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More problems for Dillard

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From what I’ve been able to gather, Sen. Kirk Dillard is right that Lori Montana is still raising money for him. But she’s now just a volunteer and no longer part of the campaign staff

Lori Montana, a well-respected, GOP fund-raiser and former Illinois Lottery Director whom Dillard brought onto his campaign with much fanfare, has signaled she’s on her way out, several sources with knowledge of the decision told the Sun-Times.

Sources with knowledge of the decision said Montana informed Dillard’s campaign about two weeks ago of her plans to part ways.

“Lori is a volunteer. She did leave the campaign. She’s going to tie up loose ends,” a source close to the Dillard campaign told the Sun-Times on Monday. “She is not being paid.” […]

When asked about Montana’s status on Monday, Dillard first responded by saying he had a meeting with her in 10 minutes, so he hoped she wasn’t going anywhere. “She’s still on board with me. No, Lori still works for me,” Dillard told the Sun-Times. “Lori Montana is still helping me raise money – it must be people’s wishful thinking.” […]

Rumors have been swirling over why Montana was parting ways with Dillard, but Dillard wasn’t even admitting that she was on her way out.
One source indicated there was general frustration by Dillard’s reluctance to make the number of fund-raising calls needed to survive in a four-way gubernatorial primary.

He won’t make enough calls and, I’m told, his appearance at that anti gay marriage rally may have been the last straw. I reached out to Montana several days ago and never heard back.

…Adding… Illinois Review is hearing the same thing

Sources told Illinois Review that along with the dearth of lucrative commissioned contributions, Montana is leaving the campaign because of Dillard’s public participation in the traditional marriage rally held in Springfield last month, as well as his position on other social issues, which Montana found difficult or uncomfortable to sell to major donors.

Bigtime corporate donor types don’t like social issues all that much. The “strip their pensions,” anti-union Bruce Rauner, therefore, is far more to their liking.


  1. - too obvious - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:45 am:

    Dillard’s time is long past.

  2. - Nonplussed - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:47 am:

    Dillard campaign self destruct sequence initiated

  3. - Knome Sane - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:49 am:

    This is an interesting strategy to get one’s name in the paper (which seems to be the only way Dillard can get in the paper these days.)

    Maybe he should part ways with the campaign staffer who developed his position on taxes. Then, the next day, fire the campaign staffer who worked up the white paper on jobs creation, and so one and so forth.

    This way, he would be guaranteed coverage in the mainstream media.

  4. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:49 am:

    Is it too late for him to run for re-election?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:49 am:


  6. - Empty Chair - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    Every fundraiser should put in their contract with the candidate that “if the candidate refuses to make X hours of calls/week, the fundraiser will not be held responsible (i.e. bonus withheld) for the failure to meet fundraising quotas.”

    Candidates not making calls is the #1 most frustrating element of campaigns. More than volunteers. More than gaffes. More than having a fear of flying.

  7. - too obvious - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:58 am:

    There are still 13 days left for the GOP to get a decent candidate on the ballot.

  8. - Mr. Grassroots - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:59 am:

    This is disappointing. The Republican field is unbelievably weak and inept. It looks like the general could well be Quinn versus Rauner, a real dream ticket if you like fireworks. I like fireworks.

  9. - E Man - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 10:59 am:

    That appearance at the rally was poison. No way to recover in a 4-man primary in which he wasn’t even winning. Dillard is an insider who can still be productive in many ways to his party and Illinois. Governor is not the path.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:01 am:

    - 47th Ward -,


    Kirk can get his signatures.

    I would love to see Dillard back.

    Dillard/Durkin as the “2 Tops” for the GA GOP would be a great team.

    To the Post,

    “Dear ‘Future’ Me.

    I am writing this letter, back in the year 1994. How is it 20 years or so ahead? Good?

    I bet things are so different. Times change. We are very respected, and I hope ‘Future’ me keeps up all that I have built over these past years.

    I am writing this to give you some advice for the future, and when ‘Future’ Me reads this, I hope I can remember these lessons;

    Jim Edgar and Jim Thompson are role models to win, no matter who you face in a Primary.

