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Rauner’s myopia

Wednesday, Feb 5, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bruce Rauner was interviewed by the Daily Herald editorial board this week

The Winnetka businessman, in a meeting with the Daily Herald editorial board Tuesday, said not every member of the Illinois House and Senate is “corrupt” but said it’s “mostly true.”

Yet, “I want to work with the legislature to drive results, and I’ll be down there every day they’re in session.”


* But this is the quote I want to get to

“Probably a third, maybe more, of the Republicans in Springfield have sold out to the government union bosses,” Rauner said.

This shows just how “My way or the highway” Rauner is. Anybody who disagrees with him has “sold out” to the other side and are “corrupt.”

* Back in the day, when Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar and George Ryan were building state facilities, the governors put them in Republican areas. Lots of state workers are Republicans, many of the older workers got their jobs through GOP patronage or connections.

Not to mention the unionized local employees, like teachers and university workers.

* So, these Republican legislators whom Rauner so despises come from areas where being a Republican and a union member is the thing to do. Voting to harm large numbers of their fellow district residents is neither in their personal DNA nor their political makeup.

Dismissing his fellow Republicans as corrupt puppets of union bosses is completely ridiculous.

* Phil Kadner makes some good points today as well

Rauner hammers away at teacher unions, saying they are at fault for failing students. Yet, those unions are present in every successful suburban school district in Illinois.

Maybe schools could be run cheaper without teacher unions, but I don’t buy that unions necessarily mean worse schools. And I’ve always found it interesting that schools located in the wealthiest suburbs almost always pay their unionized teachers top dollar.

It seems to me those school districts, like the one in Winnetka, where Rauner owns a house, could clearly demonstrate that money doesn’t matter by paying their teachers less than any other school system in the state.

The students likely would still do well because they come from homes with tremendous advantages and where education is valued highly.

But I understand why they don’t want to experiment with their kids’ lives, just as I understand why Rauner, Emanuel, Obama and Daley made the choices they did.

It’s always other people’s children who are the guinea pigs, the ones who can’t get their kids into schools like Payton College Prep.



  1. - too obvious - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:49 am:

    Pretty rich coming from Rauner, a special interest who is setting a new standard for buying people off.

  2. - Obamas Puppy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:50 am:

    I see, take money from middle class teachers and their elected union makes you corrupt, but taking money from self interested millionaires with no accountability and questionable motives makes you as clean as the snow outside? That is precious.

  3. - ZC - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:52 am:

    Rauner really hates unions, doesn’t he?

    Has someone investigated this further - best hypotheses here? Does this just poll-test off the charts in the GOP electorate, and Rauner doesn’t really mean half of it? Or is he really this opposed? Does this stem out of his work in charter schools? Did unions screw up one of his business acquisitions? Is this part of the secret Rahm-Rauner plan to crush the working 99% that some commentators worry about? Did a union official push Rauner down on the street and take his lunch money, when he was in first grade?

    I’m half-serious. It’s somewhat unusual even for an IL Republican running statewide to be this consistently anti-union in his public comments, for all the reasons Rich mentions. What is going on here?

  4. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:52 am:

    I experienced this attitude with another guy who came to Springfield as Governor. His name was Rod Blagojevich. Him and his people thought everyone here was incompetent and questioned the motives of everybody. They were right and everybody else was wrong. We see how that turned out.

  5. - Casual_Observer - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:55 am:

    “…like the one in Winnetka, where Rauner owns a house…” You mean one of many houses.

  6. - Casual_Observer - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:55 am:

    “…like the one in Winnetka, where Rauner owns a house…” You mean one of many houses.

  7. - Bourbonrich - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:55 am:

    Seems to me that to complete his thought that no new revenue is needed, he needs to convince the voters that state employees and teachers are over paid.

  8. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:55 am:

    Myopia, is an optical condition that is unbidden by its victims. Please don’t denigrate it, via association with Rauner’s intentional, and distorted political views, to which he attempts to make us all victims.

