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*** LIVE *** Rutherford press conference

Monday, Feb 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The presser is scheduled to begin at 4:30 pm


  1. - Snucka - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:27 pm:

    Doesn’t the complaint assert that Michalowski went home after the alleged incident in April 2011? I’m confused about why Rutherford cites that as disproving the claims.

  2. - Dee Lay - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:28 pm:

    Pretty solid release tearing apart the suit.

  3. - Snucka - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:30 pm:

    Ah, they are saying he was home by 4pm. Carry on.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:30 pm:

    Rutherford should just leave it with the Statement…

    Lots of moving parts that could go wrong in front of the camera (tone, visual, responses, body language…)

    We will know/see soon enough.

  5. - Soccermom - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:32 pm:

    OW, he has to stand in front of the cameras. As my 13-year-old daughter once told me: Mom, if there are no cameras, it didnt’ happen.

  6. - foster brooks - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:32 pm:

    if the alligations are not true he should counter sue.

  7. - Snucka - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:36 pm:

    I wonder if he’s pronouncing Michalowski’s surname incorrectly on purpose?

  8. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:40 pm:

    - Soccermom -, she is right and you are right. I was/am afraid of another train wreck, versus doing what needs to be done.

    Smart girl.

  9. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:43 pm:

    Given the context of the text messages it’s hard to believe that was included as evidence of harassment.

  10. - Snucka - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:50 pm:

    Does he really think that early voting has started??

  11. - John Galt - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:50 pm:

    Agreed RE: the tank top texts. Some lawyers throw the kitchen sink to gin up a complaint. Conversely, I believe that low quality evidence instead damages the credibility of the stronger evidence.

    It’s clear that Svenson either ginned up a totally bogus claim, or alternatively is part of the “kitchen sink” theory of complaint drafting.

    Time will tell which it is.

  12. - veritas - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:50 pm:

    So the accuser admits that he lied in filling out his travel voucher, BUT he’s telling the truth now!!

  13. - woodchuck - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:53 pm:

    Channeling my inner Smilin Jack Ross: “If you didn’t get back from Post 32 until 14:45, how could have you been in your room at 14:20″? There’s no way DR would have told the guy to submit a fraudulent travel expense voucher.

  14. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:56 pm:

    I tend to believe DR’s side of the story.

  15. - 47th Ward - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:57 pm:

    Someone should check in on Steve Kim. I think his hiccups just became projectile vomiting.

  16. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:58 pm:

    So the tank top thing, which I found the only non-hearsay allegation of harassment included in the complaint turned out to be a joke?

    Did Svenson and the agent/attorney for Jonathan Martin go to school together with these out of context text messages media battles?

    Man at this point I almost hope this was some kind of political hit because if not, and the accuser in his reportedly precarious financial and medical state actually paid money to Christine Svenson for this quality of representation for a legitimate claim, then he was victimized all over again.

  17. - Verdeal - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 4:59 pm:

    A very convincing defense by Mr. Rutherford.

    My gut tells me that he is telling the truth.

  18. - Wally - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:02 pm:

    Divorce, Bankruptcy, Foreclosure and then an alleged demand for $300K to keep quiet. Sheeeesh

  19. - John Galt - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:02 pm:

    It’s also possible that the accuser lied to his attorney and she put the allegations in the complaint without knowing the full context. But you’d think she’d do some due diligence before putting in easily refutable facts into the complaint.

  20. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:03 pm:

    =I tend to believe DR’s side of the story. =

    I’m sure there’s an anon somewhere in Illinois willing to counter that.

  21. - IbendahlLuvsJBT - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:03 pm:

    Dan tore that suit apart. Apart.
    He didn’t make the case for a connection to Rauner, but made the connection to the motives of a very financially desperate man.

  22. - Rod - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:03 pm:

    Rutherford did not back off his attack against Rauner one bit during that conference, in fact if anything he was more aggressive. He did not really dodge any questions or appear defensive, he did as good of a job defending himself as could be done.

  23. - truthteller - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:05 pm:

    Rutherford is done. The employee is a high level staffer with big responsibilities and compensation right under six figures. His position, salary and responsibilities will insulate him to some extent from character assassination.

