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Dillard placing new ads on social media

Thursday, Feb 6, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Kirk Dillard’s campaign has no money for TV ads, so they’re buying social media ads. From a press release…

Republican candidate for Illinois Governor Kirk Dillard today launched a new digital strategy with a series of online ads that will target key voting groups ahead of the March Illinois Primary. The first ads being placed on social media sites and search engines will focus on opponent Bruce Rauner.

“We’re heavily invested in a digital strategy that will drill down to the precise voting demographic that we need to reach,” Dillard-Tracy Campaign Manager Glenn Hodas said. “In the case of these first few ads, people will see a much different picture of Bruce Rauner than the heavily sanitized version he’s presenting of himself.”

The ads will be placed on Facebook and Twitter as well as YouTube, Google and other display ad networks. Using demographic data points of likley primary voters that the campaign has compiled, these ads will be targeted at the individual level.

“This is an extremely effective way to reach voters who are actually looking for information about the campaign,” Hodas said. “We believe these ads along with our targeted email strategy will help get our message across in this very competitive Primary.”

Among the messages conveyed in the new ads is one that says Rauner is spending millions of dollars on TV ads to get Republican voters to forget: “…Forget the small fortune he gave Mike Madigan to defeat Republicans…forget he bent the rules to get his kid into an exclusive school…forget his ties to a convicted influence peddler…forget he helped Rahm Emanuel…and he’s betting you’ll forget when he ducks tough questions.”

The video concludes with, “Republican voters, don’t forget the real Bruce Rauner.”

“We know we can’t match Rauner on television,” Hodas said. “But, we know that with this efficient digital strategy, we don’t have to. We expect these ads and the videos to reach tens of thousands of likely Primary voters across Illinois.

* Let’s have a look at these ads, two of which have a liberal bent, if you ask me.

* Daddy Warbucks

* Don’t Forget

* Bad Credit


  1. - Dave Dahl - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:15 pm:


  2. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:19 pm:

    Once again, we’re seeing a candidate present a General election campaign to Primary voters.

    In this case, Dillard is attempting to show GOP primary voters the kind of campaign Quinn could run if Rauner gets the nomination.

  3. - Purple Foxx - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:20 pm:

    Dave - Seems like Dillard pulled a Grogran

  4. - Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:20 pm:

    All these are good ads B+, A-, B+ (Overall B+), but they aren’t going on TV. Not to mention it doesn’t mention Dillard’s name anywhere, so he must be hoping that he has a 33% chance of winning their vote, if this ad persuaded a voter not to vote for Rauner.

    I was disappointed I didn’t hear the “I’m Jim Edgar and I approve this message” after every ad though.

  5. - RNUG - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:35 pm:

    Dillard is test marketing Quinn’s fall campaign ads. Hope the Quinn campaign pays Dillard for them …

  6. - Samurai - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:40 pm:

    Liberal bent or not, the message is true. This is a campaign like no other with Rauner choking off the flow of donor dollars and declaring war on the establishment GOP. He already has the Tea party and one percenters. If the ads can convince those suckered by the Carhartt and $18.00 watch that a vote for Rauner is a vote against their interests, then they help.

  7. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:41 pm:

    These are really good ads and it’s too bad no one will see them until PQ goes up with them next fall.

  8. - J - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:43 pm:

    This might be the only ad buy Dillard can afford.

  9. - MrJM - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:44 pm:

    If a Dillard ad falls in the woods

    – MrJM

  10. - Chi - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:44 pm:

    “These are really good ads and it’s too bad no one will see them until PQ goes up with them next fall.”

    Agree 100%

  11. - olddog - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 1:56 pm:

    “Liberal?” When Rauner’s waging class warfare, you fight fire with fire.

  12. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:03 pm:

    Those are great spots. Where did he get the dough to produce them?

    They’d draw some blood if he could get on the air.

    Compare and contrast with the dud Rutherford put out.

    Interesting strategy from Dillard this time around: far right on social issues, Occupy Wall Street on money.

    Geez, it must burn him that all the establishment money boys jilted him this time around for Rauner. It shows.

  13. - Tom - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:05 pm:

    to Bad there is no money behind these ads. They are good. They would move numbers but not online.

  14. - Bobbysox - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:07 pm:

    I never understood the money angle as a criticism in and of itself. After all, the Kennedys certainly were well off and understood the plight of the poor and middle class. But when matched against the hypocrisy of his positions in criticizing middle class public employees and the self interest of wanting to lower taxes so he can amass even more wealth really hits the target. I wish they could get some air time so that the playing field was at least a bit more even.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:07 pm:

    Good Ads, good ideas, good premise for them all, good execution …

    Can they get seen?

