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Sun-Times temporarily turns off comments

Monday, Apr 14, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the managing editor of the Sun-Times

Starting this weekend, the Chicago Sun-Times and the other titles in the Sun-Times Media group will temporarily cease to run comments with our articles.

The world of Internet commenting offers a marvelous opportunity for discussion and the exchange of ideas. But as anyone who has ever ventured into a comment thread can attest, these forums too often turn into a morass of negativity, racism, hate speech and general trollish behaviors that detract from the content.

In fact, the general tone and demeanor is one of the chief criticisms we hear in regard to the usability and quality of our websites and articles. Not only have we heard your criticisms, but we often find ourselves as frustrated as our readers are with the tone and quality of commentary on our pages.

To that end, we are working on development of a new commenting system we hope will not only allow for free discussion, but encourage increased quality of the commentary and help us better police the worst elements of these threads. We’ll have more in the weeks to come on this development.

* Robert Feder weighs in

It’s true that unmoderated comment boards — or those that don’t require verification (a Facebook account in the case of my blog) — leave themselves open to abuse. But a big-city daily’s digital news site that summarily shuts off dialogue with its readers strikes me as wrongheaded and backward-thinking to the extreme.

The key word is “unmoderated.” Newspapers and other “old media” have got to get a handle on their sites. Most of them don’t have the cash to hire a full-time comment moderator, so they’ve relied on apps and programs that don’t work very well.

I shut down comments for a while when I used the Blogger platform because I couldn’t effectively moderate comments. I moved over to WordPress and that helped me deal with most of my problems. But monitoring comments, and engaging with commenters to nudge or even shove them back onto the topic at hand ain’t easy. It’s a lot of work. Every time I leave to run an errand (as I’m about to do), I worry about what’s being posted and try to constantly check the blog to make sure all is OK.

So, I have little confidence that a magic program will solve all their problems. If they really want to get at the heart of the issue, they’ll hire somebody to watch over their comments. It’s the only truly effective way to solve this very real problem.


  1. - foster brooks - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:03 pm:

    i agee those raunerbots are a pain in the ….

  2. - Better than Good - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:05 pm:

    Cool.. Rich is out on an errand right now so we can troll it up!

  3. - A guy... - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:10 pm:

    It’s tough all over, but specifically on digital Newspaper sites, I don’t think it’s too much to ask anyone expressing their first amendment rights to take responsibility-personally-for their remarks. You’ll give up some creativity, but you’ll give up all kinds of hubris too. On a public newspaper site, I’m in favor of “owning” everything you say.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:21 pm:

    ===I don’t think it’s too much to ask anyone expressing their first amendment rights to take responsibility-personally-for their remarks.===

    Says the guy … known as - A guy… -. Yikes, dude.

    For me; Silence Dogood.

    The comment can, and should, make the case, not those who make the comments.

    Moderation of the comments is what is the mitigating factor.

    A main reason it works here, is that Rich is willing to let the blog play out, and then trim the weeds. An untended flower bed will always get weeds, no matter how much “love” is sprinkled. The weeds need to be weeded out, not hope that they don’t appear.

  5. - circularfiringsquad - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:31 pm:

    Hard to imagine everyone is missing the point that the Sun Times generally draws next to zero comments, besides the pro Mitt Rauner missives which are actually written by the co-owners.
    Pretending to worry about moderation is a great cover

  6. - SirLankselot - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:34 pm:

    It works here because Rich let’s everyone know he has the ban-hammer, and isn’t afraid to use it.

  7. - Wensicia - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:36 pm:

    It only takes one or two jerks to ruin a thread for everyone else. The best blogs are the result of diligent masters, like the Fax.

  8. - Wumpus - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:39 pm:

    Most of us here are regulars and have a level of respect. Even if there is someone I disagree with, I may make a jokey-joke, but will never be rude.

    I nominate myself as Sun Times Moderater. I will take a modest salary.

  9. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:41 pm:

    I think it’s an excellent move. Almost everyone commenting at the ST was some kind of attention-seeking troll.

