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More Rauner dollar deets

Tuesday, Nov 26, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* More details on Bruce Rauner’s money

(A) spokesman says Rauner owns a stake in the Bulls as well as the Pittsburgh Steelers and Boston Red Sox.

Rauner says if he’s elected he’d put his holdings in a blind trust.

The sports teams are just his sexiest investments. Click here for the full list. His disclosure report (which is infinitely more detailed than mandated by law) shows stock holdings in British American Tobacco PLC and Imperial Tobacco PLC, Canadian Oil Sands Ltd, Education Management Group (which owns for-profit colleges), a partnership in Goldman Sachs, membership in Ken Griffin’s Citadel Tactical Trading and on and on and on and on. Tell us what you find.

* Sun-Times

The banner financial year Rauner had last year came with a cost. His tax forms show he paid $10.1 million in federal taxes in 2012, which amounted to an effective tax rate of 19 percent — a percentage still below what many middle-class families pay. Rauner paid state government $2.6 million in taxes for the year. […]

The immense wealth certainly doesn’t square with the common-man image Rauner has tried to portray to voters — that of a man who loves wearing an inexpensive watch, Wrangler jeans and Carhartt jackets, driving a “20-year-old camper van,” and toasting a rural Downstate audience with a swig of Stag beer.

But by openly putting his wealth on the table and releasing his taxes on the same day he filed his nominating petitions, Rauner moved to deprive his rivals from getting the first crack at defining him and his wealth.

I assume that Gov. Quinn will eventually demand that Rauner follow Mitt Romney’s lead and release all tax documents, not just the few pages he disclosed yesterday.

* React by two GOP opponents

A theme of the governor’s race has been that a newcomer to politics, venture capitalist Bruce Rauner of Winnetka, has already put more than $1.2 million into his own Republican campaign for governor. And a Chicago Tribune story Monday described Rauner’s real estate portfolio, including a 6,870-square-foot home in Winnetka, two units including a high-rise penthouse in downtown Chicago, a $10 million penthouse along New York City’s Central Park, a waterfront villa in the Florida Keys, ranches in Montana and Wyoming, and a condo in a Utah ski resort. The story also noted that Rauner talks in a TV ad about his $18 watch.

Asked about that story, Dillard said he has “two kids and a mortgage.”

“I worry about how I’m going to send my children, financially, to college,” said Dillard, who also has a law practice. “And I just think when you have that much property and you flaunt it, it just shows you are out of touch with regular Illinoisans. I’ve seen these kinds of acts before in a combination of Rod Blagojevich and Dan Walker, and the people of Illinois should never let anybody buy the governorship. … It’s buyer beware.” […]

“What people tell me is they find it a bit hypocritical that you spend millions of dollars running an ad on an … $18 watch, and then you have all these mansions,” Brady said. “But you know, Bruce has earned it. He’s made a lot of money. You don’t fault anybody for living the American dream.”

Brady’s comment was right on the money. And if Sen. Dillard is that worried about sending his kids to college, maybe he should be working full time at his law firm and not running for governor. Just sayin…

* Rauner fired back

“Why’s it bad in America to start up from a middle-class background and work really hard and be successful?” he said.

That ain’t what’s bad, Bruce. What’s wrong is that you’re a kazillionaire portraying yourself as an ordinary Joe. It’s kind of insulting to people who, unlike yourself, actually report income from wages on their tax returns.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:28 am:

    When my neighbors own parts of the Steelers AND the Red Sox…. AND the Bulls, then, PPC Bruce Rauner is an average guy like the rest of us.

    Not 1 team, not even 2 teams… THREE teams.


  2. - Ghost - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:28 am:

    I still think this highlites that the tax code is unfair to the middle class and overly generus to the people who are most able to pay the bill.

    We need to get rid of the low tax rate for investment income and have people pay the same tax rate on income whetehr its from investments or actually working for a living…. you know the people who wear heavily worn carharts to actual work becuase they are durable…. I dont begrudge him his success, but lets see him pay the 35% income tax the middle class pays….

  3. - the Other Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:30 am:

    I’m also kind of put off by his description of his childhood as “middle class.” Growing up the some of an executive at a big corporation on the North Shore is not what most of us think is middle class.

