Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Dillard campaign charges Rauner with “pay to play”
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Dillard campaign charges Rauner with “pay to play”

Friday, Nov 22, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

The campaign manager for Republican candidate for Governor Kirk Dillard and his running mate Jil Tracy denounced the campaign tactics of billionaire Bruce Rauner, who reportedly steered thousands of dollars to the Palatine Township Republican organization ahead of the group’s official endorsement.

“This is the height of pay-to-play,” Glenn Hodas said. “Rauner and his allies are basically buying votes while making it appear as though he’s getting widespread support. It’s absolutely unacceptable.”

The Illinois Observer reports Rauner gave $1,000 to the Palatine Township GOP and $2,500 to Palatine Township Committeeman Aaron Del Mar’s personal political committee earlier this year. Del Mar is also the Chairman of the Cook County Republican Party.

In addition, the Observer reports, Rauner ally and wealthy activist Jack Roeser and his company have contributed a combined $56,500 to Del Mar since Del Mar took over the Cook County GOP organization last year.

Rauner’s campaign was also believed to have paid the $25 membership fee required for several individuals to attend the endorsement session and cast their vote. In the end, Rauner handily won the group’s backing.

“Not only will Rauner spend millions for TV commercials, he’s trying to buy votes at the grass roots level,” Hodas said. “This is the kind of thing Republicans ought to be against. It’s really shameful.”

* The other campaigns chimed in

“I just don’t think the Republican Party is looking for someone who’s going to try to buy an election,” Bill Brady, Republican, candidate for governor. […]

“The fact is he’s got a lot of money. The fact is he’s got a lot of people with a lot of money and he’s going to go out and try to buy name I.D. and positive favor,” Dan Rutherford, Republican, candidate for governor. “And no one’s ever taken as much special interest or out-of-state money as Bruce Rauner.”

* Denials all around

Dillard’s news release states Rauner’s campaign “was also believed to have paid the $25 membership fee required for several individuals to attend the endorsement session and cast their vote.”

Rauner spokesman Mike Schrimpf said that wasn’t the case. “The Rauner campaign spent no money last night, however we do greatly appreciate the endorsement as well as the free publicity generated by other campaigns touting our victory,” Schrimpf said in an email.

Del Mar, who is also chairman of the Cook County Republican Party, said donations didn’t have anything to do with the Palatine Township GOP’s endorsement of Rauner. In fact, Del Mar says, Dillard himself made a $250 contribution to the committee this year.

“I believe Bruce Rauner is the best candidate for governor we have,” Del Mar said. “He represented very well to our organization and won our endorsement. Period.”

Del Mar also denied that Rauner “paid anybody’s dues.”



  1. - Anon - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 9:59 am:

    Standard campaign tactic, but gets a little pop when you call people out for it.

  2. - MIghty M. Mouse - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:03 am:

    Can you buy an election? Can you buy two in a row?

    I guess the answer is, let’s watch and we’ll see…

  3. - OneMan - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:06 am:

    Del Mar also denied that Rauner “paid anybody’s dues.”

    Del Mar also stated that he lobbed that pitch in specifically for Oswego Willy

  4. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:11 am:

    What a pathetic press release. Is Dillard also accusing Rutherford of buying votes? After all, Rutherford received twice as many votes as Dillard.

  5. - BMAN - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:11 am:

    What is the surprise here? It sounds like politics as usual.

  6. - John A Logan - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:15 am:

    Every time I read Bruce Rauners name I immediately think of the word “fraud”. This whole campaign is like watching a bad movie.

  7. - dupage dan - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:16 am:

    Palatine Republican Organization members to Bruce Rauner ahead of the endorsement session -

    Rock n’ roll, hoochie koo
    Truck on out and spread the news

    Done got tired of payin’ dues

    Said goodbye to all my blues
    Lawdy mama, light my fuse

    Top that, Dlard.