  16. - Downstater - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:17 pm:

    =Good Ads, good ideas, good premise for them all, good execution …

    Can they get seen?=
    Maybe, with a good “ground game” Dillard could have people walk door to door and show them the ads on smart phones or Ipads.

  17. - Konda Chilly - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:17 pm:

    Republican voters don’t hate rich people. These ads look OK but aren’t going to move many GOP votes.

  18. - Upon Further Review - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:17 pm:

    Far better than Rutherford’s commercial. The trouble is who will see the spots?

    Rauner’s campaign is running much like Emanuel’s 2011 mayoral run — throw so much money around that no one wants to fund your opponents.

  19. - LincolnLounger - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:17 pm:

    Oh, STeve Shearer! Are you paying attention?

  20. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:21 pm:

    - Downstater -,

    If you want to refute any of the Ads, have at it!

    Trying to make it about me, well, shows how Spot On they are.

    Ground Game wins elections, otherwise Bill Brady, with leads in every poll weeks haeds of Election Day, would have been Governor Brady.

    None of the 4, including Bruce Rauner, have the Ground Game ready to take on Quinn, especially if the Unions are prevoked … like the Unions “Bruce Rauner” prevokes, and Bruce Rauner earns off of.

  21. - Dizzy Cow - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:21 pm:

    Haven’t seen any of these. I.e. their targeting strategy is probably a bit shall we say lacking. That said it’s probably a good thing. There is nothing more vile and disgusting than a republican who engages in class warfare. Talk about cognitive dissonance. Way to go Kirk.

  22. - Hit or Miss - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:21 pm:

    While these ads might make me not vote for Bruce Rauner, none of them gives me a reason to vote for Dillard. The current primary race is between four people. As a voter I need to be told by a good ad associated with a race with more than two choices who the ‘correct’ or ‘best’ choice is. Without a positive message as to who to vote for I still might not vote for the ‘right’ person. As they stand, the Dillard ads may be helping Rutherford and/or Brady as much as they are helping Dillard himself.

  23. - To Be Honest - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:26 pm:

    Is this an ad about Kirk Dillard or one that trashes opponents? So much for the one guy that kind of stayed out of the fray. No contrast with him now.

  24. - Samurai - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:30 pm:

    ==Republican voters don’t hate rich people. These ads look OK but aren’t going to move many GOP votes==

    Who’s talking about hating rich people? Any Republican voter with a soul hates hypocrisy and unjust policies. That’s what this is all about.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:31 pm:

    - To Be Honest -,

    So Bruce Rauner, how attacks everyone, and no one has even challenged his attacks of “career politicans” “Union bosses” and “a third of the Republicans in the General Assembly” are the problem …

    That should go unchalleneged? It has. For months.

    If you don’t being him back to the field, the field will be left in the cold.

  26. - Smoggie - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:32 pm:

    Dillard thinks he can convince GOP primary voters that being a rich guy is bad.

    That’s possible, I guess.
    It wouldn’t be my primary focus, but it may work for Dillard.

    That being said, all three ads were well done. The “Don’t Forget” ad would be very effective in a GOP primary if he can get views.

    These were far better than the Rutherford ad. The Rutherford ad was something that interns could have done overnight. These all looked well thought out and well produced.

    Too bad he’s gone off the deep end with his social conservatism. Otherwise, I would like his message and he would have a good chance to get my vote.

  27. - Sage - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:45 pm:

    These ads are disgusting. Dillard is attacking another Republican for being successful? This line of attack will backfire on Dillard just like it did on Newt Gingrich in the 2012 presidential primary.

  28. - Downstate - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:46 pm:

    How many online car ads have you watched in the last month……from beginning to end. Frankly, how many video ads that are forwarded to you - do you watch completely.

    Most voters have a short attention span, and simply aren’t engaged enough to take the time to watch…..or care.

  29. - too obvious - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:53 pm:

    Not bad. Too bad few will see.

    Looks like it’s going to be up to Quinn to really get the truth out about Rauner.

  30. - Publius - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:54 pm:

    Excellent ads…as to Dillard atracking another Republican, come on Rauner ain’t a Republican, look at his voting record, look st his donations. He is a Raunerite. Just like a hermit crab who moves into an empty shell, uses it for awhile then moves on.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 2:55 pm:

    ===Dillard is attacking another Republican for being successful?===

    Dillard is attacking a “Raunerite”

    “Raunerite”- 1) “Anyone supporting ‘Bruce Rauner’, the caricature of who Bruce Rauner is selling as honest” 2) “Anyone who supports ‘Bruce Rauner’ in trashing a third of the GOP GA as the ‘problem’ in government” 3) “Anyone who sees nothing wrong with a candidate being the ultimate insider, and then supports a candidate who tries to pretend they are not that insider”.

