I would suggest that Rep. Senger attend the very difficult two-day in person training the navigators go through, coupled with substantial online training. (The training was developed by the University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health, with other non-profit experts.) And look at the organizations that have contracts to provide navigators — mostly local health departments and other nonprofits working with low income people. And look at the close monitoring and supervision these organizations actually do get. THEN she’ll be in position to criticize!
- Collar Moderate - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 3:13 pm:
I would suggest that Rep. Senger attend the very difficult two-day in person training the navigators go through, coupled with substantial online training. (The training was developed by the University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health, with other non-profit experts.) And look at the organizations that have contracts to provide navigators — mostly local health departments and other nonprofits working with low income people. And look at the close monitoring and supervision these organizations actually do get. THEN she’ll be in position to criticize!