Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Drops another half mil into campaign *** Rauner releases three years of tax returns
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*** UPDATED x1 - Drops another half mil into campaign *** Rauner releases three years of tax returns

Monday, Nov 25, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** A commenter just pointed out that Rauner reported contributing another $500,000 to his campaign late this afternoon. That puts him at almost $1.25 million from himself.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Well, this is a heckuva way to bury a news story. Release your tax returns on the same day as candidate filing and a few days before Thanksgiving. From a press release…

Rauner 2012 Tax Summary:
Income on Federal Return: $53,487,803
Adjusted Gross Income on Federal Return: $53,069,810
Federal Income Taxes Paid: $10,136,134
Federal Tax Rate on Income: 19%
Federal Effective Tax Rate on Adjusted Gross Income: 19.1%
Illinois Net Income on State Return: $55,128,335
Illinois Income Taxes Paid: $2,657,192
View the 1040 by clicking here

Rauner 2011 Tax Summary:
Income on Federal Return: $28,154,293
Adjusted Gross Income on Federal Return: $28,066,984
Federal Taxes Paid: $6,072,630
Federal Tax Rate on Income: 21.5%
Federal Effective Tax Rate on Adjusted Gross Income: 21.6%
Illinois Net Income on State Return: $31,700,229
Illinois Income Taxes Paid: $1,582,102
View the 1040 by clicking here

Rauner 2010 Tax Summary:
Income on Federal Return: $27,158,836
Adjusted Gross Income on Federal Return: $26,915,158
Federal Taxes Paid: $4,585,913
Federal Tax Rate on Income: 16.9%
Federal Effective Tax Rate on Adjusted Gross Income: 17%
Illinois Net Income on State Return: $29,987,092
Illinois Income Taxes Paid: $899,613
View the 1040 by clicking here

I’ll post his running mate’s returns in a bit.

…Adding… As promised…

Sanguinetti 2012 Tax Summary:
Income on Federal Return: $212,790
Adjusted Gross Income on Federal Return: $212,790
Federal Income Taxes Paid: $31,542
Federal Tax Rate on Income: 14.8%
Federal Effective Tax Rate on Adjusted Gross Income: 14.8%
Illinois Net Income on State Return: $202,171
Illinois Income Taxes Paid: $9,254
View the 1040 by clicking here

Sanguinetti 2011 Tax Summary:
Income on Federal Return: $210,392
Adjusted Gross Income on Federal Return: $210,392
Federal Income Taxes Paid: $33,051
Federal Tax Rate on Income: 15.7%
Federal Effective Tax Rate on Adjusted Gross Income: 15.7%
Illinois Net Income on State Return: $200,014
Illinois Income Taxes Paid: $9,150
View the 1040 by clicking here

Sanguinetti 2010 Tax Summary:
Income on Federal Return: $267,658
Adjusted Gross Income on Federal Return: $267,658
Federal Income Taxes Paid: $52,270
Federal Tax Rate on Income: 19.5%
Federal Effective Tax Rate on Adjusted Gross Income: 19.5%
Illinois Net Income on State Return: $209,477
Illinois Income Taxes Paid: $6,284
View the 1040 by clicking here


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:05 pm:

    Welp … ask and you shall … receive.

    Good on you guys, Rauner Crew. Well played.

  2. - David from ICPR - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:09 pm:

    As we blogged today, he, and several Lt. Gov. running mates, have yet to file the Statement of Economic Interest. They have until close of business next Monday to add that to their petitions.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:10 pm:

    The Winnetka address, and the Chicago Condo and the Daughter … maybe all legal, but kinda looks out of sorts.

    Winnetka is Winnetka, and Chicago is Chicago. We will all see if the other three can put 3 thoughts together as you “called” them on this, and just plainly disclosed.

    To The Rauner Crew,

    Again, good on you to take this on, face first, and before the “others” could make it an issue of concealment.

    This is your chance to hammer Bill Brady, if Brady thinks is “quick peeks” are going to fly this tiem …

    Big bold move, Cannoli for y’all.

