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Rauner’s labor pivot begins

Wednesday, Mar 19, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last night, US Sen. Mark Kirk was interviewed by WGN TV’s Tom Negovan at the Bruce Rauner campaign headquarters. Watch

* Transcript…

Kirk: I came over here thinking pretty much a Rauner blowout was coming, and it’s a little tighter than we expected.

Negovan: It certainly is tighter than a lot of people expected. What do you attribute that to, Senator?

Kirk: I would say tactical voting has finally worked of the big public sector unions turning out the vote for their man.

Negovan: I was just talking to the folks back at the studio about that just a second ago. You know, when Bruce Rauner talks about Scott Walker and Mitch Daniels as mentors and examples he wants to follow … could that be a tactical error?

Kirk: It turns out that the big unions are stronger than we all expected here in Illinois.

* Early this morning, AFSCME’s Henry Bayer forwarded me a Bruce Rauner fundraising e-mail that the candidate sent out late last night. Bayer prefaced it with this comment…

It’s early in the morning, so I may have missed the word “union” in this attack.

* From Rauner’s e-mail…

Thank you!

Tonight’s victory is an extraordinary first step towards transforming Illinois.

Pat Quinn and his special interest allies spent $6 million trying to defeat us in the primary and you stopped them.

We are so humbled by your extraordinary support. We won because we stayed true to our core beliefs: we must shake up the system to bring back Illinois.

We are united in a desire to bring back jobs, reverse the Quinn-Madigan 67% tax hike, cut wasteful spending, reform our broken school system, and pass term limits to get rid of the career politicians.

We never deviated from a simple truth: our government is run by lobbyists, for special interests, and the career politicians in both parties let it happen.

Yep. Not a word about unions.

* Indeed, Rauner’s campaign manager told WGN last night that his candidate is “very pro union.”

…Adding… Rauner’s victory speech last night was loud, proud and more than a bit Howard Deanish. But during his speech he said his campaign was about “the working families of our state. This is about the truck driver in Rockford who’s looking for more work. This is about the factory worker in Decatur who lost his job who’s looking for another job. This is about the school teacher in Chicago who’s working hard to inspire children to learn and deserves our support and respect and reward.”


A more subdued Rauner repeated the line this morning on WLS Radio.


  1. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:29 am:

    Can you please post the video of the Bruce and Evelyn show from last night? That was some of the most awkward, cringe-inducing live television I’ve seen in a long time.

    I think Rauner was channelling his inner Hawk Harrelson last night. It needs work.

  2. - Upon Further Review - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    So the businessman who employs lobbyists to do his dirty work denounces lobbyists. Priceless!

  3. - Aldyth - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    I daresay that Rauner has never known a humble moment, regardless of what he says.

  4. - Really Pro-Union - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:31 am:

    Indeed, Rauner’s campaign manager told WGN last night that his candidate is “very pro union.”


  5. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    More rhetoric from Rauner the empty suit.

    He’s a great businessman but didn’t know what was happening in his businesses. He took home $25,000 an hour but wants to cut the minimum wage. He has keys to nine mansions and he’s trying to buy a tenth — and now Mr .01% is very pro union?

    Sorry Bruce, but thinking back to that camouflage photo op — that dog won’t hunt.

  6. - Corporate Thug - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:33 am:

    Here comes that hard left turn…

    If he things government is run by lobbyist now..wait till term limits start.

  7. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    Unless there was more to the email than what is posted, not a word about pension reform either … unless Rauner just includes that under “shake up the system” and “cut wasteful spending!”

  8. - Irish - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    And if he is elected look for the real big pivot back to attacking unions, state workers, and their big union bosses.

    He says what he needs to for the situation at hand. There’s an old saying about a leopard and it’s spots.

  9. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    So, Quinn needs to run Rauner’s primary ads criticizing the unions…over and over again.