    Elections are won on the street, not in back rooms of campaign offices, so work hard.

    Dial for dollars, and keep Lori Montana close. Work harder than her, and her loyalty may not be too far behind.

    Do not rely on DuPage alone. Even in 1994, I see the suburbs changing, especially the South suburbs. I need to tell Lee Daniels about that for 1996.

    Remeber the ‘Chad Koppie’ wing of the Party does not bring complete electoral success. Success is brought to those who have a message, and get the most voters to the polls by doing the work before election day, and doing the work on election day.

    Finally, I know what is right, and I hope you, ‘Future’ Me, you are not confused by what is right, and what is ‘Right’ when you have your principles to fall back on, and your integrity to stand upon. Make those who supported me … proud … to support you.

    That is all. Hope all turns out well by 2014.

    Be who we are now, not who ‘Future’ people think we should be.


    Kirk Dillard, 1994.”

  11. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:03 am:

    Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Sheesh.

  12. - Mr. Grassroots - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:05 am:

    Not unusual, though, that candidates don’t like the fundraising calls. I have known many prominent politicos that absolutely hated the dreaded fundraising call. I actuall know one or two that love the fundraising call too, believe it or not. That’s not normal. Liking the fundraising call, that is.

  13. - MrJM - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:06 am:

    Maybe there’s still hope for Dillard — doesn’t Barack Obama owe him a primary ad?

    – MrJM

  14. - Chad - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:09 am:

    This is just so reflective of the lack of vigor and drive. There has never, ever been a day in Illinois politics when a statewide candidate could simply talk his way into office. He seems to be trying to prove this is possible.

  15. - Powell - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:14 am:

    whether you are part of the team or volunteering-10% of nothing is still nothing.

  16. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:16 am:

    Ever since he began sucking up to the right wing in an attempt to pay penance for the Obama video, his authenticity was shot. He had his chance four years ago. That time is past. Time to hang it up Kirk.

  17. - shore - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:21 am:

    For 15 years we’ve heard the great jim edgar hold forth on all things republican. He’s left the party at the altar on several races. Trashed the party here, lectured the party there, meanwhile doing nothing to help resuscitate it. Now here his candidate moves hard right and won’t put in the work. This is why I voted Proft in the primary in 2010. The old guard needs to go, forever.

  18. - too obvious - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:24 am:

    I think it’s going to be Rutherford, but Brady wouldn’t surprise me. He’s the mediocre candidate you know.

    No way do I see Rauner, no matter how much cash he dumps in. It’s hard to find an activist who is not being paid by him who is actually supporting him.

  19. - Downstater - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:36 am:

    Dillard is on his way out. It’s going to come down to Rutherford and Rauner.

  20. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:36 am:

    Dillard stood under the Dome with folks who said those who support gay marriage are “evil” and “hate God,” and gay people are “disgusting” and “deviant.”

    Rhetoric worthy of Westboro. He stood with them. He supported that point of view.

    Checks aren’t in the mail? Go figure.

    And let’s not forget his and his lackeys oh-so-clever-and-subtle gay-baiting against Rutherford. Worthy of Jack Roeser (he’s with Farmer Bruce, by the way.).

    Own it.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:40 am:

    ===Dillard is on his way out. It’s going to come down to Rutherford and Rauner.===

    Brady is leading them all …today.

    Just Saying.

  22. - A guy... - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:42 am:

    He’s running out of fingers to plug the dike here. It’s probably getting tough to sleep and even tougher to wake up. It’s too bad. Despite all of these mystifyingly goofy mistakes, he’s a decent guy. Just not the cloth to be gov.

  23. - DuPage Rep - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    Since Rauner put in 749K of his own money, can Dot Foods dump in unlimited funds for Dillard/Tracy?

  24. - ZC - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    So if Dillard does implode, who gets the biggest share of his current support? GOP watchers have an opinion here?