  10. - Toure's Latte - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:45 pm:

    Anonymous demands for first amendment rights to despoil other peoples blogs baffle me. Be obviously snarky or stick to the issue, or best of all do both!

  11. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:47 pm:

    Comments on the stories are frequently more insightful and informational than the stories themselves. Cutting off those comments, or making them harder to post through onerous “agreements” that allow them to sell the addresses of your facebook friends, and annoy them to no end, also is a problem. Google and yahoo sign ins seem ok, but facebook gets abused.

    A case in point for killing on line debate is the Southtownstar Newspaper site, which used to be a pretty interesting place. Now there’s virtually no comments there and columns and stories rarely are worth the time to visit.

    Same goes for most “Patch” sites.

    I really don’t know what new paradigms are out there for making a quality and financially successful news organization, but I’m pretty sure that limiting interaction in a media DESIGNED for interaction is not the answer…

  12. - Old Shepherd - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:48 pm:

    If they wouldn’t allow it to appear in their newspaper in a letter-to-the-editor, then they shouldn’t allow it in a comment on their website.

  13. - abc123 - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:03 pm:

    Glad to have them upfront about what their policy and, Rich, glad that you let us comment so freely here. What’s pernicious is selectively censoring comments for no stated or apparent reason. Crain’s now does that, especially on Hinz’s stuff. Inexcusable.

  14. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:05 pm:

    Sun-Times comments routinely resemble a meeting of minds from the Klan and the nuthouse. I’ve been shocked over the years how they could let their brand be abused like that.

  15. - orzo - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:10 pm:

    I have looked at the Sun-Times comments from time to time, I agree that they don’t add more to the public debate than the drunk at the end of the bar. Crime stories often have either thinly veiled (or open) racist comments, often combined with simplistic suggestions about what should be done to the person charged. All comments on political stories are similarly repetitious and simplistic (all politicians are corrupt, vote everyone out, etc.) Nothing like the informed debate on THIS site.

  16. - In 630 - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:16 pm:

    Comments may be insightful or otherwise useful on some sites. But like wordslinger said, comments on CST articles have routinely been the stuff of Klan meetings.

  17. - cicero - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:18 pm:

    I agree with Rich’s analysis. The Sun-Times won’t pay someone to consistently monitor comments and to toss the abusive, racist, misogyinst ones. CapFax blog provides a model of how to have a forum that allows mostly anonymous commenters to vigorously yet civilly debate hot political issues.

  18. - Anyone Remember - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:22 pm:

    Rich, rightly, does more than delete the sort of comments the Sun Times is talking about. Some of my comments that lose the Illinois specific focus have been bounced. Not complaining, as those ARE the rules. Just shows that as OW stated, Rich does “trim the weeds” … and not just the profane / racist / sock puppetry type of weeds.

  19. - In the Middle - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:22 pm:

    Blog comments are content, so it baffles me why any news site would leave their comments section open with no real guard.

    If you want to be perceived as professional, you can’t have thousands of unprofessional comments prominently displayed after your every story.

  20. - A guy... - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:31 pm:

    - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 12:21 pm:

    ===I don’t think it’s too much to ask anyone expressing their first amendment rights to take responsibility-personally-for their remarks.===

    Says the guy … known as - A guy… -. Yikes, dude.====
    +++From this site: Post your comment… And please take a half second to come up with a nickname.+++

    Just following the rules here Oswego Willie. Did your parents Mr. and Mrs. Willie, name you Oswego? Case closed on this one. Don’t pick fights just to be contrary dude. You only embarrass yourself.

  21. - shore - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:37 pm:

    If the sun times invested a fraction of the time it wastes reinventing itself or trying not to offend people it might be a site I click on more than once every six months now.

    Used to be a must read, now bleh.

  22. - Demoralized - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:41 pm:

    The SJ-R got rid of anonymous comments (though I’m sure you can use fake names to sign up for the platforms you have to use to post comments). It hasn’t stopped people from making stupid comments there. But at least you can identify who the idiots are by name now.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:42 pm:

    - A Guy … -

    You are a Dope.