  10. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    Rauner’s gonna need an orthopedic surgeon to repair his ACL after tearing it during the radical pivot from last nite. Ouch.

    Really, tho, isn’t that what many here expected? Would Rauner have done as well if he had pounded on the moral issues that have derailed other GOP candidates in the past? This is a tough state for statewide GOP candidates to crack. Senator Kirk did it by focusing on the economic issues and moving towards the center on moral issues.

    Whatever folks may think about Rauner he has run the campaign in a disciplined manner. Should he continue to do so he has a chance to beat Quinn in November. All bets are off after that - will the real Rauner please stand up?

  11. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    –Indeed, Rauner’s campaign manager told WGN last night that his candidate is “very pro union.”–

    LOL, these guys knows there’s video and audio on Rauner’s “very pro-union” comments going back to the CTU strike?

    Who you going to believe? Rauner or your lying eyes?

  12. - OneMan - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:40 am:

    Interesting question…

    Can you be pro-union but not pro public employee union?

  13. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:40 am:

    He got rich before he entered government. Too mnay get rich after entering it.

    Pro union is a relative term. He is against government unions ripping off the taxpayers!

    He may not be a politician, but he sure is acting like one!

  14. - Walker - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:41 am:

    ==Rauner’s campaign manager told WGN last night that his candidate is “very pro union”.==

    Was he over-served, (on his own dime), at the party?

    That’s not a pivot, it’s a Tonya Harding triple spin, followed by a bash to the shin.

    Brazen truth or dare to the Randian uber-wealthy anti-union folks who financed much of his campaign to date. What would the Koch brothers, or local Civvies say to this new Rauner position?

    They probably know better by now than to bank on any single thing Rauner says. He’s still their guy, no matter what he says he believes.

  15. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:45 am:


    Nice Eagles reference. Now we just to rewrite the lyrics a bit …

  16. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    As I predicted, the Tribune is gonna be very disappointed at the shift in Act Two of the play.

    Act One: Rauner can’t run on his resume per se, can’t run on his social conservative credentials, so he runs against Big Labor.

    Did everyone else fail to read his running mate’s resume?

    Rauner is gonna sprint to meet organized labor in the middle. I’m not gonna be surprised if every union member in Illinois knows before election day that Rauner’s mom’s second cousin was a union member.


    Translation: “Look guys and gals, I gotta keep the Tribune editorial board and my donors happy, but you and I both know that labor-management wars are bad for business…if George Ryan can have a change-of-heart on the death penalty, and Jim Edgar and Jim Thompson can have a change-of-heart on taxes, what makes you think I can’t have a change of heart too?”

    Even if you believe Rauner can still win if the unions are “all in for Quinn,” why would Rauner take that chance if he doesn’t have too? Why, for that matter, would the unions risk it?

  17. - PoolGuy - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    That’s right, we’re usin’ code names…

    special interests = unions
    cut wasteful spending = pension reform

  18. - Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    BTW — Rauner’s not as smart as he thinks he is, either. He’s surrounded in the sycophant bubble, and he offers little hope for Illinois. Bet we don’t see the Carhartt jacket anymore. He’s got a new image ready and waiting — and it’s gonna be squarely aimed at the “working people of Illinois.” Oddly, this does not include any of working people who happy to work in public service.

  19. - Living in Machiaville - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:47 am:

    Based on Trubune’s numbers: 436,149 totals votes in Dem gov race. 808,409 in Rep gov race.

  20. - Upon Further Review - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    @47th Ward:

    That was bad, but the all-time worst performance was Lisa Madigan’s 2002 “primal scream therapy” speech on election night. She was fortunate that it aired so late at night that few people actually saw it broadcast live and the television stations never replayed the tape.

    Were the people on stage actual Rauner supporters or character actors from Central Casting chosen for diversity purposes?

  21. - Bibe - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    I like Mark Kirk….except when he opens his mouth pretending to know something about Springfield.

