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Question of the day

Thursday, Feb 20, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here’s a question I’ve seen debated in comments here and that I’ve debated with my Statehouse pals and my mom: Do you feel sorry for Treasurer Dan Rutherford? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

survey solutions


  1. - John A Logan - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:01 pm:

    Maybe at the outset. However, the ducking and dodging has made the situation worse, and he has no one to blame for that then himself.

  2. - Steve - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:02 pm:

    No one forced Rutherford to get into politics. No one forced him to run for Governor. He knew he’d be under a microscope. It’s almost like he wanted much of this to happen. He and his supporters can go around and blame whoever for his problems but: the guilty only need look in the mirror.

  3. - Downstater - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:02 pm:

    No. He has no one to blame, but himself.

  4. - haverford - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:05 pm:

    A week ago, I would have answered differently. But he squandered all good will and disrespected those who had been giving him the benefit of the doubt when he backtracked on the report. And that’s why his campaign is done - 100% his fault.

  5. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:07 pm:

    That incident with the driver and the diner alone was enough to sap away my sympathy.

  6. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:07 pm:

    More no than yes. It’s hubris, and that’s on him. He took a bad situation and made it much much worse. Nobody’s fault but his.

    For me, the story about how he treated the young man who was driving him sealed it for me. No sympathy after that.

    If Rauner hadn’t pushed the rumor, someone else would have. That Rutherford didn’t anticipate it is a mystery. And the accusations from Treasurer office employee(s) was also either within his control or predictable.

    Come to think of it, I’m changing my vote to no.

  7. - doofus - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:08 pm:

    voted NO my thoughts are: he’s holding back on releasing the report because it shows he did have employees working on his campaign while on state time and pay. as long as he has been around, he should know better. he was my choice before this. as far as sexual orientation, I could not care less, it is a non issue to me. I have never understood why pols on both sides of the aisle do not seem to think the rules apply to them.

  8. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:08 pm:

    The more I learn and the more this plays out, the less sorry I feel.

    In January I would have voted “yes,” last week “more yes than no,” this week “more no than yes,” and next week it will probably be a straight “no.”

  9. - circularfiringsquad - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:08 pm:

    Story still seems contrived

  10. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:09 pm:

    I also think he is responsible for the whole mess. But I still feel sorry for him, kind of the way I feel bad for parents when their child finds that loaded gun in the house and injures/kills someone.

  11. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:11 pm:

    More yes than no, but barely.

    Regardless of the truth - which will be clarified during trial many months from now - the timing of this was crippling.

    Even if these accusations were completely false, he never could have fully recovered with the way the media jumped all over it.

    FWIW, though, it seems pretty clear there is some “fire” beneath all the “smoke” of these accusations. And that doesn’t make me feel sorry for him one bit.

  12. - justsayin' - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:12 pm:

    Yes. Few now are questioning whether the lawsuit and the accuser with his Democrat history is even legitimate because there is political blood in the water.

  13. - Smoggie - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:13 pm:

    This is the rare time I agree with Logan.

    At first, I was outraged by the timing of the accusations and what appeared to be some problems with the story of the accuser.

    But the vow to release the report, and then his refusal to release it, changed my view.

    I’m just glad that this is coming out now. His handling of the allegations (whether founded or unfounded) is a pretty good indication that he’s not up for the job of governor.

  14. - Boone's is Back - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:14 pm:

    Would have said more yes than no because I do not know the truthfulness of the allegations and a person should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

    However… I changed to more no than yes because of how he has handled this, particularly withholding the findings of a tax payer funded internal investigation.

  15. - VictorNorth - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:15 pm:

    No. Rutherford exhibited poor judgment from the git-go and compounded the poor judgment with his ridiculous press conference. His continued obfuscation has made him a laughing stock.

  16. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:16 pm:

    No. He put himself in the arena.

  17. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:18 pm:

    No. To feel sorry for him you have to believe he had no control over the circumstances. He’s been running for higher office since he graduated from college and doesn’t care how many people he steps on to get there. The environment in his office was created by him. I also find the political work accusation to be quite credible.

  18. - Wensicia - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:22 pm:

    No, and the fact he continues to portray the victim here, while refusing to releases the taxpayer funded report, increases my distaste every day.

  19. - Siriusly - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:24 pm:


    I did like him and I did have some respect for him. No longer.