    It wasn’t Romney’s wealth that was the problem, it was that he acted as if being that wealthy was the norm. He was simply out of touch. Wearing an $18 watch does not make Rauner a regular guy. It just shows that he’s very rich — you know, the rich way of being thrifty.

  4. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:35 am:

    Smart move (again) by Rauner.

    I was pleasantly surprised that although he made a giant pile of money in the last three years, he also paid a giant pile in taxes. Not the “Romney model” at all.

    My guess is this is leading to a major embarrassment for Oberweis.

  5. - truth hurts sometimes - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:36 am:

    Considering how much Rauner paid in taxes last year, wouldn’t he be helping the State more if he just stayed put where he is?

  6. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:44 am:

    What about fairness to those who pay the top rates in the Federal tax code? There are many people who earn a lot of money, but do not have any special circumstances that allow them to shelter any of it. 39.6% Federal plus 5% State plus SS, Medicare property and sales taxes push things toward 50% quickly. Not enough?

    The problem with the tax code is that it is loaded with all kinds of inducements (much of it to the wealthy insider class) to make the taxpayers behave a particular way. Simply eliminate all loopholes, establish a fair income floor below which no income tax is paid and tax all income the same.

    Of course that will hurt the government which gets a lower interest rates on it’s bonds because heretofore the income from them is not taxable.

  7. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:49 am:

    Rauner really has to stop with that “middle class kid” thing.

    More than the income and the mansions, thinking his upbringing was “middle class” puts him completely out of touch.

  8. - MrJM - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:49 am:

    It’s simply not fair to focus on the number of professional sports teams owned by Baron Carhartt when the central issue of this campaign is the price of his watch.

    – MrJM

  9. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:52 am:

    They still make Stag Beer? That’s nasty medicine.

    Rauner has been smart to get all this out there before any of the other candidates asked him to. But he should be careful on playing the victim — no one thinks of billionaires as victims.

    And no one is faulting him for making a buck. But his ridiculous and transparent great lengths to play Joe Six Pack are beyond parody. It’s like The Simpsons episode when Mr. Burns ran for governor.

    Not much of a farmer, I see, losing more than $600K. That’s not easy to do with crop insurance and subsidies.

    I wonder what the story is there? Any direct payments from the federales?

  10. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:54 am:

    @truthhurtssometimes - But if Rauner is elected governor he’ll finally pay some income tax on wages. That is unless I missed it and he’s doing the Bloomberg $1 salary stunt already. Stuff like that playing up the whole noblesse oblige tip a la Bloomberg sure makes more sense than the Fauxmer Bruce/Baron Carhartt routine his guys have cooked up if they were gonna go ahead and disclose he’s made 100 million since the Wall Street bailouts.

  11. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 12:08 pm:

    Maybe Rauner should have a chat with NY Mayor Bloomberg. New Yorkers well knew how wealthy he is but they elected him anyway. I doubt Bloomberg spent a lot of time talking up his ordinary guy aspects–if he has any.

  12. - Rod - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 12:09 pm:

    Didn’t Henry Ford live an incredibly frugal life style relative to his wealth? Rauner is basically using a very old argument, thrift and thriving which goes back to the Puritans. Those Republicans who make fun of Rauner are in fact out of touch with a very foundational ethos of the myth of capital accumulation. They do so at their own peril.

    As I have said the Rauner Carhartt campaign will have a deep resonance with some of the Republican electorate and is all good for Quinn in the general election.

  13. - Percival - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 12:13 pm:

    Plutocrats like FDR were politically acceptable because they were looking to begin or extend government benefits. That’s not Mr. Rauner, despite his watch. I also am troubled by his chest beating about Mike Madigan, and his claim to be the next Scott Walker or Mitch Daniels. Those governors had Republican legislatures. Given the new map, Mr. Rauner had best not count on one, even if 2014 becomes a Republican year.

  14. - Hessie - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 12:17 pm:

    I gotta say, its going to be nice to have a Gubernator who isn’t interested in lining his pockets like Rod and isn’t incompetant like Quinn.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 12:22 pm:

    - Hessie -,

    lol, Payton Prep Clouter already lined his bank accounts off of Public Pensions, make his bet worth close to a Billion, off the backs of workers and their pensions, as PPC vacations with Rahm Emanuel, who became a millionaire thanks to Bruce Rauner.

    You ate too funny, - Hessie -!

