Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » The man who can’t, or won’t provide a straight answer to anything
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The man who can’t, or won’t provide a straight answer to anything

Friday, Mar 14, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Chicago Tribune

Republican governor candidate Bruce Rauner wouldn’t rule out taxing retirement income as part of an overhaul of Illinois’ tax system, saying he didn’t have a position on the issue during the final debate before Tuesday’s primary election.

It marked a theme for Rauner on Thursday night. The wealthy venture capitalist from Winnetka also didn’t know the details of his running mate’s slip-and-fall lawsuit against several government agencies. And Rauner said he was unsure about Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan’s request to spend $100 million to encourage President Barack Obama’s library to come to Chicago. […]

Rauner, who has been successful in previous forums by sticking to a tight script, appeared caught off guard when asked about the concept of imposing the state income-tax on retirement income in Illinois. Politicians broach the subject with some risk given the elderly are among the most dedicated voting demographic — particularly in a Republican primary.

“I don’t have a position on that yet,” Rauner said. “What I would recommend we do is look at our entire tax code in Illinois, look at every tax and every tax base and every rate and then compare ourselves to other well-run states that we compete with.”

Taxing retirement income has been an issue in this state for decades. He was “caught off guard” and hasn’t thought about it? Is he kidding?

And, what the heck, man, did he not vet his running mate or is he just playing dumb? No way could he be that clueless about an important incident in someone’s past who could be a heartbeat away from the governor’s mansion.

* And check out his description of his relationship with Rahm Emanuel

Rauner was asked to explain his relationship to Emanuel, with whom he has vacationed and hired briefly at the investment firm Rauner once led.

“I’ve known him for many years. I’ve worked with him when he was in the private sector a little bit. And I’ve worked with him on school reform while he was mayor in Chicago. The mayors in Chicago control the schools. My wife and I have dedicated much of our life and our financial resources to school reform and I’ve worked with the mayors to do that,” Rauner said.

“A little bit”? He helped make Rahm a millionaire.

* And, somehow, I just don’t think a dress was the gazillionaire’s biggest “splurge”

In some of the lighter discussion, each candidate shared their biggest “splurge.”

Brady said his was a red Porsche he bought for his wife, a comment that drew a “wow” from the notoriously frugal Rutherford before Brady, of Bloomington, admitted the car was 10 years old. Rutherford said his home in Chenoa, while Rauner said he splurged during a trip to Italy and bought his wife a nice dress. Dillard said it was a crystal chandelier that hangs in the entry of his family’s home, and that his wife still says they didn’t need.

If you missed it last night, you can watch the whole debate by clicking here.

* And while he won’t talk publicly about much of anything, he’s working hard behind the scenes. A post by Mark Allen

Over the past few days I have seen Black grassroots street teams for Republican Bruce Rauner for Governor passing out literature on CTA trains for the March 18th Primary. I must commend Rauner for investing in the Black grassroots community when technically he doesnt have to to win The Republican Primary. I am glad to see some unemployed Black people making some legitimate dollars for a few days versus other illegal street economies I have seen them engaged in on CTA trains and on the street. I must also commend Rauner for the number of grassroots meetings he has held in the Black community with a number of constituent groups you would have thought were Democratic


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:01 am:

    The Sgt. Schultz strategy is working. No need to change it now.

    But as November approaches, the working press will get insulted by lack of access and weasel-words and will whack pretty hard until he gives them something.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:01 am:

    ===And, what the heck, man, did he not vet his running mate or is he just playing dumb? No way could he be that clueless about an important incident in someone’s past who could be a heartbeat away from the governor’s mansion.===

    If Phil Ponce never would have brought up “Slip and Sue”, Evelyn Sanguietti would have gotten through this whole Primary season better off than Jason Plummer, and in reality, she did.

    Rauner and his Crew CHOSE her, Jason won a Primary.

    No vetting, loads of hiding, and no “knowledge” of her litigating ways? Rich had at least 2 Posts about it, and no one on the Rauner Crew read them? I mean, I have to believe Bruce Rauner is not evading the poor decision, and actually knows very little about the woman, Rauner chose, to be a heartbeat away from being the Governor of the 5th largest state in America. Right? “Exactly right.”

  3. - Snucka - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:08 am:

    Why is it commendable that Rauner is paying “unemployed Black people” a few dollars to pass his literature? What will he do as governor that would specifically help that community?

