Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » When will “another day” and “later” and any other real answers come from Rauner?
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When will “another day” and “later” and any other real answers come from Rauner?

Friday, Feb 28, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bernie has a great column this week about Bruce Rauner’s refusal to be specific about… well… darned near everything. He goes back to June with an exchange about the power of public employee unions

“We need to modify their power,” [Rauner] said. When asked how, he said, “I won’t go into it today. We’ve got a detailed plan on it.”

I mentioned that it sounded like legislative approval would be needed.

“We have a plan,” he said. “We’ll talk about that another day.”

* On education

I asked if he would want vouchers to be usable at religion-based schools.

“We’ll get to that plan later,” he said with a laugh.

* On pensions

I asked if it would be unconstitutional to make current workers change midstream, given that the Illinois Constitution doesn’t allow “diminished or impaired” pension benefits.

“Absolutely not,” he said, “We’re not taking away anything done historically. … I’ve talked to top lawyers in the state. Very constitutional.”

* Since many months have passed, Bernie went to see if he could get an update

[Rauner campaign spokesman Mike Schrimpf] this week didn’t provide the name of any of those “top lawyers” or provide clarification on the issues about which I asked.

* Rauner also avoided directly answering many questions in last night’s debate. Coverage roundup…

* Debate video, Part 1

* Debate video, Part 2 [Waiting on valid link]

* Debate video, Part 3

* Debate video, Part 4

* GOP candidate debate takes on feisty tone: From the opening minutes, Sen. Kirk Dillard was particularly aggressive at making personal digs at the other three: Sen. Bill Brady on losing the GOP primary in 2006 and governor’s race in 2010, Treasurer Dan Rutherford on recent allegations of misconduct, and businessman Bruce Rauner for his massive fundraising and television ads that have dominated the airwaves.

* Debates start to heat up: It was Kirk Dillard who punched hardest, saying Rauner’s business associates were crooks. “More business associates from Missouri and Michigan in Federal penitentiaries than we have Governors, and that ought to be a red flag he’s unelectable”.

* GOP candidates for IL governor square off at debate: When asked to comment on Rutherford’s weaknesses as a possible general election candidate, businessman Bruce Rauner would not bite. “I’m not going to answer that question directly,” said Rauner. “I’ve worked very hard in the race not to criticize my Republican opponents.”

* Rivals Rip Rauner in Republican Debate: And Brady also attacked the 6-year-old ad tying Dillard to President Obama. “He’s not a reliable republican,” said Brady.

* Owning assault weapons a right, three GOP candidates say: “We have to be aware that we have major crime problems in Illinois, and we make a mistake when politicians blame gun ownership for our crime problems. There are other issues, it’s not gun ownership,” Rauner said. “Pat Quinn has been a massive failure on crime in Illinois. Crime under Pat Quinn has skyrocketed throughout Illinois — not just Chicago, but in Rockford and many other communities, and we’ve got to take action with restoring our budgets to balance so we properly staff and train our police departments.”

* Rivals rip Rauner in raucous governor debate: Brady said Rauner’s tough talk about using the governor’s executive authority to challenge a Democratic-led General Assembly was “naïve” and threatened gridlock. “He doesn’t know what it’s like to make the legislature work together,” Brady said. “Look at the catastrophe that’s created in Washington, D.C. with Barack Obama dictating by executive order. Mr. Rauner thinks he can do that in Springfield because he doesn’t have the experience.”

* Governor candidates sharpen attacks on eve of early voting: The candidates largely avoided laying out specific plans to address Illinois’ disastrous finances beyond allowing the state’s 2011 tax increase to roll back. Rauner, for example, called for “comprehensive tax reform” and Rutherford said “everything is on the table,” including raising more revenue via taxes.

* GOP candidates talk gay marriage at debate: Republicans running for Illinois governor say they don’t object to gay marriage on a personal level, but they don’t support Illinois’ new same-sex marriage law.


  1. - ZC - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 10:44 am:

    So will Rauner just not talk about his plan … or does he, in fact, have no plan?

    Because I suspect it’s the latter, I’m still planning a vote for Quinn.

  2. - David Ormsby - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 10:45 am:

    Waiting for Godot.

  3. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 10:50 am:

    That AP lede doesn’t make sense. What is their objection to the same-sex marriage law if they don’t personally disapprove of same-sex marriages?

