Yes, they support the concept, but will it drive votes one way or the other?
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * Progress Illinois reports on a recent statewide Public Policy Polling survey on unemployment benefits…
OK, it’s pretty popular. But is it really an issue that will drive votes one way or another? Meh…
That 40 percent number isn’t really high enough to matter all that much. * And if you look at the crosstabs, just 33 percent of African-Americans and 37 percent of independents said they’d be less likely to vote for Sen. Kirk because of that vote. * I did find this of some interest, however…
He was out of the public eye for so long after his stroke that he doesn’t seem to be on a whole lot of voters’ radar screens. 48 percent of women have no opinion of him, as do 44 percent of Democrats.
- Upon Further Review - Thursday, Feb 13, 14 @ 11:23 am:
Since his stroke, I have wondered if Kirk would do better to announce his retirement at the conclusion of his current term. I respect the challenges that he has faced and his efforts to rehabilitate himself, but it seems as if he will not be able to campaign vigorously across the entire state. I do not think that he can be reelected.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 13, 14 @ 11:37 am:
The Kirk numbers are odd.
Yes, he’s been out of public view, but that was a barn-burner race four years ago. You’d think people would have an opinion.
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Feb 13, 14 @ 11:44 am:
=== 40 percent said Kirk’s vote makes them less likely to support the senator in the future, while 31 percent think they would be more likely to support him ===
That also tracks fairly closely with the body of those polled. 38% Dem, 26% Rep, 36% Independent or Other.
Most Dems said less likely to vote for him, most Reps said more likely to vote for him and Independents were split 35% more likely, 37% less likely and 24% no difference.
It looks like you nailed it here. This concern is not necessarily over the vote on this issue, but the number of individuals who are “not sure” on Senator Kirk’s performance.
There is time to change that, but doing so will require a lot of energy and work over the next two years.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 13, 14 @ 11:55 am:
Due to AIPAC co-sponsorship of Iran Sanctions disapprove 100%
- mokenavince - Thursday, Feb 13, 14 @ 3:21 pm:
I like the front runner disapprove. Kirk thru no fault of his own, should work on getting better.
- Tippecanoe - Thursday, Feb 13, 14 @ 3:23 pm:
Kirk has gotten away with dog whistle pronunciamentos on gangs, crime, “North Shore values”, Arabs, etc., for a long time. It’s time people started calling BS on his “moderate” act.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 13, 14 @ 3:47 pm:
I read a general quote from a former staffer regarding ethics that was very interesting. It had nothing to do with Kirk, but he was the first one who popped into mind as I read it.
I’m probably wrong, but I think I may be seeing a new trend developing when it comes to polls. (And I do apologize for saying it.) There are a group of voters (I call them the “excruciatingly polite”) that will say they have not heard of someone or that they have no opinion of someone when polled and in face-to-face discussions.
Might explain some of the really “intriguing” numbers in this poll and the Rutherford poll.