  25. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:03 pm:


  26. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:04 pm:

    You know, I think there are actually plenty of low-hanging GOP fruit out there. You would just have to work hard to pick them up. Go to local chambers of commerce. Engage in some retail politics. Actually, gosh, ask people for their votes. But instead, Dillard decided it would be easier to play “let’s pretend I’m a right-wing conservative.” It’s not going to win him the primary, and it has cost him his reputation.

    No penny and no candy, Kirk. It’s too bad.

  27. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:10 pm:

    How could Dillard do the things he has been doing recently? Who suggested to him that going hard right is the way to a primary/general win? Maybe Dillard thinks that if he ignores everyone’s advice he is a shoe in - after all (Dillard thinks) it worked for Quinn.

  28. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:13 pm:

    ==Despite all of these mystifyingly goofy mistakes, he’s a decent guy.==

    Couldn’t possibly disagree more. Said MLK (paraphrasing many others), “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

  29. - Norseman - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:31 pm:

    I agree with those who are urging him to change gears and run for re-election. If he is smart, he could work on repairing his moderate credentials after trying to sell his soul to the extreme right in this run for governor.

    If he’s tired of being part of the ineffective Senate GOP caucus, perhaps he can just focus on raising his girls. Focusing on his family is more important than a political career.

  30. - Obamas Puppy - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:35 pm:

    Dillard has run from who he is and not being true to himself. It is unfortunate but some times you try to play it to smart for your own good.

  31. - J. Nolan - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:38 pm:

    @ Oswego Willy

    In regards to your Brady leading comment.

    From my post yesterday:

    “I do not understand why folks think Brady at 25% means he will sneak this one past the goal line. The man was our nominee last time - everyone knows him…yet he is at 25%. With that amount of undecideds left, he will quickly get passed up by one or two of the others once they start spending money. Brady, has none of his own to spend. Sorry, you can’t win a statewide race based entirely on nostalgia from four years ago - especially when he has no ground game.”

  32. - J. Nolan - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:43 pm:

    @ ZC

    I think Rutherford gains the most. While Dillard might have pealed away some conservative support who might have gone to Brady because of his rightward shift, the majority of his support still comes from the old guard party establishment voters who aren’t aware of his recent comments/mistakes. The guy who is most similar to who Kirk used to be is Rutherford - so I say he gains the most.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:46 pm:

    - J Nolan -

    Read what I post, exactly as I post it;

    ===Brady is leading them all …today.===

    I will ask @FakeRutherfordDan about the poll, but first I will check with the AP if they know where he is, or if they have checked for matching tweets.

  34. - just me - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    Have we looked at his Facebook page? His social media is the worst. He doesn’t get it. I would think that Jill would see the problem. I don’t think she will fund the campaign. He is a terrible candidate. Nice guy, but his ego is out of control.

  35. - just me - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:54 pm:

    Jill, save this man from himself. You are smarter that this and your reputation is that of a serious legislator. Save this man.

  36. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 12:57 pm:

    –Dillard has run from who he is and not being true to himself.–

    Says who?

    No one forced him to stand under the Dome with the homophobic bigots. That was a free-will choice.

    I find it very hard to believe that someone could associate himself with that expressed hatred unless they believed it.

    That’s the most generous opinion I can offer. If he stood with them for solely cynical perceived political gain, then he’s empty and hopeless.

    So good riddance.

  37. - truth hurts sometimes - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    Dillard still has lots of support here in the suburbs.

    He is the GOP’s best chance to win in November.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    The reality is when you run for office, and when you are running, you choose what you say, when you say it, and to what audience you are trying to reach.

    Dillard failed, the moment he stood up and spoke with those preaching the hate under the Dome, and didn’t do anything but “agree” when he chose to stand with them.

    Campaigns are also about choices, and those choices have ramifications. Dillard’s old “base” and Dillard’s new “audience” are not one in the same, and not the same as they were four years ago.

    You indeed reap … what you sow.

  39. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:12 pm:

    Dillard might as well go all in and name his first TV spot “Dignity.”

