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Illinois’ Report Card Grade Shows Emergency Care Environment in Critical Need of Improvement

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Advertising Department

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A new state-by-state report card evaluating America’s support for emergency care has been released, and the results for Illinois are dire: Illinois is ranked 45th in the nation with a grade of D.

This ranking is a striking decline from the 27th place and grade C Illinois received in 2009. The message is clear: Without action, the emergency care environment in Illinois continues to worsen — threatening access to life-saving care for the citizens of Illinois.

Review the complete results of “America’s Emergency Care Environment, A State-by-State Report Card – 2014” produced by the American College of Emergency Physicians online at

Emergency care is the safety net of the health care system, and state support is key to maintaining this safety net. The 2014 Report Card shows the lack of support and limited resources in Illinois have stretched it to breaking point. Without significant changes, access to care for Illinois citizens is threatened. Don’t let the safety net break: Support medical liability reform and disaster relief funding to keep emergency departments open and resources available when you need them most.

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Question of the day

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s kinda late in the day for a “serious” question, so how about we lighten things up with a caption contest? Rep. Lou Lang and Gov. Pat Quinn share a moment…


More like this, please

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The oftentimes brutally confrontational, divisive and even mean-spirited Bruce Rauner talked like a reasonable human being for a change

Does downstate Illinois get too big of a share of the state’s road fund? The Republican candidates for governor don’t think so.

Legislators from Chicago and its suburbs have complained that less populated parts of the state receive a disproportionate amount of transportation revenues. Currently, funds are divided in a 55/45 split, with the Chicago area getting the smaller chunk. Bruce Rauner thinks it’s an extension of a feud as old as the state itself.

“I’ve heard the debate about downstate versus metro Chicago,” Rauner said. “The fighting within our state is one of the problems we’ve got.”

The regional fighting will never go away, but it has to be toned down. For too many years, particularly in Downstate, politicians have spent millions of dollars ginning up regional hostilities to benefit their own political hides. People quite often take their cues from their leaders, so the campaign rhetoric is not helpful in the least.

* But if regional fighting is bad, as Rauner admits, what about his threats to set a torch to the Statehouse? Food for thought, Bruce.


*** UPDATED x1 *** All show, no go for new concealed carry, marijuana bills

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There have been a rash of stories lately about various bills introduced to tweak or greatly modify the state’s new concealed carry law, which isn’t even fully operational yet. I’ve mostly been ignoring them.

Rep. Phelps is spot on

State Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, who was chief sponsor of the legislation that created the new concealed carry rules, said it’s too early for either side to be making changes.

“Everybody needs to take a deep breath,” [Phelps] said. “This is monumental legislation. Let’s let it go into effect and see what it’s like before we try to change it.

“I really believe that neither pro-gun nor anti-gun bills are going to see any movement in the legislature right now.”

Keep that in mind when you read the almost non-stop stories about how one legislator wants to enact more concealed carry restrictions or another legislator wants to loosen some restrictions. It’s all for show. Ain’t none of them moving very far unless they have an agreed bill.

*** UPDATE *** And while it pains me to say it, the same goes for medical marijuana

State Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie) said the state has to prove it can handle medical marijuana first after it was enacted last year.

“I would prefer to wait, just to make sure this rolls out correctly,” Lang said, after the huge tax revenues brought in by Colorado with the new year reignited the debate over legalization last week. “If this doesn’t roll out right, there’s no way full legalization is going to roll out.

“There will be some who want to jump the gun and propose it,” Lang added. “And there are some proposing a middle ground, where we don’t legalize it, necessarily, but we decriminalize it and make it a small misdemeanor. So there are a lot of different ideas out there.”


Time to take a breath

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Pat Gauen

Returning from lunch during a murder trial one day, I rode a Madison County Courthouse elevator with the accused killer and two guards.
The shackled fellow recognized me as a reporter, and unloaded a loud but unconvincing earful about being railroaded. He capped it with a declaration that the prosecutor was a “ho-mo-sexual.” I write it now the way he said it then.

