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*** UPDATED x1 *** The Rutherford plot thickens

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

The Illinois State Treasurer employee behind allegations against State Treasurer Dan Rutherford resigned from his position Monday, the employee told the Sun-Times.

The man, who asked that his name not yet be used, said he submitted his resignation letter Monday following what he called an “intimidating” news conference held by Rutherford on Friday, with a former FBI agent at his side. […]

The employee told the Sun-Times in an interview Monday that his complaint entailed harassment claims and pressure to do political work.

Apparently, the employee took compensatory time, so his resignation doesn’t become official until Feb. 10, meaning the treasurer’s office can’t yet comment.


A man who says he was a victim of sexual harassment by Treasurer Dan Rutherford has submitted a letter of resignation. […]

The alleged victim describes unwanted advances by Treasurer Rutherford, and accuses him of trying to force state employees to work on behalf of his campaign for governor.


We are all really in for it now.


*** UPDATED x2 - Radogno opposes *** Budget address to be delayed until late March

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Not unexpected…

Proposing a budget that lays out major cuts is something nobody wants to do before a primary, even when one’s primary opponent has no money.

But this is kinda wimpy, if you ask me. Let’s get it out there.

…Adding… Quinn’s office says the governor is also expected to outline a five-year spending blueprint. Says budget address has been postponed 13 of past 20 years.

*** UPDATE *** Hmmm

Chicago Teachers Union spokeswoman Stephanie Gadlin said it was no secret the CTU was planning a “mass rally around pensions” on the day of the budget address.

“The governor and the legislators can run but they cannot hide from their constituents who are trying to fend off a municipal pension heist by Rahm Emanuel,” Gadlin said. “Be it Feb. 19 or sometime in March—the CTU will be there.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** SGOPs…

Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno on Governor Quinn’s requested delay in budget presentation:

“We have been accommodating when it made sense. For example, Governor Quinn’s first year in office. But to push back the presentation of the state’s budget by five weeks for purely political purposes is a disservice to the taxpayers. It’s an abuse of the legislative process and I resent it.”


Question of the day

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My favorite headline so far about the 2014 race is about Treasurer Dan Rutherford’s highly unusual Friday press conference. The headline comes to us from the Chicago Tribune

GOP governor candidate denies unknown allegations

That about sums it up.

* The Question: What would be your own headline for the 2014 campaign to date?


SOTS fact checking

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The AP fact checks some of Gov. Pat Quinn’s claims about the Illinois economy during his State of the State address

Quinn said Illinois has added 280,000 private-sector jobs since recovery began — officially that was in January 2010 for Illinois — and that statewide unemployment is at its lowest level in almost five years.

“In fact, since last May, Illinois has led the Midwest in new jobs created,” the governor said.

The first two points are accurate, but if you compare it with other states, Illinois doesn’t always stack up well.

According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, a net 276,800 private-sector jobs have been added in Illinois since January 2010. That’s a 5.6 percent increase.

In that time, many Midwestern states have done better. Wisconsin’s private-sector job base has grown by 5.7 percent, Indiana’s by 8.8 percent, Michigan’s by 9.2 percent and North Dakota’s — driven by the state’s petroleum boom — leads the way at 30.2 percent.

Unemployment, which reached a recession-high of 11.3 percent in January 2010, was at 8.6 percent in December, the most recent month available from the Illinois Department of Employment Security. That’s its lowest point since the 8.5 percent rate in February 2009.

But the current unemployment rate is the third highest among the 50 states, lower only than in Nevada and Rhode Island.

Interesting stuff. Go read it.


*** LIVE VIDEO *** Let’s get ready to rumble…

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Chicago Tribune is live-streaming its 1 o’clock endorsement session with the four Republican gubernatorial candidates. This ought to be good. Watch it right here

…Adding… Let’s also do a ScribbleLive feed


Lawyer: Focus is on political work

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Speaking from years of experience watching these things play out, make sure to take all of this with a very big grain of salt

A lawyer for a worker in the office of Illinois State Treasurer and Republican Gubernatorial candidate Dan Rutherford, says her client might not be the only Rutherford employee making allegations against him.

Christine Svenson was on WLS Monday morning with Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft. She says other Rutherford employees may come forth as well with their own accusations: “There may be others. Absolutely.”

Svenson says her client accuses Rutherford of forcing him to do political work on state time, and she says her client may make other allegations in the future. She would not comment on whether some of those allegations could pertain to sexual harassment:

“I can’t comment on that right now. Right now we’re focused on the first amendment claim. We may, you know, I don’t want to box myself in, we may be adding other claims. Don’t speculate, I’m not saying that it’s what you just mentioned, it could be a couple of other different things, we’re just not ready to go there yet”

* Again, take a deep breath here. Lawyers can often bluff a whole lot before they do something. Sometimes they have the goods (George Ryan’s troubles started with a civil lawsuit), sometimes they don’t.

But, whatever the case, this campaign seems likely to veer into uncharted territory during the next week or two.


We’ll take whatever we can get

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A tad bit of good news

Illinois’s borrowing costs have fallen to the lowest level in six months as investors join Governor Pat Quinn in wagering that a law bolstering the worst-funded state pension system has “stopped the bleeding.”

The extra yield demanded on 10-year Illinois debt relative to AAA munis reached 1.43 percentage points on Jan. 30, the least since July 18, as the state prepares a $1 billion general-obligation bond sale this week, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The fifth most-populous state already spared taxpayers more than $20 million on an offering in December, less than two weeks after legislators passed a pension bill that saves $145 billion over 30 years. […]

Illinois “is perceived as being on the right trajectory,” said Konstantine “Dino” Mallas, who helps oversee $20 billion of munis at T. Rowe Price Group Inc. in Baltimore. “I wouldn’t say they’re out of the woods, but maybe they’ve stopped digging themselves into a deeper hole.”

* And we’re not even in the top ten?

According to a new report at Business Insider, Illinois is the 16th most corrupt state in the U.S. The ranking system looked at number of people convicted of public corruption, per population.

By this metric, Louisiana is the nation’s most corrupt state, with over nine public convictions per 100,000 residents. The states with the fewest conviction rates were South Carolina, Oregon, Washington, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Utah. Each of these had 1.3 convictions or fewer per 100,000.

…Adding… I think Greg Hinz is really on to something, at least as far as the corporate recruiting world is concerned

The good folks at the Indiana Economic Development Corp. have had lots of fun at Illinois’ expense in the past couple of years, running a ton of ads here and other places about how Indiana is a far better place to locate a business than Illinois.

But now, the boys and girls from the Land of Lincoln think the Hoosiers have given them something to fight back with.

In the Indiana Senate, after clearing the state House earlier in the week, is a bill that would insert a ban on same-sex marriage in the Indiana Constitution. While the measure, at least as now written, would leave the door open to civil unions and would have to be approved by voters, it’s exactly the opposite direction that many states are headed in now, including Illinois, where gay marriage becomes legal on June 1.

Passage of the bill would be “a negative sign to business,” said Doug Whitley, CEO of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. “That’s a mistake for the Indiana Legislature to take that path.”

Allowing same-sex couples to wed and related matters “are a determinant of where you want to live and work,” he added.

The same point comes from Adam Pollet, director of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity: “Illinois is open for business. We want all the business here, and all of the people in those businesses,” he told me.


Mo’ money

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ken Griffin, the richest man in Illinois, has written his second $250,000 check to Bruce Rauner’s campaign.

