Durkin cuts off Caprio’s access to voter file
Monday, Dec 16, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Family-Pac’s Paul Caprio is upset that House Republican Leader Jim Durkin has barred Caprio’s group from using the Republican voter file to run candidates against Durkin’s incumbents in the Republican primary. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but Caprio is furious and sent a letter to rank and file House Republicans last week…
December 12, 2013
Dear Representative,
For the past decade, Family-Pac has had a cordial working relationship with the HRO.
Although we haven’t always agreed on the best Republican candidates in the primaries, I think Tom Cross would tell you that Family-Pac has provided key assistance to pro-family GOP candidates in many general election contests.
In return, the House GOP leadership has always allowed us use of the Republican Party voter file.
Unfortunately, under the leadership of Jim Durkin this policy was changed without notice. Family-Pac’s ability to use OUR voter file has been terminated by Durkin.
I asked the reason for the change and was told by an HRO political operative it was because Family-Pac was opposing two GOP incumbents in the upcoming March 2014 Primary who had supported same sex marriage.
Forty-four of you opposed same sex marriage (SB10) in support of your national and state platforms. Now Family-Pac is discriminated against for supporting your position.
If Jim Durkin wants to focus his campaign efforts on supporting these two candidates instead of recruiting strong candidates in target districts against Democrats, that’s his prerogative. However, to use the vote on same sex marriage to determine HRO’s relationship with a long-time ally like Family-Pac, I believe, is extremely foolish.
We view this as another effort to marginalize the conservative base which is so important to the success of the pro-family candidates. These continued insults are one of the reasons that the GOP finds itself in such a weakened position in Illinois.
Thank you again for your support of our common values.
Paul Caprio
* Caprio also forwarded the letter to his allies with this e-mail…
Coalition Members:
I’ve attached a copy of a letter I sent yesterday to all Illinois Republican House members.
As you can see this is yet another effort to further close the Party to social conservatives.
I can assure you that this reckless action by Jim Durkin will not hinder our efforts to defeat GOP candidates who were the deciding votes to pass same sex marriage. GOP Primary decisions should be decided by individual voters, not dictated by would-be political bosses like Jim Durkin.
To me, anyway, this looks very much like the same fight that Speaker Boehner is dealing with in DC.
- Dizzy Cow - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:49 am:
HAHAHAHA Because Voter Vault is such an asset.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:50 am:
So they want to use Republican assets and voter lists to attack a Republican during the primary. No brainer to me. Durkin is right to deny them that information.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:50 am:
Leader Durkin, you are not disappointing in the least.
- wordslinger - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:50 am:
–For the past decade, Family-Pac has had a cordial working relationship with the HRO.–
Another victim heard from.
New sheriff in town, daddio.
You want Durkin’s help to defeat those who voted him leader? Politics works like that somewhere? Some alternate universe, maybe?
- GOP - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:50 am:
Good for Durkin. Caprio is interested in Caprio and should be avoided. Bravo Jim! (and I say this as a pro-life Republican)
- walkinfool - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:50 am:
I am shocked that the Illinois Republican Party ever let Family PAC have access to their own voter file.
Perhaps I am naïve, but that is giving a specific issue advocacy group one of your hardest-earned assets, from which they can then fund raise and support whomever they choose.
How much did they pay for it? How much did the ILGOP lose in independence?
- walkinfool - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:52 am:
Correction: ILGOP should have been HRO above, if that makes any difference.
- 100 Miles West - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:53 am:
I agree with Walkinfool, who ever thought it was a good idea?
- Siriusly - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:56 am:
Logical. I’m with walkinfool, surprised that they had it in the first place. The first job of the party leader should be to protect their incumbents. The second job of the party leader should be to lead the attack against the other party.
- Knome Sane - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:56 am:
Leader Durkin continues to impress. It’s refreshing to see that there is a leader who won’t buckle to the extreme edges of his party and stand for what he thinks is right.
- Rahm's Middle Finger - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 10:57 am:
Agree w/ Walkin. It’s pretty crazy that they ever had access in the first place.
Good for Jim Durkin. BTW, how many “pro-family” candidates has Family PAC helped elect in a general election? I don’t think any of their poster children (Morrison, Ives) had to win a contested general. I doubt they’ve contributed to electing even one member of the House GOP.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:01 am:
===However, to use the vote on same sex marriage to determine HRO’s relationship with a long-time ally like Family-Pac, I believe, is extremely foolish.===
“Allies” don’t go against a Unified Caucus …just saying.
===We view this as another effort to marginalize the conservative base which is so important to the success of the pro-family candidates. These continued insults are one of the reasons that the GOP finds itself in such a weakened position in Illinois.===
So by not being diverse to reach to more voters who may agree with the ILGOP on more things than not, and by showing that the HGOP is fully committed to its members and will not, WILL NOT, actiively assist others in trying to remove members whose votes are seen not to follow “rigid litmus tests” … these acts are going against growing the HGOP?
I nearly choked on my Cannoli I was having with my coffee!
===Jim Durkin will not hinder our efforts to defeat GOP candidates who were the deciding votes to pass same sex marriage. GOP Primary decisions should be decided by individual voters, not dictated by would-be political bosses like Jim Durkin.===
So a Politcal Boss like Paul Caprio is going to dictate what kind of men and women run for the Illinois House? Sounds as Paul Cario is getting taught that being a Special Interest is not being part of the solution.
Every time a currently seated member of this Caucus works against another seated member of this same Caucus, they shoukd feel the chill that Leader Durkin is giving Paul Caprio, and come election time, cell phones seem to work less when help is needed to those trying to destroy a unifying Caucus.