    I’m also not sure that most people involved in “grassroots” movements require cash payments for simply passing literature. As a wise man might tell Mr. Allen: “You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means”.

  4. - VanillaMan - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:12 am:

    The splurge question was a way of injecting Rauner’s wealth into the debate. We see similar attempts during political debates to throw boomerangs at specific candidates in order to tilt the viewer’s bias towards or away from them. Or did anyone really need to know the answer to this People magazine-type question?

    Rauner’s inability, (that is what I’m calling it because he is either uniformed, or been told to NOT discuss these topics - and “unable”), to answer these tax questions shouldn’t be surprising. Rauner needs an answer, but the answer has to walk a fine tightrope of politics, therefore making any answer look like a spinning tornado of politi-speak, and useless anyway.

    I prefer my candidates to not answer a question than attempt or successful use an answer devoid of any basis in reality in order to satisfy the press. The question should have been asked a month ago so that Rauner could have been pinned down, made to defend a political spin answer, or reminded that he has yet to address the issue at all and look like he didn’t do his homework.

    It is too late in the campaign to expect a complicated answer to a complicated question - regardless of the issue. Poll leaders won’t jeopardize their leads by answering poorly.

    Scott Lee Cohen sets the bar regarding running mates and a need for a gubernatorial candidate to defend them. So Quinn sets the bar here, because he is the incumbent who had Scott Lee Cohen foisted on him as his Lt. Governor candidate.

    So lets be very clear here. No one held the Governor accountable for SCOTT LEE COHEN NOR for his role - if any, with MILOROD BLAGOJEVICH. Demanding that Rauner, or any gubernatorial candidate to defend their Lt. Governor running mate is unfair in light of the fact that the current incumbent has not been held to the same - or even a similar - standard as that.

    When Quinn is gone, then it can be expected. But while we got Pat in office - no one should be demanding his political opponents to defend their Scott Lee Cohen or their Rod Blagojevich.


  5. - From the 'Dale to HP - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:14 am:

    Rauner’s lack of a position on pretty much everything has a very high chance of blowing up in the GOPs face in the fall. Amazing that he’s gotten this far without actually laying out any sort of policy agenda. Guess you can do that when you have all the money…

  6. - anonymoose - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:16 am:

    I watched the “question and answer” session on WTTW last night. It was brutal to watch Mr. Rauner be so evasive. I realize profanity is not allowed here, but Mr. Rauner allegedly “not knowing” about Ms. Sanguietti’s lawsuit had me screaming obscene language at my TV. Thick walls at home or the neighbors would have thought Tourette’s Syndrome.

  7. - VanillaMan - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:17 am:

    Rauner is working for all voters, regardless of their race. What the hell is so wrong with that? Are we going to bash his candidacy for reaching out to minorities too?

    Brady didn’t even try. Rauner gets kudos here.

    Like I’ve said before. Rauner knows that Pat Quinn got elected because Brady didn’t campaign in Cook County. Rauner is not going to let that happen. It was insulting when Brady did it, and it was flat out stupid politically. Even if Brady pulled in a few thousand votes, he would be governor right now. Kudos for Rauner to demonstrate that he will not take black voters off his list as potential supporters of his campaign.

  8. - Whew - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:18 am:

    Rauner’s evasiveness is more blatant than any politician I can think of.

  9. - Arizona Bob - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:19 am:

    The guys a smart campaign strategist. Being wishy-washy wins elections. Who would’ve voted for Obama in 2008 if he had ANY record of legislative accomplishment or commitment? He voted “present” on issues at historic rates.The press didn’t vet him or push him to be specific, and he won bigtime using platitudes, catch phrases and generalities.

    In the low information (and disinformation) political environment today, it’s better to be like Doc Who’s blank psychic paper on which the reader sees what they expect to see.

    The African American hiring gambit is a smart one, no matter how small and symbolic. He’s sending the message to the clergy that they’ll get a cut of his campaign cash and largesse after he’s governor if they support him, or at least don’t support Quinn.

    I suspect that what we’ll see in the general campaign is Rahm and Rauner working together with their South and West side organizations to either make Quinn pay through the nose to get out the vote there or at least keep the Quinn vote home.

    Smarter than most GOP candidates, and if Brady’s campaign had been that smart he’d probably be governor today.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:23 am:

    ===No one held the Governor accountable for SCOTT LEE COHEN NOR for his role - if any, with MILOROD BLAGOJEVICH===

    Um, - VanillaMan -, sir…

    SLC and Quinn ran and were elected.

