Question of the day
Tuesday, Jan 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * We had 172 comments last week in response to my call for questions we could ask the gubernatorial candidates. Your task today is to scroll through those comments and choose your one personal favorite. Thanks.
- Empty Chair - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:21 pm:
LGHB’s comment:
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:22 pm:
Wordslinger asked it best:
“What’s your favorite state park? When did you last visit a state park?”
Snarky follow-up: what’s your favorite TV show?
- langhorne - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:36 pm:
self serving, but i picked one of my own. i would like rauner to actually explain anything he has proposed.
mr. rauner, please explain how your term limits referendum would work. is the limit 8 years for any elective office? just legislative? combined service in the house and senate?
explain how reducing the number of senate districts is beneficial. has it been drafted, and do you have cosponsors?
if the referendum is passed, since it is prospective, that means speaker madigan can stay in office another eight to ten years, depending on the implementation schedule, correct?
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:42 pm:
I’m with Empty Chair, it’s LGHB at 9:27 am. think of Illinois minus a wide swath of separate taxing districts and marvel at the savings and simplicity!
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:48 pm:
I suppose RNUG’s 10:22 comes closest, though I’d add quite a few questions pertaining to “education and hiring” and “off-shoring and visas and background checks, including educational, criminal, and credit).
Just to see whether they know the answers and how they feel about them. And to see whether I could trip Rauner up to state that he owns a home in the “most educated district” in the State and that he has not heard of this “unemployment problem.”
RNUG’s question follows:
Another item that promotes jobs long term is improved education at all levels. Do you feel there is too much focus at the college level? Should there be more focus at the elementary and secondary level, especially on improving the the high school graduation rates even if college level funding has to suffer? And should there be more focus on vocational training and community colleges as an alternative to the traditional four year college?
- John A. Logan - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:49 pm:
The Best Question was Rich’s. “When was the last time you fired a gun?”
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:51 pm:
From AA:
What changes, if any, would you support as Governor regarding the ability of public employees to engage in collective bargaining with their employer?
- Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:52 pm:
When in need of help with a product or service do you call the customer service department or the CEO.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 12:53 pm:
–What book are you currently reading? What is your top ten ipod playlist? What is your favorite movie?–
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 1:00 pm:
BTW, I combed through most of them and was disappointed that no one asked about the “next big industry” everyone should be preparing or training for, what damage to our society could occur in the meantime (as many of the articles listed toward the right today even seem to be asking), and whether they believe that such damage, if any, will be reversible.
Maybe one like that was there, but I didn’t see it. Just an observation.
- Hans Sanity - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 1:05 pm:
There were a few questions about tax breaks for corporations, like wordslinger — Do you favor tax breaks for large profitable corporations?
Follow it with: “How would you get states and municipalities to unite to keep corp from playing each other for bigger breaks?”
Many fine jokes:
Fifth Beatle: Would you sell I-80 to Indiana or Iowa….
Zatoichi: If you are in a parade, do you work both sides of the street or stay in the middle?
RNUB: If IL was a publicly trade corp would you short the stock?
- Boone's is Back - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 1:30 pm:
- Try-4-Truth - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 10:37 am:
The reality is, the Democrats will most likely be in control of the legislature after November’s election. Tough talk might sell during an election season, but it is a horribly ineffective way to govern.Question, please tell me (us) about your willingness to compromise. What would you not compromise on? What would you? Please tell me (us) if compromise would be tried first, or if you think compromise comes from debate and struggle?
- circularfiringsquad - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 1:52 pm:
Still want someone to quiz FarmerBrucey on his $600k tax loss on farming….not good for the guy who wants to be the boss the best ag state
Or one could ask how he missed the Lason accountng scam
- walker - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 2:59 pm:
Can I borrow your oven mitts?
Every time something you touched goes down in flames, you don’t get burned.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 3:01 pm:
=There were a few questions about tax breaks for corporations,…=
There were. However, I’m always intrigued as to whether any of them have a clue as to how their policies eventually translate into practices–or whether their attention span is (as many suspect) only as long as the amount of the contributions that are being “fanned” in front of their noses.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 3:15 pm:
I am sorry, but I should explain that the curiosity I expressed in my last post was very broad and general in nature as it pertains to the “political class.” It was not a reflection on any of the subject candidates.
However, I would still ask the questions of these four gentleman, as well.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 3:55 pm:
I felt Anonymous had a good set of questions
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:16 am:
Three questions:
1).If lowering taxes is a priority, what tax rates do you consider fair for individuals and corporations?
2). How do you justify lowering taxes when Illinois is in desperate need of paying off its old bills and unfunded pension debt?
3). If taxes are lowered, there would have to be budget cuts that correspond to the loss of revenue. What cuts would you propose AND WHY?
- Rufus - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 3:57 pm:
Oops, I posted the previous Anonymous - 3:55
- Bobbysox - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 4:05 pm:
RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:41 am:
A lot of people believe pension reform as defined in PA 98-0599 will eventually be found unconstitutional. What is your fall-back plan for saving / funding the State pension systems?
Will you support increased revenue specifically earmarked for paying off the State’s pension funding backlog?
If so, how would you raise the revenue: increase the current income tax rate, expand the income tax to include pensions, expand the sales tax to cover services, impose a tax on financial transactions, some other approach, or some combination of the above?
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 5:06 pm:
- Just The Way It Is One - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 8:01 pm:
Even if Term Limits does not end up the “Law of the Land” here in Illinois, would you, nevertheless, PLEDGE to the People of Illinois to serve NO LONGER than 2 full terms in Office as Governor? If not, why not, and please explain such reasons in detail.
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 5:10 pm:
I didn’t offer a question last week. Here’s mine:
If you become governor, what would be your legacy after you leave? What will people be saying about your term in office?
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 6:00 pm:
I would agree with Bobbysox that RNUG’s question re: a fallback if pension cuts are thrown out is a very important one.
- Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jan 21, 14 @ 7:32 pm:
Thanks Wensicia. And you’re right also. Albeit many fine queries were submitted previously, thanks to you, too, for your idea. One’s hoped-for LEGacy in retrospect can speak VOLumes about how a Candidate sees himself and, very likely, just WHO HE IS to his core and what paths he truly plans to pursue as Governor. So I second Wensicia @5:10 PM!
- Mighty M. Mouse - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 3:35 am:
My favorite was wordslinger’s question about applying an Alternative Minimum Tax on corporations.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 7:00 am:
I like the 47th Ward comment.
- siriusly - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 7:23 am:
I’m with rufus. Ask the budget cuts and taxes questions. Specifics.
Do you support the common core education standards ? If not do you agree that research and science are key to making good policy decisions ?
- Jechislo - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 9:00 am:
Since Pension reform consumed all of the breathable air for months:
RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:41 am:
A lot of people believe pension reform as defined in PA 98-0599 will eventually be found unconstitutional. What is your fall-back plan for saving / funding the State pension systems?
Will you support increased revenue specifically earmarked for paying off the State’s pension funding backlog?
If so, how would you raise the revenue: increase the current income tax rate, expand the income tax to include pensions, expand the sales tax to cover services, impose a tax on financial transactions, some other approach, or some combination of the above?