    “Bruce Rauner” is not a Republican, and neither is Bruce Rauner. Bruce Rauner AND “Bruce Rauner” are “Raunerites”.

    No Republican has been attacked.

    Hope those definitions help you learn about “Raunerites”.

    You’re welcome.

  32. - Sage - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:01 pm:

    OW — Cute, as always.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:06 pm:

    - Sage -,

    Ah, now you are just being mean! lol

    I sent it to the Webster’s Dictionary people, they sent me a form letter, saying they would “consider” it. Big bummer.

    If I get to “sassy”, I will have to re-think it.

  34. - Downstater - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:08 pm:

    =Trying to make it about me, well, shows how Spot On they are=
    Oswego, it’s not about you, since your just an “againer”. Against Rauner, but standing for no one. I like Rauner, because he was extremely successful. Bringing just some of those successful principles to the state government will get the Illinois moving forward again.
    Just because he wants to reign in the public employee unions isn’t a good reason to oppose him, unless, yes unless you are a public employee union member.!!!???

  35. - Chi - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:12 pm:


    That answer’s not gonna fly in the general.

  36. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:13 pm:

    These are the ads Rutherford should be running. It’s a shame Dillard has no money to put these on air.

  37. - Smoggie - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:16 pm:

    Dillard now has something up on Facebook where he accuses Rauner of “voting Democrat.”

    Do Republicans really buy that sort of thing? To me, it seems childish.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:16 pm:

    - Downstater -

    Oh man, I am glad I wasn’t eatiung anything!

    “Bruce Rauner” is against EVERYTHING! lol

    “Bruce Rauner” is against the General Assembly, even though he will have to work with one.

    “Bruce Rauner” is against Unions, even though he made millions off their pensions ….

    …which “Bruce Rauner” is against … the pensions …

    “Bruce Rauner” is against Democrats, and Republicans, including a third of the Illinois General Assmebly Republicans, though I have no idea who that third is….

    “Bruce Rauner” is against 7000 Worthy Chicago children, when his Denied Suburban Daughter needed that Democratic clout to hop over those kids to take a seat ast Payton Prep…

    “Bruce Rauner” is against pay for play, but between donations to Ed Rendell, Rich Daley, and paying Stu Levine, you would think he woudl just say “Bruce Rauner” is for pay to play.

    “Bruce Rauner” is against anyone knowing he made Rahm Emanuel a millionaire, and vacations with Rahm Emanule and Rahm’s family, …at Bruce Rauner’s private Ranch out of state.

    Bruce Rauner and “Bruce Rauner” are against alot of things …lol

    I am just against Bruce Rauner ….lol

  39. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:24 pm:

    ===…it’s not about you…===

    ===yes unless you are a public employee union member.!!!???===

    Bruce Rauner is against Union Members?

    I am not a union member, never have been, but thank you so much for clarifying …

    Attention. Attention.

    According to - Downstater -…

    ===Just because he wants to reign in the public employee unions isn’t a good reason to oppose him, unless, yes unless you are a public employee union member.!!!???===

    “Bruce Rauner” IS against you, if you are a Union Member, according to - Downstater -

    Thanks, so all that talk about “Bruce Rauner” only being against the Union Bosses is just “baloney”. Good. Now I know.

    You want to re-think for a minute - Downstater -, or you want to re-think who “Bruce Rauner” is against. I know the list is long, just try to get that part right for us.

  40. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:24 pm:

    Had to watch it with the sound off but still got the message across pretty well.

    Love the first ad’s usage of Bruce with the lighter. What was that even from?

    The “Don’t Forget” also feels timely on the same day Stand for Children dumps 20k in Madigan’s campaign chest.

    Negative points for the Rham typo though. I hereby offer my copy editing services free of charge to any and all campaigns making negative Bruce Rauner commercials/campaign lit.

  41. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:26 pm:


    Well its a fact that Rauner has voted in a Democratic primary. So I’m not sure what you think anyone is falling for?

  42. - HappyCamper - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:30 pm:

    Dillard’s ad were well-done and politically effective.