    Bruce Rauner, sought out, and chose. “Slip and Sue” (I will call her slip and sue, since she indeed slipped, than sued) was allegedly vetted, chosen, and hidden.

    Please understand facts as to how we all got SLC, Pat Quinn, and the choosing of “Slip and Sue”

    Thank you for your consideration.

  11. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:25 am:


    It is kinda hard to bash a guy for saying all options should be on the table. What is Quinn gonna do, attack Rauner for leaving the door open to taxing retirements over $100K?

    That is a plan long backed by progressives.

    As for the reporters hounding Rauner…yeah, probably. But Quinn will be proposing a budget soon, and Rauner can wait until a few more of Quinn’s cards are face up on the table.

  12. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:25 am:

    “I don’t have a position on that yet,”

    This is something like a Monty Python skit.

    “What is candidate Rauner plan on taxes?”

    “We’ll talk about that later.”

    “What is candidate Rauner’s stand on job creation and the minimum wage?”

    “We have a plan for that. We’ll get to that later.”

    “What about state employee pensions, what is his plan for those?”

    “Later. We’ll get to that later.”

    “Candidate Rauner: He has no plan.”

  13. - Mason born - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    –It marked a theme for Rauner on Thursday night.–

    Did i miss something. I thought the Tribune endorsed Rauner. Shouldn’t you chuckle heads have looked into what the man stood for before you endorsed him?

  14. - Arizona Bob - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:27 am:

    FYI, I was campaigning for the GOP Palos and Worth Townships for the 2010 election, and we asked the Brady campaign for signs and handouts in late September. They said they were spending their money on media instead of literature and signs, and told us to go pound sand.Oh they told us we could get his materials if we paid for them ourselves!

    They brought in over a thousand signs and boxes of literature a week before the election, too late for us to drop our other campaigning to put his stuff up. We essentially told him “sorry, a dollar short and a day late”

    Rauner is light years smarter than Brady and his “challenged” cabal. I don’t know what kind of governor he’d be, but the guy understands Illinois campaigning and how to win better than other GOP candidate I’ve seen since Jim Ryan.

  15. - Priceless... - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:27 am:

    * And while he won’t talk publicly about much of anything, he’s working hard behind the scenes. A post by Mark Allen…

    Rauner is buying everyone off - a sign of the times - no longer is our state just blatantly corrupt - now we have to deal with THE blatant CORRUPTER! Geez

  16. - ZC - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:31 am:

    I don’t really have a problem with Rauner being so evasive; it’s his call. Many, many politicians have ducked the issues during an election and gone on to govern quite well.

    But I won’t vote for Rauner because currently I don’t think he has a clue what he -will- do once in office. He’s planning more or less on taking his business model to Springfield - acquire the company, then open the books and look around, -then- make “transformative change.” Or whatever.

    I mean he clearly has a few clear ideas, like crush and humiliate organized labor whenever possible. But basically he is flying blind. He’s not hiding his platform, I suspect; he has no platform.

  17. - Ginhouse Tommy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:34 am:

    My Italian grandfather said that if a man doesn’t walk straight down the street don’t trust him. Mr Rauner, to me anyway, seems to be walking a crooked mile.

  18. - Cincinnatus - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    Who’d the Tribune endorse again?

  19. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:43 am:

    I don’t think Rauner really cares about Sanguinetti’s slip and fall from 2007. For him it’s a non-issue,so why dwell on that topic in a debate.
    As to LG picks, I watched the debate last week moderated by Ponce, and Sanguinetti mopped the floor with the Repealer and the other two. She answered Ponce’s questions about her lawsuit rather well.

  20. - Walker - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    “As the smartest CEO in the world, I’ll figure it out when I get there.”

  21. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:52 am:

    - DuPage Rep -,

    Evelyn is not qualified to lead the 5th largest state in America, given that she is in her first term as a City Councilwoman, and… no other experience within a $34 Billion budget, how agencies work, no Executive experience, no legislative experience… She isn’t the only one.

    They are all running as de facto Governor. That, is the job. In that prism, only Jil Tracy can speak knowledgeably about the state, who it works within the three branches, agencies, budgets. Not hyperbole, just a fact, based on the 4 and their records, some with very thin records to run Illinois, if need be.

  22. - Bluefish - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:58 am:

    Why do I get the feeling that when it is time to actually govern, Rauner will be hiding in the executive washroom in the Thompson Center?

  23. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:59 am:

    From what I could gather so far, Rauner was also uninformed about what was happening in the nursing homes his company owned. Not much is more important than mass suffering of elderly and sick people.

    This detracts from leadership abilities and the “regular guy” image. My folks owned a few businesses, and when there were problems, they were fully aware of them. I remember going to the store in the middle of the night with my dad when the store alarm was tripped.

  24. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:01 am:


    Wrong. See OW’s reply on Cohen. Quinn did not pick Cohen, Rauner most certainly picked Sanguinetti.

    And Rauner has been asked about taxing retirement income earlier in the race. He didn’t answer then either, even though he had time to give a thoughtful answer to a complicated topic.

    You keep defending Ruaner and yet you keep saying you won’t be voting for him. What’s up with that?

  25. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    Mr Willy
    I get the fact that Jil Tracy has been a state rep for 8 years. She is probably qualified to be LG. However Blago was a congressman and legislator, Quinn has held about just every position in government, but they were disasters. This election is about the outsiders vs.the insiders, and voters are buying it.
    Mock Sanguinetti all you want, but she was the best candidate at the LG debate, despite Tracy’s experience.

  26. - Nucky Thompson - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:07 am:

    I wonder if everyone is misreading Rauner’s strategy. It’s atwo prong attack doubling his chances for victory. If he gets term limits on the ballot he wins. Madigan, Quinn and numerous others are gone. He can then sit back and finance local races and take over the state. If term limits don’t pass and he wins the governors race he can push term limits relentlessly until he gets them. This man is playing a long game. The ultimate goal is to remove all those entrenched in power, Democrat or Republican. Get his own elected and take over. it won’t matter if he’s governor or not.

  27. - VanillaMan - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    I am not voting for Rauner.

    But I see him winning. I respect that. He is going something right. History is being made in front of us. Lets find out how he did this so we can have better candidates in the future - who are not him.

    I think Illinois politics has sunk so low we are on the verge of electing and empowering someone who is completely untested. Oddly, after Ryan, Blagojevich and Quinn - being tested in a previous public office has not been shown to be a very good test as to their honesty, integrity or competence.

    So I understand why voters are choosing the outsider. But I don’t like it - nor him.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    ===You keep defending Ruaner and yet you keep saying you won’t be voting for him. What’s up with that?===

    Whew! So glad someone commented on this. I was afraid - VanillaMan -, would again turn it on me.

    I am, too, confused to defending under the guise of “elevating the debate” and berating those critical to Rauner, while being critical to the commenters themselves. Very confusing. Thanks for your other comment today too.

    To - 47th Ward -’s comment,

    Ignoring how SLC and even Lt. Gov. Quinn were nominated in a Primary and then comparing any if these LGs, from Vallas to Rodriguez, to even “Slip and Sue” gives no understanding as to why her faults stick out so badly.

    You have my marker, as usual, - 47th Ward -

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    ===Mock Sanguinetti all you want, but she was the best candidate at the LG debate, despite Tracy’s experience===

    If “Slip and Sue” is so “great” as you and even Bruce Rauner says, where has she been? She missed a debate but a few miles from her home, and if Phil Ponce doesn’t bring her name up, Bruce Rauner has a history of never bringing her up, even as Brady, Rutherford, and Dillard had in other debates,

    If she is “all that”, what’s with pulling the Houdini all Primary?

  30. - Langhorne - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:18 am:

    Rauner is consistent. He brushes off and dismisses questions about hundreds of millions in judgements against companies he invests in. So of course he would brush off questions about Slip n Sues legal kerfuffle.

  31. - Irish - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:22 am:

    Bruce Almighty rides Harleys but the most extravagant item he has ever bought was a dress for his wife? So he either borrows the Harleys or that was some dress!!

    Of course if you are going to throw your wife under the bus for your Democrat affiliations, and for clouting your daughter into Walter Payton Prep, I guess she better be dressed to the nines. LOL

  32. - Cincinnatus - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:29 am:

    Did he buy that dress while on his Versailles visit?

  33. - Mcleaniac - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:52 am:

    I get a chuckle out of all these ‘wired in’ oh-so-informed posters that never saw Rauner coming 6 months ago. Now relegated to pithy comments , they are finally starting to realize with Rauner winning the primary , and perhaps even the general - it’s not business as usual anymore in Springfield.

  34. - Chris - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:55 am:

    ” I just don’t think a dress was the gazillionaire’s biggest “splurge””

    One can spend a *lot* of money on a dress that isn’t that different from another dress.

    I expect that he deems the other things he spends money on as ‘necessities’, rather than ’splurges’.

  35. - A guy... - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:55 am:

    - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 10:52 am:

    - DuPage Rep -,

    Evelyn is not qualified to lead the 5th largest state in America, given that she is in her first term as a City Councilwoman, and… no other experience within a $34 Billion budget, how agencies work, no Executive experience, no legislative experience… She isn’t the only one.

    They are all running as de facto Governor. That, is the job. In that prism, only Jil Tracy can speak knowledgeably about the state, who it works within the three branches, agencies, budgets. Not hyperbole, just a fact, based on the 4 and their records, some with very thin records to run Illinois, if need be.===

    You’re just out there on this one. Evelyn is a brilliant woman, law professor, very capable. Stacks up just fine to every other LG that’s come along in my time here. Your calling her “Slip and Sue” is derogatory. I’ve been to the Train Station where neglect caused her to be in harm’s way. It’s been fixed (College Station in Wheaton) Oddly, that terrible and serious incident is what propelled this marvelous woman into public service. She gave the “award” to a charity serving troops, which only a jerk could make fun of. She’s qualified, she won’t be running things by herself as no governor does. I know Jil Tracy is your dream for this one. She has no distinction that makes her overly qualified by comparison. She served in the State Legislature. Got it. She’s very wealthy, but in her case it doesn’t offend you. Her inheritance is come by the same as Plummer’s. You’ve turned into a whack job on this. You need to let it go man. The stuff you’ve written about Evelyn is driven by hate and frustration. Get over it.

  36. - Chris - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 11:59 am:

    “Bruce Almighty rides Harleys but the most extravagant item he has ever bought was a dress for his wife?”

    “Extravagant” wasn’t the question–it was ‘biggest splurge’. A couture dress might be something one in the public eye can only wear once (w/o appearing gauche to certain observers), and $30,000 for a single wear dress is *certainly* more ’splurgy’ than $30,000 for a motorcycle that gets ridden even as little as six times a year.

  37. - Oneman - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 12:00 pm:

    Evelyn is not qualified to lead the 5th largest state in America, given that she is in her first term as a City Councilwoman, and… no other experience within a $34 Billion budget, how agencies work, no Executive experience, no legislative experience… She isn’t the only one.

    Kind of describing our current Lt. Governor as well are you not?

  38. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 12:11 pm:

    A guy,

    You’ve just told me more about Sanguinetti in one paragraph than the Rauner campaign has since he picked her as his LT. If she is such a superstar, why does Rauner keep her light hidden under the bushel?

    I think there is a decent chance that, after the primary, Sanguinetti decides to leave the ticket and let Bruce pick a new LG. That’s just my personal hunch, because that’s what I’d do if I were him and James Meeks would be a heck of an LG for Rauner.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===Evelyn is a brilliant woman, law professor, very capable. Stacks up just fine to every other LG that’s come along in my time here.===

    When she finally comes out from hiding, or Bruce Rauner acknowledges her without prompting, I will still know running the 5th largest state and a $34 Billion budget is not something you give to a 2 year vested City Councilwoman.

    === I’ve been to the Train Station where neglect caused her to be in harm’s way. It’s been fixed (College Station in Wheaton) Oddly, that terrible and serious incident is what propelled this marvelous woman into public service.===

    lol, “Slip and Sue” did it “for the people” Pathetically sad, considering “Slip and Sue” running mate Bruce Rauner couldn’t wait to NOT talk about her. She’s a gem, suing, costing taxpayers money, to prove a point. Epic.

    ===She gave the “award” to a charity serving troops, which only a jerk could make fun of. She’s qualified, she won’t be running things by herself as no governor does.===

    When was that “award” given to charity? Yeah, for the people! We got dates for that, and how about paying her expenses first, how slimy a way to donate; pay those personal injury lawyers, and what’s left, well, I am going to run for City Council, so, I guess I better donate, appearances and all.

    She’s qualified, constitutionally… and that’s about it. Page is unqualified to handle a $34 billion budget, given her very limited experience. To say that is not true is just insane.