  9. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:55 am:

    This guy is starting to make Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” speech sound like a heartfelt plea for income equality. Why on earth would the ILGOP WANT someone like him — who plays right into the stereotype of Republicans as super rich white guys who care only about themselves — as their standard bearer? I suspect they really don’t want him but for some reason, feel they have no choice but to endorse him.

  10. - Downstater - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:56 am:

    Latest We Ask America poll doesn’t seem to show Rauner’s rhetoric is hurting him. The poll does show all the GOP candidates beating Quinn with sizable margins. Looks Quinn has a problem.

  11. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:57 am:

    Who is going to ask Rauner what he got in exchange for his big contributions?

    He obviously thinks everyone in the system is paying people off. I assume this is grounded in his personal experience.

    What is the basis for Rauner believing such a large number of people in the system are bought off?

  12. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:57 am:

    If Illinois politicians have been corrupted by campaign contributions, then Rauner is one of the top agents of corruption.

    And how about that PAC he says he will set up as governor to reward legislators who vote his way? What do you call that?

  13. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    Who gets the impression Rauner thinks that being rich means he’s got nothing to learn from others?

  14. - AFSCME Steward - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    “Probably a third, maybe more, of the Republicans in Springfield have sold out to the government union bosses,” Rauner said.”

    The rest sold out to wealthy connected businessmen
    like Rauner.

  15. - Pinker - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    Where is Oswego Willy?

    A thread about Rauner without Oswego Willy is like a day without sunshine.

  16. - sad - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    rauner is an ignorant hypocrite. if unions cause problems in schools, why did he clout his kid into a union school? and why do some union schools do very very well (e.g., on the northshore) while others do not. it’s easy to blame the problems on the teachers — far harder to demonstrate that teachers are to blame.

  17. - Montrose - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    Kadner is spot on. If we are trying to decide where to spend/invest the state’s money, we should look to where people and cities with means spend their money - teacher pay, substantive early childhood intervention, good healthcare, etc. Rauner and his ilk should always stop and ask themselves “would I want that for my kid?” before they offer their fixes for the state.

  18. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:01 am:

    Has Rauner been asked what his connection is to the 501(c)4 organization attacking his GOP opponents?

    Does he consider secretly funded political attacks to be corrupt?

    Or does Rauner consider secrecy a tool of reform that allows the rich to do the right thing without being penalized for their actions?

  19. - Bill White - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:01 am:

    At this rate, the IL unions just might forget that they ever were angry with Pat Quinn.

  20. - Norseman - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:02 am:

    Demoralized nailed it.

  21. - Living in Machiaville - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:03 am:

    I believe this is what has been termed “political puffery”. In other words, say what you need to say to get elected. Blago was the master.

  22. - Downstater - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:06 am:

    Scott Walker attacked the public employee unions, got elected and won a recall vote. Results show a sizable number, about 40% of private sector union members supported Walker, since they were fed up, with the whining by the public sector union employees.

  23. - Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:08 am:

    Rauner: “I want to work with the legislature to drive results, and I’ll be down there every day they’re in session.”

    Nobody is going to want to work with him. Saying downstate Republicans are bought by union bosses, and Chicagoland area/suburban republicans who voted for pension reform are putting a band-aid on an open would. If he wins he won’t have an ally in any chamber. That’s not even including Dems control both chambers.

  24. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:08 am:

    There is valid talking points that help him poll well. He has been pretty solid in the lead for quite some time. Brady has actually provided a solution, eliminate ISBE. Rauner is polling well and has not been forced to veer from the talking points to provide at least some solutions. Why would he start now? We all lose. PQ has none.. Farmer has none… We are the same state that “thought we can keep our healthcare plan”. Sounds nice. The real question still to me. Where is the Teachers union. Do they know all this talk is bunk and he can’t do any of this? Will they REALLY REALLY support PQ with money and votes… There silence is still very defeaning…

  25. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:09 am:

    I’m Shoveling!

