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A message from your buddy Bruce

Wednesday, Dec 11, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

I’ve noticed a few of you may have a few opinions about my campaign.

So is there a better forum for you to actually vote on what ad I put on TV next? I think not! Click here to vote!

And by the way you folks don’t know how either: A) painful; B) hilarious; or C) both it is for me to read Miller’s comment section! Nothing keeps me humble and grounded quite like this crew!

- Your buddy (or not),



  1. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:14 pm:

    Comments were left open at the advertiser’s request.

    We’ve done this a couple of times before, but the ground rules remain the same. I will not delete comments that I wouldn’t normally delete. However, I’d ask that you continue to be as civil on this post as you are (mostly) on other posts.

    I mean, hey, it takes some guts to open comments on an ad, especially an ad by this particular guy.

  2. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:15 pm:

    You’re a freaking hypocrite, an elitist and a bully. Not, Reality Check

  3. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:17 pm:


    OK, I’ll leave that RC comment up, but, really, a little civility is in order here.

  4. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:19 pm:

    Posted before I saw your guidance, but truly as civil as it’s possible to be with this dangerous double-talker who desperately wants folks to think he’s just an empty suit.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:19 pm:

    Dear Bruce,

    I will say, if I were to hear someone say they know how to “pull out all the stops” that wasn’t you, I would point them to you!

    I hope these notes continue. This is by far the most interesting conversation any candidate has decided to take to this forum. Cannoli for you.

    I would close with the “MJM homage”, but if you keep these specific “Ads” playful, so will I.

    Oswego Willy

  6. - Downstate - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    People can’t wait to get to the ballot box to express their feelings on the inner workings of Springfield.

    I supported, donated and held fundraisers for Brady last time around. I’m fully on board with Rauner’s effort. Change will not come from the inside.

    Full steam ahead, Bruce!!!

  7. - skeptical spectacle - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:24 pm:


    I have to hand it to you. I’m impressed with your game so far. I think it is hilarious and impressive that you are engaging with the folks associated with this website. When Rich announced he was selling you an ad yesterday, I am certain it caught some of the regulars off guard, even though they tried to convey otherwise.

    Just remember, Bruce, although Rich runs a great website, where much can be learned and taught….the bloggers on here and their “ideas” are NOT a representative sampling of our state’s population.

    Folks, there is officially a fox in the henhouse.

    See if you can get Oswego Willy’s mailing address so you can send him a Christmas card.

  8. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:26 pm:

    We live in a corrupt economy. It has make people like Bruce Rauner rich. And Bill Daley. And Rahm Emanuel.

    And what goods & services have they produced that improved the lives of ordinary people?

    They move money around. They make deals. But at their core these deals mostly exploit people.

    We exist in an economy that rewards consumption and exploitation.

    Rauner has been “successful” at making a corrupt economy work for him. Congrats.

  9. - skeptical spectacle - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:26 pm:

    Actually, you ought to see if you can hire Oswego Willy away from whomever is paying him to be on this site all the time. hee, hee….

  10. - Hurricane Ditka - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:28 pm:

    I must agree with Rich. It takes guts to keep a comment section open on an ad. It scares me as a Democrat to see the amount of money Bruce is raising. Heck, that one donation from today would pay off my student loans and cover my rent for the next decade…

  11. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:29 pm:

    BTW, if the GOP 1%ers want to turn Illinois into Texas or some other banana republic, why don’t people like Bruce Rauner just leave the state?

    These 1% [redacted] want to pay zero taxes and be allowed to exploit workers and engage in financial chicanery… but then when they want to go to a show they want a thriving cultural scene and they want to be able to hire skilled workers.

    People like Bruce Rauner are self-centered jerks who don’t appreciate how the world works. They got rich and they think that makes them insightful.

  12. - Mighty M. Mouse - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:29 pm:

    Bruce, I don’t know if you’ll respond to comments, but do you think Rich should delete unflattering comments that attempt to analyze you psychologically?

    I’m sure he doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

  13. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:29 pm:

    Most expensive Troll post in Blog history.

    How ya doin’ Bruce?

  14. - Spliff - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:30 pm:

    If I had your cash I would be living in one of your beautiful homes far from Illinois. Instead i am a state employee who just has been kicked out of the union by this Governor and GA, had my pension gutted by this Governor and GA and still you don’t think they have done enough to me and my family and pledge to do more. I guess I am glad your running for Governor and spending your millions helping the state economy but otherwise I just see you as one step worse than what we already got!

  15. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:30 pm:

    Says…- skeptical spectacle - who made two references to me for no real reason.

    Dude, making this about me make you, - skeptical spectacle -, look pretty petty in this instance.

    “With kindest personal regards, I remain.

    Sincerely yours,

    Oswego Willy”

  16. - Adam Smith - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:31 pm:


    I thought we were looking at another rich guy who was going to waste his money on a pedestrian and dull campaign. The last few months proved me wrong.

    Your team (and apparently you too) is thinking creatively, fighting on multiple fronts, and gaining traction.

    I hope you continue to pursue ways for voters to get to know you better as a person. “Billionaire venture capitalist” is hardly an approachable description for most people.

  17. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    BTW, if Rauner wants to really open the door, he should make himself available for online discussions with give and take.

    Let’s see how smart Rauner is when there’s a level playing field between him and the other side the discussion… no having a bunch of security guards throwing people out of the room for criticizing Rauner.

    How long do you think Rauner would last?

  18. - for the record - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    Bruce, is it true that your $18 watch tells the time at each of your nine residences??

  19. - Red Ranger - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:34 pm:


    Early on I dismissed you as a rich-guy getting fleeced by a bunch of high-priced non-Illinois consultants. So far you have proven me wrong. Im impressed so far, however, we’ll see if you can keep this up once people start actually paying attention. I have no idea how regular GOP primary voters will take the Rahm and Daley $, the Payton clout story and some of your business transactions. It will be interesting for sure. Best of luck.

  20. - hot chocolate - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:35 pm:

    Bruce, you own nine homes and made one million dollars a week last year. For the typical 5 day work week that’s 200k plus a day. Do you really believe that a teacher making 50 grand a year that now must work until they are almost 70 before they can retire at that sweet sweet 35k a year with no social security is getting too rich of a deal? What if I asked the question and also mentioned that you have made your fortune by plucking millions in fees from those types of pension funds? I don’t really have anything else to say except thanks for the milkshake ad. It allows me to show people how you quite literally “suck”.

  21. - Amalia - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:36 pm:

    dear Vest Man:

    what is up with Republicans and the vests and barn jackets? just be who you really are as I cannot possibly imagine that you really love vests that much.

    very truly yours,

    someone who will never vote for you but wants pols to be more real

  22. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:38 pm:

    CN, why is it whenever someone disagrees with a person the suggestion is for the “offender” to get oughta town? Rauner has just as much right to live here as you do.