    Any of them who get into this business must be aware of the business they are in every day. Sorry Dan, this is on you for not anticipating this as a campaign element, for the poor response to the accusations and for the alleged behavior itself.

  20. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:26 pm:

    More no than yes.

    I feel sorry for him for the innuendo-filled homophobic stories peddled by the Chicago papers. I’m sure he knew those would be coming.

    I don’t feel sorry for him as to how he’s mishandled the sexual harassment allegation. That’s all on him and it’s been terrible.

  21. - Mr. T - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    Another person covicted by media hype to raise ratings before all the facts are in.

  22. - LincolnLounger - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:31 pm:

    I voted more no than yes. I still think this accuser is contrived and is indirectly related to the Rauner campaign.

    That being stated, Dan is well aware of his circumstances. He’s been the subject of rumors, as well as direct questions regarding his sexuality. He has responded with answers and reactions to those that have surprised, confounded, and disappointed many. Rich Miller even mentioned that long ago in a controversy over Dan’s campaign fund buying the district legislative office, that Rutherford indicated that he knew what attack’s he’d face in future races.

    While it is unfortunate that we both belong to a Party that likes to call itself conservative but all too often cannot wait to peek in your bedroom or orifices, knowing these circumstances it is baffling why Dan would put himself in the position he has with sharing rooms, creepy behavior, etc.? (I’m putting aside the imperial behavior that too many of us have overlooked that became disgusting when he was elected state treasurer.)

    It’s nearly always sad to see someone’s lifetime dream to be dashed, but this is mostly Dan’s fault.

    He should get out, indicate he will work to clear his name and reputation, and determine where next life will take him. I’m guessing elective office will not be achievable, but who knows? If so, however, I hope he can come to terms with that and his true self.

  23. - Marie - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:33 pm:

    Sorry for someone that committed sexual harassment?


  24. - 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:34 pm:

    When you are in a high state position in politics, you have to make sure not to put any skeletons in your closet.

  25. - Titus Lucretius Carus - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:42 pm:

    His preemptive news conference to announce the allegations might have been a good idea… Had he actually stated what those allegations were and denied any wrongdoing, but he didn’t…

    Then he had another poor news conference when the lawsuit was filed the following Monday, almost as if he didn’t know which story he should tell.

    Then he refused to release the results of the independent investigation that he ordered… This was the nail in the coffin for him and is probably when my answer changed from “more no than yes” to a straight “no”.

    And now he still won’t release it, though he says he wants to but won’t because it is against the advice of counsel… Oh, don’t give me that BS! Don’t say “I can’t” because counsel advised against it; it’s advice that you can either heed or not Mr. Rutherford, don’t use counsel as an excuse for covering up whatever is in the report.

    Oh, and by the way, if neither he nor his counsel has read the report, as Rutherford is claiming, how do they know that they don’t want it released?!?

    Something’s rotten in Denmark here…

  26. - Bunson - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:43 pm:

    No. I am surprised at how poorly his campaign has dealt with this. I thought he was savvier. Glad we found out now about his inability to deal with difficult situations.

  27. - A guy... - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:44 pm:

    Yes. He brought it on himself. I agree with just about everything everyone who voted “no” said. I guess I’ve just always liked the guy every time I’ve met him. I still feel sorry for the guy.

  28. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:45 pm:

    Not anymore. The long whispering campaign isn’t the issue (unless sometime down the road he admits he lied about it, then that would be the issue). The allegations, and the hiding of the results of the investigation are, for me. That, and the mistreatment of that staffer. I was similarly mistreated by a top government official back in the day when I was a fresh-faced intern, and I never forgot it. I judge people on how they treat those that work for him. If true, that episode was reprehensible.

  29. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:47 pm:

    I voted no. It seems like he is one of the worst managers, and a bad human being. He did this to himself.

  30. - Snucka - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 12:57 pm:

    I feel sorry for Dan Rutherford, a human being who is going through a tremendously public and painful collapse of his lifelong ambition. At the same time, Treasurer Rutherford has been in public life for 20+ years and could have avoided all of this if he had behaved differently. That is not to speak to his “guilt” or “innocence” in regards to the charges. It is merely to suggest that interviews of his staff obviously reveal things that he and/or his attorneys feel would damage his reputation if they were revealed. This tells me that Treasurer Rutherford has behaved in ways that he’d prefer to keep hidden from the voters.
    As I said, I do feel sorry for Dan, the person… even if he is not blameless.