* Rauner has expanded his cable TV buy. From Comcast…

Bruce Rauner, Republican candidate for IL Governor
Agency: Access Media, LA
Flight Dates: 2/4 – 3/17/14
Chicago I+ Total: $239,238
Central IL Total: $19,344
All dayparts purchased in all zones

Syscodes / Zones / $ by zone
5170 / Chicago Interconnect / $184,410
9804 / DirecTV Chicago / $32,436
9810 / DISH Chicago / $22,392
7800 / Champaign IC $4,404
6872 / Galesburg / $1,560
7827 / Peoria Interconnect / $8.706
7829 / Rockford / $2,496
6805 / Sterling Rock Falls / $2,178
Total All zones: $258,582

* And so far, I think, I’m the only one to write about that new IE ad which blasts Rauner’s three opponents. The group has launched its cable buy…

Mid America Fund
Targeting IL GOP Gubernatorial Primary
Agency: newday Media Services, Atlanta,GA
Total Chicago Order: $82,000
Total Central IL Order: $10,001
Flight dates: 1/31 – 2/16/14
Networks: FXNC, HIST, TWC
Dayparts: 9A-4P, 7P-midnight
Syscodes / zones / $ by zone
5170 / Chicago Interconnect / $82,000
7800 / Champaign Interconnect / $3,571
7827 / Peoria Interconnect / $3,820
7829 / Rockford Interconnect / $2,610
Total All Markets – $92,001

Keep in mind that both Rauner and Mid America Fund are also on network TV and radio.

By the way, the State Board of Elections is still not showing any paperwork filed by Mid America Fund.

* And while the Rauner campaign has filed amended disclosure reports to list employee names, Jon Zahm points to a complaint filed by Steve Shearer with the State Board of Elections that brings up another topic

Shearer and Stern have identified another serious problem that has so far eluded the mainstream media. It is the fact that Rauner had staff and campaign activity well before he began reporting to the State. Once he reached $5,000 (until recent years it was $3,000) in loans or spending by the campaign he was required to file and disclose. It is highly questionable if this was done in a timely fashion. Consider:

    Shearer is also hoping this ISBE investigation will allow a look into Rauner paying campaign staff and other campaign expenses BEFORE he established his campaign with the ISBE in March 2013. Illinois has a $3,000 threshold for raising or spending money in a campaign effort after which it is mandatory to file a D-1 Statement of Organization establishing a campaign and begin filing quarterly reports disclosing all contributions and expenditures. If this investigation does not investigate those separate potential violations, Shearer is prepared to launch further legal complaints.

The full complaint is here.


Love is not political

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* State Rep. Jil Tracy

“How can it help rebuild our Republican Party to elect a governor who has voted in the 2006 Democratic primary, and … when asked about his donations to Democrats rebuts it and says his liberal Democrat wife is the one that made those,” Tracy said of Rauner at a Sangamon County Republican Network lunch at the Sangamo Club. Also speaking was Tracy’s running mate, state Sen. Kirk Dillard, R-Hinsdale.

“I don’t want a first lady in the mansion that’s a liberal Democrat,” Tracy added.

You gotta be kidding me.

* Sen. Dillard’s response

Dillard said Tracy “has her own opinions,” but he thinks there are “plenty of issues” he can use against Rauner “without involving his wife.”

Exactly, and Rep. Tracy ought to do the same. I mean, c’mon.

I’m pretty sure that I’ve told you this before, but it’s worth saying again.

* When I was growing up, my father was a Goldwater/Nixon Republican and my mother was a Gene McCarthy Democrat. As you might imagine, I was witness to more than a few political, um, discussions.

And it continued after my dad left the Republican Party in disgust and backed Barack Obama for president. My mom enthusiastically supported Hillary Clinton and was heartbroken when she lost to Obama.

But those heated disputes never stopped Mom and Dad from loving each other. They celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary last fall. The heart is a weird thing sometimes. And nobody else has a right to judge that.

* So, in context, this response was appropriate

Mike Schrimp, spokesman for Rauner, said via email, “While Rep. Tracy may have forgotten that the governor’s mansion belongs to all the citizens of Illinois, I am confused why she wants someone who made a TV ad for Barack Obama and teamed with Rod Blagojevich to increase the state’s debt to live there.”