    BTW noticed new short TV commercials attacking Brady and Dillard as career politicians this morning. This time Rauner actually put his name on the ads instead of disguising it under the umbrella of an out-of-state PAC.

  4. - PoolGuy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 10:53 am:

    Rauner has no plan. fact that he is still talking tough on pensions and current pension bill may be found unconstitutional shows he is completely clueless.

  5. - YO - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 10:53 am:

    Amazing that one who will not reveal his intentions if elected is leading in the polls. People are attracted to him because……..? How will he “shake up” Springfield. Apparently we have to elect him first and find out later. I guess we all deserve what we get.

  6. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 10:53 am:

    I think Rauner can probably get away with this nonsense through the primary. He’s just taking air out of the ball, trying to kill the clock with a big lead.

    But eventually he’ll have to face the working press and demonstrate he has some understanding of government and policy, other than writing checks to politicians.

    Otherwise, they’ll get honked and turn on him.

  7. - JImbo - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:00 am:

    Word, I don’t trust the press to ask any hard questions. Most of them are either in the tank for guys like Rauner, or disinclined to do anything other than reprint talking points. Rich is the exception, not the rule. Most of the voters aren’t very intellectually curious either, so they will accept the stuff they’re spoonfed by the media.

  8. - Walter Mitty - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    Just a question, Why if you have a double digit lead and you defined your opponent as Pat Quinn right away would you change anything? For D’s think Obama hope and change. He has to define all of this in the general, not a minute sooner. Although it may have worked for Obama to not have any defined plans, I hope the Farmer is pressed to define.

  9. - AFSCME Steward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    “We have a plan,” he said. “We’ll talk about that another day.”

    “We’ll get to that plan later,” he said with a laugh.”

    I wonder what Rauner’s response would be if one of the managers in his companies addressed his concerns with similar answers.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    With no pressure from the “3″ coming anytime soon, the Ads and the purchasing of time to bloviate all the buzz words…

    Bernie, and the press… The golden rule is going to apply.

    By no one actually vetting Rauner, completely, hard to see Rauner’s Crew giving up anything… anytime…. soon.

    The GOP Rod Blagojevich is starting his campaign of bombing the airwaves, but in the monetary steroids a billionaire can do by funding and raising the cash even Blago couldn’t imagine could be collected.

    The Golden Rule… trumps honestly, integrity, ethics and morals… and positions that need answers too.

  11. - Mason born - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    Is it me or is Dillard Schizophrenic? He’s flip flopped to the right on almost everything he can in this state. Yet when asked about the “assault Weapon” thing he tries to go left.

    While i may disagree with him on this it isn’t the merits that are confusing. It’s dillards strategy that seems schizophrenic. Does he really think that the people he teed off with the whole gay mariage rants are going to swoon over an AW ban? Seems like he’s trying to straddle the fence and doing it mighty poorly.

  12. - Wensicia - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    It should be interesting to read the reasons why the Tribune will be endorsing Rauner when they finally get around to it.

  13. - Chi - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:03 am:

    Shame on the press for not getting answers, but more shame on the other candidates.

  14. - YO - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:05 am:

    =Most voters aren’t very intellectually curious either, so they will accept the stuff they’re spoonfed by the media=

    A truism if ever I heard one. Apply that to the hysteria of Union domination and the pension crisis that will doom every citizen’s life in the state.

  15. - CollegeStudent - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:05 am:

    Rauner has a plan in the same way the Cylons on Battlestar Galactica have a plan.

  16. - Under Further Review - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    Rauner has a lead and he is playing not to lose.

    Sitting on a lead and playing not to lose is a good way to lose, but I do not see either Brady or Dullard pulling it off with Rutherford staying in the race.

  17. - AFSCME Steward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:08 am:


    “I think Rauner can probably get away with this nonsense through the primary. He’s just taking air out of the ball, trying to kill the clock with a big lead.

    But eventually he’ll have to face the working press and demonstrate he has some understanding of government and policy, other than writing checks to politicians.

    Otherwise, they’ll get honked and turn on him.”

    Correct. The GOP primary is not the general election. Rauner’s attempts are self definition will not go unanswered in the fall. There is plenty of money out there for Rauner to be challengede ad for ad. This is still a Democratic state & a very strong union state. His message may resonate in some of the rural areas, but in the urban areas, where most of the votes are, he is going to have real problems. Tie him to Oberweiss at the top of the ticket and the GOP is in big trouble.