    The complaint has many more alleged incidents than the ones they are vouchering out of. There are many incidents where presumably the time, place and presence won’t be disputed. What do you do with those he said versus he said?

    If two prior employees were bought off through severance deals, then he falls prey to what did in Herman Cain. The press will go after those agreements and if there are big payments they will equal a perception of pay off.

    In the complaint Rutherford comes off very sleazy on multiple fronts, as a boss, on the fund raising and then of course the advances. His COS is slammed. Presumably there are plenty of documented communications relating to the pressure to fund raise.

    In the end how do you campaign, raise money or move message forward under this kind of cloud? You have now stepped up to the mike twice doing nothing but damage control.

    For downstate your sexual orientation is now in play, and the allegations center on the worst fears of the stereotype.

    You may in the end beat the lawsuit. But in the meantime you have lost any chance of winning the primary.

    The fat lady has now sung on his campaign.

  24. - Mouthy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:07 pm:

    DR did what he had to do, as unpleasant as it is..

  25. - Ken_in_Aurora - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:07 pm:

    It appears the fat lady may have laryngitis.

  26. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:08 pm:

    Wow, Wally. If only judges saw things as clearly as you do.

    Didn’t see the press conference. Anything about the plaintiff’s attorneys “dating” services predating this case? I’m sure it’s entirely relevant.

  27. - Wensicia - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:11 pm:

    Rutherford gave a good response; we’ll see if witnesses come forward to back the accuser. If nothing credible is evidenced, it’s he said, he said and Rutherford sounds more credible at this point.

    Poor marks for continuing to blame Rauner without proof.

  28. - justsayin' - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:13 pm:

    Thanks for the smile Ken in Aurora. This particular fat lady never could sing. The laryngitis only made it worse. :)

  29. - John Galt - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:15 pm:

    Overall my impression is this:

    1) His general bearing and demeanor was much better than the first bizarro presser from the other week. Doing the presser rather than just doing a press release was the right move here. Risky, but in hindsight the right move.

    2) He did a good job of casting doubt on the veracity of the complaint. He called the plaintiff’s motives & timing into question, and certainly cast doubt on part of the facts. Although some of the other allegations might not be a he said/he said situation, the fact that some of the allegations can be easily refuted also damages the credibility of the rest of the complaint.

    3) That being said, “if you’re explaining, you’re losing.” If no other shoes drop on this case, then it’s still very damaging to Rutherford. It softens his support and forces him to buck up his own troops. This all helps Rauner, as it’s clear that Ruther is not getting out of the race at this point. The longer the “other 3″ stay in the race and fractured, Rauner has the decided advantage.

    4) This, of course, assumes no other shoes drop. If additional shoes drop that clearly indicate Rauner involvement, then this could boomerang very badly. But Rauner is not a stupid man. Alternatively, if additional shoes drop in the form of credible witnesses or additional plaintiffs coming out of the woodwork against Rutherford now that political blood is officially in the water, then he’s done.

    As it stands, this is lining up perfectly for Rauner. Enough to severely damage Rutherford, but not so badly as to get him to drop out & swing support behind Dillard.

  30. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:18 pm:

    This completes Act 1 of our play.

    Now on to Act 2.

  31. - Wordslinger - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:19 pm:

    Again with the two dudes in a hotel room. Whats the big deal, among the prurient?

    Separate issues here:

    One, an allegation of sexual harassment. Serious stuff.

    The other is the Rauner-inspired, Sun -Times led homophobic campaign to out Rutherford as a gay dude.

    Let the chips fall where they may on the sexual harassment charges. Rutherford is done, politically.

    But rauner and the Sun-Times remain. They ‘re the ones, in 2014′, that think being gay is a Scarlet Letter.

    Remember that.

  32. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:19 pm:

    Oh and Wally, you do realize that what I said was snark, right? Because if everyone believed that people who have financial problems are nothing better than liars and crooks who do not enjoy the same constitutional rights and protection as everyone else, where would many of those people be and what kind of a society would we be?

  33. - Norseman - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:22 pm:

    Well said Word!

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:23 pm:

    As good as it could be.

    Politically, this might be “it”.

    The going after Rauner is just not the best way to seem as though you are going after the allegations based on “fact”.

