Last reminder
Wednesday, Dec 18, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m giving a speech today to the City Club, so blogging is gonna be light to nonexistent. If you’re coming to the event, make sure to remember to bring a toy or gift card for a child ages 3-5 in Lutheran Social Services of Illinois’ early childhood program. Thanks! You can use this post as a very rare “open thread.” Also, if something happens and I can’t get to the ‘puter, it’ll be a good place for any breaking news comments. Later, gators.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Dec 18, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * The 2013 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Illinois State Senator - Democrat wasn’t even close. Sen. Kwame Raoul…
* Runner-up is a popular freshman…
* The 2013 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Illinois State Senator - Republican goes to Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno. I don’t usually give this award to chamber leaders, but some of you pointed out that she was particularly deserving this year…
Agreed. Some were skeptical that she could hold that caucus together on pension reform, particularly with Dillard jumping ship, but she did it. * Runner-up goes to another popular freshman…
* OK, instead of a question today, let’s move to the next category…
As always, make sure to explain your answers to both questions in comments, please. Drive-by and name-only votes won’t count. Thanks.
Deep thoughts, but not by Jack Handy
Wednesday, Dec 18, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * From the twitters…
Any other deep thoughts to share on this cold December morning?
War of words over Medicaid purge
Wednesday, Dec 18, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * From a press release…
* But that’s not entirely true. The arbitrator’s “supplemental order” came after some negotiations…
* Two Republican legislators called the new agreement a “backroom deal” and defended Maximus…
* AFSCME disagrees that Maximus was so great…
Actually, Maximus has some Democratic and regular Republican lobsters. * Quinn defended the new arrangement…
* Look, the problem before wasn’t with the state employees, it was with management. If competent management is determined to cleanse the Medicaid rolls, then the job will get done. The question is whether state management is competent enough to do that and has the will to go forward.
ADM decides on Chicago
Wednesday, Dec 18, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Various news sources are reporting that Archer Daniels Midland has decided to open its new world headquarters office in Chicago without any state tax incentives. ADM had asked for up to $30 million in tax breaks over 20 years. Gov. Pat Quinn said he opposed any such proposal until after pension reform was passed. The Senate overwhelming approved the incentive as part of a broader package earlier this month after passing a pension reform bill, but House Speaker Madigan refused to call it for a vote, later blasting unnamed corporations for trying to get a free ride on the taxpayers’ dime. * In reality, everybody probably shoulda seen this one coming back in October when this report emerged…
* Crain’s…
If true, that’s yet another win for Quinn. He stood against the incentives while most everybody else jumped on board. * In contrast, Bruce Rauner said Quinn was “avoiding responsibility” and “playing games” with ADM when Quinn tied the passage of pension reform to more corporate subsidies. Sen. Kirk Dillard’s running mate Jil Tracy claimed Quinn had displayed a “terrible lack of leadership to link these two issues,” adding…
* Both Dillard and Sen. Bill Brady voted for the ADM bill in the Senate this month. Brady demanded a special session to take up the issue after the House refused to act and Office Depot did what everybody expected and announced its new headquarters would be in Florida…
* The company won’t be creating new jobs, but, then again, it’s not getting any state money…
* Mayor Rahm Emanuel is jumping on board today with a press release…
Emanuel’s refusal to publicly support ADM’s bid for state incentives and/or add in his own city’s money was blamed in part on Speaker Madigan’s reluctance to move the ADM bill. So, I guess it’s a sorta win for Emanuel, too. Mainly, though, Quinn winds up looking pretty good here and at least three of his Republican opponents don’t. * Also too, maybe ADM’s decision will finally get people to realize that Illinois can compete and that Chicago is our jewel in the crown for attracting corporate headquarters and more jobs. The Republican candidates for governor (and lots of others, myself included at times) apparently believed that Illinois couldn’t pull this off without a government subsidy. Constantly running down your own state may play well in a primary, but as it turns out, doing so can be a dangerous little political game.