We’ve reached our first goal!
Friday, Nov 22, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * I told you earlier today that as soon as the tally board hit $1000 on our fundraiser for Peoria-area tornado victims that I’d post an Oscar the Puppy video. That goal has now been reached. * Oscar and I haven’t been able to sit outside lately because of the weather, so we’re hanging out in our “great room,” by the fireplace. Occasionally, though, I get busy and he gets bored and wants to play. Sometimes, he makes that frustration audibly evident, as he did yesterday… Many, many thanks to everyone who has donated so far. If you haven’t yet contributed, please click here. It’s a very easy process. * Meanwhile…
- OneMan - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:32 am:
Why do I suspect the look Oscar gives you when you ask ‘Do you want to go outside’ is the same look you get from some legislators when you ask them questions…
- walkinfool - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:38 am:
Thank you to Senator Brady, for some practical help in this crisis.
I criticize him sometimes as a candidate, but no one ever said he wasn’t a good, and caring guy.
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:49 am:
The gas card donation is definitely a great suggestion with all the displaced people spread out through Central Illinois and facing longer commutes to get kids back to school in Washington and to work. Good for Brady specifically pointing that out as a thing to give.
That said, Brady
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 11:52 am:
Grr stupid phone…
That said, Brady has more than just a political incentive to do right by the victims of this tornado, but also a business one. His brother and business partner Bob has already been out in Washington neighborhoods handing out cards and pitching his home construction services.
- Ghost - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 12:01 pm:
Unless Brady is passing out the items with his card, I dont see a problem. He is going to be in the area anyway looking to pick up construction business, and at the same time can drop off needed items to people. Seems more like an efficient use of resources.
Then again, I think the mormons should take over delivering the mail, since they are already going house to house….
- A guy... - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 1:03 pm:
Girl Friday, you’re in rare form today. No good deed goes unpunished, does it. People need help, he’s helping. Let it rest for a day, would ya?
- Steve Brown - Friday, Nov 22, 13 @ 3:33 pm:
AS I emailed Sen. Brady lsat nite one needed commodity is laundry detergent…local laundramats are leeting folks wash belongings for free…now some soap