    To the ad - some cajones, dude. I wouldn’t call this the lion’s den cause Rich keeps a close eye on the comments and boots anyone (temp or permanent) as he sees fit. Best blog I know of - and I am a conservative. Looks like your upping your game - looks good just from a strategic point of view. You have some work to do to convince folks that you can run the state - not being a politico and all. I can see where they come from, kinda. Remember, Romney said he was from the business world, and all that, and it didn’t carry him thru. Hard for you to say anything else, seeing as how you have never held office.

    Folks in this blue state are very worried about how things are going. If you can convince them to lose the fear of the GOP bogey man you have a shot.

  23. - foster brooks - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:38 pm:

    Bruce what’s up with your obsession to destroy the middle class. Act like a human being and not a parasite.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:38 pm:

    - Arthur Andersen -,

    By far, the best post by you, bar none, this year.

    Bruce, - Arthur Andersen -, handles all AWillyWord Con$ulting inquires, in case any in your Crew were wondering.

  25. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    ===Nothing keeps me humble and grounded===

    We know.

    Can I please have $1 million?

  26. - unspun - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:40 pm:

    There’s nothing more difficult to swallow than feigned humility. I’m curious to know whether you have a cheap Timex watch for each of the time zones in which you have a mansion (or mansions)?
    Clearly you’re hoping to purchase this election, but your banking on voters not being able to see through the facade. The Governor’s mansion is not for sale, regardless of how much you saturate the media.
    That said, I congratulations on your business successes.

  27. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:43 pm:


    1) If you’re going to grab a sledgehammer, swing it and do some damage, don’t just stand there admiring it. Like most CEO’s, you appear to be quite tall, so don’t worry, you won’t look like Michael Dukakis in a tank.

    2) Guts to keep this open, agreed. Let’s see if it is the last time you do it.

    3) Hiring Oswego Willy is a wonderful idea - $10k to him to shush might be your wisest investment. Or maybe you and Sheila Simon could split the cost…if her fundraising is going any better.

    4) I’m most interested in than your campaign ads. And it’d be nice to read more flushed-out (or thought out) opinions. But relative to the paucity of positions taken at or or, you are like the C student in a classroom filled with D and F students.

  28. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:47 pm:

    Bruce you would not have had to pay for the ad on here if would have had a pic of Rich’s dog in the spot.

  29. - Cassiopeia - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:47 pm:

    Maybe Springfield does need to be turned upside down. Since the law will prevent you from doing things wrong and I believe you are smart enough to know that—-go for it.

    Remove every exempt person, appoint non-career directors, dare to try new things.

  30. - OLD BRASS - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:48 pm:

    I would vote for you in a heartbeat if it weren’t for your position of pension reform. If you want to pick up our votes, make pension reform to future hires only. Uphold the deal that was made to these people many years ago. That is how you will garner massive change of mind at the poll.

    Think about it. You’re the absolute closest thing Illinois’ future has for any hope of surviving. Some of your best allies will not be those with big purses….do the right thing Bruce.

  31. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:50 pm:

    Farmer Bruce, if you’re going to stick with “hammer and shake,” you have to lose one of the big hammer visuals. You know which one I’m talking about.

    If you decide to keep it, you should make Peter Gabriel’s “Sledgehammer” your theme song. Again, you know what I’m talking about.

    Also, is there a drawbridge at your Central Park West digs with a moat? Dragons? Knights in armor? I have to check that building out next time I’m in 212.

    Finally, can I have a million dollars, too? Unlike 47, at least I offered some advice.

  32. - William j Kelly - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:55 pm:

    Bruce, I have some expirence with an Emmy award winning production company of my own that hasn’t been getting a lot of work since I challenged your buddy Rahm’s residency for mayor. Maybe I could produce a commercial or two for you? I’ll post one or two, let me know what you think, ok buddy?

  33. - Under Influenced - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 1:59 pm:

    Not a fan of the Brucey but the ads are pretty clever.

  34. - Deep South - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:00 pm:

    Who’s Bruce Rauner? Is he the guy who wears the barn coat in the hope he can get us “downstaters” to think he’s not some sort of a high-dollar, big-city political gadfly? Is that who this is about?

  35. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:01 pm:

    - Robert the Bruce -,

    You get the 10% “Finder’s Fee” if I get that call.

    For your health, do not hold your breath. Their radar’s radar doesn’t have AWillyWord on it!

  36. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:03 pm:

    Not a bad ploy,

    if you can’t beat ‘em-join ‘em…or at least patronize ‘em.

  37. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:03 pm:

    –I would vote for you in a heartbeat if it weren’t for your position of pension reform–

    LOL, that’s the whole raison d’etre, mon frere.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:06 pm:

    ===I would vote for you in a heartbeat if it weren’t for your position of pension reform.===

    Must be the same family from years back that asked, “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln …”

    You are paying attention to this race, is that what you are saying?

  39. - Jimbo - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:10 pm:

    With all due respect, who you callin’ buddy, budy

  40. - Downstate - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:14 pm:

    Keep in mind that many on this board were only saying, two months ago, that you would never get higher than 3rd in any polling for the Republican nomination.
    You’ve clearly proven them wrong. That doesn’t stop them from making further prognostications.
    “Proving them wrong” - I have a feeling you’ll continue to do that in the future.

  41. - crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:15 pm:

    Guts? Nah.

    The first ad with comments was a video about the personal and family life of two women, private citizens running for nothing, showing their family, and home, and children, in a sadly-necessary effort to humanize and personalize the issue of marriage equality.

    A professional politician (and his professional editor/ghostwriter staff) drumming up buzz for statewide office is not gutsy because he might get his fee-fees hurt. Or get uncomfortable questions.

    So, I’ll go with the same-sex marriage family as gutsy. And this as opportunist.

    What was Rauner’s stance on marriage, again?

  42. - crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:17 pm:

    On the other hand, good luck to you in the primary, Rauner. You’re just the right kind of guy for Illinois…Democrats to run against.

  43. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:17 pm:

    Mr. Rauner,

    Your dislike of unions is unwarranted. Unions never stood in the way of people like you becoming wealthy. Are public unions responsible for our budget deficits? Most people would agree that union salaries and benefits cost money and therefore could and do contribute to deficits. Many would also agree that union members may have to endure cuts when times are tough. However, the facts don’t bear out the odium you and other very wealthy conservatives have toward unions. The pension debt was created in large part by politicians skipping payments and borrowing to make the payments. The economic downturn also hurt government budgets. The state income tax has been low for years and benefited many people. Where’s the thanks for that?