  4. - John Bambenek - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:12 pm:

    Umm, quick check of the index division website shows Rauner and Sanguinetti have filed their SEI… not scanned yet, but that’s not unusual.

  5. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:15 pm:

    === is a heckuva way to bury a news story ===

    While also sending a message the week or two after announcing that he was going to blow the contribution caps. None of the other Republican candidates will be able to match his cash, and seeing what kind of cash they are up against may dissuade donors from contributing to the other campaigns since it can be viewed as throwing their money away.

  6. - Snucka - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:18 pm:

    And he just have his campaign another $500,000

  7. - Knome Sane - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:19 pm:

    I think it’s interesting that he and his wife checked the “$3.00 to the Presidential Election Fund”, the fund that arguably promotes publicly funded presidential election and designed to take big money out of campaigns.

  8. - Rail Sitter - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:22 pm:

    Rauner paid $5 million over three years in state income taxes. Quinn loses that much every day because of the pension mess. No wonder he wants to be governor.

  9. - Knome Sane - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:25 pm:

    And in the 2012 filing, he shows a loss of $664K in farming income. He might want to rethink that angle! LOL

  10. - Seriously????!!!!! - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:25 pm:

    A hole new level of “Pay to Play”! The guy is willing and wanting to buy his way into the mansion. Pay off Madigan, pay off Rahm, pay off the GOP, pay off the special interests, Pay off the papers, etc. Only in Illinois and New York of course.

    BTW - I did mean “hole” the proverbial black hole!

  11. - Rather Be Golfing - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:28 pm:

    No income from wages. So he really understands the working men and women of Illinois — yeah, right.

  12. - Been There - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:31 pm:

    ===Illinois Income Taxes Paid: $2,657,192===
    He probably paid more in state income tax than all the other 3 GOP candidate have in campaign funds. Illinois can’t afford this guy not making money and paying taxes.

  13. - Robert the Bruce - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:34 pm:

    For a guy new to running for office, Rauner plays the game well.

  14. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:35 pm:

    Just for the record, without the attached schedules the disclosures really don’t mean much.

    On the other hand, I am really surprised at how low Sanguinetti’s effective federal rate is. I would also bet that if we saw the schedules, Rauner’s effective rate would be even lower.

  15. - The Captain - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:38 pm:

    As a former campaign staffer I think the key takeaway here is to put every (and I mean every single one) bar tab on the campaign credit card. And stock the office.

  16. - Norseman - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:46 pm:

    2012 was a VERY good year. Either that or he decided to buy the governors office instead of a 10th house.

  17. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:47 pm:

    Thoughts on the 2012 return:

    1. What work was he doing to qualify for the $377,399 “domestic production activities deduction”? I don’t recall hearing anything in his bio about him being involved in manufacturing or movies or video games. Did he get this deduction for construction/renovation to one of his

    2. He claimed ~$7.5M in itemized deductions but I am not seeing a list of those deductions attached to this filing.

    3. What is his foreign tax credit for?

    4. On the Illinois return, what is the $96,218 in income tax to another state about?

  18. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:49 pm:

    =and seeing what kind of cash they are up against may dissuade donors from contributing to the other campaigns since it can be viewed as throwing their money away. =

    I think only George S. can be more effective at making “the People” look as if they mean nada.

  19. - In the know - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:53 pm:

    Yep, just a middleclass kid who done good. $53 MILLION? Geesh.

  20. - ChicagoR - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:53 pm:

    That 1040 is a perfect example of why tax reform is necessary. I paid almost the same effective tax rate as him on my non-profit salary. So much for the fiction of a progressive tax system.

  21. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:54 pm:

    This indicates to me that he and his campaign clearly learned lessons from Mitt Romney’s campaign. Failure to release dogged Romney throughout the campaign. Rauner released three years on a completely dead day where this will barely be a footnote.

    I’ve said this before, his campaign has been very, very smart. If I’m PQ, I reallllly don’t want to face this guy.

  22. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:57 pm:

    Looks like someone has been doing OK in Illinois the past couple years.

  23. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:58 pm:

    Oh and I forgot. He got $2M+ from tax exempt interest. So his rhetoric may be all about cutting govt, but he’s happy to finance bigger govt as long as there’s a tax-exempt profit in it for him.