What, I wondered, was the point. Why would it matter? A prosecutor’s sexual orientation wouldn’t make the guy in chains any less guilty.

Then I realized from the rage in his eyes that “ho-mo-sexual” was the ugliest accusation this guy could imagine. It was the kind of thing he could hope would stick. […]

I don’t know that I ever heard anyone just shout out a gay accusation like that before. But I heard plenty of whispered sexual innuendos during years of writing about politics.

It’s a heckuva column and you should go read the whole thing.

* Which brings us to this Tribune story

Rutherford shared rooms with assistant - Treasurer says practice a way to save money

State Treasurer Dan Rutherford routinely roomed overnight in hotels and a Chicago apartment with a low-level treasurer’s office employee whom he has given a 50 percent pay hike, raising questions about the workplace judgment of the Republican candidate for governor.

Rutherford said he has shared a room with his executive assistant, Joshua Lanning, scores of times since taking office in 2011, a practice he says is a way to save money for his campaign fund.

“We double-bunk in the campaign,” Rutherford said. “We always double-bunk when we can. Totally as a cost-saving measure.”

The Trib wasn’t as juvenile as the Sun-Times has been on this, but it suits the same purpose - to spread innuendo about the candidate.

* Bill Cameron follows up with Rutherford

The innuendo of the Tribune story is obvious, but Rutherford is not taking the bait.

“This is hardball in Illinois and I understand people will do what they feel they need to do, but we’re moving forward with the campaign and we’re getting a tremendous amount of support and feedback,” Rutherford said.

When asked if the story perhaps says more about the Tribune than about him, Rutherford replied, “Well, I’ve always learned you don’t get into an argument with someone who buys ink by the barrel or someone who has a recording device that can go in as an item, so let’s just say that they’re out there doing what they feel they need to do and I’m moving forward. I have the ball and we’re moving ahead to get the nomination for Governor of Illinois.”

Good for Bill.

…Adding… Greg Hinz is also a must read today.

* The story is turning into a feeding frenzy. Fox 32 showed up at Ed Michalowski’s workplace

It’s the news making waves this week as State Treasurer and Gubernatorial hopeful Dan Rutherford is slapped with a federal lawsuit.  Ed Michalowski, a former lawyer and director in Rutherford’s office, claims Rutherford made inappropriate sexual advances and regularly forced him to do political work on state time. In tonight’s top story Fox News Correspondent Mark Flannery caught up with Ed Michalowski to find out what he had to say.

Flannery: We’d just like to ask you why you waited for two-and-a-half years before you filed a complaint?

Edmund P. Michalowski: I’m working right now. Per my work arrangement, I’m not supposed to be talking about any of this on state — on county time.

Flannery: You’re walking in a hallway. Why did you wait 2-1/2 years before you filed these complaints, made these allegations?

Michalowski: Sir!

Flannery: Why did you wait 2-1/2 years before filing these allegations?

Michalowski: Okay. You know what? I understand. You guys have a very important role in all of this, reporting all of these things. I’ve asked you to respect my work environment.

Security eventually had to step in. Watch the video.

* Meanwhile, tomorrow looks like it’ll be another busy day here

A report from the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office about its internal investigation of allegations made by a former employee is expected to be released Friday.

The internal investigation has been conducted by a former IRS agent who has been paid $250 an hour in taxpayer funds to examine Michalowski’s allegations.

* Other stuff…

* Rutherford posts position papers letting public know where he stands

* Bill Brady weighs in on accusations against Rutherford: “I think those are personal attacks that shouldn’t take place in a primary. Talking about issues wins elections.”

* Editorial: Clarity hard to come by in claims against Rutherford

* Bernard Schoenburg: Rutherford’s long political climb suddenly tougher


Yes, they support the concept, but will it drive votes one way or the other?

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Progress Illinois reports on a recent statewide Public Policy Polling survey on unemployment benefits

In the poll of 506 registered Illinois voters, 63 percent said Congress should reinstate the unemployment benefits, which expired last year, while 31 percent were opposed to the idea. Of those in favor of reinstating the unemployment assistance, 83 percent were Democrats and 44 percent were Republicans.