  40. - Tim Snopes - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:15 pm:

    Dillard did better when he was trying to imitate Jim Thompson.

  41. - naperville soccer mom - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:30 pm:

    Say what you want but Dillard leads in the ‘burbs and leads among women. That’s a winning combo the others lack.

  42. - Let's Get Real - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    Wow! At the mere hint of a fundraiser (paid staff or not) moving on from the campaign, the vultures start to swarm. Seems to me that there a great number of people very anxious to get the man out of the picture. If he is so insignificant and stands so little chance of success what does it really matter? I think the problem is that people recognize the inherent strength of his campaign and are simply jumping at anything that seems like an opportunity to bring him down. Standing for what you believe in, as opposed to playing for the masses, is refreshing to see in the party these days. Stay the course, the campaign is strong.

  43. - J. Nolan - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:41 pm:

    -Let’s Get Real-

    Your name is so chalk full of irony…

  44. - J. Nolan - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:43 pm:

    “Standing for what you believe in, as opposed to playing for the masses, is refreshing to see in the party these days.”

    Buuuut, he didnt believe those things four years ago. So, was he being refreshing then or now? Was he playing to the masses now..or then?

  45. - Chicago cynic - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:55 pm:

    Wow Lets Get Real. That’s some mighty impressive spin. A key R fundraiser abandons ship, the man is notorious for being lazy and not raising money, and we all are just afraid of him. Riiiiggghhhtttt.

  46. - reformer - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 1:56 pm:

    Willie and Word eviscerated the good senator. Stick a fork in him.

  47. - DuPage Rep - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 2:10 pm:

    @ Let’s Get Real. OMG, and I thought I drank the Kool-Aid for my candidate.

  48. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 2:14 pm:

    ===Stay the course, the campaign is strong===

    - George Armstrong Custer.

  49. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 2:22 pm:

    Apparently the D-LARD team still has someone paid (or
    volunteering) to come over here and troll up a couple posts.

    (Shakes head.)

  50. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 2:22 pm:

    –You know, I think there are actually plenty of low-hanging GOP fruit out there. You would just have to work hard to pick them up. Go to local chambers of commerce. Engage in some retail politics. Actually, gosh, ask people for their votes.–

    Soccermom, shh, you just revealed the Sorceror’s Stone for a GOP candidate to win statewide in Illinois.

    As a fellow commissar in the Peoples Republic of Oak Park, you must know such knowledge is Double-Secret-Probation-Dick-Cheney Classified. Like Martin-Sheen-Francis-Ford-Coppola-Apocalypse-Now-Classified.

    You need a mission? I’ll give you a mission!

    As you know, our Oak Park neighbors and friends are crazy, freaky, America-hating Communists who would never vote for a Republican. Right? Not a conservative bone in their bodies, lol.

    They could never be swayed by someone putting on a pair of shoes, knocking on doors and attempting to find common ground.

    That’s what Democrats do in Cook County. And, God knows, you don’t want to be like them.

    It’s bizarre to me, the neglect of Cook County by the GOP. It makes no sense. It’s like Madigan is running the show.

    Meanwhile, my Ancient Precinct Captain was walking his dog in the alley yesterday, saw my wife pulling in the car and asked if everything was okay “after the storm. You need some help?”

    LOL, I shovel this guy’s walk in the winter and my boys cut his grass in the summer for oogats.

    No, we’re good. But thanks for asking.

    It’s important to “ask.”

  51. - orzo - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 2:27 pm:

    I truly thought Dillard was the serious pro and could have taken some swing votes from Quinn. No more–he should fire the advisors who recommended he go to the exorcism, er, rally. And his reputation is officially unsalvageable.

  52. - too obvious - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 2:32 pm:

    No one wants to be last off a sinking ship.

    Knowing Dillard he’s already rowing away in the last lifeboat.

  53. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 2:42 pm:

    -he should fire the advisors who recommended he go to the exorcism, er, rally. And his reputation is officially unsalvageable.–

    I’m curious as to why some think Dillard is insincere, that he’s pretending to be something that he is not.