    Think of a matinee Comment shortly…

  26. - walker - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:10 am:

    Rauner’s anti-union rhetoric appears over the top for Illinois.

    Maybe Rauner is playing a bigger game. The ultimate audience might not be the Illinois GOP voters, or voters in general.

    The true constituency for his strident anti-unionism might be the Koch Bros, CPAC, AFP, and Jim Demint, etc. — those who can support him for even higher office on the national stage. He could even see himself as the next Walker, Kasich, Scott, Haley, or the like, only smarter.

  27. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:11 am:

    Quinn’s actions have been devastating to Unions.

    But if there is one candidate who could make labor run back to Quinn after all the damage he has done, it is Rauner.

    Rauner will also find his charges of an opponent being in the pocket of big labor will be more difficult to levy when running against a governor who has violated a collectively bargained contract, closed facilities, laid off state employees, cut pensions and so on.

    The issue is less powerful today than it was even just one year ago.

  28. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:11 am:

    ===Scott Walker attacked the public employee unions, got elected===

    I don’t think he was nearly as strident pre-election as Rauner has been.

  29. - Mittuns - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:14 am:

    The Republican State Worker dynamic was one thing that I had difficulty wrapping my head around while in Springfield. Listening to Glenn Beck while processing Medicaid applications, simply fascinating.

    Will these state workers wake up and realize that this party is coming after their jobs? At some point, this cognitive dissonance has to lapse.

  30. - Stones - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:14 am:

    The GOP primary has been fascinating to watch. You have the wealthy businessman who rarely states an opinion but when he does he sticks his foot his in mouth, the Treasurer desperately trying to defend himself against unstated allegations, last years nominee who is barely registering a blip on the radar, and the old school guy who can’t raise money. Hard to figure who will be the nominee from that mess.

  31. - Commander Norton - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:15 am:

    He’s going to be down there every day the legislature is in session? I thought he was talking at one time about living in the Mansion, and not just during session. Oh, well. Chicagoans love Chicago. I don’t blame them, but Springfield needs to stop getting its hopes up. Although maybe we don’t want him living here, since all he wants to do is shake us up.

    Yes, Kadner is absolutely right. Don’t play politics with my kids. Don’t judge me for where I send my kids to school. Leave my kids out of it. Other people’s kids? They make great press conference props.

  32. - Conservative Republican - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:17 am:

    Phil Kadner, I don’t “buy” that unionization of schools “necessarily” makes schools better. See, e.g. parochial school systems.

  33. - Bill White - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:18 am:

    === Probably a third, maybe more, of the Republicans in Springfield have sold out to the government union bosses,” Rauner said. ===

    If true, Governor Rauner will be facing a legislature that is 75% against his agenda. Transfer 1/3 of those 47 GOP House members to the other side and it’s 87 to 31.

    So much more being the next Scott Walker.

  34. - Cook County Commoner - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:19 am:

    But will this rhetoric resonate with previously apathetic potential voters and galvanize them to get to the pols?

  35. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:25 am:

    “Republicans in Springfield have sold out to the government union bosses”

    Sigh. This is just a simplistic talking point that is meant to appeal to low-info voters–those who need to lash out blindly at someone and not take the time to understand what has happened.

    I can’t speak for other government unions because I don’t know the details of their contracts, but I can speak to a degree about AFSCME, the union that brings up acid in the mouths of people like Rauner and the IPI.

    Here we go again. As long as Rauner and others make those type of comments, I feel compelled to respond again and again:

    AFSCME had to use judicial recourse to get the raises it deferred to help the state save money and prevent layoffs. Some of the money has yet to be paid out, even though the union took cuts in the new contract. I don’t think a lot of union members feel that their leaders are in the pockets of politicans, when they don’t get their pay.

