Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn finally emerges, whacks Rauner on gay marriage
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Quinn finally emerges, whacks Rauner on gay marriage

Thursday, Mar 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Unless the state’s economy improves dramatically between now and November, Gov. Pat Quinn will have to make social issues part of the mix this fall in order to win. Bruce Rauner says he’s pro-choice, but he’s not necessarily against gay marriage, he just says he wanted a referendum before he’d sign the bill into law. So, Quinn will undoubtedly seek to put marriage equality on the table and he telegraphed a punch during an interview with Windy City Times

WCT: Every House member and most of the Senate are facing re-election. Are you doing anything to help legislators facing primary challenges, especially ones who voted for marriage equality?

Gov. Pat Quinn: I support all of those who voted for marriage equality. I think that was a courageous vote. Wherever I can, I try to help out the best I can. The key moment occurred when we passed that bill in the House. I won the election in 2010 by 31,000 votes. If I hadn’t won, that day in November wouldn’t have happened because the person I ran against was an opponent of marriage equality.

In fact, in terms of the Republicans running right now, when we passed the bill, Bruce Rauner, in Quincy, Illinois, demanded that I veto the bill.

Ever since the Auditor General’s report was made public about Quinn’s horrendously inept and politically drenched anti violence initiative, Quinn has stayed far, far away from reporters. The fact that he sat for this friendly WCT interview tells you something about how hunkered down he is.


  1. - Upon Further Review - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 8:55 am:

    Does that mean Sandack and Sullivan will get endorsements from Quinn in the General Election?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 8:57 am:

    How soon before the Quinn Crew tries to start the narrative of…

    “Well, the Oberweis/Rauner Republicans say…the Oberweis/Rauner Republicans feel… Look how the Oberweis/Rauner Republicans vote on issues that are important to Illinois’ social experience?”

    March 19th?

    I may be “right… Exactly right.”

  3. - Walker - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:01 am:

    The Rauner waltz, around statements he made in the primary, will be more fun to watch than dancing with the stars.

    Spinning us off our feet.

    As for Quinn, Holland has another doozy for him today on dismal state finances.

    Quinn’s most credible critic, with the best information, comes from within state government.

  4. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:02 am:

    It’s taking a while for the Quinn crew to come up with a reasonable political esponse to the auditor general’s report.

    Keep trying. It ain’t going away.

    Is there no good soldier willing to fall on their sword for this? Or does the realization that the federales have been working the West Side for years now preclude that?

  5. - shore - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:03 am:

    democrats in 2010 and, every election ever, never figured out how to beat All time great american and superhero Mark Steven Kirk and his moderation. One day their message was he’s a dc bush conservative, the next day the flip flopper. This campaign will be a good test as to whether they’ve learned how to do something they couldn’t with him and that’s beat a moderate.

  6. - MrJM - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:10 am:

    “This campaign will be a good test as to whether they’ve learned how to do something they couldn’t with him and that’s beat a moderate.”

    Fortunately, Rauner has said many things that were less than moderate.

    – MrJM

  7. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:25 am:


    By definition, you are a RINO if you do not pass the litmus test 100%.

    Good luck arguing Rauner is a right winger:
    - pro-choice
    - rebuked by gun lobby
    - supported Democrats
    - would raise minimum wage

  8. - RonOglesby - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:30 am:

    I’m not a Rauner fan, but “Thats all you got, Quinn?”

  9. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:33 am:


    Minimum wage? He was against it before he was for it….or was it the other way around, LOL.

  10. - Wensicia - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:36 am:

    I don’t know what you would call the 1% (or .01%) crowd, but moderate doesn’t come to mind.

  11. - A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:56 am:

    To the Windy City Times. Most of the senators are not up, a third of them are. For someone heavily engaged in legislation isn’t that 101 knowledge?
    To the amazing O Willie, I’m sure Quinn’s crowd will try to tie Obie and Rauner together. They’ll be as successful at that as Rauner and Rahm. I just can’t believe these people don’t take your advice Willie. Does it even occur to you that Rauner has built up tremendous equity in his name and profile in this primary? He’s the Lone Ranger on this one Tonto, and try as they may to stick Obie with him, it won’t work. Their records, positions and profiles are too different. Rauner will be firmly in the middle, focused and well financed. he will not offend anyone but the absolute wingtips of each side. Oberweis will be a new and improved, but not terribly different version of the Oberweis 30% of the people love and 40% despise. There’s still oddly some room there. If Washington remains dysfunctional, it’s not impossible for Dick Durbin to have a close race or a loss. It all depends on turnout in November. If PQ really upsets and represses African American and union voters in November- Dick Durbin could have his Charles Percy moment. Not likely, but not impossible. Can’t see the tea leaves that far ahead. Stranger things have happened.