  22. - slow down - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    So now he’s pro-union? The similarities to Romney are not limited to the way they built their massive fortunes.

  23. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:58 am:

    Rauner left a lot out there for Quinn and unions to attack him with. Some commenter quoted Sun Tzu and said that opponents put themselves out of reach first and defeat enemies afterward. Rauner may not have put himself that far out of reach, with all the anti-union rhetoric he left out there, especially when his campaign was centered on attacking union leaders.

    For those who said the biggest losers last night were unions, I have one thing to say to you:

    Nya nya nya nya nyaaah! ;)

  24. - Bill F. - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:58 am:

    Is this a surprise? This dude has yet to show a shred of authenticity.

  25. - Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:59 am:

    =Can you be pro-union but not pro public employee union=

    Yes, but not in Rauner’s case. I’m sure his pollster is fired after polling his gubernatorial race and people’s opinions on unions in Illinois.

  26. - sal-says - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 10:59 am:

    ==Rauner’s campaign manager told WGN last night that his candidate is “very pro union.”==

    Can I gather he’s talking about traditional marriages?

  27. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    Good catch on the suddenly pro-union claim!

    The Rauner campaign is indeed both cynical and clever.

  28. - Jimbo - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:05 am:

    What is your point Living in Machiaville?

    Please don’t tell me you are trying to use that data to say something about the general.

  29. - Yipperdo - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    I can totally see someone using the NO WAY shouts in a negative commercial against him.

  30. - Old Shepherd - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:06 am:


    1. Sanguinetti’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard.
    2. If I were Quinn, I would use Rauner’s “no way, no way, no way” against him in an ad.
    3. The whole “Ford” and “$18 watch” crap is going to get REAL old, REAL quick and backfire. It’s a ridiculous assertion that people see right through.
    4. Nonetheless, Quinn is going to have his hands full.

  31. - Bemused - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    I have to wonder if we will now see Rauner work a deal with some Union or Unions outside of the government sector and you see some ads with someone from those groups telling us he is not such a bad guy.
    I loved YDD’s comment at 10:46. Those candidates that were not really with you but wanted something from you always had a story about a relative in the Union.

  32. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    ==Rauner’s campaign manager told WGN last night that his candidate is “very pro union”

    The problem: being anti-union is his appeal to his current supporters.

  33. - Really Pro-Union - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:13 am:

    I love the security fella you can see in the crowd with his back to the stage, monitoring the crowd. Silly.

  34. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:17 am:

    With apologies to Henley & Frey … and thanks to -word- for the inspiration …

    On the other side of town voters are waiting
    With fiery eyes and dreams no one could steal
    He spins on through the night anticipating
    ‘Cause he needs all their votes for his spiel

    He rushes to their arms,
    They fall together
    He whispers that it’ll be forever
    But it’s only going to be for a while
    He pulls away and leaves them with a smile

    You can’t hide your lyin’ eyes
    And your smile is a thin disguise
    I thought by now you’d realize
    There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ eyes

  35. - CollegeStudent - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:20 am:

    ===Indeed, Rauner’s campaign manager told WGN last night that his candidate is “very pro union.” ===

    The cynicism of this campaign is breathtaking at times.

  36. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:22 am:

    It’s interesting that Rauner’s proposed job solution for truck drivers, teachers, and factory workers starts with cutting taxes for business. It’s the same old trickle-down economics that over the last thirty years created the mess were in today. The problem for Democrats is that Quinn’s record of mismanagement undercuts their argument that government can play a positive role in people’s lives. No wonder the public’s frustration with politicians is off the charts.

  37. - orzo - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:25 am:

    Has Sanguinetti always channeled Sarah Palin that much?

  38. - Living in Machiaville - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:26 am:

    Jimbo, no not the general. My point I suppose is that nearly twice as many republican primary ballots were pulled than democrat. Are there that many more interested R’s? Doubtful. A lot of cross over voters more likely. So Dillard’s closer than expected outcome was not foreseen cause pollsters were not asking typical Dem voters which republican candidate they were voiting for.