  24. - truthteller - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 4:59 pm:

    The $18 watch seems so dumb at this point. He needs to run as Donald Trump. And given that he knew he was running the farming deduction won’t save as much as he will put into his own campaign to counter it. On the itemized he may have a lot of mortgage interest and given the home disclosures we know he pays a ton of property taxes in several states.

  25. - Another Anonymous - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:06 pm:

    His effective federal tax rate is probably low because he is in private equity and (I suspect) pays the “carried interest” tax rate rather than the income tax rate.

  26. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:08 pm:

    Smart to get it out early. Take the hits during the holiday lunacy.

  27. - RNUG - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:09 pm:

    Regardless of my feelings about him, at least he did lay the returns out there …

  28. - DuPage Rep - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:12 pm:

    At least he made more than Alex Rodriguez did last year.

  29. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:17 pm:

    No crime in making money. Questionable however, is why someone who so obviously does not lead the life of an average Joe is so interested in making working people live on considerably less money. Sounds very greedy and very selfish and plain old dislikable. Unless you’re up in the millions, why would you think this aristocrat is good for anyone? DO you think he plans to share……lol

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:21 pm:

    No fear by the Rauner Crew should instill a firm and serious fear from Brady and Dillard and Rutherford.

    Bruce Rauner is in this to win this, money is no object, and this Crew is going about their business, and plans on going about their business, no matter what the other 3 are doing.

  31. - Just the Facts - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:33 pm:

    @hisgirlfriday - the domestic production activities deduction was likely either by virtue of his interest in a flow-through entity (partnership or S corporation) that engaged in activities that qualify for DPAD, or perhaps from his farming activities - one of the earlier posts indicated that he engages in farming.

  32. - DuPage Dave - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:36 pm:

    That is a lot of bleepin’ money. Holy cow.

  33. - Cheswick - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:47 pm:

    Fascinating stuff. I’d like to see the schedules, though. (Point of reference: Romney released 203 pages of his 2010 return, and 104 pages of his 2011.)

  34. - RonOglesby - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 5:48 pm:

    I don’t hold making money against anyone… But somehow its bad really bad for republicans, which I dont understand. You dont see the hand wringing as often when it is say Rahm, or some of the big names on the national level.

  35. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 7:03 pm:

    May to rename him FarmerBrucey…wonder what he growing? Corn, Beans, Pot?

  36. - Wordslinger - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 7:19 pm:

    MIchelle, as, usual nailed it.

    Farmer Bruce and the Civvies claim Iliinois is an economic wasteland, yet they make more money than Sinatra gets gold records.

    To top it off, those who have flourished here in Illinois beyond their dreams, make their civic hobby a crusade to screw working stiffs out of their contracted pensions,

    The Audacity of Mope.

    If you can’t spot the chump the first time the deal goes round, you’re it.

  37. - Seriously - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 7:27 pm:

    For Pet’s sake, buy a new watch and vest….or two

  38. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 7:57 pm:

    You have to wonder–does Rauner even REalize how many years it’d take the average Joe to even EARN 1.25 Million dollars–all the while he tries to ACT like he IS some average Joe?

  39. - Now - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 8:16 pm:

    Let’s ask for the last 10 years of returns, all his Master Card monthly statements, his frequent flyer miles, his helmet size.
    I’m sure there are other similar critical issues that will surface

  40. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 8:21 pm:


    $500K for 16 weeks is $8 Million.

    Rauner cleared $53 Million… last year …

    …made over $4 Million a month, and you think Rauner is fazed by dropping $500K at this point?

    Bruce Rauner out-played you 3 today. Pretty embarrassing considering the 3 of you should have been ahead of this.

    … and the $500K is just what he (Rauner) is throwing in …Yikes!

  41. - Phenomynous - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 8:31 pm:

    Wow, those are eye-opening numbers. Is it too late to join the Occupy movement?

  42. - Skeptical spectacle - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:16 pm:

    : I can only think of one reason Rauner wants to be governor. He really wants to solve the state’s fiscal mess. His massive personal wealth makes him beholden to none of the usual power brokers in Springfield.