  16. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 12:33 pm:

    “I worry about how I’m going to send my children, financially, to college,” said Dillard

    How about putting more funding into public higher ed? Perhaps a return to where it was 10 or 15 years ago? Perhaps boost the MAP grants…

  17. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 12:41 pm:

    With respect to Rauner, I love the cognitive dissonance. His relevant experience is that he has been incredibly successful and become incredibly wealthy. Yet, to convince us to vote for him, he tells us he wears a cheap watch and drinks cheap beer.

    So, he will spend enormous quantities of his own money to get a job where he is not likely to make back his initial investment. How smart of a businessman is that? Unless, of course, he plans to make decisions as governor that will line his investment pocket, and thereby recoup his investment many times over. That’s what I would expect from this smart businessman. But is that who we want running the government?

    It will be interesting to see how he plays this.

  18. - Chicago Publius - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 12:51 pm:

    Rauner’s delusional if he thinks his upbringing was “middle class.” He’s the classic example of the kid who was born on third base and claims he got there by being a stellar batsman.

  19. - Why? - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    If Bruce Rauner spends $750k a week promoting himself, less than he made last year - he will become a household name and the voters will like him. Ask any advertising exec. Posters let their personal bias get in the way of basic sales and marketing principles. He’s selling… The voters will be buying…
    I just don’t understand “why” he wants to do this… That shoe will need to drop before the primary, because the answer will be crucial to sway the public he’s selling himself to. He’s too smart to not have that already scripted and ready to go on plan.

  20. - Why? - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:01 pm:

    Tell us Bruce! We want to know!

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:05 pm:

    - Why? -

    “New Coke”… “Edsel”…

    The product needs to be authentic, once consumers have a bad taste … if taken for a bad ride… You could be throwing bad after bad in monies, no matter the amount.

  22. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    –If Bruce Rauner spends $750k a week promoting himself, less than he made last year - he will become a household name and the voters will like him. Ask any advertising exec.–

    For lunch, did you take your Chevy Nova through McDonalds and get a New Coke and Arch Deluxe?

    There is no end, in politics and business, to examples of where no amount of money on advertising could sell it.

  23. - PoolGuy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:17 pm:

    I don’t mind how much money Bruce earns. that’s not what concerns me. if he made his millions fair and square good for him.

    $18 watches, cheap motels, camper vans, Stag beer aside…

    what I find insulting: He made $53 million last year. but He said state workers “overpaid”.

    He made $110 million in the last 3 years. a state worker making a $60,000 annual salary would have to work over 1,830 years to earn that much.

    He had $65,000 listed on his 2012 return as “other” income. to most people that is their only income for the entire year. they have $0 listed for their “other” income.

  24. - eastsider - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:18 pm:

    We only chase innovative and creative leaders away from public service when we make their personal success an issue. I for one love that a guy who made it big is willing to take on the challenges of this state. We’ve given the rest a try, let’s see what someone who’s actually succeeded at something can do.

  25. - Why? - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:21 pm:

    This guy isn’t Mitt Romney… He’s smart and clearly has a plan. He’s about to show the posters on this blog how to run a campaign. He’s a billionaire because he makes good plans… And executes. Just watch… I think even Willy will be on board at the end.

  26. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:22 pm:

    –We only chase innovative and creative leaders away from public service when we make their personal success an issue.–

    For example?

  27. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:27 pm:

    Hey! Take it easy on the Stag beer. The Anti-Diet beer The only beer that can get you buzzed on 3 bucks. (Ba-doom-Boomp)

  28. - Ahoy! - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:32 pm:

    –And if Sen. Dillard is that worried about sending his kids to college, maybe he should be working full time at his law firm and not running for governor. Just sayin…–

    Or using his current position to make Illinois more affordable for all kids in the State. Our instate tuition rates are starting to be un-competitive with other states out-of-state tuition rate. That does not provide a good outlook for our states economy.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:32 pm:

    === I for one love that a guy who made it big is willing to take on the challenges of this state. We’ve given the rest a try, let’s see what someone who’s actually succeed at something can do.===

    Bruce Rauner will have Co-Equal partners in Governing, and that Pesky Constitution to follow. An $18 watch, or a fleece vest does not a governor make.