    Don’t be a contrarian as you live one way, and try to think you live another. If you believe your nonsense, than feel free to use your name. If you feel its ok to have a “nickname”, then you do.

    Clarify, or pick a lane. Yikes.

    That is very Raunerbot of you.

    To the Post,

    Also, the comments here bring discussion and a defense of your own comments, based on being able to defend your comments. You don’t find that too many places.

  24. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:43 pm:

    –If the sun times invested a fraction–

    Shore, “investing fractions” has been the Sun-Times business model since the Fields sold them, lol.

    Don’t know how they’ve stayed in business over the decades, especially after Lord Black of Crossharbour came to town and stole whatever cash they had.

    Back in the day, who would have ever thought the Tribbies would go bankrupt before the Sun-Times?

  25. - anon - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:44 pm:

    Everyone should read this piece in The Atlantic regarding open debate:

  26. - whetstone - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:48 pm:

    I think what Feder’s missing is that it’s much harder for a general-interest site to monitor its comments than a higher-minded niche site. While I don’t doubt that the host spends lots of time keeping an eye on things, to a certain extent CapFax is self-policing because an audience of people come here to learn from each other, like at Feder’s site.

    Tending comments somewhere like the S-T is a big job, or at least a couple actual jobs. And it gets tricky, because how you deal with comments has legal implications. It’s been awhile since I was up on the case law, but being more active in editing comments can make you more legally vulnerable than just letting them be.

  27. - Living in Machiaville - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:51 pm:

    “….An untended flower bed will always get weeds, no matter how much “love” is sprinkled. The weeds need to be weeded out, not hope that they don’t appear.” Well said Chauncy Gardner.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:57 pm:

    - Living in Machiaville -

    I bet it feels like “Being There”, doesn’t it.

  29. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:58 pm:

    I’ll sing along and shed a tear for the Sun-Times comments I didn’t know existed.

  30. - A guy... - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:04 pm:

    ===Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 1:42 pm:

    - A Guy … -

    You are a Dope.===
    Mr. and Mrs. Willie shudder as they read their son Oswego’s postings. Then one asks the other “What’s less than ‘a dope’, cause that’s what our boy is”

  31. - Demoralized - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:06 pm:

    @A guy:

    Your kindergarten class is missing you.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:07 pm:

    My Mom calls me Bill, and she told me not to suffer fools.

    Do. NOT. Feed. Trolls.

  33. - Try-4-Truth - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:12 pm:

    I couldn’t care less if a newspaper had a comments section. I just want good journalism back. I love this blog, but if it was just the paper “Capitol Fax” supplemented with this blog, sans comments, I’d be ok with that. Newspapers aren’t struggling because of their comments sections. They are struggling because they can’t figure out how to replicate what Mr. Miller does. Turn all the comments sections off, but provide good content.

  34. - Responsa - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:22 pm:

    Good for the S-T. I think it’s no great loss to civilization to stop newspaper site comments boards. They are so uniformly bad, and are such time wasters, and draw such a low quality of posters that almost anyone with a brain stopped bothering to read them ages ago. Feder says that’s shutting down a “dialogue with their readers?” I say not so much. When even this small and highly focused blog requires constant surveillance by Rich, it becomes pretty clear that no large newspaper site with multiple stories can be managed–and that any moderator who tries will be subject to criticism from all sides that they are partisan in what they allow and what they disallow.

  35. - cicero - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:32 pm:

    A guy
    You’re the one, not OW, who called upon commenters “to take responsibility — personally — for their remarks…I’m in favor of ‘owning’ everything you say.” OW simply suggested you practice what you preach as opposed to do as I say, not as I do.

  36. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:47 pm:

    “these forums too often turn into a morass of negativity, racism, hate speech and general trollish behaviors that detract from the content.”