    Do these folks really think anybody (outside of CapFaxBlog) is paying attention to this minutiae at this point in the “campaign”?

  8. - Empty Chair - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:18 am:

    Somebody call the Waahmbulance. Sheesh.

  9. - Emanuel Can't - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:18 am:

    Yawn. And Dillard is being bankrolled by Operators 150. Careful there, Kirk.

  10. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:19 am:

    I don’t believe the accusations.

    It’s not in character for Rauner to pay any kind of dues, anywhere.

  11. - Bill White - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:19 am:

    This strikes me as a legitimate observation:

    === Dan Rutherford, Republican, candidate for governor. “And no one’s ever taken as much special interest or out-of-state money as Bruce Rauner.” ===

  12. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:20 am:

    Dear Glenn Hodas,

    Anytime you can bring up Bruce Rauner and the idea that the support Bruce Rauner has is based on the “financial” connections to “politicans”, make that case.

    Bruce Rauner is a man who claims he “can’t be bought” but spent $3,750 in ensuring he could pack the place for the Lake County Straw Poll. That $3,750 is critical in understanding that Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner can not win polls based on actual polling. Bruce Rauner wins polls that must be manipulated.

    A case can be made of the $60K to Del Mar’s political “aspriations” and postions is just as critical to point out, and is fair game for a PPC campaign based on “can’t be bought” and beholden to know one”, as those taking checks for committees, seem to be beholden to PPC.

    Bruce Rauner must win polls that can be manipulated. Bruce Rauner is not winning polls that are not … manipulated.

    PPC knows this, otherwise two ads and $500K later would not be spent trying to get the name ID up. Bruce Rauner, today, can not win polls based on … Bruce Rauner.

    Mr. Hodas, the narrative of “can’t be bought” and buying straw polls IS the PPC narrative that needs to counter ad after ad, depicting Bruce Rauner not as his truly is, but what Bruce Rauner wants people to “believe”… “Bruce Rauner” is.

    You know this, and every time you can make it known, and reiterate the tens of thousands of dollars to Rich Daley and Rahm Emanuel seem to back up this “pay to play” style, you need to do it, and show the consistancy of a life … not a campaingn… a life … that Bruce Rauner lives … is based on the “financial leverage” PPC uses to get … what PPC wants. Plain and Simple.

    Every time the Dillard, or the Brady and Rutherford Crews refuse to point out the utter hypocricy of Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner, is another day “Bruce Rauner” wins the narratave of the Carhartt Wearing, Vest modeling, Harley riding, dog lover …”Big Time”, and without the financials, the TV is not going to be any campaign’s friend anytime soon.

    The next step is to use this narrative as the Prism to see your Principle, Dillard, in the Prism of the Hypocricy of PPC. Keep the heat on.

    Finally, do not waste on mili-second on Filing Day, and release 3 years of Tax Returns. Do it, and turn the heat high. Those 3 years, with that possible Winnetka address, and the Chicago Condo and Daughter at Payton Prep will have legs… then add the millions and what other goodies are part and parcel of those returns.

    You have answered the bell, Mr. Hodas, don’t fall asleep at the switch and have the bell ring hollow once and forgotten. Use that switch, to keep that bell ringing… and ringing.

    The Prism is the hypocrite PPC Rauner, start with the “pay for play” and the endorsements, and widen the vision, and define Dillard, through what PPC Rauner is not.

    Say hello to - Cincinnatus - for us too.

    My advice is worth what I am giving it to you … Free, however, I hope its worth something in the trenches.

    Good luck to you.

    Oswego Willy

  13. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:25 am:

    The only thing more ridiculous than giving credibility to straw poll results is complaining that the winner “bought” the victory.

