Edgar stands by his man
Thursday, Nov 21, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Bernie talked to Jim Edgar about Sen. Kirk Dillard’s emphasis on his socially conservative beliefs…
Particularly since Dillard spoke at a Statehouse rally in opposition to same-sex marriage before the House vote that sent the measure to the governor, some observers have sensed that Dillard is stressing conservative credentials in his quest for the GOP nomination.
“I’ve said on social issues Kirk is far more conservative than I am,” Edgar said in another recent interview. “But as I’ve often said, the key thing is fiscal issues. … I would not encourage him to go any farther right. I still think, and even in a Republican primary in Illinois, you want folks in the middle, too.”
“I don’t expect to agree with the candidate I support 100 percent, “Edgar added. “I still think he is the best prepared to be governor.”
Dillard’s campaign just Wednesday issued a news release announcing support from several conservative leaders. They include PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY, president and founder of Eagle Forum; former state Rep. PENNY PULLEN of Arlington Heights, president of Eagle Forum of Illinois; the Rev. BOB VANDEN BOSCH of Lake Zurich, director of Concerned Christian Americans; LIZ EILERS, a member of the board of directors of Springfield Right to Life; and SANDY RIOS, a conservative radio host.
An open letter from the group of endorsers states that among the four GOP candidates for governor, “All but Dillard have failed in their duty to lead on issues like life, marriage and lower taxes.” The word “lead” is boldfaced in the letter.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 9:26 am:
Good on Edgar. I can appreciate someone staying by their guy, However, I hope that, privately, Jim Edgar uses the word “disappointed” more, and less of the “differences” spin.
I wish Sen. Dillard would heed more of what Gov. Edgar is trying to say, and move less away from where Gov. Edgar is.
Remeber Dillard Crew, your guy stood in the Rotunda, and spoke, and said nothing when all those “words” were said, and when the Principle stands with someone/some group, you got to own it, you got to eat it, and I think that is the most disappointing of all that went down.
- Bill White - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 9:31 am:
OW, I think that ship has set sail . . .
- A guy... - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 9:35 am:
Where else would Edgar go? Dillard’s campaign is now causing extra collateral damage. He may be doing enough to beat Brady. This strategy and the inconsistencies all along don’t point to the magical path to victory. BTW, I put Brady in 4th.
- dupage dan - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 9:35 am:
Toothpaste > Tube
Not. Possible.
Yes, Edgar is a loyal friend. He may be trying to advise Dillard privately while standing tall publicly. Dillard has likely sewn up the hard right moral majority bloc. I don’t see that taking Dillard anywhere near the Mansion, unless it is as a tourist.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 9:38 am:
- Bill white -,
You are probably “Right”…
I would have enjoyed a Dillard/Durkin Legislative Leaders team, but like everything else, all the ships have left that harbor at such an alarming rate, options were few, and the game plans have been “disappointing”
I am not pining for Dillard, 2014… I guess I am pining for the idea of “a” Dillard 2009 or earlier Candidate… One Jim Edgar would not have to make excuses for, for supporting.
- Nearly Normal - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 9:51 am:
Phyllis is still alive and relevant?
- Ghost - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 9:54 am:
You can lead a GOP canidate to the race for governor, but madigan still can not be lead.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:12 am:
Unless Edgar volunteers to be Dillard’s Lt Gov, I don’t see how he can help him.
- walkinfool - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:15 am:
Schlafley and Pullen. Still relevent? Certainly.
With friends like that you don’t need enemies, as far as the general election goes with women.
I was a Dillard fan, admiring his fiscal bona fides, and was seriously considering supporting him. Unfortunately he has disqualified himself with intolerable social stands.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:19 am:
It’s a curious strategy. Who was the last GOP candidate to win statewide emphasizing social issues?
Nixon said run fast and hard to the right in primaries, fast and hard to the center in general elections.
I think Dillard has gone too far on some of the social issues to run it back if he wins the primary.
- Boone's is Back - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:25 am:
Dillard is in quite the pickle. He desperately needs campaign cash but also is reluctant to take union money after the GOP primary poll referenced in today’s Fax. He needs a game changer or a real rich friend.
- Fed up - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:25 am:
The GOP needs to moderate on social issues and go to town on the financial disaster that this state is under a decade+ of Dem control.
- Bill White - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:28 am:
=== I think Dillard has gone too far on some of the social issues to run it back if he wins the primary. ===
And, even if he did try to tack back to the center, Pullen and Schlafly would send out emails calling him a traitor.
Marriage equality and reproductive health cannot be triangulated. You just gotta stand for what you genuinely believe and accept the consequences of those positions.
- too obvious - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:32 am:
Well of course. Edgar knows that Dillard will follow marching orders without question when it comes to helping horse racing and the other gambling interests Edgar cares about.
Dillard is loyal. Once bought he stays bought.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:35 am:
What, no Anita Bryant?
- Chavez-resecting Obamist - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:51 am:
I wouldn’t tell anyone if Phyllis Schlafly endorsed me. That’s a kiss of death to any campaign.
- Soldier of Fortune - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 10:53 am:
Jim Edgar could be governor in 2014 if he had chosen to run. Edgar won Cook County in 1994 (with the help of a lot of Democrats). He could have walked into any Democratic Ward organization meeting and been well received. Labor respected him because he respected labor. Edgar is the best Illinois Republican pol since Dirksen. Message to Dillard - listen to Edgar forget the wing nuts.
- A guy... - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 1:00 pm:
Soldier. Slight disagreement. Edgar was the best Illinois pol since Thompson who was the best since Dirksen. JMO, but I’d put the order at Thompson, Dirksen, Edgar, with respect to the time and circumstances they served in. The dead guys always have a built in advantage.
- Bill - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 1:06 pm:
== Once bought he stays bought.==
Not lately.
- In the Middle - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 1:53 pm:
“All but Dillard have failed in their duty to lead on issues like life, marriage and lower taxes”
Rauner failed to lead? The man’s never been elected.
And Brady? He’s all about those issues. Conservatives loved him last time around.
- anon - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 3:47 pm:
Edgar looks better with each passing year; he was able to stand up to both Daley and Madigan when the situation called for it. The Republican Party was healthier during his tenure also.
- Brookport Brandon - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 5:30 pm:
If Dillard is leading on life, marriage and taxes, he’s losing. Conservatives in Illinois have made no progress for their positions on these issues in the last decade.
- Reality bites - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 5:46 pm:
Dillard still has the best chance to win it all.
Brady couldn’t beat Quinn in 2010, 2014 won’t be any different for him.
Rutherford is just another conservative down stater like Brady. He needs more support and identity in the ‘burbs to win.
Rauner isn’t a Republican anyway so he doesn’t count in my book.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 6:45 pm:
=Rauner failed to lead? The man’s never been elected.=
So you’re arguing that one’s ability to “lead” cannot be demonstrated while you’re campaigning?
I think you’re going to be in for a surprise (if you’re not already) as to how many might disagree.
And without agreeing or disagreeing with the entire statement, I think the boldfacing to emphasize the word “lead,” is a good idea.
Furthermore, I interpret it not as a “sale,” but as an observation.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 21, 13 @ 6:47 pm:
And this time around, I’ll bet it will be Republican “virtues” and who upholds them that will decide who wins the Primary.