OK, it’s pretty popular. But is it really an issue that will drive votes one way or another? Meh

Of those polled, 40 percent said Kirk’s vote makes them less likely to support the senator in the future, while 31 percent think they would be more likely to support him. Twenty-four percent of respondents cited that Kirk’s vote makes “no difference” on whether or not they would support him in the future, while 5 percent said they were not sure.

That 40 percent number isn’t really high enough to matter all that much.

* And if you look at the crosstabs, just 33 percent of African-Americans and 37 percent of independents said they’d be less likely to vote for Sen. Kirk because of that vote.

* I did find this of some interest, however

Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Mark Kirk’s job performance?

    Approve ………………………………………… 28%
    Disapprove …………………………………….. 32%
    Not sure ………………………………………… 39%

He was out of the public eye for so long after his stroke that he doesn’t seem to be on a whole lot of voters’ radar screens. 48 percent of women have no opinion of him, as do 44 percent of Democrats.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: This just in…

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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DNR higher-up says bosses knew he went fishing during medical leave

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Remember Travis Loyd? He’s the former deputy director at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources who was given the heave-ho after news outlets started calling about a months-long sick leave he took last year. Loyd participated in several fishing tournaments while on leave and even posted photos to his Facebook page.

DNR told me Monday that Loyd was on a “physician-approved” family medical leave. And Loyd says his doctor recommended that he go fishing. No joke

Loyd said he took the time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA. He insisted DNR officials, including director Marc Miller, knew full well where he was and what he was doing.

“For them to indicate that they didn’t know I was out at fishing tournaments, baloney!” Loyd said. “This was them knee-jerking. I did absolutely nothing wrong.”

Loyd’s doctor, Tricia Warner of Mount Vernon, said in an email to Loyd she did indeed recommend he attend fishing tournaments while on leave in order to reduce stress. She copied the BGA and NBC 5 on that email at Loyd’s request.

“We discussed hobbies and activities that might alleviate stress,” Warner wrote. “You mentioned fishing and being involved in fishing tournaments as very enjoyable and relaxing for you. I encouraged your participation in these activities.”

Loyd insists his superiors were given that information when they approved his leave.




Poll has Oberweis leading 52-15

Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune’s poll of Republican primary voters has a wholly unsurprising result for the US Senate race

* Jim Oberweis: 52%
* Doug Truax: 15%
* Undecided: 32%

* From the Trib

Though he has yet to spend much money this time out, Oberweis has 88 percent name recognition among Republican voters. That’s due to not only the family’s namesake dairy stores, but also the millions of his own money that Oberweis spent during one campaign for governor and two U.S. Senate bids that date to 2002. Oberweis also lost special and general election bids for Congress before breaking through with a state Senate win in November 2012. […]

Despite that, the poll indicated little voter fatigue among Republicans over Oberweis’ ambitious and frequent attempts to win public office and the sometimes controversial gaffes he committed along the way. Overall, 40 percent viewed Oberweis favorably while 9 percent looked upon him unfavorably. Another 39 percent had no opinion of him. […]

Truax has yet to introduce himself to many Republican voters — 52 percent said they have never heard of the military veteran and a managing partner and co-owner of Oak Brook-based Veritas Risk Services. Of those who said they were familiar with Truax, 36 percent had no opinion of him while only 11 percent viewed him favorably and 1 percent had an unfavorable view.

The Truax campaign has been almost solely about the candidate’s public speaking engagements. He’s everywhere and he’s received some local party support for his efforts. That often gives candidates the sense that they’re gaining some traction. But in a race like this, you gotta get your name out there.

If the choice is between a guy they know and someone they’ve never even heard of (who could be anybody, even a disguised Democrat, for that matter), voters will almost always go with the guy they know. And since Truax has almost zero cash on hand, he has no resources to get himself known.

It’s gonna take a miracle for Truax to pull this one off.


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Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* IEMA, DoIT directors depart
* Sen. Durbin's dangerous idea could worsen the problem he wants to solve
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