    AFSCME was in tough contract negotiations and had to give on health insurance, which was touted by Quinn as saving the state hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Unions’ supposed allies, Quinn and Democrats, led the way in pension reform for new workers, which is supposed to save taxpayers a hundred or more million dollars over 30 years (not sure of the exact number).

    Pension reform for existing workers was passed in large part by unions’ supposed allies, Quinn and Democrats. Madigan ignored the union pension reform bill, even though it would have likely passed. He wanted to save the state more money. That doesn’t look like someone who’s in the union bosses’ pockets to me.

    I’m wondering whether Quinn can get some Republican votes from people who don’t want to vote for Rauner or any of the other three. He reformed pensions twice, cut Medicaid spending, saved the state money with the current AFSCME contract. Ain’t that tough enough?

  36. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:28 am:

    Rauner’s money isolates him from everything including, but not limited to hypocrisy, criticism, an inquiring press, common people, road blocks, everything. He is demonstrating that vast personal wealth can overwhelm a state level race (but Romney showed it does not translate nationally).

    What it doesn’t buy is an understanding of reality, friends, respect, and an appreciation for tradition and what is right.

    God have mercy on our souls.

  37. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:29 am:

    If he wins the primary with this rhetoric… If he wins the office… They will have to work with him. For months I have lamented the referendum. If all of the if’s come through… Who amongst us really thinks everyone will stay away from him and deadlock? You think the Speaker who has shown some penchant for legacy lately will? Many questions, not alot of answers. But he is playing his only card. People want change in Illinois. Is it worth the gamble of Rauner or Same ole with Quinn? Before get slammed… He wasn’t supposed to be leading. He is.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:29 am:

    To the Post,

    What Raunerbots do not understand, and what is more unbelieveable, is that by supporting “Bruce Rauner”, you are not supporting a Republican.

    Please note: I am not using a four letter word that starts with “R” and ends with “INO”.

    If you go down that road, (hello “3″), you are missing the whole “soft spot of “Bruce Rauner” and Bruce Rauner.

    It IS about having the “Rauner Caucus”, bought and sold to the “Carhartt Boss”, not the “Union Bosses and Special Interest”. Bruce Rauner IS a special interest.

    Those in the GOP; are you willing to say a third of your party is as Bruce Rauner says? Now, before you get on that ladder, and climb on the High Horse, and wave a flag, and poiint a finger…. Bruce Rauner lives his life as an Insider. Period. You are a lemming if you believe the cliff “Bruce Rauner” wants you to leap from is leading to a pristine pool. Your “leap” is so insiders close to Rauner, which may include a Rahm Emanuel and those looking to “Cut out the Middlemen” Rauner is tired of …”Bribing” … is that how “Bruce Rauner” …”sells”… the Unions?

    I now believe that Bruce Rauner sees this race noi different than his Business before. Bruce Rauner is buying a Shell Corporation, by buying into being the de facto “CEO”, and Rauner is going to run roughshot through My Party, and believe that he, Rauner, can be the Walker or Daniels of Illinois, with not a hint of similarities existing in Legislative or population makeup between the 3 states.

    “Bruce Rauner” is asking the Lemmings, “Jump off this cliff to find that pool of water, just ignoe that water that looks an awful lot like bedrock.

    As for the Payton Prep close by Kander;


    Months and months, I have been pleading, “that is the prism”… all of it.

    No idea when calls were made, then no calls made, then lots of calls made, then no idea about the Condo sale…. “Who are you fooling, Bruce?”

    Apparently, anyone who is blind to who Bruce Rauner is, and who “Bruce Rauner” tries to sell.

    Raunerbots, you will be “Raunerites”, not a member of the GOP or even part of the Dems. By taking over the “Shell Corp” of “ILGOP, LLC” and being its CEO (Guv Nominee), you have been taken for a ride for Bruce, and only Bruce, just like those Lemmings.

    Please, wake up.

  39. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    So if almost everyone is against him in the GA, how exactly is he going to push through his agenda?

    The ego on this guy. Does he think he’s some liberator he is going to be “freeing” legislators to rise up and follow him?

  40. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:33 am:

    - Pinker -, I hope I did ya solid!

    Last side point …

    Let’s be very clear;

    Illinois is not Wisconsin or Indiana. Use the “search” key” if you want more on this from me, but anyone running for governor, who thinks Illinois is nothing but Illinois, be it in politics, industry, agriculture, popualtion, demographics …anyone going down that road, is clueless to Illinois, let alone the levers of the Executive who will be 1/3 of her government.

  41. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:34 am:

    “The Republican State Worker dynamic was one thing that I had difficulty wrapping my head around while in Springfield.”

    I don’t know that this is necessarily “cognitive dissonance”. It could be that many of them are generally conservative in their political/philosophical views WRT abortion, gun control, etc. and don’t feel at home in the Democratic Party. But I suspect Rauner would just as soon kick them out of the GOP as well.

  42. - sad - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:35 am:

    Conservative Republican says: Phil Kadner, I don’t “buy” that unionization of schools “necessarily” makes schools better. See, e.g. parochial school systems.

    conservative republican, your analysis is invalid and ignorant. the only reason catholic schools do well compared to public schools is that catholic schools do not have open admission. catholic schools creams the best students, and kick out anyone who is a challenge. please stop with nonsensical assertion that somehow these elite and classist institutions prove that public school teachers are inept just because they’re in a union.

  43. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:35 am:


    Perhaps we can help these folks improve to reach the state of cognitive dissonance, where they actually feel conflicted about a very wealthy person who made tons of money off of the people he’s now attacking.

    Do any Rauner supporters feel conflicted at all about a candidate who wants to smash “union bosses” after making perhaps millions of dollars off of unionized teachers’ pensions?

  44. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:43 am:

    ===It could be that many of them are generally conservative in their political/philosophical views===


    One of the most common refrains on pension reform from public employees at the SJ-R website has been: Cut welfare and save our pensions!

  45. - Chi - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    There are unlimited opportunities to show Rauner is possibly the easiest target ever to run for Governor, Blago notwithstanding. It’s unfortunate that the other GOP candidates do not have the money (for ads), nor the gumption (when in a debate or before an editorial board) to call him out and show his hypocrisy. It will easily be done in the general election, and in the process the GOP will fall further behind in this state, and a whole lot of money will be wasted.

  46. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    I’m assuming Rauner’s rather strident anti-union rhetoric has to do with the upcoming Republican primary and his campaign’s belief that it will work for likely Repub primary voters. I have the feeling that he is less of an ideologue than some have suggested. Extremely successful businesspeople are geared towards what works.
    And surely they have done some polling.

    It’ll be interesting to see what he does with this issue in the general if he wins. The union vote could stay home but they won’t vote for Rauner. So how to help make them stay home? Ratchet down the anti-union rhetoric, way down. Maybe even offer some pro-union ideas.I see a big pivot so to speak starting late March, if he wins, of course, which is looking somewhat likely.

  47. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:54 am:

    As the negative reviews from various columnist and editorial boards increase, how long before Rauner accuses the press of selling out to “corrupt government union bosses”?

  48. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:56 am:

    Johnny Q. Suburban - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    Rauner is going to (pick one or more):

    1) issue executive orders regardless of legality

    2) amendatory veto / “rewrite to do right” every bill

    3) buy every GA member’s vote (plan A)

    4) fire the GA and assume their powers by executive action (plan B)

    5) somehow create a real fiscal crisis, claim police powers, fire all non-Rauner employees, outsource everything he believes the State should do, and drop the rest of the programs. When he gets done, each agency (under the Gov) will only have a Director, a budget officer, and a contract administrator plus their support staffs.