    Those “union bosses” you use as punching bags to indirectly also attack union members, they’re just like you and people who share your political views. They lobby to get the best deals they can for their members. This is, after all, America, no? Freedom for thee and not for me? Imagine if you paid someone dues and they shortchanged you by getting you bad deals.

    While we’re on this topic, I believe I should also try to disabuse you of the belief that union members should be angry at their leaders for their so-called lavish benefits and salaries. That seems to be what you are getting at, when you blame “union bosses.” I have never heard a union member complain that their leaders get them compensation that is too “rich,” as Mr. Madigan recently called the pensions. It’s more likely that union members complain their leaders don’t do enough for them. You can stop the charade. Stand squarely and face us, Mr. Rauner. We have the same rights that you do to get political power. It’s funny how adversaries can be very alike.

    Let us also clear up a misunderstanding about right to work and union participation. If you check last year’s BLS union stats, you will find that in the vast majority of professions/occupations, union members earn more than their non-union counterparts. A large majority of right to work states earn less than the national median, and less than Illinois. Some of us want to restore the middle class, and the way to do that is to strengthen its ability to bargain for wages and benefits. This state has always recovered economically, and unions were a part of that recovery. If unions were bad, they would have harmed the economy a long time ago, but that’s not the case.

    Finally, “insiders,” whom you slam in your ads, passed a very difficult pension reform bill. It was years in the making. It’s not something you can just walk in and do, if that’s what you do in the private sector. This is, after all, America, and interests compete. The reform may turn out to be unconstitutional, and then what? We’d have to start over, and the people wanting the harshest reform would be the most foolish. So think about that when you want to take away workers’ defined pension plans and put them all in 401(k)’s.

  44. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:19 pm:

    The ads are pretty good and resonate with a wide spectrum of voters. The positions of the candidate not so much. I would go with the basic, “throw the bums out”, if it proves successful it can be used to rid Chicago of Rahm. Thanks for supporting this great blog but I could not vote for you.

  45. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:20 pm:

    I hate to feed the troll. This guy sickens me. He makes more money in less than two days than what the highest paid state employee made last year and yet wants to take away their hard earned benefits so he can make even more. He has too much campaign money than he apparently knows what to do with. I’m glad that Rich is at least getting some benefit but I don’t know if I can stomach coming back here as regularly.

  46. - Jimbo - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:21 pm:

    ===I would vote for you in a heartbeat if it weren’t for your position of pension reform.=== So you really really want to vote for him based on what other positions? Hammer? Shake? What else has he actually staked out a position on? Oh, and I’ve got some news for any religious conservatives out there, this cat is going to be hush on social issues until he wins the primary, then he’s going to let you know how he’s ultra pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-illegal immigration etc. The only thing he is conservative on is he doesn’t like paying taxes. His only reason for running is to prevent extension of the 5% rate. That’s the reason he wants to strip pensions bare. It is the only way we can let the tax hike sunset. I think he’s also scared of a graduated income tax that would hit him particularly hard.

  47. - MrJM - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:21 pm:

    Baron Carhartt,

    Hire a man who’s worked with his hands to show you how to hold a sledge hammer. Then give him your prop jacket.

    – MrJM

  48. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:29 pm:

    Dear Staffer That is Paid to Pretend to Be Bruce,

    Clever idea and all. Please tell Real Bruce, if you see him ever, that so far his campaign sounds like a hybrid of Rod Blagojevich, Scott Walker and Mitt Romney. Not a great combo.

  49. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:30 pm:

    ==Since the law will prevent you from doing things wrong==

    Uh huh. That worked out well for others that have been Governor. They certainly didn’t do anything wrong because there were laws.

    ==Remove every exempt person, appoint non-career directors==

    Yes, get rid of people who might know anything about government. Really smart move.

  50. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:33 pm:

    I think it takes real guts to post here. I for one, was raised that if you work hard, you usually get rewarded. The “shots” taken about homes and “makes more in two days” used to be the American dream. He may not be my candidate, but as someone who is in a public retirement system that has probably 20 years left. I would rather have the 401 k now, than the simple Math that says my current benefit will not be there. I think if he keeps the promise to the folks 25 years in somehow… The public would love it. That’s my only advice. That precludes me from the benefit I was “allegedly” promised. If any or all of the current bill is found unconstitutional, what mess will we then be in? Call me a tin hat enthusiast. But, simple Math shows what was done kicks the can… Dare I say, Period.You may not be my choice, but you may be the choice of many more than I, or PQ ever thought. It may get interesting…

  51. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:36 pm:

    ===“shots” taken about homes and “makes more in two days” used to be the American dream===

    Being ginormously rich was the American Dream? I was always told that it was a house, education, some financial security and the promise that your kids would do better than yourself.

  52. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:37 pm:

    As for being the calloused handed Everyman, I’m reminded of the dim-witted son of the mother trying to teach him to properly sod…… “Green side up! Green side Up!”

  53. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:38 pm:

    ==Dear Staffer That is Paid to Pretend to Be Bruce,==

    LOL. But I don’t think Staffer That is Paid to Pretend to Be Bruce does this without Rauner’s permission.

  54. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:39 pm:

    To tear them down…. Helps how?

  55. - D.P.Gumby - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    It takes someone like you to make Quinn look acceptable. Your platitudes about “union bosses” and “insiders” are as hollow as your phoney watch. You have yet to give any substance to your rhetoric to justify why you are not just another rich white guy looking for a new hobby–a prettier Oberweis w/ a better press team and a bigger Christmas card list of other rich white guy friends. Instead of addressing income inequality and the problems facing the fading middle class and working class, you are the poster boy for crony capitalism. Why don’t you spend your money benefiting society’s ills instead of inflicting yourself on the voters of Illinois? The hungry, the homeless and the TV viewers of Illinois would appreciate it.

  56. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    Rich, I’m not really sure Rauner qualifies as having earned his wealth. Unless you count playing the insider game - donating $$$$$ to Democrats in return for snaring those juicy union pension funds for his company. Rauner prides himself on his “success” but his “success” appears to have been gained by the very things he condemns in Springfield and in the rest of the country. To me - that’s hypocritical to say the least. In terms of Rauner’s most recent spots - is it uncivil for me to say he “jumped the shark,” “drank his own “kool-aide?”

  57. - East Central Illinois - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    I’m reminded of the old adage, “keep your friends close and your enemies even closer” . . . with that being said, maybe Bruce needs to be invited over for Christmas dinner.