  31. - Upon Further Review - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:00 pm:

    More yes than no.

    I do not like how Rutherford has conducted himself throughout this controversy. I seriously question his wisdom and judgment in terms of how he has run this campaign and administered the Treasurer’s office.

    My sympathy is based upon the whispering campaign tactics that his accuser has used before the lawsuit made his name public. There are elements that make this look like a vendetta or a shakedown.

    I still feel that for the good of the party Rutherford ought to step aside. I cannot envision any scenario in which he plays any role other than that of a spoiler.

  32. - MrJM - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:04 pm:

    Do you feel sorry for Treasurer Dan Rutherford?

    I did at first, but since then Mr. Rutherford has gone to extraordinary lengths to help me get over it.

    – MrJM

  33. - Arizona Bob - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:09 pm:

    Nope. Don’t do the slime if you can’t do the time….

  34. - zatoichi - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:20 pm:

    I feel sorry for the guy, but he also chose this business. He needed to do a self vetting through a group who could do a brutal check on his background to see where he could be drilled by the competition. Your ego can rationalize problems for a long time, but you can only temporarily elude reality before it comes back to bite you.

  35. - Endangered Moderate Species - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:22 pm:

    No. He allowed himself to be put in this position.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:28 pm:

    @FakeRutherfordDan - I will post pictures of vacations on Facebook and Tweet real-time events to track pol & gvt movement. It’s fine. Ask Pongee. Never will haunt. #NoMoreThanYes

    The innuendo is the only thing keeping this a full “No”

    The Twitter and Facebook Hubris and how I would get ridiculed for pointing out pitfalls made my vote quite easy.

    The “Friday Fiasco”, the non-release of the “exonerating” report promised that Dopey Friday made this vote …

    …a gift.

    Should be “No”, but the press made me give some “more than yes”.

  37. - Walker - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:29 pm:


    Just because he did it to himself with some bad judgments and statements, doesn’t mean we cannot feel for him. He’s lost, and I am sorry for it.

  38. - In the Middle - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:35 pm:

    If the allegations are true, the man’s a mess who needs help. That does make me feel a bit sorry for him.

  39. - One ofthe 35 - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:47 pm:

    No. Dan has been a part of the system for many years and knows how it operates. Even if he is innocent of all allegations, he has handled the situation in the worst way possible, which does not instill confidence in his judgment.

  40. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    Nope. He exercised bad judgment in some of his management decisions (i.e. bunking with subordinates). Then, he goes ballistic claiming that there is a conspiracy, but has no direct evidence. Finally, he promises to release the report, then refuses to do so.

    I wonder if Rutherford realizes that by staying in the race, he’s actually helping the person that he claims was out to get him. Poetic.

  41. - dupage dan - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 1:58 pm:

    No more than yes. At least at the outset. The innuendo by the major Chicago newspapers was despicable - low beyond low. Regardless of DRs personal reality, pumping up the rhetoric like that is beyond the pale. DR should have known stuff was gonna happen at some point, or maybe since he didn’t get dinged while in the GA or at the Treasurer’s office, he thought he would get a pass in the gov office. A tenderfoot mistake, not like a veteran to ignore that reality.

    DRs handling of this issue once it started to unfold is pathetic. His refusal to reveal a taxpayer funded internal investigation borders on the corrupt, IMO. His use of that to fish for info as to his exposure is a gross abuse of the taxpayers money.

    Please go away.

  42. - PoolGuy - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:00 pm:

    to quote Blind Willie Johnson and Led Zeppelin “nobody’s fault but mine…”

  43. - Belle - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:03 pm:

    I feel kinda badly for him but he signed up for it once he got into politics. I don’t know what he was thinking at various times throughout the run for Gov since he should have known better.

  44. - Wally - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:09 pm:

    I was in his corner until he refused to release the report. Also, I donated to his campaign prior to the Friday press conference. The check just cleared, obviously deposited after the refusal to release the report and after he decided to not run future ads. I won’t miss any meals because of the donation but it really puts a bad taste in your mouth.

  45. - He Makes Ryan Look LIke a Saint - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:12 pm:

    I feel as sorry for him as I did for Rich this early morning while he was on the Radio. BTW Rich, did you get any sleep last night? Lay off the Palmals. :)

  46. - Sir Reel - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:18 pm:

    More yes than no but I’m really sorry for those of us longing for an adult moderate Republican to counterbalance Rauner in the primary and Quinn in the general.