    === I know Jil Tracy is your dream for this one. She has no distinction that makes her overly qualified by comparison.===

    Well, she was on the prosecution team of Blago, on the Pension Reform Committee, tackling the thing both Rauners despise, and I called Plummer out too. Plummer would not hold a candle to Jil Tracy. “Slip and Sue” and Plummer pale to Tracy.

    Of the 4 LG choices, Jil Tracy is best qualified.

    Make it about me; reminds me how poor if a choice Rauner made. Rauner should have chosen Plummer, at least he is humorous doing his Houdini acts.

  40. - A guy... - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 12:17 pm:

    47th, Go to her facebook page. That’s what I did. She looks pretty busy to me. She’s also bi-lingual. Wouldn’t be shocked if there’s a lot of support from the hispanic community for her Gov. I would be shocked by her deciding to leave the ticket. I’m not even sure how a person comes up with that thesis. Kinda odd man.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 12:18 pm:

    ===I think there is a decent chance that, after the primary, Sanguinetti decides to leave the ticket and let Bruce pick a new LG. That’s just my personal hunch, because that’s what I’d do if I were him and James Meeks would be a heck of an LG for Rauner.===




    Credit - OneMan - about 7 months ago on that possible play.

    Agree 100% on this. “Spend time with my family, young kids need attention, Illinois needs a full time LG…”

    Yes, yes, yes. Very possible.

    Thus, why both Rauners never talk about her; can’t forget someone you never met.

  42. - AnonymousOne - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    But we LIKE wishy-washy, shady no- information candidates in Illinois don’t we? Especially the ones who are puppets of major money. It’s been our history. Why get smart now?

  43. - ArchPundit - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 12:30 pm:

    ===Now relegated to pithy comments , they are finally starting to realize with Rauner winning the primary , and perhaps even the general - it’s not business as usual anymore in Springfield.

    Yeah, instead of having wealthy insiders buy politicians, they are skipping the middlemen now and buying the offices. Much more efficient this way.

  44. - Reformed Public Servant - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 12:42 pm:

    Rauner shot himself in the foot by letting his lack of experience out…he’s got nothing but cliches and ad copy…IT’S OVER!

    Another rich candidate that failed - Whitman, Gidiwitz, McKenna…nice try. Stick to bing a king-maker.

  45. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:11 pm:

    ==Agree 100% on this. “Spend time with my family, young kids need attention, Illinois needs a full time LG…”Yes, yes, yes. Very possible.
    Thus, why both Rauners never talk about her; can’t forget someone you never met.==

    Come on Mr. Willy. You are too smart to believe that one. Its not like she is Senator Eagleton or something.

  46. - Wally Kubon - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:22 pm:

    Interesting how the wing nuts on both ends of the political spectrum are attacking Ms. Sanguinetti. Nary a word about her ability to reach out across party lines to bring people together for the common good. Let the wing nuts babel. She will make a great LG.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:24 pm:

    ===Come on Mr. Willy. You are too smart to believe that one. Its not like she is Senator Eagleton or something.===

    Not Eagleton. Rauner is totally ignoring “Slip and Sue” and if there is a way to get out of the Primary, and maybe add Rev. Meeks as an upgrade (state Senator, school credentials/New Trier/huge built-in following), and make a smooth transition, I can see this as a back-breaking move…

    And “Slip and Sue”?

    Not even a contest between she and Meeks.

    I can see it.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:29 pm:

    === She will make a great LG.===

    The job is to take over the reins of Government, if need be.


    “Slip and Sue” is not qualified. Both Rauners know it, otherwise no Houdini act.

  49. - Irish - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:40 pm:

    Chris - @ 11:59 am: In the common man world a $30,000.00 dress isn’t splurgy, it’s unheard of.

    My comment was from my experience in that common man world. Hence my thought process that a Harley would cost more than a dress. I actually know folks who buy and actually ride Harleys. I know NONE that have bought a $30,0000.00 dress.
    I recognize, or I assume, that you don’t know exactly what he paid for the dress. However if it dwarfs the price of a Harley that does not match the common man in a Carhart vest.

    Kinda reminds me of another guy who allegedly wore Costco shirts, but pooh poohed an investment that netted him over $100,000.00 in interest as being “nothing”.

    It is insulting for these clowns to believe that people actually buy that they are the blue collar, lunch box, regular guy. And for them to assume that they can be, is ridiculous.