  58. - Angel's Sword - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    skeptical spectacle,

    Ok, I wasn’t going to comment out of respect for Rich’s guidelines, but please tell me, you were joking when you called Bruce “brave” for this, right? Oh my, leaving the comments section open on the internet, like virtually everyone else, to be read by staffers who will pick and choose which to read to you, so brave! *swoons*

    Oh Bruce, if only we had more tough, jacket-wearing (nothing says masculine like that second layer!) economic parasites like yourself, who made millions destroying the lives of people who actually work for a living, in Springfield! Clearly a brave, brave, brave hammer-weilding man such as yourself, who’s faced all sorts of hardship in his life, such as wondering which yacht or vacation house to buy, and isn’t scared of anything (even *internet comments!*) is exactly whats missing.

  59. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    Well done and well played.

  60. - Norseman - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:45 pm:

    === Being ginormously rich was the American Dream? I was always told that it was a house, education, some financial security and the promise that your kids would do better than yourself. ===

    That was my understanding as well, except now we have pathetically rich guys saying this doesn’t apply to people dedicated to public service.

  61. - facts are stubborn things - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:46 pm:

    The importance of contracts and the rule of law are critical to business. Bruce, you need to stand up and say no changes to benifits for those already retired period — just not fair to change the rules on those folks becaue they retired based on a constitutionaly backed contractual promise — that includes the AAI. For those working, all benifits earned to date to include retirment ages etc. no change. Now going forward you need to pay X amount more into your retirment or accept a smaller benifit. For some that opted not to pay more, they would have a hybrid pension made up of the years to date and the years going foward. For those that agreed to pay more, they would have their promised pension. New employees have always been fair game such as in Tier II. Bruce, if you want new employees starting in Jan. of 2015 to be hired into a 401K system so be it. You will need to find a lot of money though because you will no longer have the tier II folks paying into the system. You can always negotiate with the union for other ajustments etc. Depending on the outcome of the health care premium law suit something like SB2404 might be a good example.

  62. - Angel's Sword - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:46 pm:

    Formerly Known As…,

    Us or the ad agency that was paid by someone who works for someone who works for someone who works for Bruce Rauner?

  63. - Levi - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:49 pm:


  64. - Hammer and Shake - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:49 pm:

    Buddy Bruce! Thanks so much for dropping some large coin to promote the Hash-Tag-Team Champions of the world, *Hammer and Shake*!

    We’ve always been proud to be the People’s Champions, but today we’re super proud to be the Unbelievably Rich People’s Champions!

    Politics and wrestling aren’t so different are they, buddy? It’s just adopting a corny gimmick to fool the rubes and marks, right? (Not sure the *Fightin’ Farmer* gimmick is a good fit for you, though. Many something more like *The Million-Dollar Billionaire*?)

    Anyway, thanks again for being such a real swell buddy and always keep in touch by following us on Twitter at #HammerAndShake or @HammerAndShake!

  65. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:55 pm:

    As we post, keep in mind, someone is also taking the pulse here, thus this “Ad” has value.


    Lets say 100 posts respond. 38 talk about the Carharrt/Wealth, 22 Talk about pensions, 15 talk about the Ads, 20 were favorable. …and so on.

    This “Ad” is also taking our pulse, just because.

    So as we all write, remember, the “audience” is not the ear of the Bruce, but the ear of the Campaign as to what is working, or not, with those who follw campaigns the closest.

    Food for thought.

    And …. “AWillyWord Con$ulting” spells out as it sounds, just add the dollar sign in for cosmetic purposes.

  66. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:58 pm:

    “I was always told that it was a house, education, some financial security and the promise that your kids would do better than yourself.”

    That is the American dream, the Baron went for the fuedal lord dream of having a mote about the castle.

  67. - Endangered Moderate Species - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:59 pm:

    The picture with Rauner and the sledgehammer reminds me of farmer Arthur Hoggett in Babe the movie.

  68. - cicero - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:04 pm:

    I’d like to hear from Bruce specifically how he plans to balance the budget while losing most of the temporary income tax hike. Where exactly would he slash the $5 billion just to stay even?

  69. - rcg - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:07 pm:

    I second the concept that it is nice he is supporting this blog, bu there is no way I am ever going to vote for some guy that thinks he can buy an election…and then offer to buy all the senators and reps that vote the way he wants.

  70. - superanon - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:13 pm:

    Bruce, I too will take a million dollars for any future advice.

  71. - Quincy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:13 pm:

    Hey Brucie are you and Scottie Walker twins because you two sure act alike. Your millions may buy you votes but its not buying me or my familys.

  72. - kimocat - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:15 pm:

    Mr. Raunner — you’ll have to forgive some of the commenters. But it is a bit hard to get past the fact that your cheap demonizing of public workers is a big part of your campaign strategy. As someone who was never in a union, worked for Republican administrations and could have made a ton more in the private sector, your rhetoric is more than offensive. I hope you have an idea of the depth of animosity you are generating. And if you ever do become Governor — good luck hiring dedicated, competent staff.

  73. - redleg - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:16 pm:

    Mr. Rauner,

    Rich Miller would delete my post if I truly expressed my opinion about you. That said, during all my 43 years of being a registered voter, I have never viewed any potential office holder or an elected office holder as my leader(which you are trying your best to come off as) - I view them as my elected representatives, regardless of what office they may hold or the stature in their personal lives. You impress me as only wanting to be a leader, and a potentially troublesome one at that.

    Needless to say but a vote for you will never leave my hand.

    redleg Steve - Illinois State University - one of those retirees you respect so little

  74. - skeptical spectacle - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:16 pm:

    Bruce, you’ve really got ‘em riled up today….probably keep some of them from sleeping tonite.

    Bruce, do your sides hurt from laughing at some of these responses?

    Are you shocked by the hate and vitriol espoused by some people on here (way beyond teasing). It’s too bad that sort of thing occurs on here and in the modern political realm. Keeps most talented, smart people out of the political game.

    Remember Bruce, this blog does not equate well with general sentiment in this state. This is a great blog but it is bloated with the highly informed savvy special interest types that have not had the best interests of the entire citizenry of this state for years, and got us into this mess to begin with.

    Keep coming from where your coming from Bruce, and you just might pull this thing off.

  75. - kimocat - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:17 pm:

    p.s. You would just love what a private contractor charges for my time.

  76. - Quincy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:17 pm:

    Hey Bruce are you like Ex Gov Rod. twisting all your rich buddies arms and making up lies to get their money.

  77. - DuPage - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:22 pm:

    Bruce, my vote is not for sale.

  78. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===Remember Bruce, this blog does not equate well with general sentiment in this state. This is a great blog but it is bloated with the highly informed savvy special interest types that have not had the best interests of the entire citizenry of this state for years, and got us into this mess to begin with.===


    So everyone here, is the reason the state is in the “shape” its in? Really?