  47. - SAP - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:26 pm:

    More no because it has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Rutherford put to powder keg under his seat, but he lit it with the Friday press conference and added more dynamite with the internal investigation that he won’t read or let the public read. Reality check time came a couple weeks ago, but he won’t admit it. The fat lady has been singing so long she lost her voice.

  48. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:35 pm:

    I voted NO

    The only thing that feels sorry are my tax dollars.

  49. - Wally - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:38 pm:

    DR has really cut down the postings on social media. With the release of the “hold” time for the ads, will there be an announcement soon about dropping from the race?

  50. - ??? - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:47 pm:

    I voted “more no than yes.” Without knowing the details of the investigation, I would normally want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I always liked the Treasurer, and I agree with wordslinger about all of the sleazy innuendos put forth by the media. I felt sorry for him with regard to that. But the refusal to release the report and the whining about politics being a bloodsport (he’s just now realizing this?)…well, my sympathy is really starting to wane.

  51. - Timmeh - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 2:59 pm:

    I’m disappointed. I wouldn’t say that Rutherford’s judgement was terrible, at least up until he didn’t release the report. Not releasing the report could be good judgement for him personally, but bad for his campaign. You’ve got to protect yourself first and the governorship might have already slipped through his fingers.

    The allegations do seem implausible and either politically motivated or motivated by vengeance. I think there’s a good possibility that the accuser doesn’t have enough for a case, but knew that the investigation and accusations would tank the campaign and perhaps Rutherford’s career.

    So I do feel sorry for Rutherford. If he’s innocent, he got played a bad hand and it speaks to how crappy humans can be. If he’s guilty, the courts will show it.

    As others said, the true loser is the Republican Party. Between Quinn and Rauner, I don’t see things being good for Republicans over the next 4 years.

  52. - mokenavince - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:00 pm:

    Rutherford had to know these charges were pending.
    He should have made sure he was in the clear. As a executive here should never have shared are room with a subordinate.
    Advice from my lawyer is generally viewed as guilty by the public.

  53. - Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:02 pm:

    It would be easy to feel sorry for Treasurer Rutherford, but this is the big leagues. While the Rutherford camp got out in front of the story, it was done clumsily at best. Now the “on advice of counsel” dance really makes Dan personally seem silly and hiding something “on … advice…” No, sorry but a thorough cleansing is what’s needed, and I don’t see that forthcoming.

  54. - IbendahlLuvsJBT - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:10 pm:

    Wally, DR has cut down on social media postings, per his lawyer, and is right on top of censoring and deleting any comments from others that write anything negative.

  55. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:11 pm:


    I agree with many posters who felt bad for him early on in this story’s development.

    But a couple days into it, I started feeling less sorry for him. And it isn’t just the way he has handled the sexual harassment charges, but it is the charges themselves.

    I had a problem with the “just harmless fun / a misunderstanding” defense from a person in such political power. This is the type of defense, even if he did believe it, that men who harass women often use. I wonder if I and other centrists and liberals were being, if anything, more patient with Rutherford because the allegation happened to be same sex harassment than we would have been if this was Rauner harassing a female subordinate.

    We can still only guess at what the evidence is, but since he is resisting releasing them after saying he would release them, my current guess is that there are some serious allegations and corroborations of those allegations. So the coverup and handling of the allegations isn’t necessary worse than the actions themselves, if they prove true.

    Forget governor; will he be forced to resign as treasurer before his term is up?

  56. - RetiredStateEmployee - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:28 pm:

    No, it’s how one handles a difficult situation that shows ones character. He’s definitely done a really bad job independent of the truth of the allegations.

  57. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:31 pm:

    A little bit of kindness goes a long way. Therefore, I can certainly understand lake county democrat’s position and will say nothing more.

  58. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:32 pm:

    (And I do have to admit that I’m smiling a bit as I’m wondering whether one of the counsel might use this blog to request a change in venue. lol)

  59. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:35 pm:

    Sorry. Just to clarify: in case anything winds up going before a jury, of course.

  60. - Living in Machiaville - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:35 pm:

    No. Merely reaping what he sowed.