    About what I could expect, the boat is still taking on water, but the Port is not looking to be a Primary victory…

  35. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:26 pm:

    =But rauner and the Sun-Times remain. They ‘re the ones, in 2014′, that think being gay is a Scarlet Letter.=

    I’m not a Rauner supporter, word–though I’ll admit there have been a couple of instances where I changed my mind last minute at the polls. I don’t, however, understand why you feel so strongly that Rauner and the Sun-Times believe that being “gay is a Scarlet Letter” based on the “assistant article,” which I believe is the one to which you keep referring or anything else I’ve seen.

    I’m not being argumentative. I’m not defending anyone. I just really do wish I could understand why you’re so certain that the paper and Rauner are as opposed as you seem to believe they are.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:30 pm:

    ===I just really do wish I could understand why you’re so certain that the paper and Rauner are as opposed as you seem to believe they are.===

    I know I am certain because I can read, and understand inuendo.

    Rauner peddled it, as Rich described, and the Times printed it, and wrote it as they did.

    The rest is on you.

  37. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:36 pm:

    And as I’ve stated before, that article probably contains what some might see as Rutherford’s strongest defense during trial.

  38. - MrJM - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:38 pm:

    If I were a billionaire, I would hope that I could afford a higher quality slanderous allegation…

    – MrJM

  39. - Wordslinger - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:40 pm:

    Meanwhille, the baddest man in the SEC just came out and said he’s a proud gay man.

    This is a black man from small-town Texas, saw his brother murderes

  40. - just pandering - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:42 pm:

    Unless others come forward with similar allegations, the biggest scandal here is that the treasurer’s office has a marketing division headed by a guy who made nearly six figures.

    I don’t see much smoke and even less fire.

  41. - walker - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:44 pm:

    There’s no organized fundraising without records — a prospect list, calls made, results, notes, whatever.

    That charge might be more serious when all is said and done. It is what motivated the alleged “mutiny” among staffers in the first place.

  42. - Pete - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:48 pm:

    Can you wear a tank top to work tomorrow.


  43. - Wordslinger - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:50 pm:


    Saw his brother murdered in the streets, first kid in family to go to college.

    His Mizzou team mates are cool. Thank God,for the kids. They get it.

    Hey Bruce, Natasha, I hear Mike Sam shared a hotel room on tthe road with another dude. Better get on that. Because it’s wrong, right

  44. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:52 pm:

    This is all just so sad to follow…but any way you shake it, and I give it to DR for his adamant denial, but…well, I expounded my Comments on UPDATED X3 as to the reasons, but in any event…to summarize: “Rutherford is a goner.”

    And yet, I would only strenuously add at this point, howerver that IF RAUner is somehow, even TENuously connected to trying to taint the Treasurer in all of this somehow–e.g. trying to “out” him, when the Treasurer has clearly denied that he is gay, would be utterly repulsive and a MAjor Campaign issue; I only hope that Investigative Media in this Great State of ours will stay ON that Angle to see if there’s something more TO the inferences thereto…!

  45. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:54 pm:

    That was meant to be spelled above, “…at this point, however,…!”

  46. - 47th Ward - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:55 pm:

    Somebody really ought to ask Rauner point-blank: do you think being a homosexual somehow disqualifies one from being governor? Because that is the implication of the innuendo his team was peddling, that the very fact of one’s sexuality was enough to trump any and all other consideration. Does he really believe that? If not, why was he trying to get that info out there so aggressively?

    This is 2014, not 1514. I hope people remember this sleaze when Rauner begins his march to the left after the primary.

  47. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:56 pm:

    P.S. 47th Ward @4:57 pm: That Comment about Kim was absoLUTEly hilarious…!!!

  48. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 5:57 pm:

    ==I hope people will remember this sleaze…==


  49. - PoolGuy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 6:00 pm:

    Word it was nice to see the coach be so supportive. Mizzou has built a reputable and respectful football program. hope they keep it up in tough SEC.

    regarding post, I’m no lawyer (so cut me a little slack :) ), but if Rutherford is saying all the allegations are completely false, that accuser has financial problems and stressful life issues, and if the $300K was not some out-of-court settlement. why not leave the Rauner angle alone and go on a full out assault on the accuser as this is extortion pure and simple. file a counter suit for extortion and go after him with the evidence he has. say i am state treasurer running for governor and i am being extorted by a disgruntled now former employee. his presser was just trying to explain away some of the situations. but if everything is all false and made up then isn’t a crime being committed here? trying to deflect again to Rauner seems his only desperate attempt to stay in this race.