    You know all of us, how we interact, where we are in state ofr federal government, local government?

    “We” are the problem? You sure about that?

    Is it just “Bruce’s” Way or no way?

    The more you post - skeptical spectacle - about things you know nothing about, the more credibility you lose, and reading how you see others here, is not going to make many here take you too seriously.


  79. - PoolGuy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    I agree OW, to Bruce et al, the comments in this paid ad are “political intelligence”.

  80. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    Someone supporting Maxwell’s silver hammer is a great scare tactic! Thanks for helping to turn public employees and the unions back to Quinn.

    Real advice: Quit trying to pretend to be something you’re not.
    (you can wire my million dollar fee directly to my bank account)

  81. - Bemused - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    To be upfront, I am Registered Democrat and Non-Public sector Union guy. The chance that I would vote for you is never going to be better than slim. I will say though that this move and some of your others have made me reassess my overall opinion of you.
    The problem is you strike me as a Bruce Willis kind of guy. Bruce makes good movies and seems like a nice enough guy. I think he is a member of your party.
    My issue with Bruce goes back to an interview he did several years ago. At the time a number of movies were being filmed outside the U.S. When asked why he thought more film makers were going abroad he blamed the Unions. I found it sad he felt the problem was those 40 dollar an hour teamsters and not the Ten million dollar per picture “Star”.
    One way to cut the cost of Government is to lower the need for Social Services. Good pay, Health Care and Retirement Security would do wonders toward that goal.

  82. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:30 pm:

    ===The problem is you strike me as a Bruce Willis kind of guy===

    He kinda reminds me of that banker character on “Treme.”

    Come to think of it, in the latest episode the banker guy reached out to the super-hip but unfocused DJ Davis McAlary for help on a project, which kinda reminds me of this new blog ad. lol

  83. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:30 pm:


    Dear friend,

    What’s also hilarious is claiming to be an outsider while spending massive sums of money to get elected. You can’t do that and then with a straight face say that middle class union workers and their leaders have too much power in government.

    Another funny thing, in a tragicomical way, is that there are thousands if not millions of people who would rather pay more taxes themselves than have wealthy corporations and CEO’s pay taxes, or get tax increases. Many of these people are even rabid in their support for tax cuts for the super-wealthy. You may call these constituents or friends. “Servile” is a word that arises in my mind, along with other adjectives that are unsuitable for this blog. When the wealthy gets tax cuts, someone else has to pick up the tab, and there are apparently plenty of people willing to do it. You can count me as not one of these people.

    Your Pal

  84. - Samurai - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:33 pm:

    I don’t believe it. Bruce, in the spirit of Christmas, I vote for the snow globe. But, for the primary I vote for Dillard.

  85. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:33 pm:


    If you really wanted to show how much you care about Illinois, you would reject all tax incentives and offer to pay your fair share of operating the state in which you and your company reside and you would encourage other CEO’s to do the same. Every corp. doing business in the state benefits from roads, schools, police, etc. Yet the mantra is that you shouldn’t have to pay taxes because you create jobs. Hey, I create jobs everytime I shop or go to a restaurant. However, I realize that the state’s services are not free. I also understand that government workers and teachers deserve a living wage and a decent pension and the state’s unwillingness to pay into the pension funds for 40+ years is not an excuse to shortchange them. How would you feel if your “employer” decided not to contribute their contractually obligated portion into your pension? I suspect you would point to your contract and sue for damages.

  86. - Obama's Puppy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:34 pm:

    Your bubbly personality and message of middle class growth and strong public education is really resonating here in urban Chicago, keep up the good work!

  87. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:38 pm:

    ===Come to think of it, in the latest episode the banker guy reached out to the super-hip but unfocused DJ Davis McAlary for help on a project, which kinda reminds me of this new blog ad. lol===


    (OW bangs head on laptop in disust, goes towards DVR in Living room, takes remote to find “Treme” episode on screen, hits “Delete”, mumbles, walks away from TV)

  88. - walkinfool - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:40 pm:

    Bruce: If you are to learn anything from this site, please pay very close attention to:

    Comments on how and why leadership and management in government, are very different from that in private equity or the corporate world. The differences are profound, and many other extremely successful and experienced folks from the business world have been trapped by them.

    Comments on how Madigan succeeds at what he does. Your statements so far show that you don’t know, and are probably listening to chronic losers who still don’t understand how they keep getting beat.

    You absolutely need smart, long-experienced state-level Dem input to succeed in dealing with both. Regardless of your differences in policy, you need better understanding of management and leadership processes that will work.

    I’m not sure you can find that. It’s not from Rahm. And it’s certainly not from those who are giving you big money.

  89. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    Rich, lol on the “Treme” reference!

    To Bruce or the unknown staffer, thanks for fixing the “Dirty Red Hammer” ad. It’s a politically correct shade of grey now that clearly shows the uh, hammer.

    As indicated above,please send payment, cash preferred, to AWillyWord Con$ulting.

    PS: Next time you come up with a cute slogan, get the Tweeter name AND the hashtag nailed down..#whoops (We would have covered that)

  90. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:46 pm:


    Agreed. Mr. Rauner is getting his money’s worth out of this person’s trolling today.

  91. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    In the spirit of the season, I’ll give a shout out to the Rauner campaign. Brady lost to Quinn because he couldn’t make any headway into the dem ranks and got buried by suburban woman.

    You may be more palpable to that female demographic and the union vote might just stay home out of anger (they will never vote for you). There is also a swing vote influenced by ads which are not necessarily party affiliated but usually vote dem which you may be able to peel off. So there you go.

  92. - Knome Sane - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:52 pm:

    Instead of 91 comments legitimizing the Rauner candidacy, I would have preferred 91 comments about the White Sox chances now that Pauly is coming back for a farewell tour.

    91 comments on a blog ad spot without ONE word about the guy who paid for it!

  93. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:54 pm:

    - AA -,

    I got good news and bad news;

    The good news is I got an email from “Rauner for Governor”.

    The bad news was they called me “Bill” and it was Spam.

    We are getting closer, maybe.

    Look, like Reagan, the Rauner Crew, I guess could say, “We paid for this Ad and these Trolls!”

  94. - flea - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:55 pm:

    I remember Corzine paid about $150 for each vote he got when he ran for Gov…can you beat that Bruce? Super$

  95. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:56 pm:

    So, I’ve heard and seen the ads…quite good and production tells me you’re getting what you’re paying for. That said I do have a request.

