Illinois’ Report Card Grade Shows Emergency Care Environment in Critical Need of Improvement
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] A new state-by-state report card evaluating America’s support for emergency care has been released, and the results for Illinois are dire: Illinois is ranked 45th in the nation with a grade of D. This ranking is a striking decline from the 27th place and grade C Illinois received in 2009. The message is clear: Without action, the emergency care environment in Illinois continues to worsen — threatening access to life-saving care for the citizens of Illinois. Review the complete results of “America’s Emergency Care Environment, A State-by-State Report Card – 2014” produced by the American College of Emergency Physicians online at Emergency care is the safety net of the health care system, and state support is key to maintaining this safety net. The 2014 Report Card shows the lack of support and limited resources in Illinois have stretched it to breaking point. Without significant changes, access to care for Illinois citizens is threatened. Don’t let the safety net break: Support medical liability reform and disaster relief funding to keep emergency departments open and resources available when you need them most.
Question of the day
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * It’s kinda late in the day for a “serious” question, so how about we lighten things up with a caption contest? Rep. Lou Lang and Gov. Pat Quinn share a moment… ![]()
More like this, please
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * The oftentimes brutally confrontational, divisive and even mean-spirited Bruce Rauner talked like a reasonable human being for a change…
The regional fighting will never go away, but it has to be toned down. For too many years, particularly in Downstate, politicians have spent millions of dollars ginning up regional hostilities to benefit their own political hides. People quite often take their cues from their leaders, so the campaign rhetoric is not helpful in the least. * But if regional fighting is bad, as Rauner admits, what about his threats to set a torch to the Statehouse? Food for thought, Bruce.
*** UPDATED x1 *** All show, no go for new concealed carry, marijuana bills
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * There have been a rash of stories lately about various bills introduced to tweak or greatly modify the state’s new concealed carry law, which isn’t even fully operational yet. I’ve mostly been ignoring them. Rep. Phelps is spot on…
Keep that in mind when you read the almost non-stop stories about how one legislator wants to enact more concealed carry restrictions or another legislator wants to loosen some restrictions. It’s all for show. Ain’t none of them moving very far unless they have an agreed bill. *** UPDATE *** And while it pains me to say it, the same goes for medical marijuana…
Time to take a breath
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * Pat Gauen…
It’s a heckuva column and you should go read the whole thing. * Which brings us to this Tribune story…
The Trib wasn’t as juvenile as the Sun-Times has been on this, but it suits the same purpose - to spread innuendo about the candidate. * Bill Cameron follows up with Rutherford…
Good for Bill. …Adding… Greg Hinz is also a must read today. * The story is turning into a feeding frenzy. Fox 32 showed up at Ed Michalowski’s workplace…
Security eventually had to step in. Watch the video. * Meanwhile, tomorrow looks like it’ll be another busy day here…
* Other stuff…
Yes, they support the concept, but will it drive votes one way or the other?
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * Progress Illinois reports on a recent statewide Public Policy Polling survey on unemployment benefits…
OK, it’s pretty popular. But is it really an issue that will drive votes one way or another? Meh…
That 40 percent number isn’t really high enough to matter all that much. * And if you look at the crosstabs, just 33 percent of African-Americans and 37 percent of independents said they’d be less likely to vote for Sen. Kirk because of that vote. * I did find this of some interest, however…
He was out of the public eye for so long after his stroke that he doesn’t seem to be on a whole lot of voters’ radar screens. 48 percent of women have no opinion of him, as do 44 percent of Democrats.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: This just in…
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
DNR higher-up says bosses knew he went fishing during medical leave
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * Remember Travis Loyd? He’s the former deputy director at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources who was given the heave-ho after news outlets started calling about a months-long sick leave he took last year. Loyd participated in several fishing tournaments while on leave and even posted photos to his Facebook page. DNR told me Monday that Loyd was on a “physician-approved” family medical leave. And Loyd says his doctor recommended that he go fishing. No joke…
Hilarious. Not.
Poll has Oberweis leading 52-15
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Tribune’s poll of Republican primary voters has a wholly unsurprising result for the US Senate race…
* From the Trib…
The Truax campaign has been almost solely about the candidate’s public speaking engagements. He’s everywhere and he’s received some local party support for his efforts. That often gives candidates the sense that they’re gaining some traction. But in a race like this, you gotta get your name out there. If the choice is between a guy they know and someone they’ve never even heard of (who could be anybody, even a disguised Democrat, for that matter), voters will almost always go with the guy they know. And since Truax has almost zero cash on hand, he has no resources to get himself known. It’s gonna take a miracle for Truax to pull this one off.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller