Quinn to go on the air tonight with TV ad buy
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Gov. Pat Quinn will begin running ads in some broadcast TV markets tonight during the stations’ election results coverage. This is what I’ve been able to discern so far. Chicago and Champaign at least…
Pat Quinn Chicago WLS 18-Mar 19-Mar $13,500
Pat Quinn Chicago WBBM 18-Mar 19-Mar $4,625
Pat Quinn Chicago WFLD 18-Mar 19-Mar $6,000
Pat Quinn Chicago WMAQ 18-Mar 19-Mar $6,400
Pat Quinn Chicago CLTV 18-Mar 19-Mar $955
Pat Quinn Chicago WGN 18-Mar 19-Mar $7,900
Pat Quinn Champaign WICS 18-Mar 19-Mar $2,700
Pat Quinn Champaign WRSP 18-Mar 19-Mar $500
Pat Quinn Champaign WCIA 18-Mar 19-Mar $1,645
Pat Quinn Champaign WAND 18-Mar 19-Mar $1,180
Chicago: $39,380 (75-100 GRPs)
Champaign: $6,025 (100 GRPs)
I don’t have the ad yet, but I’ll try to find it.
I’m also hearing about some significant upcoming broadcast and cable buys by Quinn.
* Meanwhile, here’s a press release from the Democratic Governors Association…
“Pat Quinn is a Street Fighter”
On “The Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd” this morning, Chicago Sun-Times columnist Carol Marin said that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is a “street fighter,” who Republicans underestimate at their own peril. She went on to say “he is as much an outsider” as Billionaire Bruce Rauner. The truth is that Rauner is just a typical, uber-rich, right-wing politician who wants to slash the minimum wage, gut education and public safety, and cut taxes for the wealthiest at the expense of the middle class.
Watch the video here: http://youtu.be/P4ialwIc3Xk
MARIN: It’s easy to underestimate Pat Quinn.
TODD: A lot of Democrats have done that for years.
MARIN: A lot of them have, and to their peril. I mean, he is as much an outsider as Bruce Rauner, the Republican, is casting himself as. Pat Quinn is a street fighter. He may operatee out of a pocket protector than out of a massive computer bank but he is going to give this race a real fight, whoever is the nominee on the Republican side.
* The video…
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:28 am:
I don’t recall anyone running general election spots on primary night before. You’ll reach interested voters, I guess.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:32 am:
This is smart.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:34 am:
Gotta start soon, Rauner won’t let up…
Rauner, to his Crew, tonight…
“You guys are probably pretty tired, right? Well, you should be. Go on home, get a nice hot bath. Rest up… 15 minutes. Then get your tails back in gear…”
Quinn is doing right by starting ASAP.
Quinn watched during this GOP Primary… So did the other “3″ it seems too.
- Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:35 am:
So the demonization of anyone not Quinn begins.
No accomplishments to speak of, so let’s bash the other guy
- A. Nonymous - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:37 am:
Smart move.
Q has been much smarter this go round than 4 years ago. Sitting across the street from that L-Mad fundraiser giving the evil eye the whole time… A ton of behind the scenes wrangling before the Cook County Democrats’ fall meeting/endorsement session - ultimately leading to a Daley drop-out… Trekking out to suburban and ex-urban areas where he was close but not quite 4 years ago… Holding back his resources and stockpiling cash til tonight…
Some of it might sound a bit goofy but it’s clearly worked to date.
- Snucka - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:37 am:
Not a moment to waste. The campaign begins tonight, and it’s good to see that Quinn realizes that. He’s going to enjoy these next few months immensely.
- jake - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:37 am:
I know it won’t happen, but wouldn’t it be funny if Hardiman beat him?
- Snucka - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:38 am:
On another note, I assume that at least a few Democratic donors are waiting to be sure that Rauner wins and the caps will remain off. Big fundraising report due in a few weeks, if so.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:40 am:
–So the demonization of anyone not Quinn begins.
No accomplishments to speak of, so let’s bash the other guy–
Have you seen the spot? What do you base that on?
I hadn’t noticed Quinn was being treated with kid gloves by the other guys.