The story the Rauner campaign was actually pushing

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times has a story today that other reporters were tipped to by the Bruce Rauner campaign. The lede

In his three years as Illinois treasurer, Dan Rutherford has demonstrated a penchant for globe-trotting unlike any of his predecessors over the past quarter century.

* But there’s a hidden agenda behind the desire to get Rutherford’s travel schedule under a microscope. Take a deep breath first and remember that it’s high campaign season.

OK? Are you ready?

I’m really not, and I do this with great trepidation and anxiety, but here we go

During each trip, Rutherford received his taxpayer-funded salary, as did his executive assistant, Josh Lanning. Lanning often travels with the treasurer, including on a personal excursion to Australia in 2011, which Rutherford has described as a “few weeks” in length in June of that year.

Fewer than two months later, Rutherford was in flight again, traveling to China, where he and his executive assistant spent 15 days. […]

“Most constitutional officers that are invited by another country, they have staffing that goes with them. Josh travels with the treasurer a lot, day in, day out,” Bragiel said. “He just works alongside the treasurer. He is an executive assistant to the treasurer and helps out with the day-to-day responsibilities with Treasurer Rutherford. I don’t think it’s unusual; most constitutional officers have staff with them.”

Photos on Rutherford’s Facebook page show the treasurer diving in the Red Sea, posing with Lanning next to the Wailing Wall in Israel as well as trekking through remote regions of the nation. […]

Lanning was not on work time but on “benefit time,” during the Australia trip, Olson said. Olson explained that as time given to newly hired employees who were allowed to transfer in previously earned vacation, sick or comp time on state time. […]

The office said two taxpayer-funded trips — on March 25-27, 2011, to Washington, D.C., and Sept. 15, 2011 to New York — are examples of Rutherford being so cognizant of travel expenses he shared hotel rooms with Lanning.

“As you know, anytime you go to New York or D.C., hotel rooms are outrageous,” said Kyle Ham, Rutherford’s chief of staff. “So decisions were deliberately made for Dan and his executive assistant, Josh, to double occupy.”

Ugly. Just freaking ugly.


* I’ve been thinking about this topic all weekend, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the best way to deal with it is head-on. The Rauner campaign was clearly trying to back-door some salacious allegations about Rutherford with that travel story. While I remain unconvinced that Rauner was behind the Cristine Svenson matter, I do believe he was at least partly behind the revelations in that Sun-Times story.

The thing is, knowing him as I do, I’m not sure that Rutherford really thought much of this stuff.

Constitutional officers really do travel with staff. And Rutherford is, indeed, quite cheap. And, for just about any other male candidate, bunking in the same room with another guy is absolutely no big deal.

* Plus, from all I know (and I’ve known about this “hotel story” for months), the travel aide is most definitely not having any sort of inappropriate or unprofessional relationship with Rutherford. Period. End of story. To even suggest otherwise is just way over the line. There is no there there.

Rutherford is an unmarried man, so that gives certain people license to spread lies about him. And in this case, at least, these are most definitely lies.

Move along.


Poll shows collateral damage

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Without a doubt, the most overlooked aspect of Bruce Rauner’s multi million-dollar TV ad buy has been his advertising campaign’s repeated attacks on Gov. Pat Quinn.

“Career politicians are running our state into the ground, and Pat Quinn, he’s at the top of the heap,” Rauner says in one of his ads that have permeated the airwaves since last November. “Pat Quinn, a career politician who failed to deliver term limits,” a Rauner TV announcer declares in another spot.

The millions of dollars worth of ads are supposedly aimed at Republican primary voters, but, obviously, everybody else in the state is seeing them as well. And Quinn, who doesn’t have a well-funded primary opponent, hasn’t bothered to rebut any of Rauner’s multiple attacks. That could’ve been a huge mistake, particularly considering Illinois’ persistently high unemployment rates, the hostile national climate, the never-ending negative stories about the state’s finances and Quinn’s four-year history of low job performance scores.