    ===This guy isn’t Mitt Romney… He’s smart and clearly has a plan. He’s about to show the posters on this blog how to run a campaign.===

    Bruce Rauner’s plan so far is to think Illinois is Wisconsin or Indiana, and thinking the Democratic majorities “never dealt” with a governor like Bruce Rauner bit will get met with GA adjournments, and no floor leaders to get Bills out.

    Pat Quinn, less the fake frugality.

    As to….

    ===Just watch… I think even Willy will be on board at the end.===

    Ask Jason Plummer about me… “coming around” on fakes.

  30. - Hickory - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:53 pm:

    What’s the big deal about a fat cat. What we need to know is how good a cat he would be as the head of Illinois. It sounds like many people want someone that doesn’t know how to make money.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 2:05 pm:

    Rich, the Rauner Crew is really this Blog, “Big Time”!

    - Hickory -,

    It is not the money or the success, it is how PPC Rauner tries to explain away Rahm Emanuel and vacations at the Rauner Ranch, or Rich Daley and tens of thousands of dollars to his campaign, and Rich Daley’s appointee getting Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner’s denied New Trier Daughter taking a seat from a child, and calling the Chicago schools a place where child abuse is going on because of bad schools and teachers, as Rauner’s denied daughter, got to learn in a Chicago school.

    You can have all the $18 watches you want, but POC Rauner is who he is… and genuine is not Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner.

  32. - Public Opinion - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 2:08 pm:

    Has Rauner committed to putting his excessive investment portfolio in a blind trust to avoid perceived or potential conflicts of interest ? Noting his stock in Zurich which is one of the companies currently seeking tax relief for their move in Schaumburg.

  33. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 2:12 pm:

    ===Has Rauner committed to putting his excessive investment portfolio in a blind trust===

    1) The answer to your question is a few lines from the top of this post. Try reading.

    2) Excessive? Don’t get all pinko on us.

  34. - Public Opinion - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 2:16 pm:

    1. My bad
    2. actually meant to use the word extensive not excessive
    chalk it up pre-holiday distractions

  35. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 2:20 pm:

    LOL. No biggie. Thought you had gone off the edge there.

  36. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 2:30 pm:

    - “Why’s it bad in America to start up from a middle-class background and work really hard and be successful?” he said. -

    You tell us, you’re the one that released your returns on filing day during a holiday week. As word always says, don’t hide your light under a bushel, cousin.

  37. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 2:39 pm:

    ===Considering how much Rauner paid in taxes last year, wouldn’t he be helping the State more if he just stayed put where he is?===

    I missed this earlier, but it is hilarious. We’re allegedly losing $5 million a day until the pension mess is fixed, but electing Rauner will cost us another $2.6 million in lost revenue.

    We can’t afford Bruce Rauner as Governor.

  38. - Norseman - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 3:06 pm:

    Being successful is not bad. Being successful at the expense of lower income people is bad!

  39. - Norseman - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 3:07 pm:

    Raunerbo supporters are really amusing today. Quinn spinners are a little lame. Quinn folks, you need to beef it up.

  40. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 3:12 pm:

    ===Quinn spinners are a little lame===

    They’re not compensated as well as the Raunerbots. You get what you pay for Norseman.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 3:23 pm:

    I love the Rauner “Fans” best when they talk about taking on Government, them trail off hoping no one calls them on Rauner having no policy that Rauner beloved does that best.

    Thinking I would “come around” on PPC, given my Plummer history was nice. Getting “shout outs” and getting shouted at makes for interesting Posts.

  42. - jim - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 3:34 pm:

    Rich, you complain that Rauner tries to act like an ordinary joe. what do you want him to do, go around insulting people and acting like he’s better than them? the guy does what all candidates do, make nice and explain what he thinks.
    JFK and Nelson Rockefeller acted nice to people. why can’t Rauner?

  43. - A guy... - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 3:50 pm:

    To be a little fair, show me the “middle class” guy/gal paying 19% on their income taxes and you’re going to have to really define what middle class is to me. Rauner’s ‘rate’ may be less than someone with a $250K income, but not $60K by any stretch. He made a lot of scratch, but he paid a lot of tax too. Enough to call his fair share in my opinion. I didn’t see anything that looked like excessive deductions or creative bookkeeping. The Bloomberg examples might be the better ones looking at this.