    He doesn’t really care what his fiercest critics think of him, including the ones on this site. He’s putting out a message to the people of Illinois, trying to show them he is uniquely positioned to be a problem solver.

    If he loses it won’t be the end of the world for him…’s a pretty powerful position from which to run a campaign.

  43. - Skeptical spectacle - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:20 pm:

    I don’t know if Rauner is the guy to spur solving Illinois’ massive problems, but he is the type of guy who could do it……he is uniquely situated to do so, and for some reason seems to give a damn about this state.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:30 pm:

    - Skeptical spectacle -,

    One good Political Play does not make him, ===…he is uniquely situated to do so,…===

    The money is the money, and the $53 Million was made off things Bruce Rauner rails on, and the Winnetka filing address puts into play very serious ethical questions to the PPC and a Denied Daughter and Chicago Schools … and what is/was the criteria that kept the Daughter attending Payton Prep, and didn anyone check, or was PPC Rauner “Clout and untouchable” in following through on residency(?)

    Will the 3 campaigns make simple “hay” and start on these or not… or do they even know how to get the Narrative going?

  45. - Skeptical spectacle - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:37 pm:


    Why do you think Rauner is running for governor?

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:41 pm:

    - Skeptical spectacle -,

    When you make close to $100 Million over a 3 year period, and you recently retire, you have 9 houses, and and you are in your late 50’s …

    Bored and Ego Boost.

    If you say “for the greater good”, step away from the Kool-Aid…

  47. - Oneman - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:45 pm:

    If they had been really thinking, they would have done it Friday…

  48. - Soccermom - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:47 pm:

    So here’s a question: What is he planning to drop on Friday?

  49. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:52 pm:

    ===When you make close to $100 Million over a 3 year period, and you recently retire, you have 9 houses, and and you are in your late 50’s …

    Bored and Ego Boost.===

    You take away the Hyopcricy and add the “Slytherin” factor instead, and add about 6 years and 5 failed chances to be “Honorable”, you get Jim Oberweis.

    The mere fact to have the “love of the people”, the Charles Foster Kane persona of “Savior”, be it for Purity of Thought, or Purity of the Greater Good, (which you never followed), it is a “Rush” for these multi-millionaires to have people believe in them, when they are just use to their very elite circle think they are “smart enough to be IN the room”, while candidates like Rauner and Oberweis think they ARE “the smartest in room” and we, the people, need to follow their “Greatness”.

    What else would Oberweis be doing? Living in Florida with his wife? How many Dairy Quartly reports can you read?

    What else would Rauner do? Rauner started a school, but Clouted his Daughter into a “better school” even though the Daughter was denied? What other weddings can Rauner go to in France at a Palace? How many more houses , or ranches with hundreds of achres are going to be “enough”?

    Gotta have the “Honorable”, gotta have the “governor” the “senator”, be THE smartest, according to “the people”, and the ballot box.

    Boredom and Ego. The rest is out there to fool us all, or to conceal themselves …

  50. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:55 pm:

    - OneMan -,

    You do it on the 1st day of Filing, just to snap off that, “Well you filed for governor, how about those returns.”

    Smart move, no lag. Being Thanksgiving weekend was just a very pleasant and welcomed coincidence.

    - Soccermom -,

    If it were me? I would roll out that “explanation” you put so well months ago about Payton Prep, “eat it”, let it be out there, and try to get past the hoilidays with an explanation out “there”, if someone wants to find it.

  51. - Norseman - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:56 pm:

    === Why do you think Rauner is running for governor? ===


  52. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 9:58 pm:

    - Soccermom -,

    The AWillyWord Con$ulting Group still has the open invitation to you and - 47th Ward - to handle the Democrats side of the Shop…

    We might get golf shirts …

  53. - DuPage Rep - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 10:30 pm:

    Maybe he actually cares about the state. Hard to believe but maybe true.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 10:37 pm:

    - DuPage Rep -,

    The same could have been said about Charles Foster Kane, along with the utter hypocrisy, less the Opera Singer.

    Just saying.