  12. - A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:08 am:

    By the way Rich, Re-read your headline on this one. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself, but it strikes me as very funny. Sorry.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:10 am:

    ===Does it even occur to you that Rauner has built up tremendous equity in his name and profile in this primary?===

    Being an absolute Fraud, “Bruce Rauner” sold that, alright, alright…

    === He’s the Lone Ranger on this one Tonto, and try as they may to stick Obie with him, it won’t work. Their records, positions and profiles are too different.===

    So the fear by the Rauner Crew of Oberweis us non-existent? That is a Raunerbot talking point. The Rauner Crew would prefer Oberweis not in the ticket. That has been discussed, even here.

    ===Rauner will be firmly in the middle, focused and well financed. he will not offend anyone but the absolute wingtips of each side.===

    Hey “Car-Nac”, that is the plan, “will” implies success of a plan yet to be implemented. Raunerbots love predicting future events with the smugness of Bruce Rauner.

    ===Oberweis will be a new and improved, but not terribly different version of the Oberweis 30% of the people love and 40% despise. There’s still oddly some room there===

    Based on… what? The handling of the Florida trip? I give the example of Angle/Reid… you got an example to SHOW this … transformation? I got this FL thing too..

    ===Can’t see the tea leaves that far ahead.===

    So all your Dopey speculation above; the marrying not happening, Rauner’s run against the marrying, that speculation is not by tea leaves but what, coffee grains? lol

    No one listens to me but you it always seems. Why you engage me while poking bears, is Folly for me. Raunerbot talking points are not facts. Your close about not seeing the future refutes everything above that, in this instance.

    Get better game. Get fresher Raunerbot talking points, and geez, no one is listening to me, so when they do, let me know.

  14. - Bourbonrich - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:27 am:

    I laughed out loud at someone describing Rauner as moderate. He may be a moderate Republican but he is way, way, way right of being a moderate.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    - Bourbonrich -,

    “Bruce Rauner” is a Raunerite, hijacking the GOP nomination, and with the “cover” if being the Nominee, “Bruce Rauner” will try to win for Bruce Rauner and Raunerites. Nothing in this “No Endorsement” the spin of the ISRA, or the predicted move away from conservative social stances, perceived or not, do not change the fact both Rauners are Raunerites, and Raunerites only.

  16. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:34 am:

    Once the Primary is over, Quinn can say all he wants, but the election will be about the continued corruption of Illinois governors - Ryan, Blagojevich and Blagojevich’s running mate, Quinn and his missing $54,000,000.

    Then Rauner will continue to discuss the sorry state of the Illinois budget. Then the taxes. Then the high cost of corruption.

    Quinn can say, “marriage equality” all he wants, but once voters see that Rauner has no fangs on social issues, Quinn will discover that he can’t run on his complete lack of accomplishments.

  17. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:44 am:

    Long before he was a candidate I talked to Rauner at length about his political views. Unfortunately for Quinn, he is actually socially progressive on most things. For the most part, he has successfully hidden that this Spring but somehow I suspect that message will go public on March 19, making it impossible to demonize him on any of the things that did in Brady. It will be a tough slog to November.

  18. - A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    Willie, I have a hard time believing even you believe the hokum you write about this topic. Rauner has more than enough resources to separate himself from any other race in the state. Have you learned nothing from last summer until now when you made fun of him for not wearing a helmet in a 5 mph parade at the fairgrouds? He runs alone dude. You pontificate all of these chinks in his armor and you’ve been proven wrong on their impact every time. Put a Quinn sign in your yard (or balcony). No one will be stunned. Put it next to the Two Putt sign, you know the guy who managed our assembly down to a super minority. I take it back, you’ve been very successful. I just never knew what your objective was. No I know, I can confirm it’s been achieved; You want to make our party completely irrelevant, rather than numerically irrelevant. I can’t believe I missed it. You’re right; I’m dumb, you’re a Mensa. I can live with that.