  18. - Throwing Stones - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    =====“We have a plan,” he said. “We’ll talk about that another day.”

    “We’ll get to that plan later,” he said with a laugh.”

    I wonder what Rauner’s response would be if one of the managers in his companies addressed his concerns with similar answers.=====

    My guess is this is how he ran his businesses.

    “Sir, we need supplies for the nursing home and need to make payroll”

    “We will get to that plan later” he say’s with a laugh.

  19. - Norseman - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:11 am:

    Detailing a plan or being specific and would disrupt the narrative that he’s trying to sell.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:17 am:

    ===Tie him to Oberweiss at the top of the ticket and the GOP is in big trouble.===

    Thank you, Ron Gidwitz…

    Oberweis/Rauner should scare Durkin and Cross specifically, and make Comptroller Topinka have to work a tad harder than that Crew should have to.

    Slytherin Oberweis has the possibility to drag on it all, and Rauner as a 1%, like Oberweis, better get so far away from Oberweis, Rauner will make those with lactic allergies milk drinkers…

  21. - Confused - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    =Sen. Kirk Dillard was particularly aggressive at making personal digs at the other three… and businessman Bruce Rauner for his massive fundraising and television ads that have dominated the airwaves.=

    Bad Brucey for running an effective and well funded campaign. BAD!

  22. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:25 am:

    “We’ll talk about that another day.”

    It reminds me of Romney’s tax plan. I believe he had a plan that cut taxes 20% across the board, but when it was analyzed, it was found to give a proportionally-larger break to higher earners and to add significantly to future deficits/debt. After that came out, Romney said we’d have to wait until after he was elected to hear the plan.

    I think Rauner also said that when he was asked about the nursing homes.

  23. - For Whatever It's Worth - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:27 am:

    Would most people, even moderate Republicans, be stupid enough to vote for Rauner because he sometimes wears a carhartt jacket?

  24. - For Whatever It's Worth - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:28 am:

    Didn’t Nixon have a secret plan at one time also?

  25. - Walter Mitty - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    GOM…. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan…I am not for the Farmer, but geez… For no “experience” he sure seems to have learned from politicians before him… Yes he’s an outsider that is an insider… But his comptition has beat themselves. All 3 are delusional so none will step aside. Barring a miracle…he’s the candidate… Establishment better decide how you will support or not…

  26. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    Unfortunately, that day will come around the same time Pat Quinn delivers his budget address.

    As in, after the primary.

  27. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:31 am:

    Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow
    You’re always a day away!

  28. - AFSCME Steward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:32 am:


    “Bad Brucey for running an effective and well funded campaign. BAD!”

    What standard are you using to determine the campaign is effective ? Winning the GOP primary in a blue state ? Is that the goal ? His opponents have run dismal campaigns. For months his message of being the outsider Springfield has been needing has been unchallenged. His past record, unchallenged by anyone. Connections to the Dems, nobody said a word. Nursing Homes, Peyton Prep, silence. Wait till the General Election to see if his campaign is effective. There will be plenty of voices challenging his “I’m a regular guy just like you” schtick.

  29. - G'Kar - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:32 am:

    This might be slightly off topic, if so I apologize. But, I’ve been wondering if Rauner’s ads are becoming more of a distraction than a real plus to his campaign. I live in the Peoria TV market and watch my share of network TV in the evening. I have yet to see the anti-Rauner ad that talks about the nursing home scandal (I have seen the Stu Levine ad many times). Just last night alone I saw Rauner’s reply to the nursing home ad five times. My wife was watching TV with me and asked “What’s with the nursing homes?” Are others beginning to ask this as well as a result of Rauner’s ad?

  30. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:36 am:

    Another lack luster proformance…Good time had by all.real presidental.

  31. - That's Funny - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:38 am:

    Rauner is being coached by experienced campaign experts, he has hired some of the best. His campaign is in caution mode as he heads down the stretch. It is clearly his race to lose and can’t blame the guy for saving his plan for the general. Everybody seems scared to death of this guy but maybe somebody with the back bone to stand up to Madigan is what we need. Stalemate in government any more means they can’t do anything to us. The other 3 have been around for years and they are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Despite Quinn being a buffoon, he is still the guy to beat in the fall and that 54.5 million they can’t find in Chicago, well there will be more of that coming this summer, hey maybe we do need some guy to “shake-up” Springfield

  32. - a drop in - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:38 am:

    When it comes to plans, Bruce Rauner = Theo Epstein.