- PoolGuy - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:41 am:
bold and gutsy.
- Walter Mitty - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:41 am:
I am curious to see what the ad will be? Class warefare and then?????? What is his message? If it is negative right away… Well, yes people are paying attention tonight… Many independents will be reminded by his lack of accomplishment. And how sick of ad’s is everyone? Not sure this is smart… Street fighters know the fight… They also lose sometimes…
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:44 am:
===bold and gutsy.===
Not even close.
More like NCAA Bracketology;
“Survive and Advance”
If Quinn ain’t on the TV, Rauner will be. Again. And. Again.
“If you sleep in, you think your opponent is?”
Yep. “Survive and Advance.”
- Big Joe - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:46 am:
No accomplishments to speak of, so let’s bash the other guy? Sounds like exactly like the only thing Rauner has been doing all thru his campaign. Never has stated exactly how he will change anything. No specific plans, nothing.
- Sir Reel - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:47 am:
I don’t get it. After Quinn spent $55 million on anti violence, how can there be any street fighters left? Snark
- OneMan - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:50 am:
Will be curious if he goes negative day one or not.
- Timmeh - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:50 am:
Pat Quinn does have accomplishments. You might not like all of them, but he has them. You might say that the legislature did most of the work, but a governor still needs to sign the bill into law.
The “temporary” tax increase, that might need to become permanent. Gay marriage. Medical Marijuana. Pension reform.
Pat Quinn can run on some of his accomplishments and say that he made tough decisions to get the state on track. I don’t particularly like Pat Quinn and I’d prefer to have another governor. But I can’t say that I would have wanted Brady elected, who would have had heavy cuts (which might not have even been on the table, no gay marriage, and no med-marijuana. And I can’t say that Rauner looks like he’ll be very much better.
- DuPage Rep - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:53 am:
With that crack about Rauner being a right winger seeking to gut public safety for a tax break, I doubt Marin will be allowed an interview with Rauner anytime soon.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:53 am:
What Timmeh said.
- Aldyth - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:53 am:
Quinn has always been a savvy campaigner, however else you may rate him as an office holder.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:55 am:
Timmeh, yep he has that… But he is going to have to give a budget address and that is going to give some fodder to whomever.
Also some of the economic numbers are not good compared to the nation and our neighbors, that doesn’t help.
If people were happy his negatives wouldn’t be so high.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:55 am:
===Will be curious if he goes negative day one or not.===
Going to haveta at least define Rauner in an elitist, wanting to use the power of the Governorship for his “1%” cronies, and some like him, the “.01%” cronies too.
Rauner has had months of defining himself, unscathed, less the last 3 weeks; got to take the fight to Rauner’s doorstep, “Big Time”. Quinn needs to “fundamentally change” the “Bruce Rauner” persona, back to Bruce Rauner, the person.
“Right? Exactly Right.”
- Walter Mitty - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:57 am:
One Man… Thank you for making my point much better! I think if negative it will NOT be wise…. Other than junkies here…Average people want a bit of a break… But if he goes negative… Expect Rauner to loop $55 mil reasons he is not to be elected… Nobody in a few weeks will remeber who started it… But the negatives should pause a few weeks… Please?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 11:58 am:
===With that crack about Rauner being a right winger seeking to gut public safety for a tax break, I doubt Marin will be allowed an interview with Rauner anytime soon.===
Can’t dodge her for 8 months now.
Funny thing about being evasive in Primaries; the press us less likely to take “no” in General Election season, and make it tougher if they WANT to.
Both Rauners would be better off taking this head on as much as they can. Getting ahead of things correctly makes all the difference.
- PoolGuy - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 12:11 pm:
for Quinn it’s pretty bold. running ads on night of primary election. at least to me
- Mighty M. Mouse - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 12:20 pm:
===So the demonization of anyone not Quinn begins.===
Demons are for children and horror movies. Rauner DOES have many of the personality/character traits of a psychopath. Another Blagojevich yes, as his Republican opponents have noticed. And I do have a problem with that. Historically speaking, electing psychopaths has famously often led to catastrophic consequences. If you disagree, you can make that argument. Voters will decide in November if Rauner is a snake in disguise or Joe Nice Guy. We’ll see.
