Oh, this is not good at all
Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * State Rep. Darlene Senger (R-Naperville) was supposed to be a gold standard challenger to Democratic Congressman Bill Foster. But, check out her quarterly fundraising report…
Are you kidding me? * To give you an idea how horrible that is, Senger raised less than the hapless Erika Harold did in the 4th quarter…
* Senger raised about $210,000 all last year. Her main GOP primary opponent, Bert Miller, recently got into the race and he reported raising $261K in the 4th quarter alone. He also loaned himself $50K, leaving him with a quarter-ending cash on hand balance of $247K. Senger had $64K left over at the end of December.
- A guy... - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 9:47 am:
Not good at all is right. She must have expected a Calvary that might have suited up another knight.
- girllawyer - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 9:59 am:
More likely a cavalry than a Calvary.
- Just Saying - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 10:06 am:
Ouch. How does a newcomer swamp someone who has been around as long as she has? Does he just have a better fundraiser or is it something else?
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 10:11 am:
Got a Miller flyer today at the 59 train station. (right next door to his plant).
Also everyone (even the guys who likely have raised less than her) seem to be working it much harder.
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 10:14 am:
Just Sayin..
Think Miler has been and may still be involved with the IMA I am sure that helps some.
- A guy... - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 10:48 am:
Sorry girllawyer, and you’re absolutely correct. Spellcheck flummoxed me, but I should have known better. Thank you for the correction.
- child games - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 10:50 am:
The Cross/Artl apparatus has left her high and very very dry!
- Frustrated Voter - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 11:07 am:
Erika Harold had Herman Cain in town fundraising and campaigning for her over the weekend.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 11:11 am:
Foster is not “In Play”.
He was…I thought maybe …this is beyond bad news.
Foster and Duckworth are safe.
Enyart is being shown to be safe, (Mike Bost, any time, you can start, honest!)
It’s Bustos, Schneider, and Davis, all “In Play”.
That’s the list.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 11:36 am:
Have been getting Bert Miller stuff in the mail on an almost weekly basis since December. Zip from Senger.
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 11:36 am:
I think Miller has some positives that should at least have Foster a bit worried…
His company is in the district (unlike Fosters old company) and he has better ties to a lot of entities in the Naperville area. I think that is part of the reason why Foster seems to have discovered immigration in the last 6 months.
- TehHermanCain - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 11:38 am:
Yup, Herman Cain did stump for Erika, I hear if you bought a VIP ticker, Herman Cain will hit on your wife.
- RU kidding me?!!! - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 11:42 am:
RU Kidding me? In his first 3 months as a candidate a non-politician out-raises all of his opponents combined!!!
Senger is an established politician with a voting record that can be torn apart by her opponents let alone Foster who has $1.3 million in the bank.
If you look at Senger’s donations, the majority of them are from GOP insiders and lobbyist who, based on their minimal donations (excluding Aaron Schock’s major donation), clearly don’t believe she is a viable candidate and their correct!
The other candidates in this race are right wing extremist who can’t raise enough money to buy a cup of coffee. In fact, Balkema loaned himself $65,000 and is already in the red! Why do folks like this believe that their extreme views will play well in a Democrat leaning district is beyond me?
If the GOP wants to compete in this district they are going to need someone with a clean record who can raise enough money to compete financially and be ideologically aligned with the district.
From all reports that looks like Bert Miller.
- Kwark - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 12:52 pm:
Erika Harold also had a fundraiser last week at the Princeton Club in Manhattan …
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 12:54 pm:
===…the Princeton Club in Manhattan …===
Manhattan, NY? Want to know why Ms. Harold is losing?
How about you focus on the district, the polling indicates you are barely known, and barely above water.
- terry - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 1:49 pm:
I met Bert just this morning at Harner’s in North Aurora. I was sitting eating breakfast and he approached the table I was sitting and politely asked if he could speak to me about his campaign. What a hardworking & down-to-earth guy! He definitely has my vote.
- 4 percent - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 3:22 pm:
Bert’s a great guy and will be a great congressman. I’m partial because I’ve know him and worked with him in the same circles for twenty years. I think his fundraising is just the tip of the iceberg.
Darlene’s a nice lady but there is no internal fire. She was recruited by Artl and left at the altar when Cross jumped into the statewide race.
- Oneman - Monday, Feb 3, 14 @ 4:44 pm:
I think he has the best shot against Foster, don’t know if it is that good of a shot but I think he would draw more outside money to the race than the rest.
Also Darlene does not seem to be enjoying the race very much, not sure what the vibe I got from her the last time I met her, but it wasn’t one of someone who seemed to be enjoying the race at that time.