  55. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 10:39 pm:

    === Why do you think Rauner is running for governor? ===

    The very rich can break in two ways: a great desire for anonymity or an insatiable need for the public eye.

    Look at Bill Gates and Paul Allen, co-founders of Microsoft, two of the wealthiest men in the world, who came up at the same time.

    Gates has one of the most recognized faces on the planet. He’s in the public eye constantly.

    You wouldn’t know Paul Allen if he was standing next to you at the Seahawks game. And he’s the owner.

    Gates has more money, but I’d take Allen’s stake and the anonymity anytime.

  56. - Reality bites - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 10:40 pm:

    Too bad for Rauner, with all his real estate the Governor’s mansion would just be downsizing……

  57. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 11:18 pm:

    Perhaps I misunderstood Mr. Rauner when he talked about resolving the pension debt. I didn’t realize he could just write a check.

  58. - DuPage Rep - Monday, Nov 25, 13 @ 11:55 pm:

    Charlie Kane just wanted people to love him. I do not think Rauner wants people to love him, he has enough of that around him with 6 kids. Too bad we don’t have a Joseph Cotton in this race.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 6:59 am:

    Charles Foster Kane had a son when ran for Governor.

    Children can’t satisfy ego…

    Just saying.

  60. - Snucka - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 7:10 am:

    Rauner is running because he wants to implement all of the detailed plans he has introduced, and reach the greatly specific, ambitious societal goals that he has laid out.


  61. - Cheswick - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 8:35 am:

    === Why do you think Rauner is running for governor? ===

    So he can show us how much money he made last year.

  62. - skeptical spectacle - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 8:43 am:

    All of those rather specious reasons for Rauner deciding to run for governor just don’t add up to me………doesn’t make sense.

    As hard as it is to believe….I think the guy is trying to do the right thing by the state of Illinois. As ludicrous as this may be to many of the folks on this website…I think he is trying to give back in the best way he knows how.

  63. - Downstater - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 8:50 am:

    Rauner’s money and his message will bury these other guys so deep they will still be digging out come the general election. He has an active campaign operation on the ground in the Metro East area, also.

  64. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 8:52 am:

    - skeptical spectacle -,

    When you run a campaign as the ultimate “Fraud” of who you are as a person, it is not about the greater good. You are portraying yourself as a “Fraud” for yourself.

    Con men… wang to fool people not for the people’s good, for their own benefit.

    That is “Bruce Rauner” - faking everything and everyone out, because Bruce Rauner will not feed the Ego, but if “Bruce Rauner” wins, by being the hypocrite, the Ego is fed, at the price, of integrity.

  65. - Downstate - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 8:54 am:

    I agree. Rauner has been in our county more than all the other candidates, combined.
    Wonder if Quinn won’t use some of his campaign funds to play in the Republican primary. I’m sure Team Quinn wants to face anyone but Rauner. After all, Gov. Quinn wants this election to be about anything other than accomplishments.

  66. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 8:54 am:

    === Why do you think Rauner is running for governor? ===

    To break the government employee unions once and for all. To reduce the cost of government by significantly reducing employee compensation/benefits and use the savings to reduce the corporate/individual income tax rates. I can’t see any other reason why he would be running.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 8:57 am:

    - Downstater -,

    Funny thing about claiming a Political Apparatus; if you can’t do “Stand alone” events, you are no better than claiming you don’t have one, and at least be honest.

    “Claim” all you want, - Downstater -, when Bruce Rauner does a “Stand Alone” event(s), then you can “claim” campaign operations. The rest is hyperbole and wishful thinking.

    Sheila Simon at least doesn’t “claim” a campaign operation, so Sheila Simon is better than your “claim”, - Downstater -.

  68. - OneMan - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:03 am:

    To break the government employee unions once and for all. To reduce the cost of government by significantly reducing employee compensation/benefits and use the savings to reduce the corporate/individual income tax rates. I can’t see any other reason why he would be running.

    Yep, he is out to get you personally….

    Does anyone really run for Governor for the paycheck? I guess I am confused why people feel rich guys run for office purely for some sort of personal gain and that is not the case for anyone else?