    This started off to be snark, but as I wrote it, I realized that one or more of the above is exactly what I’ve had in the back of my mind every time I predict Rauner will cost the State more in lawsuits than Blago & Quinn combined.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:59 am:

    - RNUG -,

    Well done, and how about this;

    “Given thos 5 statements, is that the type of Governor that will be an effective Governor, and 1/3 of Illinois Governemt?”

    The Supremes here in Illinois mught have to ask for overtime…

  50. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    RNUG and OW…. I hope to goodness it is not the government we get… There is still time. But it keeps ticking on a cheap watch.

  51. - Mittuns - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    SS and Rich

    Cut welfare, save pensions. Which will cut state jobs. Sounds like some of these folks and Rauner might have something in common.

    To prioritize “conservative” views on guns and reproduction over your direct livelihood just asks for trouble. It’s the same problem we’ve experienced as a nation over the last 3+ decades.

  52. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:10 am:

    ===One of the most common refrains on pension reform from public employees at the SJ-R website has been: Cut welfare and save our pensions!===

    And that’s playing right into the hands of the Civic Committee, IPI, and the other Plutocrat support organizations, who are never more happy than when the “takers” are fighting each other for the crumbs.

    The lawsuits that have been filed, however, don’t make that mistake. Their arguments are based on sound, legal underpinnings that will eviscerate the State’s dubious SB1 foundation.

  53. - 100 Miles West - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:11 am:

    Rauner decided to skip the local (Downstate) Republican fundraiser he agreed to attend. I was looking forward to seeing him interact with the local party bosses who are all on state pensions.

  54. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:12 am:

    Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    I don’t want to see my predictions to come true … but I don’t see anything to stop it right now except the Luck of Quinn.

  55. - AFSCME Steward - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:22 am:


    “It’ll be interesting to see what he does with this issue in the general if he wins. The union vote could stay home but they won’t vote for Rauner. So how to help make them stay home? Ratchet down the anti-union rhetoric, way down. Maybe even offer some pro-union ideas.I see a big pivot so to speak starting late March, if he wins, of course, which is looking somewhat likely.”

    Not going to happen. The We Are One Coilition is totally behind beat Rauner at all costs. As much as Quinn is a target, if Rauner wins the GOP nomination, expect an all out blitz to re-elect Quinn. Rauner’s attacks on unions in general will also bring trade unions & other non public sector unions into the fight to defeat him.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    What is a “sidebar” to Rauner, is the fact the ILGOP could very well be saddled with …

    Jim Oberweis - Senate…

    Bruce Rauner - Governor.

    If you can think of a Union, “Reagan Democrat”, Blue Dog Democrat, Independent, or Independent Moderate who is going to look at those top two and not at thelease take a “pause”, then you might as well be a “Raunerite”, becuase you are not a student to what Illinois Voters keep telling tickets like these.

    Go. Away.

    Let’s go deeper …

    Ev “Where am I?”, “Slip and Sue” Sanguietti…she will be a help, like Jason Plummer.

    Do not use the “Google” … who are the AG and SOS candidates/nominees on the ILGOP … no Searching!

    Then we get to Comptroller Topinka, who, arguably, is the most popular Republican in the state, against Simon, who, when waking up in the morning has to check what group she lost to Topinka last night, and there haven’t been too many mornings that were free from that.

    Comptroller Topinka is the stop-gap. My Party is lucky for that. Period, no discussion.

    “Rauner’s Myopia”?

    All I see in my eye is a possible “Death Spiral”(?)

  57. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:31 am:

    “To prioritize “conservative” views on guns and reproduction over your direct livelihood just asks for trouble.”

    We usually admire, and regard as heroes, people who prioritize their sincerely held moral convictions over their direct livelihood when the two conflict. That is, of course, much easier said than done and I’d rather there not have to be a conflict between the two in the first place. I personally see no reason why being conservative or Republican should be, in and of itself, incompatible with union membership or with working for the state. But both parties seem determined to make it so.