  50. - Walter Mitty - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 6:01 pm:

    I am still just sad about all of this. I do worry that tying Rauner with no tie… Is not the best strategy. I agree he did the best he could. If others come forward now, it’s over. The attorney claims other people came forward first. Where are they? I realize many appreciated his stern rebuke. I also remeber a President of the United States did the same. Ego is a terrible thing.

  51. - Think Again - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 6:29 pm:

    Remember Jack Ryan’s GOP primary demise? The story was fed by the GOP party hacks, then they denied they fed the story. Lightening does strike twice in politics. Look real close at your pals DR.

  52. - Wensicia - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 6:42 pm:

    ==If I were a billionaire, I would hope that I could afford a higher quality slanderous allegation.==

    Actually, lower quality works best.

  53. - Justan Observer - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 6:42 pm:

    RE: “But rauner and the Sun-Times remain. They ‘re the ones, in 2014′, that think being gay is a Scarlet Letter.”

    I would only add this slight amendment to your thoughts — Bruce and the Sun-Times are the ones to believe that the Illinois Republican base and many, many GOP voters, especially south of I-80 - still believe in 2014 that being gay is a Scarlet Letter.

    I personally believe that article in the Sun-Times was one of the ugliest pieces of pandering I have ever seen, and I was shocked to see who allowed their by-line to appear on it.

  54. - haverford - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 6:49 pm:

    47th ward –Somebody really ought to ask Rauner point-blank: do you think being a homosexual somehow disqualifies one from being governor? –

    Unfortunately, that would only allow Rauner to clutch his pearls and claim he could never be such a bigot!… while his team dogwhistles it all the livelong day.

    Plus - Rauner doesn’t even have to think it disqualifies you… he just needs to put it out there for primary voters that do.

  55. - Catrike - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 6:52 pm:

    The issue is not what Rauner thinks about someones sexuality, but whether a person who is unwilling to acknowledge something so basic about himself is qualified to become governor. When one seeks the responsibility of high office you should be able to accept and acknowledge who you are to prevent the possibility of coercion or blackmail. Average citizens are afforded a level of privacy simply not available to high government officials. They want us to trust them to make decisions affecting out very lives, and yet many are not willing to be open about the very core of their lives. We saw what happened when the FBI was led by such an individual and it was not pretty. Today a milestone was reached in the NFL. How about a milestone in the race for our next governor?

  56. - Wordslinger - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:10 pm:

    47 , that’s a good question. Maybe there should be a referendum.

    Again, the sexual harrassment issue is separate.

    But it is clear that Rauner and the Sun- Times dealt in prurient, hateful homophobia.

    What big brains at work. Never seen that before in Illinois politics.

    I’m not surprised that Rauner would use homophobia as a weapon. I’m not a kid, I’ve been to a couple of state fairs, a rodeo and a picnic. Rauner is the most cynical, most contemptuous of the people politician ever.

    I remain shocked by The Sun-Times participation in this ugliness..

    Natasha, Mark, Carol, Mary, Thom, anytime now. Answer to that trash.

    I ‘m confident I know what Roger woild say.

  57. - ??? - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:15 pm:

    Catrike, a person’s sexual orientation and their willingness (or lack thereof) to disclose is nobody’s business. Period. It has NO bearing on their ability to do the job.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:18 pm:

    - Catrike -,

    When you are done looking into everyone’s bedroom, public and private officials equally, then it will have no meaning.

    The second you allow the idea that public officials must disclose, the rest of your arguement falls apart.

  59. - Generation X - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:21 pm:

    - PoolGuy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 6:00 pm:

    -Word it was nice to see the coach be so supportive. Mizzou has built a reputable and respectful football program. hope they keep it up in tough SEC.-

    I wouldn’t go giving Mizzou any humanitarian awards just yet.

  60. - Norseman - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:28 pm:

    47, it’s not about what the Baron thinks, it’s what he thinks the GOP primary voter thinks. Unfortunately, we know that’s probably the case with too many of them.