  39. - shore - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:27 am:

    I would also delete chicago from the hate vocabulary and realize what Bill Brady did not which is that you’re not Rick Perry and this is not texas and you don’t have to run and can’t that kind of burn the liberals down campaign. Most suburbanites when they talk to anyone not from the area refer to themselves especially in other states as from chicago-they know winnetka in larchmont and brookline not so much in el paso, miami, philly and cleveland-they take pride in the city, it’s stature, culture and pizza. Republicans like to think that chicago is a monolothic political entity but there are thousands of voters who are willing to tolerate a Republican who doesn’t run against them.

    Especially as a guy with wealth that would make a Russian oligarch blush, he needs to soften his rhetoric unless he wants to be seen as a cold angry zillionaire. You talk a lot about suburban women-they don’t respond to shrieking and the kinds of angry over the top lets smash the government stuff that gets ted nugent and dittoheads in a trance. He can do fine running as a constructive moderate ready to bring a counterweight to the establishment most voters are tired of.

  40. - MrJM - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:29 am:

    It’s as if Rauner said whatever he thought he needed to say during the primary to get nominated for governor.

    As if…

    - MrJM

  41. - Ghost - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:34 am:

    Oneman = Can you be pro-union but not pro public employee union? =

    Kind of.

    I am generalizing a bit here and being a little loose with history, but the unions were birthed so to speak to protect factory workers and tradesman (carpenters, masons etc).

    The kind of is becuase the State has trades people in trades union, and the teamesters are public and private. But yes you could support the unions that represent the trades and factory workers and say they help protect and neogitate salaries for those groups without supporting public employee unions.

    But this all begs the question, why are public employee unions bad? Because they have good contract? Where did those contracts come from? Henry bayer cant unilatteraly declare a contract and put in whatever he wants. The State to the best of my knoweldge has never gone on strike. So what have the unions done wrong?

    I wouldnt blame the unions for getting the best deal they can for their people, thats like blaming an athelete for getting a 50 million dollar contract with a team.

    if you dont like the give aways, blame the people who gave it away.

    And while your at it, consider this gem. The general assembly passed a law prohibiting the State from using replacement workers to cover jobs if there is a strike. The court said it was unconstitutional againast the private sector, but the State can inflict on its self whatever ridicuoplous rules it likes.

    Want a better contract? get rid of the no replacement worker law and send in a tough negotiator.

    While I am rambling, I consider it ironic that the GOP canidate this year had a huge opprtunity to get the union on their side. The unions are very mad at QUinn over pensions and the management bill. But not willing to let an opprotunity to damage themselves go by, Rauner is running on anti union campaign which solidifies their support for the lesser weevil (far side reference).

    Rauner should campaing against bad governemtn giving away too much in union negotations, not against the unions themselves for doing a good job. His argument is like complaining against himself for doing so well earning commissions. Stop evil bankers they are too successful and we dont like their success. The only thing the unions have done is be good at what they pledge to do, get the best deal possible.

    The real target should be the government folks who gave those things to the union.

  42. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:36 am:

    Rauner threw public union leaders under the bus in the primary and might now throw anti-union voters under the bus in the General. Be careful out there to not get on the wrong side of Rauner.

  43. - Laflin - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:38 am:

    I’ve never seen a candidate start a chant like that.

  44. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:46 am:

    “That’s not a pivot, it’s a Tonya Harding triple spin, followed by a bash to the shin.”

    A Romney is Born.

  45. - Bill F. - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:48 am:


    Plain talkin’ like ya used ta hear from the farmers and grain elevator operators in main street Winnetka.


  46. - Ghost - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:49 am:

    Grandson of Man be careful of Rauner why? the vote show something more like: I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.