  58. - olddog - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:51 am:

    what walker said at 10:10 a.m. === The true constituency for his strident anti-unionism might be the Koch Bros, CPAC, AFP, and Jim Demint, etc. — those who can support him for even higher office on the national stage. He could even see himself as the next Walker, Kasich, Scott, Haley, or the like, only smarter. ===

    What Phil Kadner said in the Southtown, too.

    Rauner’s arrogance is breathtaking, and it’s good to see somebody in the commercial media paying attention to what he says about education. He’s peddling snake oil.

    Interesting story on the Atlantic’s website today, BTW, that mentions some of the good and the bad about charter schools …

  59. - circularfiringsquad - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 11:53 am:

    So Mitt “Don’t Know Stu Levine/Biggest Accounting Fraud/Killing Grandma” Rauner is worried about corrupt legislators dealing with union bosses.
    We are guessing he is basing this view on his personal life experiences which appear have him rubbing noeses or other body parts with some pretty big bandidoes

  60. - veritas - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 12:00 pm:

    One of the MANY naïve and/or misguided ideas that Sgt. Schultz “I know Nothink!!” aka Bruce Rauner has is trying to emulate Scott Walker’s tough rhetoric with the Unions. Walker enjoyed Republican control of both chambers in Wisconsin. It is the REVERSE in Illinois!! HELLO!! So Sgt. Schultz accuses 1/3 of the minority of being corrupt and is reviled by the majority, but he is going to get things done in Springfield!!! Can you imagine the nightmare a Rauner administration would be??

  61. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 12:03 pm:

    ===So how to help make them stay home? Ratchet down the anti-union rhetoric, way down. Maybe even offer some pro-union ideas.I see a big pivot so to speak starting late March, if he wins, of course, which is looking somewhat likely.===

    See: Bill Brady, 2010 … there is your answer to all you “possibles”

  62. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 12:05 pm:

    ===Scott Walker attacked the public employee unions, got elected and won a recall vote. Results show a sizable number, about 40% of private sector union members supported Walker, since they were fed up, with the whining by the public sector union employees.===

    Is Rauner runnig in Wisconsin?

    When he runs in Wisconsin, let me know.

  63. - veritas - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 12:14 pm:

    They wear cheese on their heads in Wisconsin. Enough said.

  64. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 12:36 pm:

    ==Scott Walker attacked the public employee unions, got elected and won a recall vote. Results show a sizable number, about 40% of private sector union members supported Walker, since they were fed up, with the whining by the public sector union employees.==

    ==I don’t think he was nearly as strident pre-election as Rauner has been.==

    Walker specifically dropped right to work rhetoric in his initial election run.

    I’m also not finding evidence for that 40% claim at all.

  65. - Mighty M. Mouse - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 12:40 pm:

    ===I see a big pivot so to speak starting late March, if he wins, of course, which is looking somewhat likely. ===

    Somewhat likely? It’s looking pretty inevitable. The only David with a realistic chance of beating this Goliath / monster-of-real-life is Pat Quinn.

  66. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 1:14 pm:

    === - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 10:11 am:

    ===Scott Walker attacked the public employee unions, got elected===

    I don’t think he was nearly as strident pre-election as Rauner has been ===

    While Walker actually campaigned on the theme of changing the way unions worked in WI, he said he wanted to work with the unions in the run up to his election. He had done that while a Milwaukee Cty Executive. He was met by significant resistance while in that office but still said publicly that he wanted to have the union involved while he crafted the changes. After the recall vote, tho, all bets were off. He became quite firm and determined in his word and deed. While I don’t know if you could use the negatively tinged word “strident” it would not be wholly unfair to use it.

    Where Walker is different from Rauner is that he has extensive governmental and legislative experience. However, he got a state that had been leaning blue heavily over the past decade or so into going decidedly red. Rauner may accomplish that just by his rhetoric, which seems to resonate with folks even if his agenda and motives could be said as not being well thought out or consistent with his actions.