My only regret was that I couldn’t be the one to deliver this letter to Paul Caprio, personally, and hear this drivel Caprio is trying to spin as inclusive, with the robes of Slytherin House draping his torso.
Leader Durkin, you know I am “all in” on how you are “doing your business”, and if those Dopes can’t see how important this move is to your Caucus, and to the future of the HGOP, then you know where they stand on winning … and growing.
- A guy... - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:01 am:
Poor Paul. Not telling the truth is something that almost always comes back to bite you. Being your friend costs too much. Being your enemy is becoming very economical. An insincere guy can’t pass along a sincere message. You may have done more to push people away from your camp than any person in Illinois. This threatening letter, hollow as it is, sure don’t help your chances. Cry quietly, the sobbing is unbecoming.
- walkinfool - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:05 am:
So Family-Pac doesn’t support the truly pro-family Democrats in Illinois?
There are many of them, who fight for the real needs of all families. In those fights, “Family-Pac” is sadly missing.
- AFSCME Steward - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:14 am:
This is a step in the right direction. The ILGOP is what it is today because it allied itself with the extremists. As I have said on numerous occassions on this blog, there are far more moderates than there are Tea Party extremists. Win back the moderates and the GOP wins more elections. Jim Durkin is beginning to show the leadership I have been crying for. The extremists can win GOP primaries, but very few can actually win in the general. For the GOP to grow it needs to marginalize the far right and become inclusive. A great move by Rep. Durkin.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:22 am:
===These continued insults are one of the reasons that the GOP finds itself in such a weakened position in Illinois.===
Insults? No, Mr. Caprio, insults don’t weaken your party. Losing winnable elections weakens your party. Blind adherence to a party platform that alienates a majority of Illinois voters weakens your party. Mistaking party platforms for religious dogma weakens your party. The on-going civil war you enjoy so much weakens your party.
Take it from me, I wish insults would weaken your party because I have no shortage of them for you. But votes, not insults, are what matters and thankfully you and your allies can’t quite get enough votes to matter much.
You want Durkin to sharpen the knife so it’s easier for you to stick it in his back? No voter file for you!
- langhorne - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:26 am:
good for durkin. right move (no pun intended). if a caucus member took a chance on a vote, knowing it was controversial, they should be allowed the chance to see it play out, without getting undermined out of a sense of enforcing purity.
if they lose in the general, fine. but they shouldnt be attacked in the primary. look at what the majority has done for years on issues of guns, gays, abortion. being a house dem means a very different thing when they are 100 or 200 or more miles apart. they reflect their districts.
- Will Caskey - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:32 am:
I’m confused. Why are House Rs supposed to be mad at this and why is he complaining to them?
- Loop Lady - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:38 am:
I have known Surkin many years, and this Dem is not surprised to see him doing everything possible to bring the GOP back to the process of participatory governance in IL…well done!
- Getting Their Dues - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:39 am:
Great move. Caprio is a one dimensional outfit. Social issues only. Plus he’s a bully. Electing more Republicans does not start with spending resources to beat incumbent Republicans, Paul. Good-bye.
- Loop Lady - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:40 am:
Can’t spell his name, but I like that guy anyway…:)
- Carl Nyberg - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:42 am:
Watch how cut-off these guys get once Rauner solidifies power.
- PoolGuy - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 11:48 am:
Cross used to give Family-PAC access to files. Now Durkin won’t. Cross votes Yes on SSM, Durkin votes no. Family-PAC praises Cross’ past support, and rips on Durkin’s current support.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 12:02 pm:
“We view this as another effort to marginalize the conservative base which is so important to the success of the pro-family candidates.”
Caprio can bite me. I’m as pro-family as they come and I don’t buy in to any of the crap he’s selling. It incenses me to no end that he uses that term as if to suggest that anyone who doesn’t agree with him is anti-family.
I’m a D and frankly, enabling Caprio would help my party, but I don’t really give two shakes when some horse’s rear end uses rhetoric like this. Go Jim, and please, marginalize them all you can!
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 12:50 pm:
If anything, the letter should be a boost for Durkin. It is outside confirmation that LEADER Durkin will protect the members of his caucus from primary challenges.
- kettle calling pot - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 1:17 pm:
Every day Paul Caprio loses a little more credibility.
- Ghost - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 1:37 pm:
good for Durkin!
Also, technically on this bit: [”to use the vote on same sex marriage to determine HRO’s relationship with a long-time ally like Family-Pac”]
isnt that what famuily-pac is doing? using the vote on same sex marriage to determine its relantionship with incumbent House R’s? something something goose and gander…..
Anyway I cant get the k to a b spelling campaign commercials out of my head still….
- eastsider - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 2:48 pm:
When is the last time anyone Caprio endorsed actually won something. His endorsements are nothing more than paid testimonials. Good for Durkin.
- Formerly Known As... - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 4:32 pm:
=== How much did they pay for it? ===
That’s a very good question, @walkinfool. How much you want to bet they got it for free?
“Let’s just give it away so they can have even more resources left with which to attack us.”
- Demoralized - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 5:08 pm:
==However, to use the vote on same sex marriage to determine HRO’s relationship with a long-time ally like Family-Pac, I believe, is extremely foolish.==
Hmmm. Isn’t Family-Pac using the vote on SSM to determine their relationship with other Republicans? What’s good enough for the goose . . .
- Rhino Slider - Monday, Dec 16, 13 @ 5:21 pm:
Because his $8,000 or less than $2000 after he pays himself will change the world.
Besides, this voter data is not difficult to get. I bet the Dems would give it to him for free.