    I agree. They can be garbage dumps sometimes. One of the sites I visit publishes guest pundits’ posts as the lead posts. In the past, trolls would try to dominate the top of the posts. Other sites are taking different actions to discourage this kind of stuff. One change I noticed is that people have to click on the comments sections of stories, instead of just scrolling down and reading comments.

    I never troll, ever, or spew stuff on other comments sites. I think trolling diminishes people. Is that the online legacy people want to leave, going around to websites and childishly attacking people?

    This is the only blog in which I actively participate. I rarely if ever comment elsewhere and only tweet/retweet stuff a handful of times each month. I block all those I don’t want following me on Twitter, and I only follow those with whom I want to have a civilized discussion.

    This blog has such a great comments section not only because of Rich’s moderation, but because other commenters here help out by making it unpleasant for trolls.

  37. - Anon III - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:51 pm:

    == You are a Dope ==

    It’s always risky to comment on someone’s parentage.

  38. - Walker - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:52 pm:

    O’Willy and A Guy:

    Nary a ‘bot nor a ‘troll between you. Play nice.


  39. - A guy... - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:55 pm:

    ==== Demoralized - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:06 pm:

    @A guy:

    Your kindergarten class is missing you.====
    No they aren’t. I’m here. Not even using velcro shoes anymore.

    Cicero, you’ve chosen a name of a noted orator. Try living up to it. CF is a blog, not a newspaper digital site. You’re encouraged to take one 1/2 second to come up with a nickname. I took less than that much time. On digital sites of newspapers that utilize Facebook or not, I use my name. Here, I do what almost everyone else does: except Mr. and Mrs. Willie’s son Oswego and someone so enthusiastic they refer to themselves as ‘Demoralized’. Fitting.

  40. - A guy... - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:56 pm:

    Walker, I’m tryin’ buddy, I really am.

  41. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 2:58 pm:

    How ironic. A flame war breaks out on this particular thread while I’ve been out of the office running tons of errands.

    C’mon, people. Live up to your reputation.

  42. - Wensicia - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:00 pm:

    I thought Oswego and AGuy were demonstrating how not to post on a blog.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:01 pm:

    Mark Walker, much respect.

    I can’t understand the fascination with my parents. Is it because you can’t match wits on your own - A Guy… -?

    Bad form on my parents. You can’t be trying too hard if you go to parents to seem … intelligent.

    I stand by my Post; you want others to stand by their comments with their name, then either do it yourself, clarify better what you mean to begin with, or “own” your hypocrisy.

  44. - Distant Viewer - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:04 pm:

    I want to thank the Sun Times for improving their web site exponentially by turning off the reader comments.

  45. - A guy... - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:10 pm:

    I shall heed Mr. Miller’s warning. I believe I have occasionally stretched his last nerve. I may only be hanging on by a few chuckles.

    OW, I’m not criticizing your parents. I’m merely pointing out that your parents didn’t name you Oswego Willie and mine did not name me A Guy. My father Buddy named me Augustus. A was just easier.

  46. - Demoralized - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:12 pm:

    ==I’m tryin’ buddy, I really am.==

    Try harder. I know I will.



  47. - Joan P. - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:15 pm:

    The Trib shifted to Facebook comments, claiming to believe that that would reduce “negativity, racism, hate speech and general trollish behaviors that detract from the content”.

    That did not happen. The comments are as vile as ever.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:17 pm:

    Apologies, Rich.

    My fault.

  49. - Keyser Soze - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:17 pm:

    Springfield’s SJ-R had a lively (and fun) comment system that used a moderator/complaint format. It received hundreds of comments per day (aka reader hits). When the paper changed to a Facebook style system, presumably to eliminate the cost of a moderator, comments went from hundreds per day to maybe a dozen on a good day. They made commenting more complicated and eliminated the fun, not to mention readership. Too bad. Today no one bothers with the comment feature.

  50. - Keyser Soze - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:17 pm:

    Springfield’s SJ-R had a lively (and fun) comment system that used a moderator/complaint format. It received hundreds of comments per day (aka reader hits). When the paper changed to a Facebook style system, presumably to eliminate the cost of a moderator, comments went from hundreds per day to maybe a dozen on a good day. They made commenting more complicated and eliminated the fun, not to mention readership. Too bad. Today no one bothers with the comment feature.