    He worked for Thompson. He worked for Edgar. They were different kinds of Illinois Republicans. (Some of us miss them, a lot; we’re the folks who will vote for Kirk and JBT).

    But now Dillard is on his own. He’s standing up for himself.

    And he stood up for himself, under the Illinois Capitol Dome, of all places, and he spoke for himself and aligned himself with a certain world view.

    It’s 2013, daddio. I’ll take you at your word. And act, accordingly.

  54. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 2:56 pm:

    =I think Rutherford gains the most. =

    No, Brady will benefit the most. Believe it or not, the “machinations” often work the other way, too.

    Dillard moved right and many followed him as a leader. They all didn’t wind up far right like the crowd at the event everyone’s complaining about. They all took one or two steps to the right to simply follow Dillard (not the Edgar/McKenna/Mark Kirk crowd, which is not to say there isn’t any overlap with all the crowds).

    Besides, the other two (Rutherford and Rauner) appeal to many just about as much as Brady does so that’s a wash (aside from those who like Brady’s wife).

    And you can vote for Brady without all the big coffer “shenanigans” that insult the public. That’ll be seen as a plus this election because of how Rauner is perceived to be achieving his win.

  55. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:02 pm:

    I think they’re biggest mistake this time was assuming that Republicans would be wooed by clout and money (for which Rauner, especially is perfect).

    But I think most of us are now more sure than ever that we are going back to our roots.

  56. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:03 pm:


  57. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:24 pm:

    Word, I feel fairly comfortable giving that advice. Because I know it won’t be taken. (And I speak as someone who was out on Sunday evening gathering petition signatures for the Democratic primary.)

  58. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:27 pm:

    === - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:03 pm: …their…. ===

    So…..which of the hundred or so “anonymous” posters are YOU? Are you really anonymous or are you refusing to pick a nickname? Or do you think you are cute by using “anonymous” as your nickname. Should we even care?

  59. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:28 pm:

    =Dillard’s old “base” and Dillard’s new “audience” are not one in the same, and not the same as they were four years ago.=

    I missed that one earlier.

    It’s all the “Edgar” references that usually confuse and throw everyone off.

  60. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:29 pm:

    =Should we even care? =

    No. You shouldn’t care.

  61. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:32 pm:

    “Women and suburbanites” — enough said.

    If they go off Dillard, they go to Rauner.

  62. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:32 pm:

    I’m taking Dillard at his word as well, which means I think he’s pretty much unsalvagable.

    Side note - driving back from Springfield after Veto, I approached a large SUV in the dark middle of nowhere. My lights lit up a bumper sticker, but all I could see illuminated was D LARD. I about died laughing…I mean, I knew his logo, but D LARD was in white and IL was in blue so it just emphasized the whole thing…cracked me up. Someone really screwed up that logo in so many ways.

  63. - Norseman - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 3:41 pm:

    Orzo, I thought Dillard needed an exorcism to rid himself of the extremist demons that now seems to possess him.

    Rich, love the Custer reference. So apropos, both had big egos that brought about their ends.

  64. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 4:29 pm:

    Certainly, we should be unimpressed with anything posted by “anonymous” whoever you are.

  65. - Henry Clay - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 6:25 pm:

    I anticipate Rauner approaching Dillard and playing Monte Hall with him by making a deal. If Dillard drops out of the race and supports Rauner in the Primary, Rauner agrees to pay off the campaign bills that Dillard has run up. He also stuffs a sock in Gidwitz about getting his money from Dillard from Dillard’s last gubernatorial campaign.Stick a fork in Mr. Dillard because he is already “Done”.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 19, 13 @ 7:20 pm:

    With respect, not a taunt, or to be taken with any malice…

    - Cincinnatus -, where are you?

    When things happen, bad or good, I wonder, “where is - Cincinnatus - on this?”

    Godspeed, - Cincinnatus -, no snark, but I felt a compelling reason… to reach out.

  67. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 20, 13 @ 9:21 am:

    Dillard is slowly becoming Jim Oberwise Jr.

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