    Of course he did. That’s the whole point.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:27 am:

    ===Bruce Rauner is a man who claims he “can’t be bought” but spent $3,750 in ensuring he could pack the place for the Lake County Straw Poll. That $3,750 is critical in understanding that Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner can not win polls based on actual polling. Bruce Rauner wins polls that must be manipulated.===

    Let me be very clear.

    the $3,750 is a metaphor of the packing the Straw Poll of busing HS kids, and that $3,750 represents a “figure”… for Bruce Rauner to seem relevent.

    Packing the endorsement based on money has a price, and packing the Lake County GOP only cost $3,750 to gain a false sense of relevence.

  15. - Roadiepig - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:30 am:

    The more I read about Rauner’s history,and his campaign’s willingness to buy publicity (and buy support and votes) in these various straw polls, I believe he is P. T. Barnam reincarnated …

  16. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:30 am:

    Keep giving advice to Dillard Willy. He will be out of the race come January if he takes it.

  17. - Norseman - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:30 am:

    Willy, Raunerbo said that he can’t be bought. He costs too much. However, he’s more than happy to try to buy everyone else. Money for everyone! Oh, except for public employees.

  18. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:30 am:

    One thing that’s not clear to me is how this endorsement rigging would work practically. So, Rauner gives money to Del Mar and what does Del Mar do in return? Announces that Rauner won the endorsement when the votes really went another way? I just don’t see how they would work realistically. Del Mar took all the ballots into a backroom with no one else around and told everyone Rauner got 60%? The rest of the PTRO notice that the guy who supposedly got 60% of the vote no one voted for. That would tick off his organization mightily.

    I just don’t see how giving money to Del Mar fixes the outcome of the Palatine Township Republicans Organizations endorsement vote. There’s plenty of reasons not to vote for Rauner in the primary, chief among them being that he more than anyone else would motivate the unions to back a Quinn/Vallas ticket, but these breathless allegations of corruption and whining about cheating straw polls is just annoying.

  19. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:33 am:

    Love the comment at the end of the WLS story where Rauner claims his immense wealth means he’s more virtuous than poor people.

    “That’s a huge advantage. I can just do the right thing.”

    But anybody who holds office who can’t afford Winnetka mansions AND Gold Coast condos, they’re all bribe-taking bums, eh, Brucie?

  20. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:33 am:

    - DuPage Rep -

    lol, keep making it about me, never make it about vacations with Rahm Emanuel, or Rich Daley, or Rauner Prep being open, but PPC Clouting his Winnetka Daughter to … Payton Prep, while Rauner Prep’s doors were open.

    Make it all about me, - DuPage Rep -, no one cares about me, but many care about strong connections to Rich Daley and Rahm Emanuel….

    … “Big Time”

  21. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:36 am:

    @47thWard - Agree that all straw polls are paid popularity contests, but think this was just the newspeg the other GOPers could grab onto to raise the issue of Rauner’s moneybaggery.

  22. - Bill White - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:40 am:

    === Love the comment at the end of the WLS story where Rauner claims his immense wealth means he’s more virtuous than poor people. ===

    Smart business move. Instead of buying politicians who won’t stay bought, cut out the middleman.

  23. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:44 am:

    It’s not about you Willy. It’s about the horrible campaign Dillard has run, and these desperate petty attacks. Why not run a campaign based in issues other than gay marriage? Love him or hate him, at least Rauner has a pension plan for the state, and he consistently gives you the four things he is going to try and do if elected. Get over yourself Willy. When you blog about yourself, you make it about you.

  24. - Samurai - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:44 am:

    John Q–Pretty simple. Money paid to the Palatine Chair and others and to the organization “trickles down” (I think that’s a phrase to which Mr. Rauner relates) influencing the endorsement vote.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:48 am:

    ===Keep giving advice to Dillard Willy. He will be out of the race come January if he takes it. ===

    How about you stop Posting with MY Name to make YOUR points! …lol.

    I didn’t send that letter citing you …


  26. - JDeb - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:49 am:

    Kind of ironic coming from a candidate that bought Paul Caprio’s “Conservative Summit” group’s endorsement in the fall. I guess if you get out-maneuvered, whine about it.