  33. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:40 am:

    – I have yet to see the anti-Rauner ad that talks about the nursing home scandal (I have seen the Stu Levine ad many times). Just last night alone I saw Rauner’s reply to the nursing home ad five times. My wife was watching TV with me and asked “What’s with the nursing homes?”–

    That sounds like some bad media planning. It’s easy to track where the other spot has run and aim your fire there.

  34. - Langhorne - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:41 am:

    This has been my complaint about bvc all along. Not even one issue w enuf detail to know if he has a workable idea. Maybe this is what he means when he says “there is no there, there.”

    When any of them sling platitudes and bs, the press is supposed to say, “you didnt answer the question.”

  35. - Nieva - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:43 am:

    How many times does a candidate take a position on an issue to see it bite him in the end. I don’t like this guy but with the lead he has I would say this is the best route to take. I would not be surprisedd to see him try to keep this up during the general election. He is already drowning us with television ads that talk about term limits. These play well with the voters.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:43 am:

    Oh jeez…

    ===Stalemate in government any more means they can’t do anything to us===

    Advocating a government “shutdown” is a Raunerbot special.

    ===…hey maybe we do need some guy to “shake-up” Springfield===

    If Rauner can’t articulate the “shake up” why advocate for it?

    Raunerites love the unknown, like lemmings leaping off a cliff, “so what to what might happen…”

  37. - Veritas - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:48 am:

    Rauner is emulating Obama’s successful strategy: catchy phrases with no substance; saturate the media; offer no specifics and deny or claim ignorance in re anything uncomfortable. Why wouldn’t he emulate that strategy as they have the same ringmaster, Rahm Emanuel. Wait until Rauner is Governor, Emanuel is Mayor & Obama is President. You’ll understand the plans then!!!

  38. - Soccermom - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:50 am:

    Chi - “Shame on the press for not getting answers”?

    It’s pretty clear that Bernie — and many others — have been asking questions, repeated. What do you want them to do, use thumbscrews? Maybe send out a team from B-613 with power tools and dental equipment?

    The GOP has allowed Rauner to buy this election. He’s using paid media instead of asking questions, and the other guys don’t have the cash to put his feet to the fire.

  39. - AFSCME Steward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:51 am:

    That’s Funny

    “Everybody seems scared to death of this guy but maybe somebody with the back bone to stand up to Madigan is what we need.”

    What evidence do you have that he will stand up to Madigan ? Rauner is as big, if not bigger, of an insider as Madigan. They both have filled their bellies from the trough. What in his record suggests he is any different than Madigan ?

  40. - Mittuns - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:52 am:

    The debate reminded me of how disappointing it is that Rutherford’s actions/allegations have derailed a pragmatic, reasonable candidacy.

    Also, how they all, mostly, continue to let Rainer off the hook. Rahm, nursing homes, Dem contributions, pension hypocrisy, pay-to-play, and Levine all things that they bashing him with every chance they get.

  41. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:54 am:

    “Stalemate in government any more means they can’t do anything to us”

    This has severely damamaged our national politics. It’s got so bad that Democrats are resorting to desperation measures like discharge petitions, just to vote on something that a large majority of Americans consistenly support–raising the minimum wage.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Rauner doesn’t just wait and possibly moderate his views. He may actually need to do this to win the General. Going all-out against unions in the General is perhaps one of the worst strategies to use.

  42. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:02 pm:

    “Advocating a government “shutdown” is a Raunerbot special.”

    Where did this come from? I’ve never heard Rauner to shut down government. “Shake up” government, yes. Shut it down? That seems to be a flight of fancy more due to fear mongering by anti-Rauner types.

    From the angry, outraged reactions to Rauner’s campaign successes thus far in daily comments on this site, it would appear the anti-Rauner groups are predicting shut downs and other calamities and catastrophes if he is elected governor.

    People fear change. People stick with the known over the unknown. Ask Pat Quinn how he won over Brady. There was more fear spread over Brady’s positions, real or imagined, to put Quinn over the top the last go around.

    Will fear mongering work against a Republican candidate this time? Will portraying Rauner as Romney (the evil out of touch billionaire) work like it did against Romney? Or is the public a little burned out hearing those messages and tuning them out this time around?