    The union were on Rauners wrong side and with a weak disorganized effort they almost wiped him out of the election. Rauner seems more like germany opening up a second front with Russia when they needed to focus on the war with eruope then an enemey to be feared by all.

    I am fascinated to watch Ruaner attack everyone and ally with no-one. It is generally a losing startegy to pile up enemies in an election which is based on votes. But time will tell, mad genius or self defeating strategy,

  47. - circularfiringsquad - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:58 am:

    So CommandoMakeItUp was clueless? Very funny since his senior staff was driving the Mitt Rauner Clown Car for most of this tour.
    Since Mitt claims he financed 400 businesses we wonder if the ever sharp media will ask for a list? Looking at the first 3 got us Stu Levine, KillingGrandma and “Nation’s Worst Accounting Fraud”. Guessing the rest of the list should be a doozee. If they ask. Gotta wonder if the Tibbie general inaction was based on GRTC role in the Zell debacle or the talks with Blagoof?

  48. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 12:02 pm:

    Grandson of Man hit the nail on the head.

    We are on our fifth rhetorical incarnation of Bruce Rauner now.

    Bruce One: Anti-Union, pro-Right to Work, anti-minimum wage

    Bruce the Deuce: Anti-Union, pro-minimum wage, Right to Referendum

    Menage a’ Bruce: Anti-public union, pro-minimum wage, Right to What?

    The Fourth Rauner of the Apocalypse: Anti “Public Union Bosses”

    Anyone who thinks the GOP Base is gonna keep Rauner in the box: you are delusional. Rauner is a cold, calculating, profit-making machine. Sure, he might be able to win by taking on all of organized labor. But he just spent $42 per vote, $21 out of his own pocket, on a squeaker.

    Given a choice between spending $40 million out of his own pocket on a ‘maybe’ or working things out with the unions behind-the-scenes and saving a bunch of dough on a sure thing, we KNOW what Rauner will do. He is a politically agnostic dealmaker.

  49. - Irish - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 12:06 pm:

    - Upon Further Review - @ 10:49 am: “Were the people on stage actual Rauner supporters or character actors from Central Casting chosen for diversity purposes? ”

    I was wondering the exact same thing. As I watched that segment the thought crossed my mind that a person could not pick a more equally diverse groups of people if you tried.

    A picture flashed in my mind of Bruce on the phone saying ” I’ll take seven Hispanics, five African Americans, two males and three females; make one of those Hispanics a little on the short side, oh yeah, four males and three females; then give me three Eastern Europeans, eight Orientals,…..

  50. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 12:52 pm:

    Funny. I didn’t notice the diversity of the group on stage, generally could not recognize anyone and therefore assumed they were all supporters.

    My mind immediately went to a comparison of who was on stage when Kirk won his Primary–mostly pols. And that seemed to be quite a “dramatic” difference though I’m not sure whether it means anything other than a difference in approach and possibly an appeal to the general public, which seems consistent with his message regarding the People of our State.

  51. - Downstater - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 12:58 pm:

    Duh! Rauner pivots to change his tactics and messaging for the general election. Nothing new there. Happens all the time.
    Every good and elected candidate does it. Move on all you anti-Rauner folks. Come up with better arguments than “wow, he is pivoting”

  52. - Pensioner - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 12:58 pm:

    Rauner saw in the election what union support can do in beating Dillard by only 22K. If he can successfully backtrack on his anti union stance he can beat PQ easily. Will need to do some serious ass kissing while mumbling mea culpas.

  53. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:04 pm:

    =Will need to do some serious ass kissing while mumbling mea culpas. =

    I really don’t care who needs to kiss whose bum and issue mea culpas just as long as it translates into more jobs that will enable Americans to support their families.

  54. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:06 pm:

    –Move on all you anti-Rauner folks. Come up with better arguments than “wow, he is pivoting”–

    Yeah, how dare you all talk about politics on an Illinois political blog? Just do what Downstater tells you.