  19. - MrJM - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:51 am:

    What SDS said.

    – MrJM

  20. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:54 am:

    do not change the fact both Rauners are Raunerites, and Raunerites only.

    That’s just whacked. We all know how much you hate Rauner, but you’ve completely lost it.

  21. - A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:56 am:

    VM, I guess he’s mad Jim O didn’t take him with for a little R & R.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 10:58 am:

    Quinn/Rauner will probably be left blank for me.

    You must not be able to read. I said I would never vote for Quinn. Demonizing me, it doesn’t help your Raunerbot talking points.

    ===Put it next to the Two Putt sign, you know the guy who managed our assembly down to a super minority.===

    Two points, my “credentials” (lol) on Cross are impeccable. Once you became a Raunerbot, a Raunerite lemming who spouts off Raunerite talking points, you can’t call yourself a Republican. Why, the “Dude” formed a pack to vote “Raunerite” not Republican. Use the “search” key. Further, calling 1/3 of the GOP GA members “corrupt” and you standing with him makes your credentials more than suspect.

    You are a Raunerbot, a Raunerite lemming spouting talking points. Get over it.

    ===You want to make our party completely irrelevant, rather than numerically irrelevant. I can’t believe I missed it. You’re right; I’m dumb, you’re a Mensa. I can live with that.===

    “…’Bruce Rauner wants to make the ILGOP party completely irrelevant, and for Raunerite positions, numerically irrelevant. I can’t believe I missed it. You’re right; I’m dumb, you’re a Mensa. I can live with that.”


  23. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 11:00 am:

    –Quinn and his missing $54,000,000.–

    Obviously, you haven’t read the auditor general’s report. It’s bad enough without making up stuff. No shame in having an informed comment.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    - VanillaMan -,

    “Bruce Rauner” runs for governor one way, Bruce Rauner lives, works, clouts, spends, donates, and VOTES a totally and completely in contrast to “Bruce Rauner”

    Pretty simple.

  25. - Roadiepig - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 11:22 am:

    (I posted this on a earlier thread, but since there seems to be many pro-Baron people here, I am posting it again here. Raunerbots- please read and then give us your thoughts)

    I continue to be impressed on how well the people managing the Baron’s campaign have run this election. Don’t get me wrong- the true person that he is may be known by the voters of this state by November, but so far they have positioned him as a somewhat blank slate, knowing only that he hates “government union bosses” (whatever that is) and political insiders (pot meet kettle). They have keep his history on social issues out of the public view, and the little three and PAC’s have done little to nothing to point out where he is against what most Republican primary voters believe. Taking from our President’s first campaign, he has spoken in platitudes without actually saying what he will do once the reigns of government our in his hands (hope and change anyone?). They are in it to win, and the fact that most voters haven’t bothered to find out who he really is is their fault.

    One question for the fervent supporters here of Rauner- please explain how Rauner’s career as a venture capitalist (vulture capitalist is a better description, considering how he made his wealth at the expense of other’s jobs and lives) will improve the lives of anyone outside of the folks in the upper .01%? We know that you will support whatever he says, argue with anyone who doesn’t agree with you without really explaining why Rauner is the right choice for governor. It might work for the primary. Heck, it might even work for the general election. But please explain to us why we will be better off after the fall election with your guy running things. If you can, that is, using something besides platitudes and other forms of BS please…

  26. - Mokenavince - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 11:26 am:

    The was a time when Republicans were progressive and not ruled by the right wing.

    Bruce Rauner reminds me of those type Republicans.

    I doubt that he is a saint, however I’m sure that he is as good if not better than the field he is running against.
    He also has the best chance of beating Quinn. Remember Quinn? AKA The Quiet Man.

  27. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 11:50 am:

    “he is actually socially progressive on most things”

    Well, except about how we really, really ought to have decent public schools for everyone and no one should have to try to live on $825 an hour. He’a about as progressive as his buddy Rahm.

  28. - A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 12:03 pm:

    Roadiepig, your thesis is equally unimpressive on both threads.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 12:10 pm:


    So - A Guy … -,

    Can you refute, or your comment is a testament that unless you have Raunerbot talking points, discrediting the comment in one line is the schtick?


