*** UPDATED x1 *** Words mean little to nothing
Tuesday, Dec 17, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * I disagree with this AP report…
* For instance…
Just because they’re saying they aren’t making it a major issue right out of the gate doesn’t mean that the candidates aren’t connected to the churches. I’ve already identified several for my subscribers. There may be more. * Also…
Oh, c’mon. Bednar is running precisely because of the gay marriage issue, and Sandack was always gonna get a right-wing primary opponent. * Look, for the most part, incumbents don’t want to bring attention to the issue because they don’t want to make waves with voters. The challengers will avoid the judgement of the “mainstream media” and save their fire for fliers, mailers and robocalls. And, trust me, that’s all coming if the money can be raised. *** UPDATE *** And as if right on cue, Paul Caprio’s Family-Pac just did a robocall blasting Rep. Sandack for his votes for gay marriage and pension reform. Yeah, but no worries. The threat has “evaporated,” right? …Adding… Rep. Sullivan also got hit with that Caprio robocall. Yep. Nothing at all to see here, move along.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 10:27 am:
–The challengers will avoid the judgement of the “mainstream media” and save their fire for fliers, mailers and robocalls. And, trust me, that’s all coming. –
That sounds right. And that’s why Caprio was so honked about not getting the House GOP list.
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 10:37 am:
SSM has been decided. People need to move on. The ultra-conservatives can continue to make an issue out of it but they are only going to continue to further their party’s image as being bigoted.
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 10:43 am:
This Republican “we’re gonna beat you up in the primary if you don’t follow our hard line on issues” is losing its appeal. All it does is bleed members from the party. Sure, a few will be targeted, but gay marriage is settled law. Why waste time and money on this issue going forward. Pure vindictiveness?
- mjrothjr - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 11:07 am:
I received a robocall last night claiming that Ron Sandack is acting at the direction of Mike Madigan due to his votes on gay marriage and the pension bill.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 11:23 am:
The only way SSM is going to be an issue in the primary will be if one of the candidates is dumb enough to call to repeal it.
OW usually says it better, but I don’t think part of the GOP gets it. There are a lot of fiscal conservatives that would like to support the party but we are turned off by the far right opposition to things like SSM and MMJ. We probably won’t vote for a Dem candidate, but we can easily decide to stay home instead of showing up at the polls.
- walkinfool - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 11:47 am:
These politics are especially local, the efforts will be highly focused. You don’t have to pick up more than one or two seats to have a chilling effect on others in the party.
RNUG says it well. It’s a shame that those who are conservative economically have to be drawn into reactionary social stands in the GOP.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 11:55 am:
Free advice to Caprio. If you must annoy people at home with robocalls, get someone else to record your spots. A “mom” would be best when talking about “families first.”
If your ego can handle it, that is.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 12:14 pm:
- RNUG -,
Thanks for the “shout-out”
To the Post,
The more you try to “include” those into your “exclusion”, the fewer people will be around to be included.
Lowering numbers, to raise awareness leads to losses. It always has.
- wordslinger -, lol … Caprio does like the voice of Paul Caprio, and you don’t need to ask him that, “Paul Caprio” will tell you, even if you don’t ask.
- A guy... - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 12:15 pm:
If I were Sullivan or Sandack, I’d send Caprio a Christmas card and a sincere note of thanks.
- SonofSuperAbe2014 - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 2:35 pm:
If I were Sullivan or Sandack, I would have Jeanne Ives send the Robo call. As a matter of fact, Jeanne should use the exact same words she used earlier this year to describe gays. Jihad Jeanne is a wonderful spokesperson for Republicans.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 2:54 pm:
since gay couples adopt kids in need of homes, thus creating families, I assume Family-Pac will be there supporting them. After all “family” pac will of course support familes, and SSM creates more families then we had before!
- A guy... - Tuesday, Dec 17, 13 @ 3:23 pm:
Ghost, SSM may create more families, but not in the manner you’re suggesting. It’s very difficult to adopt these days. There’s not a huge supply of adoptees. Where everyone can help-SSM or HSM families can try and empty out the foster care system. Those kids do need homes- loving homes no matter what the parental arrangement.