  55. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:08 pm:


    He won’t backtrack, he will evolve.

    “I’ve been for a 401-K style retirement system because I think it is the best way to make sure the career politicians never again break their promise to the 95 percent of teachers and other public servants who work hard every day.”

  56. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:10 pm:

    Lol Word. There’s no fighting in the War Room!

  57. - Jimbo - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:13 pm:

    Definitely needs to happen Yipperdo. “Now he wants to be governor. No way!”

  58. - Mason born - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:23 pm:

    You know was really hoping we would be done with Rauner for good last night. Oh well. I think Rauner has an easy response. Something like I wasn’t the one that violated a contract to refuse raises, I did not refuse to obey a judge to return those raises , I did not push labor negotitions to the point where the hardworking union members voted to strike, and I did not sign a bill that diminishes the retirements of our teachers, firefighters, and hard working public servants. That man was Pat Quinn.

    As a friend stated this morning do I vote for the guy who they say will hose me over or the guy that has been hosing me over for 4 years.

    Quinn seems to be far from the safe pro union choice he portrays.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:27 pm:

    ===Move on all you anti-Rauner folks. Come up with better arguments than “wow, he is pivoting”===

    Jeez, a Coup musta occurred. Where’s Rich?

    To the Post,

    Who are the voters going to believe, given that the negatives of Bruce Rauner never got above 10% until 3 weeks out.

    Union workers have a tough choice. Voting against your Better Self is really going to be the calling card for many.

    When you stand for nothing, it’s easy to pivot to anything.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:44 pm:

    To the “Screech Speech”

    Some people can handle the Big Stage, others get exposed by the big stage. “We” saw how Bruce Rauner handles being ill-prepared to be gracious, thoughtful, bold, and a leader; I guess “Bruce Rauner” was upstairs in the Suite.

    Our intro to Evelyn, off the cuff?

    See Jason Plummer, 2010 Redux. Ev is as insane as Rauner last night. Both Bruce Rauners and Ev could use my Plummer meds.

    “And then to Cairo, then Waukegan, then Kankakee, then to Springfield…. AAUGHHHH!”

    Pathetic. Agreed, act like you been there.

    You’re supposedly a leader, Bruce Rauner…

  61. - PolPal56 - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 1:57 pm:

    “The unions… with a weak disorganized effort… almost wiped (Rauner) out of the election.”

    This is why the unions were potentionally a big winner last night. Monday according to the polls Dillard needed something like 176,000 votes to beat Rauner, but Rauner won by only 22,000. This should help reinvigorate the union members, strengthen their resolve, and encourage more of them to take action when the union calls upon them.

    Also, I would like to point out that the crossover effort was not just by union members, but by State retirees, as well. That is never mentioned, and I do wonder how the crossover votes parse out as far as union vs. retiree is concerned.

  62. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 2:10 pm:

    When you spend tens of millions of dollars advertising your message for election, a lot of stuff said during primaries fades quite a bit.

    Rauner is no longer bashing unions now that he is nominated. He is done with it. He wants to beat Quinn, so that message has now been retired. He nearly lost the nomination because if it. So, he isn’t going to mess with the unions for the rest of the campaign.

    Quinn can go ahead and warn everyone about it. It didn’t work for Dillard. When the wolf at the door doesn’t look scary, and he is delivering your favorite pizza, the wee little pigs will open the door, regardless of warnings.

    Quinn needs to give us a reason to vote for him. That is his biggest problem.

  63. - Palanon - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 2:17 pm:

    Rauner just needs to find a way to be all things to all people. Easy-peasy.

  64. - Roadiepig - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 2:56 pm:

    - Bill F. - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 11:48 am:


    Plain talkin’ like ya used ta hear from the farmers and grain elevator operators in main street Winnetka.


    Nice catch- I think the constant shortening of his “ing’s: is aimed to make him look like he’s a regular guy. It’s so blatantly phony , and people have started noticing it.