  30. - Roadiepig - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 12:14 pm:

    Thank you a Guy.

    No defense for Rauner’s goals ( whatever they are) says a lot about you and your fellow Raunerites.

    Again- my question was how will having Rauner as our governor make life better for the citizens of Illinois ( and not just the .01%).

    Instead of insults tell us why he is the best choice for our state.

  31. - redleg - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 12:28 pm:

    Quinn knows his base is there.

    In spite of the rumblings about Rauner here in Central Illinois, nothing is going to change in Springfield. I would be shocked if it did.

  32. - Walter Mitty - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 12:33 pm:

    Roadie… I think the answer to your question is this. There are many people across party lines that are disatisfied. The average folks that keep getting hurt by Government… Choose the definition yourself of hurt… The question voters will ask, I have seen the Quinn Clown show, why not try something different? It’s not that deep. You preface somehow it will be worse with the Baron… Clearly, many folks don’t think that… November will determine. I just think the hyprocrisy goes both ways…Hope and Change? Keep your plan? We may not like him as the final candidate… But I can see the hypcrisy of saying how bad he will be… To be clear, ask most folks if they think PQ and the gang are doing a great job? Here’s the drastic alternative… That resonates.

  33. - liandro - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 12:56 pm:

    @ Roadiepig,

    I’m no Rauner supporter, and I won’t be voting for him in the primary. I could just as easily list the reasons I don’t support him. But the answer to your question is stupid easy:

    1. he would manage the executive branch of Illinois far better than it has been in over a decade;

    2. he should be immune to needing taxpayer money to fund his election efforts (which hounded Blago and, we now find out, Quinn)

    3. as a big-picture finance expert, he would be far better in charge of budgeting and long-term strategic financial planning than Quinn and his administration.

    4. his (up to now) knack for surrounding himself with the best people and running the best operation bode well for my points above.

    Look, I’m not from his wing of the party, and I equate him more with Mayor Bloomburg-type oligarchs. That said, de Blasio’s (and Quinn’s) liberal dreamworld is worse and financially short-sighted. There is a reason our state drags behind the national averages in unemployment, credit rating, and other financial and economic categories: our corrupt systems and terrible fiscal management.

    For anyone who believe, as I do, that our fiscal management has being atrocious, are you really so blind as to ask how hiring an expert financial manager could possibly make sense?

    And again, I’m saying this as someone who will absolutely not be voting Rauner in the primary. Maybe you should come up with a better question. Pointing out that he was, himself, a “special interest” has an edge of truth to it. Even questioning how he could possibly understand everyday citizens might get Quinn some traction. But asking how an expert financial manager could help a state with a history of terrible fiscal management? You’re playing right into his strengths.

  34. - Formerly Know As... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    Quinn is going to have a real tough time of things if his big plan is painting Rauner as an ultra-conservative fire breather on social issues.

    Bruce Rauner is hardly Bill Brady when it comes to social issues. Not even close. Quinn will need to offer more than talking points this time around.

  35. - Demoralized - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:36 pm:


    I can go along with you on your points 2 and 4. Those are pretty good arguments. I’m not so sure about 1 because I don’t know whether he plans to follow through on his “business model” rhetoric. If he does that his management will be a flop. As for point 3, I would disagree with you that his financial management skills in any way translate into government financial management skills unless he learns the differences between government finance and business finance. Those are two very different beasts.

  36. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:41 pm:

    - liberal dreamworld is worse and financially short-sighted. -

    Yeah, that FDR model was a complete failure, huh?

