Fun with numbers and facts
Monday, Apr 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* “State’s big payout from video gaming still less than predicted” was a recent Sun-Times headline.
Well, yeah, there’s a reason for that. Chicago hasn’t opted into video gaming. Otherwise, the machines are doing pretty well…
State officials predicted each machine would net between $70 and $90 in revenue every day. The average so far is $94, records show.
By the way, Gov. Quinn said today that he thinks “we’re moving the right direction” on some gaming reforms he’s demanding before Chicago can have a casino.
* And speaking of Gov. Quinn…
[Gov. Pat Quinn] was asked about his opponent Bruce Rauner’s contention that Indiana is thriving as a state, more so than Illinois.
“I don’t think anyone can compare to Illinois when it comes to investing in roads,” Quinn said. “We are the best. I think our businesses understand that in order to do business in the world economy you’ve got to have good transportation.”
Then Quinn slammed Illinois’ neighbor for how it dealt with brutal weather conditions over the past winter.
“With respect to Indiana, I saw that I-65 was closed down for a couple of days during the severe winter,” Quinn said. “We don’t close down roads in Illinois.”
* Umm. From a January 6, 2014 IDOT press release…
Dangerous Weather Force Road Closures Statewide; Motorists Still Urged to Stay Off Roads in Some Areas
Black Ice a Major Concern Due to Freezing Cold Temperatures
CHICAGO – The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) announced today that motorists should be mindful of dangerous road conditions and black ice on roadways in areas throughout Illinois. Motorists are also encouraged to stay home and avoid travel until roads are safe. For those who have to travel, check for the latest road closures and road conditions. Currently, dozens of Illinois roads statewide are closed due to snow and ice. [Emphasis added.]
- OneMan - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 2:39 pm:
Come on Rich, most of the closed roads were south of I-80 and west of 294 how was he supposed to know about that…
Also starting in January the IGB started releasing the basic machine info (revenue per location, number of machines and municipality) in csv format. A lot easier to process…
Between Rockford and Springfield in Feb almost 40 million in total went into the machines…
Also it appears whomever pushed to put the machines at truck stops deserves a raise.
- Anonymous - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 2:41 pm:
Quinn’s comments are silly. Silly won’t do for a governor seeking reelection.
Bashing another state in order to score political points against your political opponent is juvenile and embarrassing.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 2:42 pm:
That last comment was mine.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 2:44 pm:
Quinn needs to take the “high road” because he is the governor. If Rauner compares Illinois to another state, you ensure that Rauner looks foolish for doing the comparison.
You don’t bash the state.
- wordslinger - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 2:49 pm:
–By the way, Gov. Quinn said today that he thinks “we’re moving the right direction” on some gaming reforms he’s demanding before Chicago can have a casino.–
Perhaps the right direction, but I still don’t see how Rahm will be able to kiss his own tukkus, the final step.
- train111 - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 2:52 pm:
I drove down I-65 all the way through Indiana this past wekend. I have to partially side with Quinn. The road is in awful condition compared to the same interstate in Ky,Tenn, and Al.
By the same token, I have to disagee with him on the closure. East-west winds with nothing to block them and a north-south highway lend themselves to frequent closure during severe weather.
- Living in Machiaville - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 3:03 pm:
So if someone spouts gibbersih often enough do they become a gibberer? Or drivel leads to being a driveler? Or twaddle begats a twaddler?
- Roamin' Numeral - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 3:04 pm:
Very happy that we are “moving in the right direction” on gaming reforms before Chicago can have a casino. Cuz right now, the only direction the cars are moving is east … to Indiana.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 3:14 pm:
“. . . I don’t think anyone can compare to Illinois when it comes to investing in roads,” Quinn said. “We are the best. I think our businesses understand that in order to do business in the world economy you’ve got to have good transportation. . . .”
Drove to Washington, DC and back last week. Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana along 1-80 tons better than Illinois in road conditions, lane markings and conditions of signs.
Our Governor needs to hit the road a bit more and park that State plane for a while.
- Peter - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 3:18 pm:
Commuting from NW Indiana into Chicago, Quinn may be technically wrong about closures but the spirit of the comment is correct. You knew you reached the state line heading west when the roads dramatically improved. And snow removal aside, the infrastructure of NWI is pathetic; the Cline Avenue bridge has had a giant hole for years and the state reaction, until private toll road funding finally came through, has been a giant shrug. And the portion that is still open is incredibly dangerous due to potholes; this is a major four-lane road that carries traffic into Chicago, to the casinos and to the industry along the Lake. US highways here are in worse shape than some county roads in Southern Illinois.
- bored now - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 3:26 pm:
heh, i think illinois’ roads are atrocious, but nothing compares to how bad they are in indiana. indiana brags about how little its government does — it shouldn’t surprise anyone when they close core functions…
- Arizona Bob - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 3:36 pm:
“I don’t think anyone can compare to Illinois when it comes to investing in roads,”
If Quinn means we spend the most compared to other states, it’s hard to disagree with him. the problem is that with PLAs and prevailing wage restrictions, we pay more and get less than just about anyone in the region.
- wordslinger - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 3:51 pm:
–Drove to Washington, DC and back last week. Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana along 1-80 tons better than Illinois in road conditions, lane markings and conditions of signs.–
How’d you dig those tolls? They don’t know so much for tolls in Illinois south of I-88.
- Louis G Atsaves - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 5:06 pm:
Plenty of tolls. The others have oasis stops that are better than our tollways. Cheaper (much) gas too!
- Roadiepig - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 6:09 pm:
- Louis G Atsaves - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 5:06 pm:
Plenty of tolls. The others have oasis stops that are better than our tollways. Cheaper (much) gas too!
If you are comparing gas price in Indiana to Chicago gas prices you are right. Chicago generally is the city the national press mentions as the highest in the continental U.S. Downstate , our prices are about the same. For that reason I will say we get the better use of our gasoline tax buck, because the roads do go to crap once you head across the state line (on I 74 heading to Indianapolis last summer). Unmowed shoulders causing sight/visibility problems, rough pavement. State highway 40 (another route I have taken towards Indy) was even worse- huge potholes unfilled , even though it was mid summer, and weeds so tall you couldn’t read done signs ( I heard that Indiana went to hiring farmers and small contractors to mow their shoulders a few years back. Sad to see how that has worked out for them).
- DuPage - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 7:02 pm:
Maybe Indiana will bring back the chain gangs.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Apr 7, 14 @ 7:06 pm:
There’s a reason that Chicago is referred to as the Windy City or the Second City, and it ain’t because we like to compare ourselves to Indianapolis, even favorably.
If you are arguing that Illinois is better than Indiana or Wisconsin or Michigan, you have already lost the debate. And the war.
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