If a new Capitol Fax/We Ask America poll is accurate, then Rauner’s months-long unrebutted attacks have helped knock Quinn into a shockingly deep hole.

According to the poll of 1,354 likely general election voters, all four of Quinn’s potential Republican primary opponents have pulled ahead of the long-unpopular Democratic governor.

The poll, taken January 30th, found that Sen. Bill Brady leads Gov. Quinn 48-39. Sen. Kirk Dillard and Treasurer Dan Rutherford are ahead of Quinn 46-37. And Rauner leads the governor 47-39.

The self-described party affiliation in the poll was 22 percent Republican and 38 percent Democratic, while 40 percent said they were independents. Nineteen percent of the polling universe was cell phone users.

“Pat Quinn has made a career out of overcoming the odds and the electorate clearly know more about him than the others,” said pollster Gregg Durham. “When that balances out, we may see a dramatically different picture.”

Yes, we may. But right now, voters know Pat Quinn and they really don’t like him.

According to the poll, which had a margin of error of +/-2.7 percent, a whopping 59 percent of likely voters disapprove of Gov. Quinn’s job performance. A mere 29 percent approve of his job performance and 12 percent were undecided.

The poll has Quinn leading his opponents in Chicago, but nowhere else. He’s ahead of Brady 63-25 in the city, and his lead there is similar against the other three as well.

But the Republicans average a surprising six-point lead over Quinn in the Cook County suburbs, which have been trending Democratic for years.

The margin was much higher in the collar counties, where the Republican field led Quinn by an average of 12 points each.

Downstate, though, Quinn is getting absolutely crushed. The GOP candidates’ average lead is a gigantic 30 percentage points each.

Take a look at the regional job approval breakdowns and you’ll see what’s behind this. According to the poll, a whopping 73 percent of Downstaters disapprove of Quinn’s job performance, while a mere 19 percent approve. Another 62 percent of collar county voters disapprove and just 32 percent approve. Suburban Cook voters disapprove of Quinn’s job performance by a 56-25 margin. Only in Chicago is Quinn above water, and even there, just 49 percent approve of his job performance, while 32 percent disapprove.

Among women, Quinn is doing just barely OK. He’s ahead of Brady and Rauner by a point, in front of Dillard by two points and trails Rutherford by a point.

Men, however, are going overwhelming for his Republican opponents. Brady leads Quinn by 24 points among men, Dillard leads him by 25 points and Rauner and Rutherford lead by 21 among males.

According to the poll, a mind-blowing 62 percent of men disapprove of Quinn’s job performance, while 57 percent of women disapprove. His approval ratings are abysmal. Just 24 percent of men approve, while 31 percent of women think he’s doing a good job.

The Republican candidates are also whomping the governor among independents, where they’re averaging a 56-24 lead.

The bottom line here is that the mostly union-financed TV advertising attacks on Bruce Rauner, which will supposedly kick off this week, had better do their magic and disqualify the newcomer or the kabillionaire candidate will just stay on the air until the fall, keeping his advertising foot on the governor’s already hobbled political neck for the rest of the year. It won’t be pretty.

Subscribers, of course, have complete crosstabs and all questions.


Oh, this is not good at all

Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* State Rep. Darlene Senger (R-Naperville) was supposed to be a gold standard challenger to Democratic Congressman Bill Foster. But, check out her quarterly fundraising report

Total Contributions (other than loans) $49,474.00

Are you kidding me?

* To give you an idea how horrible that is, Senger raised less than the hapless Erika Harold did in the 4th quarter

Total Contributions (other than loans) $64,379.78

* Senger raised about $210,000 all last year. Her main GOP primary opponent, Bert Miller, recently got into the race and he reported raising $261K in the 4th quarter alone. He also loaned himself $50K, leaving him with a quarter-ending cash on hand balance of $247K. Senger had $64K left over at the end of December.


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Monday, Feb 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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