  44. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 3:54 pm:

    ===what do you want him to do, go around insulting people and acting like he’s better than them?===

    People who make tweenie-style arguments don’t usually do well at this blog. Just sayin…

  45. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:01 pm:

    =I’m also kind of put off by his description of his childhood as “middle class.”=

    That’s why many do not see and can no longer relate to what is, in fact, happening to the middle class.

    I guess all of the IT jobs that were off-shored may be considered “low paying,” so how much can it hurt those who had them?

  46. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:09 pm:

    ===JFK and Nelson Rockefeller acted nice to people. why can’t Rauner?===

    JFK mocked the money his family had, even saying his Dad would pay for victory not a landslide.


    Bruce Rauner has 9 homes, made over $100 Million in the 3 tax reruns, and that was income… not net worth. Yikes!

    To have a brand new Carhartt, claim living on the North Shore as a kid, “middle class”, and all the “political baloney” Rauner claims, when denying closeness to Rahm and Rich Daley..,

    Rauner gets what he sows.

    To - A guy… -,

    Making this about “taxes paid” when it’s PPC who can not help himself to seem “ordinary” is comical at best, and just being an apologist for Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner at the very least!

    If you could look at “Bruce Rauner” and see someone genuine… He may have a bridge for you to put some seed money in that leads to one of his 9 houses.

    Can’t begrudge success, but being Faux “ordinary” … Pathetic.

    Finally, Rich runs a Blog that either you keep up or get run over, and “newbies” who happen to spout talking point for a candidate get “it” far worse than most.

    I, personally, can not Post on Pensions and Conceal-Carry because I would get steamrolled. I read. I learn. This place is not the place for training wheels or thinking you won’t get challenged. You will. So, be ready, and welcome to the “deep end” of the pool.

  47. - Norseman - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:21 pm:

    47th, point well made. Besides, I would never put you in the lame category.

  48. - A guy... - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:36 pm:

    O Willie, I don’t think Rauner is ordinary by any stretch. He’s made an incredible amount of money. Good for him. I’m comfortable, but I’m willing to bet your salary this week that Dillard, Rutherford and Brady are probably carrying net worths far above the average of the state, you know, like wealthier than 80% of the people who live here. Quinn’s probably the closest thing to a pauper in the race, but he’s been able to be “campaign rich” enough to compete in most elections. You constantly refer to Jason Plummer and Rauner together, like there’s even a scant of similarity. One’s self made, hugely successful, the other is on the inheritance track after a stint in the service. That’s sort of closer to JFK, who if memory serves, didn’t ever work in the private sector. That certainly didn’t make him ill-equipped to run or serve. Let’s just be clear, you don’t like Rauner for valid reasons; clouting being your Waterloo issue. All the rest of your puffery stems from that. Millionaires aren’t like middle class folks- hardly a bulletin. That means you’re not like any of the GOP choices. The standard people use is “he’s approachable, or a nice guy despite being very wealthy”. You could say that about all 4 guys- Dillard being the one who’s improved the most. Your arguments get silly sometimes out of your dislike. Folks don’t like to challenge you because you’ve been around the block here. Sometimes you exceed the speed limit. IMHO, this is one of them. Despite all that, I rather like you. I need an ice pack.

  49. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:36 pm:

    –Rich, you complain that Rauner tries to act like an ordinary joe. what do you want him to do, go around insulting people and acting like he’s better than them?–

    He doesn’t have a hard time insulting the public school teachers who have to take on all comers. I think he used the word “abuse” for CPS teachers.

    Apparently, they’re less virtuous than those at his taxpayer-financed charter school network, or Payton Prep.

    Look, he plays Joe Sixpack for coldly calculated political reasons. He believes it will get him votes. He believes his great wealth is a negative. That’s his play, nobody forced it on him.

    That’s why he drops half a million of his own cash on a media buy to wave a cheap watch in your face. What are you supposed to take from that? Do you buy it?

    I think it’s a crazy strategy for a billionaire to try to outcheap Pat Quinn. But if you can’t see the con in it, I can’t help you.

    What’s next? Working a backhoe to shore up the moat at his $48 million Central Park West penthouse?

    A moat…. still can’t get over that one….

  50. - Snucka - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:42 pm:

    Rauner made it big in private equity deals. He is very skilled at making profits for himself and his partners. No argument there.