    Bet he don’t discussing “bankin’ and leveragin’” when he was havin’ board meetin’s with his investin’ firm…

  65. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 2:58 pm:

    I almost forgot;

    “I have a hunka hunka burning love…for those wanting to ‘Shake up Springfield’ and ‘Bring Back Illinois’…”

    Blagovian in the speech, just needed a good Elvis line.

  66. - Irish - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 2:58 pm:

    My mom always used to say “Class will out.” Bruce’s rant last night proved her right. No class.

  67. - Timmeh - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 4:08 pm:

    ===”Quinn needs to give us a reason to vote for him. That is his biggest problem.”===

    Really? I think that spamming Rauner saying anti-union comments, minimum wage decreases, nursing home profiteering, and portraying Bruce Rauner as fake will work.

    How is this: Quinn was for term limits before Bruce Rauner was even a Republican. Quinn cut out 33% of the house legislature. Quinn got gay marriage passed. Quinn got medical marijuana passed. There’s a record there and even if you blame the legislature for his policy successes, it’s really weak considering that a Republican governor would have never done the same.

    There are reasons out there. Quinn just needs to remind people of them and bloody the hell out of Rauner.

  68. - Bemused - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    The lyrics to a song keep popping into my head today.
    “What do you want me to be for you to sleep with me?”

  69. - Frosty-The Snowman - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 5:10 pm:

    It is unfortunate that Bruce ’s inexperience in the game of “parsing one’s words carefully” has created a misimpression of Rauner’s opinion on unions. Rauner was trying to explain that he feels union “leadership” has done a disservice to the union’s own “rank & file” as well as to the taxpayers in Illinois. The union quickly seized on this unexpected opportunity to gin the new kid on the block up. Give Rauner a chance to correct this misimpression on his feelings toward unions. Keep an open mind. He wasn’t going after the private sector unions. Rauner took a stance and had the kahunas to stand up and say that the state employees union leadership and the head of the teachers union need to think of their “rank & file” and the Illinois citizens rather than their own self-interest.

  70. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 5:11 pm:

    @VanillaMan -

    Agreed. It is not that there are not reasons to vote for Quinn, it is that his camp has not done a great job of communicating them.

    I also don’t thing there is a single person in Illinois who can say with certainty what Quinn’s vision for Illinois for the next four years is.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 5:19 pm:

    ===Give Rauner a chance to correct this misimpression on his feelings toward unions. Keep an open mind.===

    Rauner has had a year to “correct”.

    That is ehy this is called a “pivot”.

    Spinning a “pivot”? Now my head is spinning …

  72. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 5:24 pm:

    –Give Rauner a chance to correct this misimpression on his feelings toward unions.–

    He’s said a lot of things about unions, going back to the CTU strike.

    He still has right-to-work zones on his site.

    He’s not a kid. He knows what he’s saying — and when to stop saying it.

  73. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 7:00 pm:

    @Frosty the Snowman:

    There was no “misunderstanding.”

    Did you miss the part of the election night speech where Rauner said he was fighting for Chicago school teachers to make sure they were rewarded?

    Rauner just spent $14 million. You really think we misunderstood his dislike of organized labor?

  74. - concerned22 - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 7:58 pm:

    25K an hour?! So these limits for politicians, do they inlcude him too? 25K an hour is insane to do absolutely nothing but ruin this state to make bank for yourself.

  75. - foster brooks - Wednesday, Mar 19, 14 @ 8:38 pm:

    Rauner took on the public-sector unions early. “The government-union bosses are at the core of our spending problem in Illinois,” he said in a primary debate, arguing that public unions create a “conflict of interest for the taxpayers” and have made a mess of the state’s finances.


    Public-employee unions are “organized against the public good,” Rauner said during a March 13 debate in Chicago. His animus toward unions is coupled with his support of charter schools that aren’t burdened by them.

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