    I get that you want to “hammer and shake Springfield”. There is probably some value in doing that. What I want to know are your specific plans to right the ship of state. When the temporary income tax expires next year, it reduces revenues around $5-6 billion. So where will you cut the state budget, and by how much? What are your spending priorities…what gets fully funded and what will end up unfunded? What is your specific plan to create jobs in Illinois and keep businesses from leaving and/or closing their doors here? How do you plan to work with a legislature that you so casually condemn at every occasion? Are there any state officials you think are doing a good job, or is your plan to try to achieve all your goals by Executive Order (if so, you need to brush up on how limited that EO authority actually is).

    So, I’ll start there and await your answers. I could vote for someone like you, but for most centrists, the Mitt Romney approach of “I’ll give your specifics after I get elected” didn’t work for him, and it won’t work for you, regardless of what the Campaign Manager says.

    Happy Holidays, Sir.

  96. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:56 pm:

    === I would have preferred 91 comments about the White Sox chances===

    Well, then call Reinsdorf and tell him to buy an ad.

  97. - RNUG - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:57 pm:

    facts are stubborn things - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 2:46 pm:

    You said it as well as I could.

  98. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:58 pm:

    - Knome Sane -,

    Trolling for research and knowledge, that is what Rauner’s Crew is paying for, so let them read what I posted here, very specifically.

    Got to make them, at least, use the “search” key to make it sporting. lol

  99. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:59 pm:

    HammerandShake 2:49pm - good stuff.

    “Smithers, who are those partially clothed drones in sector 7G of the twittersphere? That is campaign hammer and shake slogan!

    Would you like me to buy twitter, sir?

  100. - RNUG - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:59 pm:

    kimocat - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 3:15 pm:

    As a retired MC position, I also second your comments.

  101. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:02 pm:

    If they buy another Ad, I hope they make it a “Caption Contest”…

    That would be sporting of them.

  102. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:02 pm:

    At one time, the Cubs considered advertising here, back when they were trying to get a state handout. I didn’t oppose it, but that woulda been weirder than a Rauner ad, imho.

  103. - Knome Sane - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:03 pm:


    I would rather Reinsdorf put the dollars in a middle reliever! LOL!

  104. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:04 pm:

    It takes guts to buy an ad and allow comments? Really? that’s how we are defining moral courage these days?

    You know what takes guts? Working as a police officer, or a firefighter, or a nurse in the County Hospital ER, or a social worker for DCFS who is doing home visits in dangerous neighborhoods, or a teacher who is facing a classroom of underserved, underprepared kids — or even as an elected official, whose work and decisions are subjected to this kind of scrutiny every single day.

    Guts? Ha. What difference could these comments make to a guy who brings in more in a single morning than I do all year long? He’s plenty insulated — even without the Carhartt.

    Bruce, it’s a good ad and worth every penny you paid for it. I watched it three times, once with the sound off, and it’s nicely done. Charming, seasonal, not annoying — you can put plenty of points behind it without driving viewers nuts.

    But don’t tell me you have guts.

  105. - Connor - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:04 pm:

    Mr. Rauner, our main concern is that you don’t have a chance of beating Pat Quinn in an election cycle where maybe another Republican could. There are also whispers on the street about if you are actually a Republican or just a clever ploy of the Democrats.

  106. - Bill - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:05 pm:

    You probably wouldn’t any worse than Quinn.

  107. - superanon - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:06 pm:

    The white sox will probably make the playoffs, but not the world series.
    Bruce do not buy the white sox.
    (That will be one more million to my fee)

  108. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:06 pm:

    If I was the Lobster working against the Cubs on that, I would have bought an Ad, all white with a Gray Billy Goat in the center, with the words “Win First”

  109. - RNUG - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:14 pm:

    Got to admire the “thinking outside the box” in advertising here and opening up for comments. Definitely going all in and cost is no object. Will be interesting to see the final cost per vote; bet it sets a new record both statewide and nationally.

    Normally I would be one of Bruce’s voters. I believe in smaller, more efficient government and I’m liberal on social issues. Mostly a tea party / libertarian type.

    But Bruce, your insistence on violating contract law on the pension issue will cost me close $1M or so by age 95. Maybe you’d like to replace that for me today? Don’t think that is likely … so in March I’ll be voting for Rutherford.

  110. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:15 pm:

    – He may not be my candidate, but as someone who is in a public retirement system that has probably 20 years left. I would rather have the 401 k now, than the simple Math that says my current benefit will not be there.–

    LOL, Farmer Bruce certainly does have a social media strategy.

    You’d trade a Constitutionally protected defined benefit for a 401K?

    Cousin, I’ve got some swampland in Florida…

  111. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:16 pm:

    Willy, in other words, it’s an “up day.”

    At least no one has accused you of trolling for Bruce today. Yet.

    Soccermom, your best post of the year. Kudos.

    Oh, and BTW to Rauner Crew: The Dirty Red Hammer is NOT fixed. C’mon, guys. Do we need to send you a screenshot? Can do, but that will run up the tab.

  112. - 13th one - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:18 pm:

    It’s ALIVE!!!

  113. - East Central Illinois - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:20 pm:

    I have been a Republican all of life, voted for a Republican for Governor at each election that I was of age to vote; that being said, IF (and I hope that is a big IF) Bruce is the Republican nominee for Governor - - I will have to vote for Quinn. Dumb and Dumber meet Gloom (Quinn) and Gloomier (Bruce)

  114. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:20 pm:

    ===you don’t have a chance of beating Pat Quinn ===

    That’s nonsense. He’d be a pro-choice candidate whose wife is a prominent Democratic contributor. He’d also prolly spend at least a mil a week on TV starting in March.

    Republicans underestimated this guy for months. Don’t follow suit.

  115. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:22 pm:

    Robert the Bruce wrote:
    “I’m most interested in than your campaign ads. And it’d be nice to read more flushed-out (or thought out) opinions. But relative to the paucity of positions taken at or or, you are like the C student in a classroom filled with D and F students.”

    It just hit me. Rauner reminds me of “Hoover” in Animal House.

    “You have the best grade point average in Delta House; 3C’s and an F.”

    Feel free to cast some other characters. “Flounder” is pretty obvious at this point.

  116. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:24 pm:

    Dear Bruce, if you are elected governor I have just one request. Please get the people in charge of the HVAC system in the Capitol Complex to NOT turn on the AIR CONDITIONING when it’s 15 degrees outside… like they just did a couple of hours ago.

  117. - facts are stubborn things - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:26 pm:

    @- RNUG - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:14 pm:

    Thanks for your kind words.

    =But Bruce, your insistence on violating contract law on the pension issue will cost me close $1M or so by age 95. Maybe you’d like to replace that for me today? =

    Ditto your point on replacing lost promised pension dollars. I have not ran my numbers out beyong age 85, but even then I am at $783,000 in reduced benfits. This assumes a 3% yearly CPI.