    How is that success relevant to being head of the executive branch of government?

  51. - skeptical spectacle - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:48 pm:

    I don’t know enough about Rauner….but anyone who has lived any life realizes that there are certain people out there, a very small percentage, who just won’t accept anything other than excellence in all aspects of their life. I call them “improvers.” Everywhere they go, they improve things and apply the highest standards to all aspects of their lives.

    We all know a very few people who can get more things accomplished in 2 hours than most people can get done in a year.

    I don’t know for certain if Rauner is that type of person, because I don’t know him personally, but that is exactly the type of person we need in Springfield.

  52. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:53 pm:

    =Millionaires aren’t like middle class folks- hardly a bulletin.=

    That’s right. Would you like to start digging a little deeper now?

  53. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:56 pm:

    Who cares that “skeptical spectacle” calls them “Improvers.” Let’s begin with this statement:

    =but anyone who has lived any life realizes that there are certain people out there, a very small percentage, who just won’t accept anything other than excellence in all aspects of their life=

  54. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 4:57 pm:

    - A guy… -,

    When the other 3 spend $500K to tell me they are like me, you let me know.

    When the other 3 pretend their upbringing is “middle class” given North Shore, Prep School, and then leading to Dartmouth, via a non-middle class route, you give me a holler.

    When Jason Plummer and Bruce Rauner try to convince voters they are not wealthy, while looking phony in their own ways, based on not being who they actually are, but what they want you to think they are, they get lumped together. When Rauner “owns” his own persona, give me a shout.

    Chastising me to say I am silly in my arguments makes me think that, again, questioning me, but saying my points are valid, seem apologetic and a slam, the left handed compliment that someone who wears a brand new Carhartt days about MJM, after touting taking him on.

    You want to call me silly and you want to say I have valid points, Post it in 2 separate Posts, the whiplash otherwise hurts when I read it. Otherwise, it is condescending no matter how you think I should take it.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:05 pm:

    To your Point, - skeptical spectacle -,

    ===Everywhere they go, they improve things and apply the highest standards to all aspects of their lives.===

    If the highest standards is to Clout a Denied Daughter, denying a Worthy Child… a chance… then we all need higher standards.

    You made it clear it was not to Rauner, but applying it to Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner, and if anyone sees that as improving the highest standard, that is just being blind, using your standard to look at him.

  56. - Big Muddy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:08 pm:

    No issues whatsoever with a guy making it big and saying he is a common man. That’s what all us commoner’s hope we would be if we rang the bell. If I made it big time I would buy toys too. My Ford pickup would be tricked out to the max! Houses all over? Heck ya! The thought that somehow a person makes it and they turn into a snob just doesn’t float with me. Most do but some don’t.

    Rainer is doing okay at this political thing by me… So far.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:13 pm:

    - Big Muddy -,

    No one called him a snob. I have called him a fake of how he presents himself and how the real Bruce Rauner lives his life, and how the brand spanking new Carhartt wearing “Bruce Rauner” tries to be a “salesman” about who he, in reality, is not.

    Understand? Yikes.

  58. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:17 pm:

    ==No issues whatsoever with a guy making it big and saying he is a common man==

    Man, if it’s common to have 10 houses and make $53 million then sign me up to be a “common” man.

  59. - A guy... - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:17 pm:

    O Willie,
    ===When Jason Plummer and Bruce Rauner try to convince voters they are not wealthy, while looking phony in their own ways, based on not being who they actually are, but what they want you to think they are, they get lumped together. When Rauner “owns” his own persona, give me a shout.===
    Here’s the “shout” you requested. He released his tax returns on filing day. Can the hooey about it being a Holiday week. With the internet and permanent records and a zillion outlets, there’s no way to bury any press release anymore. You were among those clamoring for it and now it’s time to move back the goalposts. I don’t know if Plummer is rich. I just know his old man is. Rauner’s dough is easier to chase since HE provided the info himself. Can the martyr stuff while you’re at it. I think everything above and beyond the clouting (which does bug me alot) is you piling on. The guy’s rich. He’s doing commercials to say he can relate with everyone who isn’t. He’s busting his tail showing up everywhere everyone else has. He’s doing this better than a lot of the great (non-slytherins) you’re so in love with. A few posts up you’re warning newcomers (I’m not one) of how fast the train moves on this track and you need to get on or get outta the way (paraphrase) and then you get snippy because I’m mixing compliments with some critiques. Take some of your own advice man. You have mostly valid points. They’re diminished when you tack on the silly stuff. On Rauner, you’re past the point of being even a little fair.