    I believe a lot of voters have concluded that change is necessary this election. And I am one of the few Republicans in this state that still goes door to door and talks to voters. That and a ton of money is fueling the Rauner campaign.

    Watching how Illinois ranks in various economic categories, higher than national average unemployment, a ton of unpaid bills, endless squabbling by a veto proof one party state over fixing problems, a “temporary tax increase” passed by a lame duck legislature which promised financial fixes to everything, and the anti-Rauner ads by public sector unions just confirm to those demanding change that Rauner is the change guy.

    That’s my 2 cents. As to “specifics” and “details” a new face will bring, does it matter right now? From the door-to-door responses I am getting, the answer is “no.”

  43. - LincolnLounger - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:03 pm:

    I swear he is the Manchurian Candidate.

  44. - Frosty-The Snowman - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:06 pm:

    As I watched the GOP debate last night, all I could think was “we are going to lose another one”. None of the GOP candidates had answers but instead they just played their favorite game of the two-step. Probably the least evasive to the questions being asked was Rutherford (who has “zero” chance at this point). I hate to say it but we are going to have Pat Quinn for another 4 years. Bill Brady simply would smile and grin, Dillard would remind listeners that he has a wife and two kids, and Rauner couldn’t answer anything he was asked. Rutherford (to m,e at least) came across as at least a possible contender except for the fact of the 800 pounds of baggage that he carries with him. Nope, we are doomed to having the captain of the Flying Dutchman to steer us around for another 4 years.

  45. - flea - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:10 pm:

    None of the other contenders have any discernible plans, either…..go with the guy who has so much money he may not want the usual like past Governors? Too Naïve?

  46. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:15 pm:

    - LincolnLounger -,

    Liev Schriber or Laurence Harvey?

    To your thought, however, imagine the MC not being an unwitting conspirator to actually being a conspirator. lol

  47. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:16 pm:

    === None of the other contenders have any discernible plans, either ===

    Including our sitting governor. Now that’s scary.

    We need a “none of the above” option on Illinois ballots.

  48. - A guy... - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:22 pm:

    4 person debates are a circular firing squad. They rarely if ever accomplish anything. Charles Thomas…Nevermind. Dillard was feisty and looking a bit too edgy. Rutherford protective, with good reason, Rauner trying not to make any fatal mistakes, he didn’t and stayed on the message that got him here. Brady firing away a little at a time and looking occasionally lost and aloof. Not great TV, and not a debate that shuffled the deck in my opinion.
    This post actually is me. Not sure how I got hijacked yesterday with Afscme Steward and O Willie. I marked where it wasn’t me anymore. Hopefully no air plane rides to Cuba today. lol

  49. - Samurai - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:22 pm:

    ==Would most people, even moderate Republicans, be stupid enough to vote for Rauner because he sometimes wears a carhartt jacket?==

    No. But if you throw in the $18.00 watch, then yes.

  50. - MrJM - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    “We need to modify their power,” [Rauner] said. When asked how, he said, “I won’t go into it today. We’ve got a detailed plan on it.”

    “Great! Custer had a plan.” — Harold Ramis, Stripes (1981)

  51. - dupage dan - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:36 pm:

    Rauner could use “we are the ones we have been waiting for”. People lapped that plan up.

    I am no fan of Rauner - folks in the know are always trying to get politicians to give detailed information about plans during election cycles. I agree that Rauner has to be more specific in the general but he ain’t gonna score points if he gets too detailed. That’s not how to win elections. Maybe Madigan suggested that to Rauner during those cozy lunches they had?

  52. - Pensioner - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:40 pm:

    AFSCME Steward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    Spot on. No chance for Rauner in a general. None.

  53. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:41 pm:

    ===No chance for Rauner in a general. None.===

    C’mon. Politics doesn’t work that way. And if you can’t figure that out, you really don’t belong here.

  54. - Chi - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:44 pm:

    Have there been any Chicago media stories, print or otherwise, with the theme similar to:

    “Bruce won’t answer questions. We asked him for a position on, e.g., gay marriage, abortion, etc. and he would not answer us.”

    Instead, all they do is read a portion of whatever Schrimpf press release is out that day about how Bruce is going to fundamentally shake some stuff up.

  55. - the Patriot - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:56 pm:

    Rauner could go to Cabo until after the primary and still win. The only way he loses is to commit suicide. Why box yourself in trying to compete with alleged plans of guys who are 15 points behind you in the polls.