  118. - The End Is Near - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:29 pm:

    I vote for the “I’ll give you my $18 watch when you pry it from my cold, dead wrist” ad.

  119. - A guy... - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:33 pm:

    Advertising pays. Advertising in the right place pays well. This has to be a record response to an advertisement as well as the most viewed one in CF history. The Fracking/Solar/Clean Energy/Satellite/and yes even Labor Unions should take notice. Regardless of where you’re at in this race, you are observing a clinic on what you do if money isn’t your biggest hurdle. Consultants take heed. This might be the next big hurdle for many of you- how to beat a candidate who is committed to covering all of the bases. O Willie is right- the data capture from all of these responses will show up in future ads and communications. That’s how you work a focus group. And most of this group can focus.

  120. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:41 pm:

    As always, you can only vote for one, and that means you can’t express fully the appreciation you have for the smart, funny, erudite, good citizens and neighbors that you meet here.

    But I’m voting early — and, if I can dig up my old fake picture IDs, often — for the lady who knows guts, Soccermom, for commenter out of the year.

    You’re not a big gasbag like me, darling, but when you get that fastball down Broadway, you go yard.

  121. - olddog - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:47 pm:

    === Republicans underestimated this guy for months. Don’t follow suit. ===


    To the question: Don’t run either. Just go home.

  122. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:53 pm:

    “That’s how you work a focus group.”

    I signed up with an online polling site, thinking I’d participate in political polls. I was instead asked to rate products. I was giving away free market research. I used to get paid for this, the few times I did it.

  123. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 4:57 pm:

    –Advertising pays. Advertising in the right place pays well.–

    Rauner’s buy here is squarely directed at active GOP donors and foot soldiers to create an impression of inevitability in the primary.

    Great idea, and money well spent in the best media outlet available. Especially when you look at the anemic fundraising of the other candidates.

    The message is: get on the Rauner train today. Great seats available now, maybe not so much later.

    The other three guys better unload after Jan. 1 with all they have (no point right now). Rauner is the only one on oxygen today.

  124. - Angel's Sword - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:04 pm:

    A guy…,

    If I was Bruce Rauner I’d be figuring out who I could pay so people didn’t see this.

    But yes, people love watching train wrecks. Doesn’t mean they’re in a hurry to hire the engineer.

  125. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:04 pm:

    A person once called the time beween Thanksgiving to Jan 6th(?) as “Orbiting behind, or the dark side of the Moon” time.

    You can transmit all you want, but no one will hear it, and other things are blocking it anyway.

    Rauner put up “Triangular satellites” in hopes the message will go around everything.

    Why did I just feel like “Willy Nye the Science Guy” right then?

  126. - skeptical spectacle - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:08 pm:

    RNUG and facts,

    “Ditto your point on replacing lost promised pension dollars. I have not ran my numbers out beyong age 85, but even then I am at $783,000 in reduced benfits. This assumes a 3% yearly CPI.”

    But Bruce, your insistence on violating contract law on the pension issue will cost me close $1M or so by age 95″

    And that doesn’t even count the money you ARE going to get anyway even with pension reform.

    These sorts of statements aren’t going to get you much sympathy from most Illinois citizens. Those number sound like “winning the lottery” on the tax payer dollar to most people. I’d recommend a different approach to stop pension reform if you are trying to garner any popular support for stopping the reform (which I doubt you are).

  127. - AC - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:17 pm:

    I keep reading about how media savvy Rauner is, but all the ads I see on Springfield TV focus on how he will take on the “union bosses” in a town where most of the economy is dependent on largely unionized state government. Failing to tailor his message to the local audience seems like a waste of money, but so does spending millions on a job paying $177k/yr.

  128. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:18 pm:

    Aw shucks, Word. I think I owe you a beverage. Is Marion Street Cheese Market too bourgeois?

  129. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:26 pm:

    You too, AA. :)

  130. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:33 pm:

    =…vote on what ad I put on TV next?=

    Oh yeah! We’re all part of the proces now. How could anyone have ever felt that this type of campaign could disenfranchise voters. We can vote on which ad he should put up next! Woo.hoo.

    And he has feelings. Next, he’ll be talking about how “slightly damaged” he is and therefore possibly a bit removed from the average Joe…

    …but he cares. Enough to use whatever means possoible to win an election.

  131. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:33 pm:

    - Soccermom -,

    We’ll always have Paris..,Illinois

  132. - naperville soccer mom - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:39 pm:

    Its wrong for Capitol Fax to take ad money from a candidate this blog also discusses.

    There is no editorial board here, no editors, just Rich Miller. He took Rauner’s check, posted the ad, edits comments, then cashes the check.

    It stinks.

  133. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:43 pm:

    Oh, OW — you remind me of one of the best things anybody ever said to me. I was leaving my old job and saying goodbye to one of my best friends, Gary. I gave him a hug and said, “We’ll always have Paris.” And he said, “The city? Or the plaster?”

  134. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:44 pm:

    - naperville soccer mom -,

    Do you read the comments? There have been Bills that had Ads and were torn to shreds here.

    There has never been one second thought of the integirty of Rich Miller or Capitol Fax in the entire time Ads have been part and parcel here.

    If you have an example, that would be great.

    If youare against Rauner, buy an Ad, no one is stopping you.

  135. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:48 pm:

    I’m glad. - Soccermom -, when we ever get all of us on that Bus Trip, a stop in front of the Paris, IL sign will have to be made for pictures.

    - AA -,

    Send the screen shots in HD. It doesn’t do much, but looks good on the Billing.

  136. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:54 pm:

    =I’ve noticed a few of you may have a few opinions about my campaign.=

    Alright. I’ll stop being snarky. Your team decided that the best approach to winning this election was to 1) try to intimidate the heck out of everyone with the amount of money you can raise, 2) try to intimidate everyone with WHO is contributing to your campaign, and 3) use every con (and more) in the book to “draw” the voters in–and I’ll bet that the better ones you’ve hired have even more up their sleeves than the ones who insult, for example, by asking you to vote for a commercial.

    For those who believe in Republican virtues, need to believe in their Leaders, and believe in the People of this State and this Nation, you’ve already proven that you do not deserve our vote by launching the type of campaign you’re using to gain this office.

  137. - Sunshine - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 6:17 pm:

    So….. Rich gives Bruce a stick and told him he didn’t dare hit that hornets nest.

    He did….things never were quite the same after that. A good lesson was learned….maybe?

  138. - out and about - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 6:19 pm:

    Ow, it sure seemed like rm was workingfor dan hynes last primary.

  139. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 6:24 pm:

    - out and about -,

    I guess that I never thought about that, so, for me, I didn’t notice that, or think that about Hynes and the last Primary.