  60. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:18 pm:

    Hmmm…so Ford pickup truck guy’s biggest concern is “snobs.”

    So, I guess if someone running for office–regardless of wealth (but the richer the better because it will probably impress your friends more), catches your eye, approaches you, and shakes your hand, you’re all set, right?

    Charisma and maybe even clout for you? Is that what you’re looking for?

  61. - A guy... - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:21 pm:

    BTW O Willie, using your standards of education, Pat Quinn was not “middle class” either based on where he prepped and went to school. Or lived. Yet, I know for a fact he was pretty much a middle class kid coming from a comfortable, but not lavish upbringing.

  62. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:23 pm:

    My problem isn’t that Rauner is rich. My problem is that he’s a kabillionaire trying to tell me he’s just like me. Don’t insult my intelligence.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:29 pm:


    ===anymore. You were among those clamoring for it and now it’s time to move back the goalposts…===

    Get a clue, I posted multiple times how that was a great move, well done, etc. I moved no goal posts.

    ===Can the martyr stuff while you’re at it.===

    Can the left handed compliments.

    === I think everything above and beyond the clouting (which does bug me alot) is you piling on===

    Politics ain’t bean bag. Piling on, as you say, is also called educating.

    As for this “everywhere” stuff, where are the “stand alone” events? Anyone can attend, not many can organize and follow through.

    Don’t paraphrase me, than think you can speak to my thoughts. Either answer or don’t.

    Rauner is your Guy, - A guy…- own it

  64. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:31 pm:

    Hey, A Guy….

    Why don’t you express your view and let others express theirs?

    Unless I missed the announcement, you’re not the hall monitor.

  65. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 5:33 pm:

    =Charisma and maybe even clout for you? Is that what you’re looking for? =

    You might have missed your calling. You should consider becoming a middle manager in “corporate America” who goes overseas to determine whether quality standards, for example, of a contractor who works out of sham offices that are moved weekly are comparable to those of the current workforce here. Maybe, we could even use you in dealing with China. Trade specifically.

    I’m sure that as your wealth increases, you’ll continue to be one of the “common folk.” Because that’s what’s most important to you about those who have money. Being able to say hello.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 6:03 pm:

    - wordslinger -

    Thanks for posting, what I was “walking around the barn”.

    Always appreciate it.

  67. - Big Muddy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 7:11 pm:

    I never said you called him a snob. It’s just what I think some people expect rich people to be and sorta the angle your’e playing here. Most of the time rich people are snobs/phonies. Sometimes they are not. Maybe he is a snob trying to not be one. Maybe he is a guy you would sit next to at a bar, have a beer and a good conversation with and all the while never know he could buy the actual bar a hundred times over. Time will tell and we will both know the real Rauner soon enough. So far he’s throwing all the cards on the table and hiding from nothing, including his tax returns and mega-wealth. I think it’s well played by him so far, that’s all.

  68. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 7:25 pm:

    ===Most of the time rich people are snobs/phonies.===

    You got Payton Prep Bruce Rauner’s number, Carhartt wearing, fleece vest modeling, $18 watch reading…

    Yep, that is “Bruce Rauner” all right.

  69. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 7:53 pm:

    = Maybe he is a snob trying to not be one. =

    I’m surprised that you’re “so good” at reading what the tax returns mean for his campaign, and yet seem to be so naively unaware of all the people he has around him, “primping” him to be exactly who you need him to be–which is actually kinda what all the “controversy” is about.

    I wonder whether someone’s testing messages today.

  70. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 8:07 pm:

    Just in case, I’ll save you some time:

    The “trying not to be” message is just pulling at my heart strings to the extent that I want to see and understand him as clearly as skeptical spectacle does for all of those “unreasonable” (though how can anything he does be unreasonable?) demands he might make on those who just cannot achieve his level of excellence.

    Did that help? I think you need more feedback like that.

    And tell me. If you truly believe that his wealth and educational background (Dartmouth and Harvard, is it?) are the issues, how many Jack Ryan supporters are lining up behind him?