  37. - A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:46 pm:

    Roadiepig and Oswego Willie; you’ve now seen two cogent answers to the thesis I didn’t really care to provide an answer to. Neither of those two answers are coming from a Raunerbot, Raunerite, Rauner-nom de jour- you decide to call me today. The truth is that I don’t accept the premise of your questions. I’ve sat here and read goofy charges; he made his money at the “expense” of the unions. I’m guessing he made standard fees and commissions based on his success investing on their behalf. His efforts in stabilizing the Pension system may be well received by most of the younger members. I’ve read here how we don’t tax enough in Illinois and we should make the increase permanent just for the sake of bolstering a broken system. Newsflash: we raise the taxes and it’s still not enough. Many don’t want to recognize that public pensioners are living longer in retirement than the span of their work careers. They don’t want to contribute more. Healthcare is an absolute right for them, but the rest of us have to cut back to contribute more for ours. I’ve heard the old adage that “you can thank the unions for the 8 hour work day”. I actually agree with that, except they’re the only ones still enjoying that perk. I haven’t had 8 hour work days ever. They’ve always been longer. Public employee unions aren’t a terrific idea in my opinion. I believe in the case of tradespersons and other vocations, it concerns so much more than just work. Their jobs are more dangerous, seasonal, etc. A guy who works in the office at the Tollway or in Springfield or some agency…not so much. There needs to be a culture change in thinking. Everyone needs to give a little for this to work and for people to have a pension they can actually count on. Many on this site are public union employees. Clearly I am not. They don’t want any changes. I intellectually know there have to be changes or the system will go bust and bust the rest of us while it does. Is it selfishness? I doubt it. It’s more a feeling that the rules are changing in the middle of the game. I agree to a point. But if we don’t, everyone loses. Few in the private sector have the employment security and guaranteed benefits those in the public sector have. That used to be the benefit of very modest salaries being paid. That’s no longer true. Teachers are not underpaid. Nor are most other public workers. If they feel they are, why don’t they leave and work elsewhere? I’ve had teachers tell me that you can’t put a price on a teacher…Since we do put a price on every other vocation including soldiers, I find that thinking ridiculous. We all have to be accountable to each other and recalibrate a system that can keep the promises we make. In the meantime, we shouldn’t keep making promises we haven’t been able to keep. Rauner’s perspective on this is better than any of the other choices and anyone else whose even run for decades. These times call for his skill sets. Sorry if you don’t like that, but I don’t enjoy going to the dentist. I do it anyway because if things get worse it’s very bad for me. Hope this helps you. Now Willie go ahead and parse this and provide a few stupid cliches. But wait a day. Give it a little time to sink in first.

  38. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:54 pm:

    Good luck arguing Rauner is a right winger:
    - pro-choice
    - rebuked by gun lobby
    - supported Democrats
    - would raise minimum wage

    - Jack Roeser says Rauner is a liar. (
    - Rauner’s support of Democrats is tied to business interests purely (making him a consummate political insider, not outsider)
    - was for cutting it until it became politically bad, thus he’s a liar, just like his ally Jack Roeser holds up as a badge of honor for him

    There it is, Bruce Rauner right winger and liar.

    ==I talked to Rauner at length about his political views. Unfortunately for Quinn, he is actually socially progressive on most things.==

    A social progressive isn’t someone who is willing to put the human and civil rights of a minority to the vote of a majority referendum.

    ==4. his (up to now) knack for surrounding himself with the best people and running the best operation bode well for my points above.==

    Stu Levine and the nursing home victims have something to say about that.

  39. - Mason born - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:58 pm:

    A guy

    –Their jobs are more dangerous, seasonal, etc. A guy who works in the office at the Tollway or in Springfield or some agency…not so much.–

    That’s a pretty broad brush there. So a UAW member has a more dangerous job than the Firefighter? A Plumber is a more dangerous job than the State Police Trooper? A Laborer is a more dangerous job than the prison guards at Menard and Stateville?

  40. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:00 pm:

    First, droning on and on in one paragraph, no breaks, makes the appearance of “Talking Points, Raunerbot style” appear, (appearance) to be true.

    Hit “Return” one and awhile. Make it a tad bit easier fit the reader.


  41. - Demoralized - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:03 pm:

    ==Teachers are not underpaid==

    Sure. And aliens are real too. You can’t paint with a broad brush on that issue. There are PLENTY of teachers in my neck of the world that make a paltry salary for what they do.

    ==I haven’t had 8 hour work days ever.==

    And your point is? I work a lot of days longer than 8 hours and I’m sure a lot of other people do too.

    ==Few in the private sector have the employment security and guaranteed benefits those in the public sector have. ==

    Speaking of ridiculous, I find this constant mantra of some ridiculous. Again, so what? As you say in your little diatribe, if people don’t like it then they can apply to work for the state and get those benefits.