    Time to look at November and we know that after 6 years in office for Quinn and 40 for Madigan, neither of them have viable plans to address any of our problems.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:01 pm:

    ===Rauner could go to Cabo until after the primary and still win===

    “Agreed! Signed, Brady 2010, Dillard 2010″

    Gotta finish, gotta have a good Election Day.



  57. - RNUG - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:07 pm:

    Sitting here right now I see a real horse race between Rauner and Quinn. Voters are not going to be voting for someone this election, they are going to be voting against someone. I don’t think the standard group demigraphics are going to be in play either; I think it’s going to be a lot more fractured this time around.

  58. - Soccermom - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:15 pm:

    Chi —

    You mean like this one?,0,4497798.column

  59. - Union Employee - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:26 pm:

    AFSCME Steward

    Please don’t speak for all union members. Give us real name so we can vote you out.

  60. - Soccermom - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:30 pm:

    Or there’s this

  61. - Soccermom - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:32 pm:

    Also this

  62. - Demoralized - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:37 pm:


    I think the shutdown talk comes from Rauner’s declarations on all of the things he intends to do to the union: reopen the contract, cut pensions, etc. It would be a defacto shutdown when the union members walked off of the job.

  63. - Chi - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:39 pm:

    Let me clarify: I’m not referring to opinion columnists. It’s an objective fact that Rauner has not been sharing his views on significant issues. It’s not a subject that journalists should be scared to deal with, leaving it to opinion columnists for fear of playing favorites. The media has not held his feet to the fire for his evasiveness.

    And the Herald story just says he didn’t come to a debate; doesn’t mention him refusing to give his stance on issues. Quinn is refusing to debate Hardiman; it’s a smart move for people with a big lead. But everyone knows where Quinn stands on the issues (if for no other reason than he’s been in office for a while). Rauner is scared to give his viewpoints before the primary and the media has let him get away with it.

  64. - Demoralized - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:40 pm:

    ==Time to look at November and we know that after 6 years in office for Quinn and 40 for Madigan, neither of them have viable plans to address any of our problems.==

    Neither does Rauner, apparently.

  65. - MissSmartyPants - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:51 pm:

    - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:02 pm:

    Well said!

  66. - AFSCME Steward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:51 pm:

    Union Employee

    When have I ever spoken for all union members ? I am confused by this statement.

    “AFSCME Steward

    Please don’t speak for all union members. Give us real name so we can vote you out.”

  67. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 1:59 pm:

    ===- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 12:02 pm:

    “Advocating a government “shutdown” is a Raunerbot special.”

    Where did this come from? I’ve never heard Rauner to shut down government. “Shake up” government, yes. Shut it down? That seems to be a flight of fancy more due to fear mongering by anti-Rauner types.===

    Um, Louis. try this for ONE…

    === Rauner got some attention for comments he made at a similar event - a Cumberland County Lincoln Day Dinner - suggesting he might shut down state government if elected.
    “I may have to take a strike and shut down the government for a few weeks [in order to] redo everybody’s contract,” he said.===

    Yeah, fear mongering …of a quote.

    C’mon, use the “search” key sometime…

  68. - AFSCME Steward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 2:06 pm:

    Louis G. Atsaves

    “People fear change. People stick with the known over the unknown”

    Actually I fear change. A candidate that tells me I have a plan, but I’m not going to tell you what it is, that’s what scares me.

    “I believe a lot of voters have concluded that change is necessary this election.”

    I agree, change is necessary, and long overdue. Unfortunately, Rauner, the ultimate insider, is not the change we need. The fact that he has to demonize certain groups of people instead of revealing his ideas is not the kind of change I am looking for.

    “Watching how Illinois ranks in various economic categories, higher than national average unemployment, a ton of unpaid bills, endless squabbling by a veto proof one party state over fixing problems, a “temporary tax increase” passed by a lame duck legislature which promised financial fixes to everything, and the anti-Rauner ads by public sector unions just confirm to those demanding change that Rauner is the change guy.”

    Illinois has many problems, agreed. Failed leadership, agreed. Insider dealings, agreed. Corruption, agreed. But Rauner is part of the problem, not the solution. Rauner is the insider’s insider. The reason for the opposition to Rauner from labor is not because he is for change. It is because he has decided to blame all of the problems on union members. I am a Republican. I do not support Rauner because he has told me I am his enemy, and he refuses to tell me his grand ideas. Usually when someone tells you he has a plan but won’t reveal it, he has no plan. If Rauner wants me to support him, he needs to stop blaming me & other union members for everything, stop implying that the GOP leaders are all shills for Pat Quinn, and tell me what’s he’s for & what his plans are. All I know now is what he is against.