  71. - woodchuck - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 9:17 pm:

    All that money, $18 watch, crystal clean Carhartt (just a contradiction in terms on its own), and still loses to Quinn based on an admittedly small sample poll. There’s talk and there’s genuine. The tax release play was smart but rather than put the issue to bed, it just amplifies the obvious. God bless him for his success in earning more in a year than it takes 1,060 “middle class” workers earning $50K a year. Key word = earning. He cannot relate to a coal miner in southern Illinois. He cannot relate to teacher in Peoria. He cannot relate to a fireman in Champaign and he sure as hell cannot relate to a grade school secretary in Hopkins Park (like he would even know where that’s at). I would love, love, love to see him make a campaign visit to Hopkins Park. Lots of pictures, please…

  72. - woodchuck - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 10:07 pm:

    I am admittedly late in responding to some of these. I actually had to work today and just catching up.

    I was exceptionally struck by this quote earlier “He’s about to show the posters on this blog how to run a campaign.” Wow — just wow. Total lack of knowledge about the people reading and writing on this blog. Hundreds, if not thousands, of former campaign (excuse me, ‘policy staff’) staffers, government relations execs, and academic experts on campaigns spanning decades. Yet, these people are going to be “taught” something about uber-rich people trying to buy an election with no message and no connectivity to a hog farmer in St. Anne or a contractor in Joliet who installs insulation, or a Medicaid recipient in Golconda who cannot work hoping her rent doesn’t go up to $300 a month. Those people can’t relate to a condo in Central Park. They can’t even relate to having extra money in their savings account for unexpected car repairs. They want a Governor that understands them. They want a Governor that will show up at the Shrimp Festival in Pope County despite the fact that only a few registered voters might actually meet him. In my world, donors don’t want you to only show up or call when you need money. They appreciate you calling to just say hi and to show you care without asking for something. There’s no way Rauner gets elected against Pat Quinn. No way. Rutherford has the best shot if he starts spending some money on good TV ads. There are too too many undecided GOP voters and they will tend to go with a candidate with whom they can relate to — someone who has been to their little city, their county, who has actually done physical labor. Hope the Rutherford camp plays up that angle — working to pay his way through college, blah blah blah — that resonates with people. It resonates. Pretending to like Stag beer doesn’t –okay, maybe in Caryle or New Baden — but nowhere else. Rauner going after the Kurt Granberg vote with Stag beer is as phony as that pristine Carhartt.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:00 pm:

    - woodchuck -,

    Remind me, one day, I owe you Cannoli. Your last Post is exactly why all the “new” Posters here touting Bruce Rauner, and Bruce Rauner’s Crew, and maybe even Bruce Rauner himself won’t be able to fool those if us you mentioned, no matter the category we fall in, no matter the the experiences we all bring.

    This place, is not the forum to think you can fool all the people, all the time.

    Impressive take.

    Tip my cap to you, and you have, at the least, my Marker.

  74. - woodchuck - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:16 pm:

    Thanks, OW. We don’t have very good cannoli in Texas, so that would be awesome. Perhaps I can send you some real enchiladas in exchange. I spent the better part of 3 decades in Illinois with friends, family and living experiences in many areas of the state, especially some of those I mentioned. To have your accolades on my post is, well.. I’m good. Glad it, um, resonated…

  75. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:28 pm:

    - woodchuck -,

    Sounds like a fair trade. A good enchilada is something I never turn down.

    I appreciate the kind words back. As late as you think your Post was, it was what needed to be said, and you said it well.


  76. - woodchuck - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:38 pm:

    OW — by the way, the “Why take a chance reference” reference yesterday? Priceless. Let me know when we can start the Midnight Run references.

  77. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:47 pm:

    - woodchuck -,

    ” I got two words for you …”

    Will do.

  78. - woodchuck - Wednesday, Nov 27, 13 @ 12:55 am:

    “You don’t much look like a criminal.”
    “I’m a white collar criminal.”

  79. - woodchuck - Wednesday, Nov 27, 13 @ 12:57 am:

    “What is it with you and that watch?”

    – that’s the Rauner Midnight Run line right there…

  80. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 27, 13 @ 8:04 am:

    - woodchuck -,

    “What, Rauner made in the neghborhood of $53 Million?

    Pretty respectable neighborhood. …”

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