    Also the Ego thing, again anyone here really think that is a rich guy only thing in politics?

  69. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:11 am:

    - OneMan -,

    See my post above.

    When you are in your late 50s, made $20+ Million in back to back years, what do you do to keep the juices flowing?

    Buy a sports team?

    When you run Billions of dollars at the touch of a phone, you don’t run for state Representative, do you?

    No. Way.

    The Ego… is driving the bus.

    Jim Oberweis went from… US Senate, Governor, Congress, the finally… FINALLY.., to state Senate… to run … for US Senate …again.

    Ego… rules the day. It does for both of them.

  70. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:11 am:

    === Yep, he is out to get you personally… ===


    I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of a government union. But either way, your snide comment misses the point. He isnt after any individual, but a collection of individuals that have collectively been successful at negotiating increases to their compensation/benefits for a number of years. I think that Rauner sees this as the biggest problem facing Illinois.

    What is your opinion as to why he is running?

  71. - skeptical spectacle - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:22 am:


    I admire your passion and sheer ability to dedicate your life to this website. It seems you are omnipresent on Rich’s website.

    It is apparent that you care deeply about Illinois government, and the world of political ideas, which is also very admirable.

    And sometimes you say some really hilarious comments, so there is some value there as well…..sort of in an old testament prophet, slightly crazy way.

    But when it comes to Rauner especially, you come across as unstable …….so much so that it detracts from your ability to make substantive criticism of Rauner.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:25 am:

    - skeptical spectacle -,

    Making it about “me”, is the worst way, to prove a point against me, or anyone you are trying to refute.

    With kindest personal regards, I remain.

    Sincerely yours,

    Oswego Willy

  73. - Norseman - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:26 am:

    === Also the Ego thing, again anyone here really think that is a rich guy only thing in politics? ===


  74. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:29 am:

    Hey, Skeppy, you asked a question as to why Rauner was running, and it was answered.

    Before you call someone “unstable,” why don’t you address specific issues raised by Willy?

    On what do you base your contentions that Rauner is “trying to do the right thing” and “give back?”

  75. - Snucka - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:30 am:

    The difference between guys like Rauner, Romney, etc. and other politicians is pretty simple, IMO. They have no ideology. Maybe some would see that as a positive, but I don’t simply mean that they’re not partisan or ideological. I mean they actually have no political philosophy, and so their highly paid consultants make one up for them. Say what you will about Pat Quinn, but he doesn’t need Joe S. White to actually invent a belief system for him. Bruce Rauner gives less than a damn about making the state a better place for ALL Illinoisans. He has spent his life moving money around, which is fine, but that doesn’t exactly put him in touch with the needs of the nearly 13 million people of this state (median household income $54,000). Rauner has no relevant experience for the job. Being a great private equity manager says absolutely nothing about how he would run the executive branch of government.

  76. - Ghost - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:32 am:

    so our tax system is fair becuase somone with 53 million a year pays 19%…. while a working middle class family pays 35%…. so the persone with the largest amount of disposable income pays the smaller percentage then a working family….I must be misunderstanding fair…..

  77. - Snucka - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 10:07 am:

    Ghost, you are misunderstanding a lot if you think the average middle class family pays 35% in federal income taxes.

  78. - skeptical spectacle - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 10:31 am:

    OW and wordslinger, I think you may be right in your criticism of my use of the term unstable. I came across the wrong way I think. I guess I would want my friends to tell me frankly if I were portraying myself in a manner which was not in my best interests, etc….but that probably doesn’t apply in this situation, and therefore…I apologize for the use of that term.

    But as an aside, some folks on here don’t seem to have any qualms going personal against some of the candidates, like Rauner.

  79. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 10:39 am:

    - skeptical spectacle -,

    Let me be clear. If you can hold up your end, and defend your position, do it and then expect a possible response.

    Bruce Rauner gets… what “Bruce Rauner” as a salesman, tries to “sell” as authentic. You want up defend that, expect pushback, like any other person here, posting about any other subject.

  80. - low level - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 6:49 pm:

    There is just something creepy about anyone that wants to spend boatloads of their own money to win a political office. Especially one who made $50m just in one year.

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