- Anon. - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 12:22 pm:
He has to go negative. What else can he say? “Governor beats ‘None of the Above’ by 20 points in primary, claims mandate”?
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 12:32 pm:
I doubt Quinn will go negative tonight. Against whom? My guess is it will be a re-introduction spot.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 12:33 pm:
- PoolGuy -,
No ill intent on my part. Apologies.
- Cassandra - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 12:40 pm:
Where are the Republicans who are underestimating Pat Quinn. I doubt any of the four gubernatorial candidates are feeling overconfident. If they are, they are too stupid to be governor.
- Neglected stepchild - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 1:11 pm:
Street fighter, no. But street trash would apply.
- Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 1:20 pm:
Rauner has already started to define Quinn. Quinn needs to define Rauner as soon as possible before Rauner actually gets into programs and campaigning against him.
Lord knows Quinn’s given Rauner enough ammo with his failure to progress employment and gross state product at a pace with the nation and our neighbors, and when the “poison pills” put into the pension reform bill are ruled unconstitutional by the Supremes, his “accomplishments” will be zip and the damages his policies have created will be legion.
Quinn is going to have to use the same strategy Obama used against Romney; “He’s a rich guy so you can’t trust him”. No discussion of policy or vision for solving Illinois’ problems, just encouraging the baser instincts of the voters of envy and greed to have the state take away that which others earned and give it to them.
Too bad we can’t put a sin tax on the sins of “envy and greed”. We’d pay off our debt in no time!
- Walker - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 1:47 pm:
My predictions? same as RonMexico above.
- Dirty Red - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 1:50 pm:
He must have found that clip of Harold Washington talking about how incompetent Bruce Rauner is.
- PoolGuy - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 2:10 pm:
OW no worries, my comment was my initial gut reaction to seeing the post. but yes Rauner is going to spend, spend, spend and then spend some more…
- Almost the Weekend - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 2:31 pm:
And Rauner’s free pass ends exactly at 7:01 PM. He’s facing one of the best campaigners in Illinois, and actually needs to present ideas, instead of the “cut taxes, shakeup Springfield, great education for all.” There’s no way Quinn will let these issues and Rauner’s oppo go unanswered.
Rauner you just moved up from Single A ball to the Big Leagues. You got your wish.
- not so simple - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 3:11 pm:
Purely guessing here. Ads may plant seeds to effect, “do you really know Bruce Rauner?” Not overtly negative, but raising doubts and ominous foreshadowing. You saw the Rauner of slick ads, but what is underneath the surface? That would be the type of ad I would run.
- gesquire - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 4:11 pm:
Come on Carol. Quinn an outsider. Really. The only reason Quinn got on the ballot for Lt. Gov. was because of Aderman Mel and the 33rd ward.
- Buzzie - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 4:13 pm:
1. look for initial Quinn ads to show him in disaster areas like Washington after the tornado and with military personnel. 2. Quinn can gamble that teachers will stay with him instead of Rauner, but he runs the risk of them staying home on election day; he will offer some type of olive branch. 3. Speaking of Rauner and his commitment to education (per charter schools), in Paul Vallas Quinn has the champion of public education. 4. Fear is a great (albeit short) motivator, but Quinn can play it long enough to his advantage—-and especially if Rauner continues his strategy to avoid giving any specific details about how he hopes to accomplish changes. 5. Quinn will retain Cook County and still receive enough votes in the northern suburbs to offset Rauner votes in the rest of the state.
- Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 5:50 pm:
Well, as Jackie Gleason used to banter playfully as we was about to start a new venture: “And AWAAAAAAY We GO!!!” Or–to borrow an oft-quoted John Wayne line from one of HIS famous War flicks–(as the Pat Quinn’s Message to the Democratic Troops now that the Battle is ON/has officially begun): “GET your guns and MOVE out…!”
- Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Mar 18, 14 @ 5:52 pm:
That was meant to read above, “(as Pat Quinn’s Message…)…!”