* The Sun-Times’ Dave McKinney asked the four gubernatorial campaigns whether they’d support repealing the gay marriage law (once the bill is signed into law, that is). None of them expressed any interest…
“As you well know, our agenda is an economic agenda,” [Sen. Bill Brady] told the Chicago Sun-Times, when asked if he would move to repeal the measure as governor. “My opposition [to same-sex marriage] is pretty clear. It is what it is. But I don’t see the Legislature putting a bill on the governor’s desk to repeal it.”
State Sen. Kirk Dillard, R-Hinsdale, another GOP candidate for governor, also said through an aide that he had no intention of trying to repeal same-sex marriage if he wins the Executive Mansion. Before voting against same-sex marriage, Dillard had said he would work to repeal the state’s civil unions law.
Dillard believes the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act faces “constitutional questions raised by several law professors who argue it will end up in court,” but he won’t work to repeal it if elected governor, campaign spokesman Wes Bleed said Thursday.
Treasurer Dan Rutherford, who is also in the race for governor, said Wednesday he had no intention to try repealing it if elected. Venture capitalist Bruce Rauner’s campaign said the same thing.
“Bruce has repeatedly stated his view that the issue is better decided by the people in a referendum than by the politicians. That said, it’s not an issue Bruce plans to spend time on as governor,” Rauner spokesman Mike Schrimpf said. “His focus is on growing the economy, solving the budget mess, fixing our schools, and enacting term limits because those are the most pressing problems facing Illinois.”
If the law is of questionable constitutionality, as Dillard apparently believes, then why leave it on the books?
* Anyway, Brady said essentially the same thing on Allen Skillicorn’s radio show this week. His comments come at about the 15-minute mark…
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:27 am:
In the immortal words of Paul McCartney;
Let It Be.
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:30 am:
Curious about Dillards change of heart here.
Did he decide to defer to his law school classmate’s exorcism to solve everything?
- Wensicia - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:36 am:
Going forward, you’ll hear very little about gay marriage from the GOP, if anything at all. All that’s left are the raving lunatics like Bishop Paprocki, starring soon in “The Exorcist IV”.
- Lil Squeezy - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:36 am:
I can’t imagine what is unconstitutional. Nothing in the bill prohibits anyone’s ability to worship their religion.
- walkinfool - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:37 am:
Illinois GOP candidates prove again that they are smarter than their national counterparts.
- wordslinger - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:39 am:
I’m sure they’re all very happy to have the issue off the table. It’s a loser for any opponent looking to reach 50% plus 1.
Dillard’s tap dance is particularly dizzy. Constitutional issues to gay marriage? The U.S. Supremes struck down DOMA, for crying out loud. They seemed cool with state laws.
He voted against gay marriage, vows to repeal civil unions, but won’t try to repeal gay marriage?
That clear’s things up.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:42 am:
- walkinfool -,
You made coffee go up my nose.
It will be nice to see if it becomes a trend.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:48 am:
Yeah, Brady and Dillard still “wear the collar” that Jim Oberweis might put on the entire ILGOP;
The Illinois GOP GA is 4-62 on SSM.
Jim Oberweis called meeting after meeting to remove Pat Brady over SSM, so those two, Brady and Dillard … they need to get this in the rear-view mirror as quick as they can, and a start would be to state as a candidate for the Executive Branch of the Illinois Government, they would not move to repeal.
Let It Be
- grand old partisan - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 9:49 am:
Um….when/where exactly did Dillard say that he would “leave it on the books,” Rich? He simply said he wouldn’t push the GA on the issue. But I’m pretty sure that, in the unlikely event they do pass a repeal, he’d still sign it. Not sure where you think the contradiction comes in.
- DuPage Dave - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:08 am:
When this bill passed I heard a huge sigh of relief coming from Springfield. Nobody wants to deal with the issue, and now it’s over. Everybody has a gay uncle or cousin these days and only a small group of haters wants to keep the issue alive. Live and let live has a mixed history in American life, but for now it’s on the rise.
- Demoralized - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:33 am:
@grand old partisan:
He said he would not attempt to repeal it if elected Governor. That’s saying he will leave it on the books because he is not actively going to do anything about it. Not that hard to understand.
- Kane Rino - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:36 am:
I think the issue has been divisive enough. It’s time to move on to other things.
- Jeff Ward - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:39 am:
Hey Rich!
Perhaps if you put the bottle of Jack Daniels down, you’d eventually realize that Allen Skillicorn’s radio show actually has a co-host! Who knows! Maybe if you had the nerve to mention my name I might just pay for those writing lesson you’ve been dying to take!
(P.S. I hope this is original enough for you!)
- wordslinger - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:44 am:
–Perhaps if you put the bottle of Jack Daniels down, you’d eventually realize that Allen Skillicorn’s radio show actually has a co-host!–
So the show has two listeners — who knew?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:44 am:
And that is why I try never to listen to talk radio.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:47 am:
Well, at least “he” (I won’t mention “his” name either) didn’t go “3rd person” inbetween the rant and the personal importance spiel …
- 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:49 am:
For the record, no, I am not related to Mr. Ward.
- SAP - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:50 am:
As some have hinted, if the Springfield bishop really wants an anti-gay Governor he would quit shining the spotlight on it and keeping the issue alive and make it tougher for them to get elected. What a gadfly.
- Jeff Ward - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:54 am:
Hey! My wife listens to the show so that makes at least three listeners. So now I want a formal apology from Mr. Wordslinger.
- ZC - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 10:59 am:
A lot of Repubs are glad to put the issue past them, great. But nearly all were crickets when they had a chance to vote on it. I’m aware Dems have their own “oh I am so afraid of my base” issues. But IL Repubs, this one’s for you -
- Joe Bidenopolous - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 11:15 am:
Wow, someone has a real need for attention. they have therapists for that.
- the unknown poster - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 11:44 am:
Although I am not a fan of gay marriage, I think the good bishop is pretty over the top with his “grave sin” schtick. All sins are equally grave in the eyes of God. I am not sure God would consider the marriage of a gay couple a sin, it’s more to do with the Consummation part.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 11:49 am:
Good for them, for accepting that SSM will become law and for not wanting to repeal it.
Now if only the GOP became more moderate in fiscal issues (I’m not holding my breath), like forming better relationships with labor and considering either keeping the income tax increase or pushing for a progressive income tax. But alas, I don’t see this happening when the backers of the party are the likes of the IPI and super-wealthy conservatives like Club for Growth and Grover Norquist’s people, who from what I read have gone into Tennessee to stop the unionization of the VW auto plant.
I don’t subscribe to the belief that political parties must be different from each other for the sake of being different. If the two major parties come closer to the moderate positions most voters want, the parties could compete with each other by attracting and fielding the most competent candidates, as opposed to a deep ideological split.
- Allen Skillicorn - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 11:51 am:
Hey save the Jack Daniel’s until after lunch.
- Mokenavince - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 11:52 am:
It’ good to hear our GOP leader are not going to repeal the gay marriage act. Welcome to the 21st century.
As far as the Bishops you did a poor job of protecting the children of your flock. Who in their right mind would pay any attention to you.
- Ghost - Friday, Nov 15, 13 @ 1:06 pm:
I was thinking more of blackbird then let it be…..