  27. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:52 am:

    Because your points in my opinion summarize all that’s wrong with Dillard’s campaign. He went negative from day one on Rauner, and lost any statesman like quality he once had.

  28. - Reality bites - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:52 am:

    Another bought and paid for “victory” for Zillionaire Pay-to-Play master Bruce Rauner.

    Nothing new here folks, move on. Republicans know Rauner is just trying to buy support he can’t earn.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:56 am:

    ===Because your points in my opinion summarize all that’s wrong with Dillard’s campaign. He went negative from day one on Rauner, and lost any statesman like quality he once had. ===

    So you did make it about my Post and my Points …lol

    Quit while you are ahead, k?

    Please, you are ridiculous trying to use me, my Posts, and calling me out specifically to try to twist something.

    Either “own it” or don’t Post directly making it about me and my posts and then not claim you don’t

    Again, Dope!

  30. - GOP - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:57 am:

    If Bruce successfully buys this nomination, the GOP will be in more trouble than they already are. Dillard is the only one who can beat Quinn…hopefully the GOP voters will go with a winner…Go Kirk!

  31. - walkinfool - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:57 am:

    These township organization straw polls can mean little, as it is common practice for a campaign to recruit supporters just for the meeting, and to pack the house with people the regular members rarely see at any other time. Most campaigns don’t bother, but if you’ve got the money, time, and staff — why not make the extra effort?

    Not to say Palatine is not a hot bed of far right activists. They do not actually represent the majority of the party voters, but they do make waves and can control Primaries. It’s why Matt Murphy is always so careful to play to that audience.

    The money that moves that crew is Roeser’s. Rauner just happens to come along with it this time.

  32. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:58 am:

    I just want to welcome the many new commenters here at Capitol Fax and say, for the next few months, I look forward to reading your comments in support of your boss, oops, I mean favorite candidate. I assume the pro-Dillard, pro-Brady and pro-Rutherford comments will be from volunteers, but all of the new pro-Rauner commenters will remind me of the “pay to play” allegations we’re discussing on this very thread.

    Oh, and do us all a favor, try to limit your comments to just the explicitly political threads. Don’t feel obligated to weigh in on the policy ones, the history ones, or anything else that doesn’t directly let you french kiss your candidate here.

    Thanks in advance. Good luck to each of you, and remember, sock puppetry is strictly forbidden.

  33. - A guy... - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:01 am:

    A bit lost in all of this is the collateral damage this campaign is doing. Edgar; looks like a hyprocrite. High profile fundraiser; trying to jump ship quietly-can’t do it. Now, even Glenn Hodas looking like a whiner. All of these people had much better reputations until very lately. A straw poll being “packed”. What a shock. Not. This is how these goofy Township endorsement sessions work. Rauner (nor the others) invented this, it’s the systems the political orgs set up to raise money. And the grand prize for winning is that you need to give them more money to mail out their packed results to Township voters. Every one of these guys has participated in these shams. Dillard going after this one in particular, through Hodas is very hypocritical and embarrassing. Notice that none of the others even went there? Because they’ve been doing it elsewhere. You only moan about money when the other guy’s got more. Usually Rutherford and Dillard have more than their opponents. There’s plenty to chase here. This is stupid and will tick off committeemen and precinct captains who are used to this as a fundraising mechanism. Lousy system, no doubt. But not an aberration by any means.

  34. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:01 am:

    Samurai- Rauner only give 1000 to the organization. Doubt that’s enough to trickle down in any meaningful way.

    The other money was given to Del Mar’s other organizations. I don’t see how money could “trickle down” from those other organizations without Del Mar taking money out of those other organizations explicitly paying PTRO members and telling them the money is from Rauner. I would assume Rauner’s big money donations to Del Mar have made Del Mar quite the supporter, but to go from there to “CHEATER” is huge leap. Occam’s razor, people. Del Mar probably loves Rauner and likely has been extolling his virtues at meetings since he declared last spring. I’m sure that has a bigger effect on voting than any conspiracy theory.