  43. - PoolGuy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:31 pm:


    the lighter ad:

  44. - Smoggie - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:32 pm:

    His Girl,
    The distinction is between “voting Democratic” and “voting Democrat.”
    It is the same crew that refers to the “Democrat party.”

  45. - hot chocolate - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:35 pm:

    Super rich Jil and her super rich family could cut a check tomorrow to get these ads on TV until the primary. There is a way around the fundraising wall farmer Brucey has built but the lite impact, “downstate”-balance (like that matters at all) lite gov. candidate ain’t pulling the right levers. Sigh.

  46. - Mittuns - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:35 pm:

    I’d call them populist, not “librul”

    Maybe Brady, Rutherford, and Dillard can put on a chicken and beer dance to get the funds to put these on the air.

  47. - Walter Mitty - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:38 pm:

    Too late… for the very few that will see them…

  48. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:43 pm:

    Wow - these are great Democratic ads. Can’t wait for Quinn to use them. Not holding my breath for the mythical union anti-Rauner ads.

  49. - SonofSuperAbe2014 - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:46 pm:

    OW, please take your meds…If Dillard had anything that looked like a campaign this may sting. But what does Dillard stand for? To say his campaign is inept is a slur on inept campaigns.

  50. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:46 pm:

    Looking at the polling data in the other post I don’t think none of this will matter. Dillard ad is way better than DR’s but neither of them can use them with any effectiveness.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:50 pm:

    - SonofSuperAbe2014 -,

    I commented ….

    ===Good Ads, good ideas, good premise for them all, good execution …

    Can they get seen? ===

    I don’t think, no, I know, I have just been reponding to the Dopey Raunerbots, not being an apologist for any of the “3″.

    Maybe I can get you my doctor to get you some of my meds, mught help with your reading comprehension(?)

  52. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 3:58 pm:

    If sentence structure and spelling are criteria for meds, there are going to be a boatload of people on meds real soon.

    What, if you underlins something wrong, you get a lobotomy?

  53. - SonofSuperAbe2014 - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:00 pm:

    Not at all. You get a job as Bob Grogan’s press secretary.

  54. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:02 pm:

    Let’s get back to the topic at hand, please.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:03 pm:

    - SonofSuperAbe2014 -,

    Well, Jason Plummer is probably the one doing the interviewing. He’s seen my work. It’s worth the shot.

    Can you Tweet in a good word for me?

  56. - Reality Check - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:04 pm:

    The first spot would be pretty good in a general election. The third spot could also be decent in a general, but Rauner’s hypocrisy on pensions would need to be presented in a more resonant way.

    The second spot is by far the best of the three for a GOP primary audience, and it is visually arresting, but what is up with the paint splatters?

  57. - walker - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:11 pm:

    Best ads so far.

    Any big-pocket Republicans left waiting in the weeds for something to support?

    It will only take a few.

  58. - Meanderthal - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:19 pm:

    Woe be on to Dillard if Rauner ever gets into the Governor’s Mansion.
    For a guy like Dillard who has spent his entire adult life in Springfield politics, it’ll be an awfully quiet and lonely existence for him after he leaves office.

  59. - Right Field - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:19 pm:

    Perhaps Rauner should put up Dillard’s ad for Obama.

  60. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:23 pm:

    === Dillard’s ad were well-done and politically effective. ===

    Happy, I agree with the first part. However, to be effective they have to be seen. These will not be seen.

  61. - Jeanne Dough - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:32 pm:

    These ads sparked an interest in me, and I am the type of voter Republicans will need in the general election. Many public sector employees who tend to vote for Democratic party candidates are ready to give someone else a try this year. We feel betrayed, and we are poised to let our disillusionment speak at the voting booth. But we could never vote for Bruce Rauner. He shows utter contempt for us and the jobs that we do. Does he think that saying he isn’t after us, but just our “union bosses” is going to make us take a shine to him? I negotiated a contract a time or two, and served as an officer in my local teachers’ association, so I guess that makes me a union boss. This is your chance, Republican party. Individuals such as I are easy fruit this year, but we are informed voters who are not going to fall into Rauner’s basket, or forget his hateful rhetoric come general election time. If Pat Quinn and Bruce Rauner are my choices, I’ll have to plug my nose and vote Quinn once again.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:43 pm:

    - DuPage Rep -,

    Do. Not. Feed. Trolls.

    === - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 4:02 pm:

    Let’s get back to the topic at hand, please.===

  63. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 5:12 pm:

    I have a question–how many people actually watch television anymore? I’m serious. I have a Roku and watch selected programs via HuluPlus/PBS streaming. I see ads–with Hulu you can’t even fast forward through them, but most of the ads are national. There is a bank ad I see featuring Lou Malnati’s and what the bank has done for it, but that’s as local as it gets. I doubt I’ll see a political ad on my television before the ramp up to November 2016.