  61. - Palm Tree - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:36 pm:

    No. When you treat people poorly when you’re on top, don’t be surprised when they turn on you when they sense weakness. Leaving the young man in the car without the keys - inexcusable behavior.

  62. - enoughalready - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 3:45 pm:

    Your injury is one of ignorance and pride! Au revoir! - Jean Girard to Ricky Bobby.

  63. - Susiejones - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 4:00 pm:

    more yes than no. I’ve always like Dan and I do believe he is a good and honest man, so in that sense I feel sorry for him. I feel bad for him that this has come about in the manner that it has. however, I am not pleased that he won’t release the internal investigation report and that is on him.

  64. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 4:04 pm:

    That incident didn’t happen during a polarvortex or during the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere? At least he didnt commandeer or confiscate the aide’s phone.

  65. - Health Care Justice - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 4:29 pm:

    He should just come out of the closet

  66. - SO IL M - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 4:46 pm:

    No. And that holds if the charges are true or not. He knew the political game when he joined the team. He wanted to play in the Big League, He put himself in the game voluntarily.

  67. - Courser - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 4:55 pm:

    He does not particularly treat rank and file employees at the treasurer’s office with any real respect and has not valued the work they perform on behalf of the office. He has been running for governor since the day he took office as state treasurer. When the only loyalty that you can instill in those around you is what you can afford in the way of patronage positions, you can’t be very surprised to find that that kind of “loyalty” doesn’t run very deep.

  68. - T.J. - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 5:37 pm:

    Of course I do. This is the second time he’s been thrown under the bus, and while he hasn’t handled it well, people are going to believe much worse of him than that he’s an innocent man who hasn’t handled it well.

    “He should just come out of the closet”

    And comments like that show we’re not even talking about the same thing.

  69. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 5:41 pm:


    He hasn’t been thrown under the bus. He left his aide out in the car. Karma comes back to take the keys sometimes.

  70. - nothingsuprisesme - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 7:02 pm:

    No. The way he treated the driver is the tip of the iceburg. Round up all the “strapping young men” he’s employed the last three decades and you’ll find out how he’s treated his employees.

  71. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 7:24 pm:

    I like how the people of IL paid 250 dollars an hour for a investigation and we can’t see the results.

  72. - Frosty-The Snowman - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 7:25 pm:

    I voted no because Dan should have had the courage to have come out of the closet before he got thrown out of the closet by a disgruntled employee. If Dan is found innocent of all of this guy’s charges, then I will apologize. Dan is a really likeable guy. I think he would do a good job as governor. But, if he thought that no one (GOP or Democrat) was going to ever challenge his sexual activities in the past, then his ego had overrun his sense of reality. When you run for a public office that is this important, then you know that the microscopes and spotlights are going to be coming out to analyze you and your past.

  73. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 8:50 pm:

    Frosty, because other GOP politicians here have gotten away with the unconvincing blanket denial, DR probably thought he could as well. They could say no comment or it’s none of your business, but then everyone assumes it’s true. So they say no wink wink and in the past it’s been accepted at face value.

  74. - Just The Way It Is One - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 8:53 pm:

    More yes than no, because he has been enmeshed in an important Run for Governor, and as Illinois Treasurer (and in his prior elected posts), he had apparently been a decent Public Official overall, (though those days MAY be strictly numbered now)…but just the sheer TIMING of the As-Yet UNresolved Sexual Harassment and Unethical Political Work Demand Allegations, nevertheless, have literally been BRUTAL for him and will end his campaign in Defeat, one way or another. That’s why it is somewhat sad to a degree.

    And yet, if he DID engage in wrongful conduct, although more TRAGIC then, but there’s no WAY DR should be Governor if it, or some of it, turns out to be true, and in which case it would THEN be difficult to feel sorry for him any longer…!

  75. - DuPage - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 9:20 pm:

    More yes then no, because he doesn’t realize his situation. He still tries to carry on, but at this point he is just rearranging deck chairs. His campaign has hit the iceberg.
    If he gets convicted of a federal crime related to his state office, he could lose his state pension. He should quit the race and concentrate on his legal defense.

  76. - Just Me - Thursday, Feb 20, 14 @ 11:26 pm:

    I feel sorry for anyone who would spend years working very hard toward a single goal, and because of a few relatively bad judgement calls sees the entire effort circle the drain, so I chose the more yes then no choice, because he still made the bad judgement calls and should have known better.

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