    Those types of accusations are so intellectually lazy and are, sadly, to be expected from the ILGOP.

  35. - J. Nolan - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:13 am:


    I think one of the more delusional declarations in politics is when someone says their guy is the ONLY one who can win. Sometimes it’s obvious, but in this case it’s obvious that Dillard is definitely is not the ONLY guy to win in a general. Have you noticed his recent forays into the absurd? Those things do not just disappear.

    Please explain to me how Dillard is the ONLY guy who can win when we have a candidate in the race who is more moderate (this is IL not TX), has won statewide, has earned over 20% in Chicago, and works 10X harder every single day.

    Can we just admit now folks that Rauner and Rutherford are the only ones working their but off for this thing? …on the GOP side of course.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:22 am:

    @FakeRutherfordDan - thanks - J Nolan! I will be at Dairy Queen and getting dry cleaning, watching “The Candidate” with Robert Redford, just so the AP doesn’t pull any Travel Vouchers or anything.

  37. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:22 am:

    “I believe Bruce Rauner is the best candidate for governor we have,” Del Mar said. “He represented very well to our organization and won our endorsement. Period.”

    Well there you have it. Apparently, money played no part in the endorsement. Move along please.

  38. - langhorne - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:25 am:

    hey, rauner packed the place fair and square. and he will no doubt do it again. is it a mini press pop? or does it translate into boots on the ground?

  39. - William j Kelly - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:27 am:

    Now that we have established what these “republicans” are, I have a question about the pricing. What does rahmner get for a $1,000 del mar trick v. A $500,000 iPi trick?

  40. - J. Nolan - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:30 am:

    –”How about you stop Posting with MY Name to make YOUR points! …lol.”–

    Take your own advice Willy.

  41. - Boone's is Back - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:30 am:

    So if Dillard had gotten the nomination would his $500 contribution constituted “pay-to-play”?

  42. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:34 am:

    The difference is - J Nolan -, is that I own it….

    I am using your Posts, and the lesson you tried to teach me about… “the Tweets are nothing, is that all you got?”

    No, that is all the AP is starting with … ya kinda told me to leave the tweets alone, and all this posturing for Rutherford and then the AP story … yeah, I own it, if I said I didn’t then that would be another thing.

    Who knows, someone right now might be going over all the Tweets you think are irrelevent…

    And lumping Rutherford and Rauner together in anything is not good. Rauner is toxic, like Rich Daley and Rahm Emanuel, so comparing Rutherford, even as to someone who can win, as opposed to using PPC as the Prism to HELP Rutherford win … is not a good way here to make a case.

  43. - J. Nolan - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:38 am:

    I didn’t say they both could win I said they are the only ones working hard to get the nomination. Rauner can’t/won’t win but atleast he seems to be trying, unlike a couple of the others.

    –”Read my posts, exactly as I write them”–

    Again, take your own advice, k?

  44. - Endangered Moderate Species - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:41 am:

    These seem to be soft counter punches from Dillard, just to see how Rauner will react. It is so early in the match, neither side will gain or lose by this little dance.

    Rauner’s opponents are facing a type of candidate they are unfamiliar with. If Rauner begins gaining traction, the others will need to go into attack mode; and there lies the problem because he has enough funding to always have the last word.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:42 am:

    I guess you are “over” teaching me about things?

    ===”Read my posts, exactly as I write them”===

    ===And lumping Rutherford and Rauner together in anything is not good. Rauner is toxic, like Rich Daley and Rahm Emanuel, so comparing Rutherford, even as to someone who can win, as opposed to using PPC as the Prism to HELP Rutherford win … is not a good way here to make a case.===

    Please, my sider hurts from either laughing or “learing about all I got”?

    Comparing in any way is toxic. Comparing them in any way to winning, (meaning trying to win) is not good.