    You talk out of both sides of your mouth.

  42. - A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:06 pm:

    I usually rely on you to provide the paragraph breaks when you add your comments.

  43. - A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:12 pm:

    Demoralized, In my neck of the world, we don’t say my neck of the world. In my neck of the woods, teachers are among the top 3-4% earners in the community, sometimes the top 1%. Over half in the high school district I live in earn over $110K. The Super makes over $300K. People are trying to get those jobs. Young teacher in the Chicago suburbs won’t get a teaching job in a public school unless they’re willing to move. Not drive an hour or more each way; move. Read it again and do a new report. You missed every point I proffered. Disagree if you want, but your response is dopey and not very well thought out or presented. No shiny apple for you.

  44. - Mason born - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:16 pm:

    Oswego Willy

    I think you’ve found the Voice over anti-artist from the Robocall.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:21 pm:

    First, after “others” responded, and you “couldn’t” I let it be.

    === Healthcare is an absolute right for them, but the rest of us have to cut back to contribute more for ours.===

    That is for the courts to decide on the Constitutional aspects opened up. Court cases will decide that.

    ===Few in the private sector have the employment security and guaranteed benefits those in the public sector have.===

    “Few” don’t receive Social Security. Please understand what ground rules public employees have.

    ===Teachers are not underpaid. Nor are most other public workers. If they feel they are, why don’t they leave and work elsewhere?===

    Spoken like a true Raunerbot. “Quit your job if you don’t like it. Live it or Lump it. Ok, so everyone leaves stste and municipal government. Who is going to do the work? There are not profit driven services, and now the workers are “underpaid”, that sounds like someone going after workers, not “evil Union Bosses”. You want lower pay for municipal workers, state workers, Rauner wants lower Minimum Wage, then doesn’t, this is class warfare, a losing argument for GOP candidates, but not for Raunerites(?)

    ===We all have to be accountable to each other and recalibrate a system that can keep the promises we make. In the meantime, we shouldn’t keep making promises we haven’t been able to keep.===

    That Constitution, pesky lil thing, it’s not like a promise you are going to put $20 in a can once a week. The courts are going to decide 90% of this, no matter what Rauner thinks he can do by Executive Order.

    ===Rauner’s perspective on this is better than any of the other choices and anyone else whose even run for decades.===

    Rauner’s perspective; bordering unconstitutional and breaking his oath, if elected Governor, at BEST. Worse? Gridlock, shutdowns, litigation, and a path or nothing getting done for years.

    A “better self” knows when its selling out.

    I refuse to be a part of the ILGOP version of Rod Blagojevich. I railed and bemoaned the Dems turning and holding their noses for him. I promised myself, that if one “Republican” type candidate came and mirrored Rod, I would stand up and be counted a “No”

    The two Rauners are Rod’s worse self. Disingenuous to the constitution, and in presentation to voters.

    Being unchallenged is the fault of many, but I won’t be party to his lack of honesty and integrity, his lack of ethics or morals.

    You have made it clear you have problems with Rauner, but can rationalize them. Rod’s supporters did too.

    That is the bottom line now.

  46. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:24 pm:

    @A Guy:

    Before you complain that public sector employees are getting paid more than they deserve, I encourage every private sector employee to think about their own career.

    Everywhere you worked, private sector, public, nonprofit, you are going to find people less valuable than you making more money. Unless of course, you are the most overpaid guy in the company.

    Bruce Rauner rubs many people the wrong way not because he is ultra-wealthy, but because in his own words, he is a mere “salesman,” providing nothing of substantive value. Yet in every business venture he has been involved in, it sounds like he probably made just about more money than anyone else.

    Now, you tell me, which rubs you the wrong way more: some union hotel maid who wants health coverage for her family or another 50 cents an hour, or a guy who makes $53 million a year admittedly doing nothing but being a “salesman.”

    And before anyone says it…you may think you only pay for school teachers raises, and not Rauner’s sales commissions, but your wrong. Every time you go to the store and purchase any product, every time you pay your phone bill or for some other service, somewhere near the top of the food chain your paying the commission for some dealmaker like Rauner.

    As far as keeping promises, remember: Rauner is a salesman. Once you drive the car off the lot, best of luck, as the litigation history shows.