    I don’t think Rauner could be compared to RB. Frankly, I think he could end up like Jesse Ventura or Arnold Schwartzenegger. One term blowhards who know little of how gov’t works - think whatever cache they have is enough to bowl over the opposition in the Legislature just like they bowled over the electorate.

  67. - veritas - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 1:28 pm:

    dupage dan:

    Rauner is actually a hybrid: he has Blago’s ethics and Ventura’s brains.

  68. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 1:44 pm:

    “Rauner is actually a hybrid” Jesse was a wrestler, Rod was a boxer, that must make Rauner Mixed Martial Arts.

  69. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 2:14 pm:

    As for Rauner being a hybrid worst-of-both-worlds candidate, here’s an old joke that I could almost imagine Abe Lincoln telling about him if Abe were alive today:

    A famous scientist meets a gorgeous but empty-headed Hollywood starlet at a party. The two get into a conversation about what it would be like if they married and had children. The woman gushes about how wonderful it would be to have a daughter with his brains and her beauty. To which the scientist replies, “Yes, but what if she ends up with YOUR brains and MY beauty?”

  70. - Rod - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 2:52 pm:

    It is my opinion that Mr. Rauner has bought into Mr. Kass’ theory of the “combine,” with a subtle shift. Kass the deep thinker has this theory most developed in a 2008 article

    Here is the problem, if the Combine exists, and cash is the driving force behind the combine wasn’t Rauner part of it in Chicago? What Rauner is doing is shifting the original basis for the Kass theory from pure greed to corruption based on linkages to unions. Kass has not said a word about this subtle shift made by Rauner, because he and the Tribune are in love with Mr. Rauner.

    So now the “combine” are Republicans and Democrats together who are theoritically in the pockets of the unions. Well to be precise 1/3 of the Republicans and apparently all the Democrats in the General Assembly. Mayor Emanuel is still a freedom fighter against union control so he is not part of the new version of the “combine.”

  71. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 3:18 pm:

    –Walker enjoyed Republican control of both chambers in Wisconsin.–

    Did and does.

    And here are your 2014 State of Wisconsin progressive personal income tax rates:

    Up to $10,910: 4.4%

    $10,911 to $21,820: $480.04 plus 5.85% of the amount over $10,911.

    $21,821 to $240,190: $1,117.19 plus 6.27% of the amount over $21,821.

    $241,191 and up: $14,808.98 plus 7.65%.

    Now you know why Dick Uihlein will take the corporate welfare from Wisconsin, but hangs his hat in Lake Forest.

    Are all the Cheesehead fans on board for the Wisconsin GOP progressive income tax model?

    Can you dig it? I know that you don’t.

  72. - Percival - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 4:17 pm:

    I’m sorry the questioner did not have a list of Republican legislators with him or her. One could just hand it to Rauner and ask “Tell us specifically which ones have sold out?” Then listen to the crickets chirp.

  73. - Just The Way It Is One - Wednesday, Feb 5, 14 @ 5:11 pm:

    Dear God this man is just hurling about inaccurate accusations and shooting from the hip, thinking it’s all just A-OK, with absolutely no factual basis to back such wrongful allegations up!

    When you don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, it’s always best to just keep your trap shut–my Father passed on that sage advice MANY many moons ago! Otherwise, you’re engaging in the height of irresponsibility. Apparently, Rauner–who nevertheless thinks he should be the CEO of WE 13 Million + folks while he throws million$ of his Greenbacks at the TV Screen daily, CONstantly in an effort to bamboozle the naive Citizenry among us–regrettably never learned this pretty basic lesson in life…and when you just babble ignorantly like the way he did ala the Post, it’ll only come back inevitably to bite him in the a_ _–or let’s just say somewhere where it hurts…!

  74. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 7:31 am:

    Kvetch all you want.
    Blagojevich got elected twice spouting nonsense like that and I recall a lot of you guys defending him as his gubernatorial administration did a Hindenburg.

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