    As OW has said many times, the hypocrisy is what is damning. Almighty Bruce is working very hard to prove that he is not who he really is. Everything he does and says is scripted to make the voters believe he is someone else. Why is he not proud of his accomplishments? What is wrong with saying, “Hey, I am very rich and I have become successful because of these talents and the knowledge I have. I believe I can help this state and I want the opportunity to bring that knowledge and ability to the governor’s office.”

    Is it because if we really knew him we would not like him?

    The Kennedy’s were not paupers and a lot of people liked them. So, Bruce what’s the prob?

  50. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:42 pm:

    Mr. Willy
    You really believe that?
    First off, Rauner is the one who mentioned her at last night’s debate before Ponce brought up the lawsuit.
    Second, her name is splattered all over DuPage on Rauner Sanguinetti signs.
    Third, I predict she will be on Univision and Telemundo everyday leading up to the general election speaking in Spanish about Rauner and how she will be the first Hispanic statewide official. Hispanics are the largest growing demographic in the State. So do you really think he wants to ignore that voting block by slighting them?
    Finally, did you even bother to watch the LG debate? She handled the debate like a pro. Tracy looked like a rack amateur. The fact that the Rauner haters on this blog have not commented on her performance is that you all must know its true.

  51. - A guy... - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:45 pm:

    Willie, while you’re certainly entitled to comment on who’s qualified and isn’t, you are not qualified to make any such assessment. Your whole “slip and sue” moniker proves you to be quite the cad. No one should ever sue a government body for negligence. I knew Oswego was out there, but I thought it was closer than Neptune. I bet no one will take as long as you to complete a ballot on Tuesday. They just can’t meet the OW standard. Thank God.

  52. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:46 pm:

    Having worked smaller races, if we had a lead in like that, I would tell my candidate to not say anything stupid this close to the election. Heck, somoene could question the dress or vetting the LG, but nothing is going to come out of it until AFTER the primary election.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:50 pm:

    1) signs don’t vote, signs change all the time. They won’t pay for new signs? Yeah, um no. They would

    ===First off, Rauner is the one who mentioned her at last night’s debate before Ponce brought up the lawsuit.===

    Go look first. Ponce asked about the Lawsuit, Rauner responded.

    === So do you really think he wants to ignore that voting block by slighting them?===

    “Slip and Sue” walks away, no slight, and upgrades to a former state Senator, proven education track record at the state level and loads more name ID and constituency than “S & S” ever could in 8 months.

    You are the only one lauding her appearance. The fact that she is unqualified to handle the 5th largest state and a $34 Billion budget is the mitigating factor.

  54. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    ==You are the only one lauding her appearance.==
    If she were to have blown the debate or even gave a bad answer, I know you would have been all over it. The fact that you hate all things Rauner is the mitigating factor.

  55. - DuPage Rep - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:55 pm:

    Just looked that the debate, your wrong.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:56 pm:

    - A Guy… -,

    Why is it always me and not refute my argument?

    If I am not “qualified” prove my argument wrong, lol.

    I like Saturn best.

    “S & S” is a 2 year city councilwoman, running, if need be the Executive of the 5th largest state.

    A city councilwoman, not even being re-elected yet, can run all of Illinois. Yikes!

  57. - VanillaMan - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 1:57 pm:

    I get a chuckle out of all these ‘wired in’ oh-so-informed posters that never saw Rauner coming 6 months ago. Now relegated to pithy comments , they are finally starting to realize with Rauner winning the primary , and perhaps even the general - it’s not business as usual anymore in Springfield.

    I’m not chuckling, but the guys here are not only surprised, but seem to really hate surprises.

    Ever since Thompson ran against Walker, the GOP gubernatorial nominee mantle went a pretty predictable route. You put your time in on a statewide GOP insider and if they live long enough, they get a turn at being governor. Edgar and G.Ryan were Secretary of State. J.Ryan was Attorney General. Topinka - treasurer. It was like a big old fashioned corporation. Put in your time, work you way up - become governor.

    It worked for a very long time too.

    Problem was, that model went tts-up when old man G.Ryan got his turn. That dude was pushing 70. Gone were the 30-40 year old statewide GOP candidates. J.Ryan was ill. Didrickson was a threat to the old boy’s club. The model broke. Kuster lost to Salvi. Didrickson lost to Fitzgerald. When G.Ryan got elected, it was a last hurrah for the old guard GOP. Old George ended up in jail.