    Usually everyone complains their candidate is not being treated “fair” so…

    I guess you could take that up with Rich and not me.

  140. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 6:26 pm:

    “I guess that I never thought about that…”

    Should be…

    I guess that I never thought about that race or that it was ever biased either way.

    Stupid laptop.

  141. - MrJM - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 6:34 pm:

    There is no editorial board here, no editors, just Rich Miller. He took Rauner’s check, posted the ad, edits comments, then cashes the check.

    Are you new here?

    Rich definitely cashed the check before posting the ad.

    – MrJM

  142. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 6:44 pm:

    =A good lesson was learned….maybe? =

    And what lesson what that, “Sunshine?”

  143. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 6:50 pm:

    =It’s just adopting a corny gimmick to fool the rubes and marks, right?=

    lol Do tell, Hammer and Shake (pun intended): Who’s the mark in this game? Can’t wait until the “thugs” come out, assuming that they’re part of the play this time.

  144. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 7:10 pm:

    I didn’t think RM was working for Hynes in the last primary. And I think I would have noticed.

  145. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 7:12 pm:

    If - Sunshine - thought I would rant, or others would become “Newspaper Blog Posters” and rave or however the Rauner Supports see opposition, I would leave this for some thought;

    I am not Pavlov’s Dog, and the others here are not Pavlov’s dog either. I am not going to just rail on things to rail. You got an issue, and its out there for discussion, ok, let’s discuss.

    There was no interaction, just a “letter” from Bruce. I responded to it, and that is all I was compelled to address, until the discussion moved somewhere else.

    Others here, they are really bright. They understand screaming at a letter, invented to give feedback, was a “focus group” letter/response to see what “bad” the people are saying, the “good” the people are saying.

    I, for one, was not going to give in and just “go off”. We are not a social experiment, all the while this concept is. Not going off on Bruce Rauner here changes nothing about how I feel, or even what I have Posted before, but I was not going to “dance” and be what the Rauner Crew wanted, to make a point about “hornets nest”, and I am sure Rich knows his audience could handle it as well as we have.

    People suprise those who think they know the human condition, because in reality, the human condition is so fluid, and in such flux, if it wasn’t those things, you wouldn’t need “focus groups” ….would ya?

    This place …this is not you “Parents’ Newspaper Blog.” Expecting fire bombs at the mere mention of a candidate, issue, vote, is a bit lazy here, and we seem to patrol ourselves before the car speeds of the cliff.

    If Bruce Rauner reads here, and he said so in the letter, what makes Bruce Rauner think he can think he knows how we will react? See, that is why this was so interesting and “cool” and experimental.

    If the Bruce Rauner Crew wants a “back and forth”, there might be different responses, but I am very pleased with my non-Pavlovs’ Dog response. Attacking a letter that you know you will get no response from is far below the standards here. I may mock, I may break it down, I might even agree, but reading that above, what is there to work with besides voting for his Ads?

    If someone was looking for “looney”, they haven’t been here before to know better.

  146. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 7:39 pm:

    =If someone was looking for “looney”, they haven’t been here before to know better. =

    I for one (who is very proud of my tin foil hat BTW), just want to make sure that the “marketers” who are conducting whatever “focus groups” snd other “behavorial experiments” understand the following: Rauner has already lost the votes of those who expect others who run for office, and therefore possibly govern and lead us to do so (all three) with honor.

    “…with honor”–strange phrase I know to those who “weave” for a living, but to some it’s a requirement–especially now after so many of our elected officials (including govs) are wearing, or have worn, orange.

    The only thing in which I’m interested as far as the Rauner campaign is concerned, is to see how you all are going to “behave” when you escalate after finding out that it’s not working.

    Good times.

  147. - Fiercely Independent - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 8:12 pm:

    Dear Mr. Rauner

    I’m not as greedy as some of the other posters here. I’ll gladly accept $500,000. Thanks so much.

  148. - Timmeh - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 8:28 pm:

    Dear Mr. Rauner,

    I am not greedy, but I’m afraid if you want me to continue working in Illinois, you’ll have to invest 2 million dollars by Christmas.

  149. - out and about - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 8:57 pm:

    I guess. The silence is deafaning

  150. - Person 8 - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 9:13 pm:

    Bruce, do this. Make one last political commercial. In that ad, say you are done campaigning, and that all the millions you would waste on an election you will use to create jobs. Set up a website, and show us the jobs you created.

  151. - Samurai - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 9:24 pm:

    A Guy. I am convinced that you are Bruce Rauner.

  152. - Roadiepig - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 9:59 pm:

    - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 7:12 pm:

    I have not posted anything on this thread (until now) for the reasons you stated in the above post. I had voted for Republican candidates for governor my entire adult life, but IF this man wins the primary I will not vote for him. That’s about all the information I am willing to give him here on his paid-for “focus group”.

    And I am still amazed how his plants seem to be obsessed in calling you out on these threads . Typical bully behavior, IMO

  153. - RNUG - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 10:08 pm:

    skeptical spectacle - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 5:08 pm:

    I wondered who would take that piece of bait and run with it …

  154. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 10:29 pm:

    ==the data capture from all of these responses will show up in future ads and communications.==

    So, Bruce is going to change his positions on pensions?

  155. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 10:42 pm:

    ==the data capture from all of these responses will show up in future ads and communications.==

    Such progressives. Plans to set another new precedent there?

  156. - DuPage - Wednesday, Dec 11, 13 @ 11:57 pm:

    @Secret Square 4:24pm That’s not air conditioning, that is some fresh air being mixed in to ventilate the buildings. At these temperatures outside, it makes it feel like air conditioning.

  157. - Northern Light - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:20 am:

    Great to know that you, or someone on your staff reads Rich. You have been elevated an iota in my eyes…just higher than a snake. I wouldn’t waste my time reading your ads. I admire your business success, but it is clear that you have no inkling what an average person experiences. And, thanks for wanting to slash my very, very meager little pension even more. I would love to see a reality show that features you trying to exist, creatively of course, on my pension. You’re not fooling people - your money speaks for you and it ain’t the language of everyday folks.

  158. - low level - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 8:26 am:

    If you happen to win, Bruce, governing will be much much more difficult than you realize. I find that people who only have private sector experience find it very difficult to make the adjustment.

  159. - Johnnie F. - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 9:39 am:

    Sorry Bruce, but if you are truly going to hammer down anything…I have to believe the sledge isn’t going to slip through your creamy-lotiony manicured hands and onto your foot.

  160. - persecuted - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:14 pm:

    I hope, Mr. Blatherskite,that you are not planning on receiving the votes of all the retirees that worked during the Thompson and Edgar administrations.

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