  69. - AFSCME Steward - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 2:07 pm:

    That should read

    Actually I don’t fear change

  70. - Soccermom - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 2:17 pm:

    Chi - It is not the job of news reporters to decide how much, or how little, a candidate should say about his/her plans and policies. They are there to ask questions and to report the answers given, not to pass judgment on whether those answers are good or sufficient.

    It is absolutely the task of editorial pages and columnists to talk about what is not being said, and to make informed judgments about a candidate’s openness or evasive.

    In my rather considerable experience as a journalist, I have noticed that it is often the same people who complain about reporters failure to “hold their feet to the fire” and their “editorializing.”

    Can’t really have it both ways. And I don’t know what Bernie could have done to make this more clear.

  71. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 2:25 pm:

    AFSCME Steward, you hit the ball on the sweet spot, or as Patrick Kane says after he scores goals: BOOOOMM!!!!

    Fantastic commentary, and I fully agree with you.

  72. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 2:34 pm:

    –Can’t really have it both ways. And I don’t know what Bernie could have done to make this more clear.–

    Bernie got lied to and has been blown off for months when asking basic, legitimate questions.

    He ain’t some kid in his business and it’s crazy from a tactical standpoint to diss him like that.

    If you’ve read him over the years as I have, he’s even-handed to a fault. But you can tell from the last couple of columns that he’s not going to take that stuff anymore.

  73. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 3:51 pm:

    OW, not being afraid of a strike is advocating the shutdown of government? That is quite a reach in logic there. What was he supposed to say? “I will avoid labor strikes at all costs?” Even Pat Quinn would not say that!

    I hear many sides of the issue and respect those points of view. My job door-to-door is to act as a sponge, soak everything up, and report back what people are saying, not what I perceive them to be saying.

    Again, my 2 cents.

  74. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 3:53 pm:

    ===That is quite a reach in logic there.===

    Dude, he said what he said.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 4:07 pm:

    Am I not suppose to take Rauner at his word?

    Let me know what Raunerbot repeats are to be parroted and accepted, and which one are jibberish.

  76. - PoolGuy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 4:09 pm:

    He’s also said state workers make too much money and thinks 1/2 to 2/3 of General Assembly are corrupt. but he’s clean as a whistle and knows all the right things to do. one guy.

  77. - PoolGuy - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 4:10 pm:

    none of them are my savior, take your pick on the least worst one out of all 5 :)

  78. - Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 4:19 pm:

    Ducking REAL answers on education, pensions, etc. etc. etc…! At least things FInally DID get a bit heated and feisty at last night’s Debate, as others have noted, with some of the most BLIStering and pointed Heat actually turned-up by Kirk DILLard (although BB had his moments as well), who wants this nomination BAD this time and so appears to be pulling off the Gloves against EACH of the Opponents, especially Baron Rauner, and going all out with 18 days to go. I still think he’ll likely fall short in the end, but who KNOWS, and it sure makes it at least all SO interesting (more than I THOUGHT it’d be a few weeks back with br’s lead growing back then unCHECKED by these guys as I’d be sleeping through another boring RAUner Commercial night after night, not to mentionquickly changing STAtions on the RAdio when those same DRAB Ads would start coming on again–and it’s all of great EnterTAINment Value to boot–right up ’till the last vote is counted! Good. I hope it’s close–that’s the way a well-oiled Democracy SHOULD work, by God!

  79. - IbendahlLuvsJBT - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 4:33 pm:

    Lay off the CAPS LOCK buddy.

  80. - southwest - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 6:49 pm:

    Rauner’s plan or lack of one does not matter. This election will be similar to Obama’s in 2008…Change, but no hope!

  81. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 8:34 pm:

    He said in Springfield last year that “State workers were overpaid 23% compared to Wisconsin and Indiana.”

    Folks, this stuff isn’t being made up out of whole cloth.

  82. - That's Funny - Friday, Feb 28, 14 @ 10:02 pm:

    We have one constant name that is left standing in Illinois politics, MJM, look where we are at, if we were doing well MJM takes the credit, we are not, he should take the blame. Nothing moves without his support.

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