    It took from 1976 to 2003 for the reign of the Illinois GOP to end. A lot of our bloggers are from that era, or really wanted that era to continue.

    Topinka went from being considered an eccentric Aunt to gubernatorial material. Edgar heir Dillard considered himself next in line when Blago beat Judy in ‘06. Kirk put in his time, did his duty in the GA, and was ready for his close-up in 2010.

    So Rauner? I guess we’re in unchartered waters here because after Hull, Wood, Oberweis, McKenna and a few other millionaires losing over the past decade, Bruce Rauner wasn’t on many radars around here.

    Bruce has really nothing new to say. What he did do was catch a wave. He found a vacuum. And he had the money to fill the gap when the other candidates raised on the old Thompson/Edgar/Ryan model waited their turn.

    A lot of guys here are pretty upset about that. They want to see a return of the safe and boring GOP model that gave the Republicans a 30 year rule in Illinois. The Democrats like that model too. Although they didn’t get a governor after their last two gubernatorial felons, those GOP governors weren’t Rod Blagojevich and showed up for work too. A lot of folks around here pine for those good old days. I understand. I like it too.

    But when we’ve had the decade of fiscal insanity, bond insecurities, debt spectacular, gubernatorial impeachment, Senate kerfuffle and Lame Duck tax increases - voters in Illinois lost faith. Blagojevich campaigned as the White Knight and he ended up the worse of the worse. Voters are not willing to give the Good Old Boys like Dillard or Rutherford a chance.

    They wanted a change, but only Rauner sold himself as the change.

    On Tuesday, history will be made. God help us all.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 2:12 pm:

    Rauner mentioned “S & S”, in passing with Caterpillar CEO Endorsement, then Ponce says, “Speaking if your running mate…lol

    1st and only mention leads to her biggest claim to fame, her personal injury case and ALL those she sued.

    Oh, you were right…

    …which directly lead right into her negative.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 2:15 pm:

    ===A lot of guys here are pretty upset about that. They want to see a return of the safe and boring GOP model that gave the Republicans a 30 year rule in Illinois.===

    I know you aren’t talking about me, chastising notwithstanding, lol. I hammer, sledgehammer both Rauners on his own merits/faults.

    I know you can read.

  60. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 2:19 pm:

    ===Ever since Thompson ran against Walker,===

    Never happened. Walker lost in the primary to Mike Howlett, who lost to Thompson in the General.

  61. - Joan P. - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 2:28 pm:

    “I don’t have a position on that yet . . .”

    I call BS on that. Of course he does. He just doesn’t want to tell us what it is.

    On the other hand, if he’s telling the truth, he has no business running for governor. Give me one good reason why I should vote for someone who can’t be bothered to research, and have a solid position on, a key issue in the pension debate.

  62. - Anon - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 3:00 pm:

    == If term limits get on the ballot…Madigan will be gone.=
    Not until 2023, which would be the same yr Gov. BR leaves per his personal term limit pledge.

  63. - Walker - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 3:05 pm:

    Early voting way down in Dupage. Can’t be a good sign for Dillard.

  64. - VanillaMan - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 3:07 pm:

    Hey hey - that’s right!
    Thompson vs Howlett!

  65. - Obamas Puppy - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 3:10 pm:

    In Bruceys eyes what Illinois is has already been established all that is in question is the cost.

  66. - Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 3:36 pm:

    Rauner’s dancing-around-the REAL Truth not only in last night’s final Debate but throughOUT his GOP Primary Campaign, or completely HONest responses is par for the course and what one would expect from someone who is a kniving, decietful, disingenuous, evasive, and minimizing Manipulator–those are the very traits he’s sickeningly comfortable with and has been using forever to step all over goodness-to-honest people over the years in order to rake in his Mountainous-sized $tash of MILLION$, to the tune of ?8.25 an HOUR–oops, sorry–that was the “Minimum Wage” of the hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans he trusts he’ll be garnering the votes for.

    That’s right–I stand corrected: the “BRUCIAN” Hourly Wages are roughly an amount SO many MORE of us Common Folk here throughout the Prairie State can relate to, to the tune of $25,500 an Hour!!! Sorry about the need to correct that horrible mistake.

  67. - Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 3:38 pm:

    That was also meant to include “honest-to-GOODness people” above as well!

  68. - naperville nanny - Friday, Mar 14, 14 @ 3:47 pm:

    And the Tribune ENDORSED Rauner?!?

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