  61. - VanillaMan - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:35 pm:

    I find the accusations completely unbelievable. I find the accusation politically motivated. The accuser doesn’t look like someone who files a sexual harassment suit.

  62. - 47th Ward - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:39 pm:

    Norseman, I think I have a good idea of what many GOP primary voters think. After March 18 though, I want people to remember Bruce’s sleazy attempt to out Dan Rutherford by suggesting that sharing a hotel room with another man is somehow indecent. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean?

    Because after this primary ends, we’re going to be treated to a new Bruce Rauner. The new guy won’t remember a lot of what the current guy is saying and doing, stuff like peddling this trash to the Sun-Times.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:41 pm:

    - VanillaMan -,

    Let us all know what the accuser SHOULD look like, so I can know pretty early what accusers of these type of allegations look like and we all can shun them.


  64. - Bobo - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:42 pm:

    Sometimes people surprise you-even Repubs. And no one likes to be played a fool. I’m hoping this bogus smear brings about a collective ahaa and voters see it for what it is. I doubt it because the media keeps giving the guy cred-but you never know

  65. - PoolGuy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:42 pm:

    Generation X - ouch yea I don’t follow Mizzou sports that closely and from 3 years ago. that’s a horrible and tragic story.

  66. - PoolGuy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:46 pm:

    that’s twice now that people have made comments about looks and the believability of their accusations. so if a woman is unattractive in your eyes and is raped then she shouldn’t be trusted as a more attractive person? that’s pretty twisted.

  67. - Norseman - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:47 pm:

    47, I share your hope.

  68. - Oh, Come On - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:52 pm:

    Was and am not inclined to vote for Rutherford, but he handled himself well during the press conference and raised serious doubts about his accuser.

    How ill was the accuser when he was able to take a new job at the Cook County Recorder of Deeds office almost immediately after his resignation?

    Jesse White used to be Recorder of Deeds… hmm, I wonder if he helped find his former employee the new gig?

  69. - NeveroddoreveN - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:53 pm:

    Weird strategy to get free name recognition

  70. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 7:56 pm:

    - 47th Ward -,

    Spot On.

    Educating the voters is the secret.

    “Early and Often” is not just snark about Chicagoan voting habits.

    The Unions, the Dems, the teachers specifically, the Pro-Lifers, and anyone that does not have 9 houses … that is the universe of voters against “Bruce Rauner”, Bruce Rauner, and “March 19th”…Bruce Rauner.

    If there is coffee and donuts at the campaign office with walk sheets, - 47th Ward - …

  71. - Hans Sanity - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 8:10 pm:

    Not sure if there is time for refuting.

    The only coverage I’ve followed is at this site. Based on it, IF I was a Rutherford backer, I would still be one.

  72. - DuPage - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 8:32 pm:

    @WS 7:10 =Not surprised by Rauner….use as weapons. That’s for sure. Mudslinging is normal, but Rauner’s sympathizers and or money are throwing septic-tank sludge. The campaigns are smelling like the farm fields after a visit from the tanker trucks. Planes dropping Napalm will be next.

  73. - Original Rambler - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 8:37 pm:

    Oh come on;

    You’re on the right track. I have a hard time believing EM’s background will stand up to the coming scrutiny as well as his enablers over the years.

  74. - Hans Sanity - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 8:49 pm:

    It’s the first round, but Rutherford has been effective defusing all allegations.

    I doubt most GOP primary voters would feel this way, but I see the alleged demand to complete political work on state time as the more serious accusation.

    It is a shame that this campaign has gone off the rail in regards to broader issues facing the current & future leadership.

  75. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 9:08 pm:

    Accuser ran for the circuit court:

  76. - Catrike - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 9:09 pm:

    Look I don’t give a damn whether the man is straight or gay, but his refusal to level with us one way or the other is what is causing this corrosive issue to fester. Being in the closet is no longer an acceptable option for public figures in this transparent age. There is no shame in being gay there is shame in being ashamed of being gay.

  77. - Hans Sanity - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 9:17 pm:

    I know many voters seem to fuss over them, but I’m not interested in learning about a candidate’s personal preferences in sexual and/or lifetime partners.