    Yikes! lol

  46. - Norseman - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:48 am:

    === no one cares about me ===

    Gee, Willy, I care. You’re my guy for Gov.

  47. - Norseman - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    === Dillard is the only one who can beat Quinn…hopefully the GOP voters will go with a winner…Go Kirk! ===

    I thought so too until he sold his moderate sole to the extreme right wingnuts.

  48. - Roadiepig - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    47th Ward - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 10:58 am:

    You but the nail on the head- and they are all pretty transparent in their posts. I agree with your comment about sticking to the political threads- when I have noticed a few of the obvious cheerleaders on,say , a pension thread they just regurgitate their bosses talking points , or in some cases just repeat some of the IPI’s lies, er… talking points. Just because you say a lie over and over (greedy union thugs, overly generous pensions, et al) doesn’t make them true. They should just stick to their idol worshiping on these threads…

  49. - Tim Snopes - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:52 am:

    To the pundits: Get off Dillard’s back. He’s got it right. Go to the right to win the primary. Schmooze back to the left to win the general. It almost worked for Romney.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:55 am:

    - Norseman -

    Always my voice of reason.

    To the Post,

    -EMS - is Spot-On, and that is why Hodas and all these Crews need to begin this Narrative if they hope to make it “stick” given PPC and money are going to indeed buy… that last word.

  51. - doooooooooode - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 12:07 pm:

    - champaign rising -

    Save it. Nationally recognized for being an unmitigated disaster… guess you guys are reduced to wedging your way into any comment thread you can to “get the name out” - good luck with that!

  52. - J. Nolan - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 12:13 pm:


    Was I ever about teaching you things? Lord knows you’ve already got it. I cant teach you anything you don’t already know.

    –”Please, my sider hurts from either laughing or “learing about all I got”?”–

    ^Uhh, what? I speak English.

    Sorry, Rich, this is getting a little off topic but I can never resist pointing out hypocrites…

  53. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 12:25 pm:

    ===- J. Nolan - Monday, Oct 21, 13 @ 10:52 am:

    President vs Governor. Apples vs Oranges.
    Silly Actions vs Silly tweets. Apples vs Oranges.

    If “dopey” social media messages are the best arrows in your sling against the Rutherford campaign then I should say he is doing VERY well. What else is there? Money, Ground game built over years, and a good conservative (but not extreme) record. Anything else?===

    - J Nolan -, you like “Apples” … I asked if you liked “Apples”, the AP, thinks the Tweets matter …

    Anything Else?

    How do you like “those” …”Apples”

    Keep with the smugness, and the AP will keep with the “following” …

  54. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 12:27 pm:

    ===this is getting a little off topic===

    Indeed it is. Let’s just move along, please.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 12:28 pm:

    Apologies, Rich.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    To get this back on track…

    To the Post,

    I am with more than a few that have posted that say this is a good fundraiser, and “it is what it is”, and there is no denying that “packing the room” is what these Straw Polls are all about.

    That being said, every time Bruce Rauner wins one, even giving him and the endorser the “benefit of the doubt”, it is fair game to call out the relationship, and the relationship to money and Rauner, and the relationship to what is going on at these “Polls”, Straw and otherwise.

    Just as it would be Fair Game if McLean County GOP backed Ruherford or Brady, and others saying its “Rutherford/Brady’s home, he should win”, or DuPage Townships that might go for Dillard.

    All fair game. Bruce Rauner has baggage with “Pay to Play”(?) so making hay of itis fair too.

  57. - Tim Snopes - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    It is up to Brady, Dillard, Rutherford to make the case that the average, everyday working stiff/voter in IL is going to be run over and left with tread marks on their backs with all of this millionaire money being spent to win a GOP primary.

    If any avg citizen is blind enough to believe, by primary day, that a Rauner victory means victory for the average joe, then shame on Brady, Dillard and Rutherford.

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