  47. - Demoralized - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 4:28 pm:

    ==but your response is dopey and not very well thought out or presented==

    We can’t all be as brilliant as you I suppose. I said (since you can’t read apparently) that you can’t paint with a broad brush. You said teachers are not underpaid. Period. No qualifier. No around my area. You said they are underpaid. (Teachers and Superintendents are different by the way; just in case you aren’t aware, and where I live they are paid about 1/3 of what you put out there). I pointed out that your assertion simply isn’t true. You’ve caught the Rauner syndrome of backwards class warfare. Going after the middle class - teachers being the example in your case. Whine and moan all you want about public sector workers. They are a fun punching bag. But, I can tell you no teacher that I know is living high on the hog . . . in my neck of the world.

  48. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 5:17 pm:

    Precinct Captain:

    Rauner is gonna do a 180 on marriage equality long before November.

    “I would have liked to have seen a referendum first…”

    “Polls show…”

    “When you look at Arizona, and the reaction of business owners, if we want to grow the economy…”

    “Law of the land, not gonna change, we should not distract ourselves…”

    He will probably have a bunch of business leaders lined up with quotes about boldly leading Illinois into the 21st century.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 5:20 pm:

    - Mason Born -,

    It is a marketable skill, it would not surprise me. Droning on droning points; a two-fer.

    Great, now I will be thinking about the voice all night. lol

  50. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 6:05 pm:

    You do little but attack one of the four candidate incessantly, insult and name call anyone open minded about the guy, create bizzare names for him, it got ridiculous weeks ago, but today you’ve just gotten obnoxious.

    The more you write about Rauner, the more logical he appears compared to you.

    You jumped the shark on this Rauner about 300 postings ago. Now you need to take one of the pills wordslinger used to recommend to me. Give us all a break.

    I’m past Rauner being the nominee, but pray for a miracle. Now I’m just trying to figure out why all the candidates weren’t copying his tune. Stop bashing everyone for agreeing with him over those sour old veteran losers. We need them in November.

    I’ve been meaning to write this to you for a while, but didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but after today, someone has to tell you to get a grip. You are hurting your own credibility now.

    PS- you got too carried away over Plummer too, btw, but at least you were funny. This Rauner stuff you are doing isn’t entertaining anyone.

    Love ya!

  51. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 6:35 pm:

    Nothing “Funny” about Rauner.

  52. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 6:53 pm:


    Remind yourself what happened the last time someone rolled into Sangamon County promising to “shake up” business as usual.

    That oughta make you laugh.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 6:57 pm:

    - YDD -,

    There is “my smile”, thanks!

  54. - Roadiepig - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 7:35 pm:

    Oswego Willy:

    Sorry if my earlier post got you drug into this agreement. I was truly hoping for one of his supporters to tell me what he would do to make this a better state. Some did make valid points, but more seem to think personal insults are the answer. My mistake for asking, but I didn’t expect my post would turn this page of the Capital Fax into a comment board on the Chicago Tribune.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 7:41 pm:

    - Roadiepig -,

    It’s not “on you”.

    Much respect.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 8:01 pm:

    ===We need them in November===

    Need them for what?

  57. - Just The Way It Is One - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:40 pm:

    PQ’s smack at his soon-to-be opponent about how, when it really mattered, “Rauner demanded that I veto the bill” making Marriage Equality the LAW, is meant to assertively point out to the Majority of Illinois Voters supporting SSM that Rauner is a 2-faced, Flip-Floppetr who cannot be trusted–part of one PQ’s, no doubt, main Campaign Themes to assail Rauner’s flimsy, and yet audaciously blatant hypocrisy on a slough of well-documented issues of importance to the Average Illinois Voter…!

    And the Quinn People have already begun, as reported earlier today, his assault on the hyper-criticism re. the Anti-Violence Program. They’re not really phased by it and will be more thansupportive of having held accountable anyone substantially at fault.Also, he hasn’t been evading the Public Eye–rather, PQ has been vigorously fund-raising (it’s been reported on the Internet) as well as preparing his Newly-Assembled Crew, and garnering even-greater Union backing for the upcoming rauner annihilation and attrition Campaign…!

  58. - Just The Way It Is One - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:42 pm:

    That was meant to read above, “Flip-Flopper…!”

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