. That was the only audience I believe he was worried about for this scene of this act of a much longer play. Sensationalist Andy might see a slow diminishing of support, well thought out over time. We’ll see.

  15. - Elo Kiddies - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 12:09 pm:

    Hey Rich-

    I don’t know that the Speaker is slipping, but your site apparently forgot to fall back. And it’s usually so good at keeping time!

  16. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 12:16 pm:

    A GUY.

    Your analysis of the situation is “spot on”

  17. - Allen Skillicorn - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 12:26 pm:

    I wonder how many of these ciculators are going door-to-door while they are on the clock?

    For the record I am circulating petions for about 10 candidates. I work 8-5 in the private sector…

  18. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    I think - A guy … - hits all the marks, and I have Posted before that the 13th Ward Organization is something you just don’t “go after” and expect that to slide…

    I completely agree that, no knowing all the facts, I would have expected a “so your point is… what?” kinda response, so I go back a forth, given WHO was taking the hit, and not knowing if there is more coming down “the pike” from the BGA.

    I wanted to Post about the Speaker …slipping.

    Let us all start by saying, on the purely political game, aparatus game, the Speaker can beat you at 80% if need be, but the Speaker always goes 110% because, “why take a chance” is the mantra of winners in politics. so, let’s start with the fact speaker Madigan below 110% is still tough…all that being said …

    Tension with his Daughter … and Lisa Madigan, (there is family, and there is FAMILY, and the mistake of confusing the idea that 2 exist is a way to become a ‘former’), and the idea that the “Madigan Rules” for the first time I can think of were in conflict with Lisa’s Ambition(s), and the Attorney General’s options… and the HDem Majority.

    That is HUGE.

    Speaker Madigan hiding a running from a reporter; not the Speaker we are all use to. Speaker Madigan willing to be needled into a “match” with the BGA when Mike Madigan never would have seen that as any type of “match”. It is not that the Speaker has lost his “focus”, it appears the prescription of his “lenses” in the politcal are foggy.

    What can straighten MJM out? Campaign season. It’s like when you have 3 or 4 tough games, then you get a team that is 0-8 next, and Speaker Madigan gets a ticket, possibly lead by Jim Oberweis, to regain a foothold as measured by others. Campaign season will again bring out the focus and clear the fog of the lenses, as the ILGOP scrambles to unite behind those about intolerance.

    I would start to worry about the Speaker getting his “stride” back. Rich is right, the Speaker seems off his game as of late, but I am afraid the game the Speaker plays best, is just around the corner to help him find his “stride”. Time will tell.

    Great article, Rich. Thanks.

  19. - Soccermom - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 12:51 pm:

    Mr. Skillicorn — I would seriously faint if I learned that any of those circulators are walking precincts while on the clock. That’s a stupid thing to do — easy to document and easy to photograph. If Madigan were that dumb, he wouldn’t be Madigan.

  20. - A guy... - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 12:52 pm:

    Allen, They’re a LOT smarter than that. They’re on a clock I’m sure, but not government time.

  21. - Just Observing - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 12:54 pm:

    === Those 30 petition passers, who probably account for a Madigan sign on every lawn in the ward, are probably pretty appreciative of his comments today. ===

    Good point.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 1:09 pm:

    - Allen Sillicorn -,

    There is a reason “some” are chosen to circulate petitons with the specific name of “Michael Madigan for Representative in the Illinois General Assembly”;

    They know how to fo it.

    They know “when” to do it.

    They know how to do it right … the first and only time.

    You just don’t get to “go and get signatures” at that point in the 13th Ward. The responsibility of petitons for the committeemen is something not for the novice, thus the backgrounds of the 30.

  23. - Eugene - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    A shrug would have been the most effective response to the BGA. MJM’s reaction is another sign that he is increasingly letting his personal issues interfere with his political judgement. The guy has historically kept a low profile, at least relative to the amount of power he wields. That was a wise approach, just as his reaction here was unwise. However, you cannot have that much power for all those decades without it affecting your judgement, not that he was ever a fount of peace, love, and understanding.

    As to him being the most “grownup” politician: that’s what I used to think. Now I would just say that he is what is called a “crackpot realist”. Which is to say, a person who defines what is “realistic” based on an extremely narrow and distorted view of the world.

  24. - Eugene - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 2:10 pm:

    And I would add that I find it hard to believe that MJM’s reaction was a calculated message to his precinct workers. He has far more tangible things he can use to cement their loyalty. And if he doesn’t care about any audience beyond his precinct workers, he should. Efforts up until now to make him an issue in legislative races have not been very successful, but that may change as his name ID and his negatives climb.

  25. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 2:13 pm:

    Unlike a certain former Mayor-who when his folks got in trouble for doing what theey were told-not only throws them under the bus but drives it too, the Speaker actually goes to bat for his folks and shifts the story too him.

    I can’t say enough about how much I respect him standing by his people. A true leader.

  26. - Curmudgeon - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 2:35 pm:

    He’s on the downward slide politically, professionally, and personally. When he goes, it will be like Yugoslavia when Tito died - chaos and viciousness. State will need decades to recover from his mismanagement.

  27. - Quiet Sage - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    There may be recent instances of the Speaker slipping. This is not one of them, for the reasons pointed out by A guy and Phineas J. Whoopee.

  28. - A guy... - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 2:47 pm:

    Eugene, I know you think you’ve just executed a nifty double jump, but the game is chess and the horsies and castles have different roles here.

  29. - Cook Dem - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 3:00 pm:

    Never understood the whole “grown up” reference to
    Madigan. In my book, grown ups have concern for something other than their own power and wealth.

  30. - reformer - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 3:53 pm:

    Despite some arguable decisions of late, Madigan will keep his majority in 2014 and likely for as long as he wants. The GOP isn’t a threat any more.

  31. - low level - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 5:36 pm:

    To see if I got this right: there was an article printed by a newspaper based on an investigation by the BGA and the speaker responded.

    What’s the problem?

  32. - Henry Clay - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 5:58 pm:

    Mike Madigan may have had to swipe at a few flies as of late but he is far from being the 95 pound gorilla in the room. Nobody is going to kick sand in that guy’s eyes at the beach or statehouse and still be alive later to tell about it.Mike Madigan may have lost “a few pounds” this past year due to his advancing age and recent distractions but the 800 pound gorilla is still a formidible force at 780 pounds. This guy’s King Kong. Cullerton and Quinn together on a scale might weigh in on fight day as Cheetah the Chimp.

  33. - walkinfool - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 6:06 pm:

    It just solidified my disappointment with BGA.

  34. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Nov 4, 13 @ 8:54 pm:

    Certainly with his diatribe via this fine example of wrath against the BGA, MJM has NOT acted “that way” (i.e. shown how he can very well be “the MAN” in Springfield)…”of late.” Very well-put.

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