    I’m just wondering if politicians are wasting money on tv buys is all.

  64. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 5:25 pm:

    ===I’m just wondering if politicians are wasting money on tv buys is all.===

    If they were, Rauner would likely be polling in fourth place.

  65. - in the know - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 5:31 pm:

    Hodas rocks!

  66. - West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 5:32 pm:

    “Just because he wants to reign in the public employee unions….” Maybe the wrong reign/rein/rain. Rein, verb - to check or guide, such as a horse. Reign, verb - to rule or possess supreme power over something or someone. Never mind, that was right, Bruce does want to “reign.”

  67. - Just The Way It Is One - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 7:00 pm:

    Well, nice try by Kirk Dillard, though my gut tells me this will somehow just not be enough for him to overcome the lead which the “Wealthy One” has built up just having hurled MILlions out of his own pocket for the daily ‘n nightly pounding on TV that’s been (mercilessly) cast upon us for MONTHS now throughout our Beloved State (which surely deserves a better fate but havin’ to look and listen to THAT mug every day on any channel you turn to it seems–and sickeningly right through CHRISTmas itself and the entire Holiday Season…! But as the Polls have shown, they did their intended damage and now all 4 of the Baron’s opponents (including the GOVernor himself) are trailing.

    These Ads, though nicely done on the whole, would be GREAT if they were aired on TV regularly and could THEN have a real IMpact, but just won’t cut it on Social Media–usually when they pop-up, they just FEEL like an annoyance, even for folks who LIKE to follow Politics, (like myself), and so I fear they just won’t REACH enough Undecided Republicans to significantly influence the outcome of the Primary enough….

    The Senator’s a respectable and dignified Candidate and with the huge Gap in campaign funds between himself and the “Front-Raunner,” oops, I mean “Runner,” and just over a month to go, he had to try SOMEthing to get the Word out there…!

  68. - Nlthevar - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 8:45 pm:

    So What Made money, now work hard make money is bad. That’s Democrats line. Mr. Dillard takes contribution from unions and has state pension for himself. you want me to trust him to regarding pension reform. Dillard makes living with tax payer money, he has more incentive to stay in the job. he will make deals for that which may not favor Tax payers.

  69. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 9:00 pm:

    ===Mr. Dillard takes contribution from unions===

    Mr. Rauner made money off Union Pensions …

    Please learn. Thanks.

  70. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 9:23 pm:

    Is the mispronunciation of Rauner’s name intentional?

  71. - Samurai - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 9:27 pm:

    Nlthevar - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 8:45 pm:

    So What Made money, now work hard make money is bad. That’s Democrats line. Mr. Dillard takes contribution from unions and has state pension for himself. you want me to trust him to regarding pension reform. Dillard makes living with tax payer money, he has more incentive to stay in the job. he will make deals for that which may not favor Tax payers.===

    Say what????

  72. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 10:28 pm:

    I heard Rupert Murdoch cut Dillard a deal on ads and MySpace is going to be flooded with these from now until the election.

  73. - Think about It - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 10:31 pm:

    Well done Dillard campaign! These ads will be seen. For all of you here that think these ads are effective, how about sending them to everyone in your contact list?!

  74. - one of three puppets - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 10:48 pm:

    Rauner gets 25% after spending tons of cash. 40% of Gop voters are undecided. The rest is split between the other three and the bottom is possibly falling out for Rutherford. So, to get to the magical number of 30% in this primary isn’t unrealistic since most of the Gop voters know but don’t want to vote or pick Rauner.

  75. - one of three puppets - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 10:50 pm:

    These ads, if seen, may help the rest of the voters make a decision and pick a second choice that wins.

  76. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Feb 6, 14 @ 11:15 pm:

    Dillard should borrow a bunch of money and run these ads. (Although they need a “vote Dillard” tag on the end. If it wins him the primary, he get plenty of cash to pay off the loan. If Rauner wins the primary, Dillard can sell the ads to Quinn and pay off the loan.

  77. - Anon - Friday, Feb 7, 14 @ 8:45 am:

    Not only does Dillard appear in Obama ads touting the candidate, now he’s touting Obama’s message. Another stroke of brillance by the Dillard “lack therof” braintrust. #fossils

  78. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 7, 14 @ 8:48 am:

    - Anon -,

    So the Dillard Ads are effective, and accurate?

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