    Never understood the need to know about candidates’ spouses, either.

    If spouses wants to run for office, let them do it on their own time.

  78. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 9:21 pm:

    ===Look I don’t give a … whether the man is straight or gay,===

    then …

    ===Being in the closet is no longer an acceptable option for public figures in this transparent age.===


    So, oyu think, in this day and age, is acceptable to “out” public figures, even though you “don’t give a …” makes no sense!

    Pick a lane, then get back to us, or if you want to hide that it DOES matter to you, by saying it doesn’t matter to you, then the next step you need to take is … “some of my best friends are …”


  79. - Hans Sanity - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 9:32 pm:

    Even if all the allegations against Rutherford were true, I’d still vote for any of the other candidates in either party — or the Socialist or Green — before I would vote for Rauner.

  80. - woodchuck - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 9:44 pm:

    Catstrike - Dan has said publicly, in an interview, that he is not gay. Said it publicly. You say that once to get it on the record. He shouldn’t have to continually have to address it. He already has. People don’t want to believe him, but that’s on them, not on Dan.

  81. - Excessively Rabid - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 10:07 pm:

    “I’d still vote for any of the other candidates in either party — or the Socialist or Green — before I would vote for Rauner. ”

    I’d put Quinn last - even after Rauner - not just because of him but because one party rule is always and everywhere a spectacularly bad idea.

  82. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 10:20 pm:

    Neither side seems to have sunk the others battleship just yet. Its clearly the plaintiffs move though.

  83. - olddog - Monday, Feb 10, 14 @ 10:24 pm:

    @ Excessively Rabid === … one party rule is always and everywhere a spectacularly bad idea. ===

    Yeah, I agree, but the other party has to put up a credible alternative. Looks like that’s not going to happen this year.

  84. - Bobo - Tuesday, Feb 11, 14 @ 6:40 am:

    Wow, Chicago Tonight tied in Rauner pretty well to this Rutherford Smear. This is starting to make Rauner look pretty bad.

  85. - corvax - Tuesday, Feb 11, 14 @ 7:55 am:

    E Rabid, look at Rauner’s relationships with Rahm, Rendell, et al. His election would continue one-party rule

  86. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 11, 14 @ 8:08 am:

    I was trying to be kind. Normally people who are harassed don’t look like him. His appearance plays a part in if the public finds his story believable. I believe his appearance undermines it.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 11, 14 @ 8:12 am:

    ===Normally people who are harassed don’t look like him.===

    Attention. Attention.

    Please make sure if you ever get harassed, especially sexually harassed, you “look” as though the harassment is possible.


  88. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 11, 14 @ 8:24 am:

    Somebody mentioned that Jesse White possibly assisted the accuser landing the job at Recorder of Deeds. Not a chance. Karen Yarbrough fired a Jesse White sponsored employee(Darlena Burnette) as Deputy Recorder when she became Recorder of Deeds. Karen Yarbrough has eyes on a higher office (SOS/State Treasurer?) Maybe she liked the accuser’s resume. He may have some inside dirt on both those state agencies.

  89. - Snucka - Tuesday, Feb 11, 14 @ 8:25 am:

    If Rutherford is innocent, as someone mentioned earlier, there was no need to accuse Rauner of anything. Just say that you’re being extorted by a former employee who is making some crazy allegations. The presser yesterday would have been a fine response to the lawsuit, if Rutherford had not brought this whole story to light by making allegations he can’t prove against Rauner.

  90. - Hans Sanity - Tuesday, Feb 11, 14 @ 8:31 am:

    Rutherford’s accusations are more alarming than his accuser’s.

    If a PAC from Ohio can put orchestrate a smear campaign 5 weeks before an election, the odds of ever having campaigns focused on state management are slim.

    Look at the recent news out of the IDNR — they’re supposed to regulate fracking?

  91. - PolPal56 - Tuesday, Feb 11, 14 @ 9:32 am:

    Sigh. Sexual harassment isn’t about sex, it’s about power. Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power. Looks are irrelevant.

    After all, VanillaMan, otherwise I’m sure that you cannot possibly understand why women over 40 are raped.

    (And - gasp - even women over 70, 80, 90 are raped! Men, too! And I’m sure they don’t meet your definition of body beautiful.)

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