* Illinois Review…
Bypassing mainstream media and going straight to the people is what candidates do all the time on the stump. Likely in hopes of widening his exposure, State Senator Bill Brady of Bloomington opened his gubernatorial primary campaign Facebook page to questions from voters, then answered them via YouTube.
But there’s a major problem with “bypassing mainstream media” and going social. Few people actually care. The video that IR posted, for instance, has just 18 views since it was uploaded yesterday. His most-watched video in this particular group has a mere 71 views so far.
Nationally, you can often “go around” the media because the interest is so high and intense. In Illinois, the only successful way to go around us is by buying lots of TV ads.
*** UPDATE *** Um…
GOP Gubernatorial primary candidate Bill Brady told the Sun-Times on Monday not to count him out of the barrage of campaign ads that are hitting markets across Illinois before the March 18th primary.
“We did some (in 2010 primary) about what we’ll do this time,” the 2010 gubernatorial nominee told the Sun-Times. “It will be in very targeted markets. We’ll have to be very efficient on where we spend our money.” […]
Brady would not yet disclose the length of time or the timing (the primary is four weeks away) for when ads might go up. Neither would he say where he’ll get the necessary money to do it: “We’re working on it,” he said Monday.
Brady’s fund-raising has been sparse to say the least. In the last quarter, his gubernatorial committee had $200,000 on hand and his Senate committee had about $70,000 on hand.
A little bit of cable is all he really has the cash to do.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 10:45 am:
Bill Brady friended me yesterday on Twitter. I am opposed to pretty much all of his policies. His campaign must be getting desperate. I gave him a sympathy follow.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 10:47 am:
Can’t run TV ads without money. Time for Rutherford and either Brady or Dillard to drop out and funnel any campaign cash to the remaining challenger in hopes of upsetting the Baron’s march to victory.
- William j Kelly - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 10:49 am:
The question most conservatives have for Brady is why did he take the lead role in passing drivers licenses for illegal aliens dispite law enforcement saying it was a bad idea?
- Smoggie - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 10:50 am:
This is consistent with his 2010 campaign.
Brady simply does not know how to run for office.
He was first elected in a different era, and it shows.
- A guy... - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 10:54 am:
This has a little to do with mid-termitis. Everything’s not on the line, he’s performing with a net. He’s acting like it.
- Conservative Republican - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 11:00 am:
==the only successful way to go around us==
Us? Does that mean you are classifying yourself as part of the mainstream media?
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 11:03 am:
Is the Illinois Review article a gag?
Can you actually broaden your appeal by bypassing the “mainstream media?”
You can’t write that with a straight face, can you?
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 11:26 am:
Brady is missing out here. Mainstream media is perfect for reaching seniors who vote in high numbers. He just has to remember that oldsters love them those papers, those TV news shows, and target his message to them. Pretend to be selling gold, silver or catheters, Bill!
And if you are going to do Facebook, you are going to have to remember that these folks are usually under the age of 50 and not know where Bloomington even is.
And in Illinois - the under 50 crowd probably doesn’t remember a GOP presence in Illinois either. It has been a hell of a long time since Jim Thompson, there Bill.
So start by introducing what a Republican is.
- Angry Republican - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 11:27 am:
Maybe Brady’s plan is to buy powerball tickets in hopes of winning the $400M jackpot. $400M would buy a lot of campaign commercials; what could possibly go wrong.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 11:30 am:
Vman, your posts are constantly filled with antipathy for those you consider “old.” What’s the deal?
Is it your teachers? You’ll feel differently once you get to high school.
- shore - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 11:36 am:
Most conservative candidate, wins 96 counties in a general, 48 percent of the vote and he’s only got $200k.
Hard to say among that, Erika Harold, and Doug Trouax which is the most embarrassing situation for conservatives this winter.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 12:52 pm:
Sucks that you have to ask.
- DuPage - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 1:04 pm:
Bill Brady Who?
Oh, him, now I vaguely remember who he is.
Maybe Brady could solve all his financial problems. Rauner could strike a deal, pay Brady a couple million to drop out and appear on a commercial endorsing Rauner.
- A guy... - Tuesday, Feb 18, 14 @ 4:24 pm:
How to make a “small fortune”? Become a Lt. Gov candidate with any of 3 guys and start with a big fortune.