  51. - steve schnorf - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:38 pm:

    if Feder thinks the comments at the S-T represents “a dialogue with its readers”. I’ld hate to see what he thinks is a freak show. BTW, same is true of most newspaper comments sections

  52. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:46 pm:

    Schnorf, you got that right.

    How could old-timey newspapers maintain a “letters to the editor” policy, as someone pointed out, and let the crazies take over their internet platform?

  53. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:54 pm:

    With all respect, Schnorf, the Sun-Times comments were arguably the most racist rants you would ever see in a major daily paper.

    Comparing them to ‘most newspaper comment sections’ is a whitewash.

  54. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:54 pm:

    “Who is more foolish, a fool or someone who argues with one?”

    No point arguing with you OW. It makes our IQ drop.

    By the way, Rich, how about deleting every post by Willie with the phrase, “You are a Dope”? It’s certainly insulting and a “gratuitous insult” that has no place in the generally civil, but passionate, discourse here.

    ….or does coughing up $350/yr for a subscription buy a “special dispensation” for insulting posts?

    There are ways of using humour, irony, and literary means to slam it to an opponent. Churchill and G. B. Shaw were masters at this.

    Saying “You are a Dope” just shows a lack of wit, humour, or literacy. Pull that trap door on ‘em, Rich!

  55. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 4:06 pm:

    You can question me on anything. I own what I comment, for better or worse.

    Don’t question Rich’s integrity. He is our Host, and it’s Bad Form to question your Host ’s integrity.

    I know I am lucky to have a place to hang. I have been called worse, and had even worse told to my face. Going after Rich because you think ill of me is not being a good guest.

  56. - Try-4-Truth - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 4:16 pm:

    Mr. Bob,

    I’m sorry you feel offended. But, Rich makes the rules. It’s his playground. If you don’t like it, well, there’s the virtual door. Even if the rules are seen as “unfair” to you, too bad.

    (BTW, it took every ounce of will power I had not to respond this way.

    Mr. Bob, you are a dope.

    It would have been funny, but I don’t like to call people names).

  57. - Try-4-Truth - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 4:16 pm:

    Mr. Bob,

    I’m sorry you feel offended. But, Rich makes the rules. It’s his playground. If you don’t like it, well, there’s the virtual door. Even if the rules are seen as “unfair” to you, too bad.

    (BTW, it took every ounce of will power I had not to respond this way.

    Mr. Bob, you are a dope.

    It would have been funny, but I don’t like to call people names).

  58. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 4:29 pm:

    In Oswego Willy’s defense, an insult is not technically “gratuitous” if, in fact, someone is being a dope.

    “Dope”, I take in the context of any political discussion to mean “one who is mindlessly and euphorically addicted to a particular ideology or rhetoric.” Similar to “dupe” or “rube.”

  59. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 4:34 pm:

    (Tips cap, humbly, to - YDD - for completely getting the context.)

  60. - A guy... - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 4:55 pm:

    As OW even occasionally refers to himself as a “dope”, I don’t think it’s technically anything but a substitute for another word he’d rather say. Sometimes more gratuitous, sometimes less, sometimes not at all gratuitous. He’s a guy with a multitude of positions. He gets excited and frustrated like anyone else. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don’t. When we don’t…he calls me a dope. No harm. You should hear what I’m calling him as I scream at my computer! lol. I can’t even tell you what it rhymes with or I’d get booted. Stay the course A Bob. Your opinion counts as much as any of the others. Occasionally one of the tenured scholars will throw you a bone. If Rich lets you share it, it’s as valid as anything else up here.

  61. - RNUG - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 5:03 pm:

    - Keyser Soze - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 3:17 pm:

    You nailed it. That’s when I quit commenting on the SJ-R website.

  62. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 5:19 pm:

    ==That did not happen. The comments are as vile as ever.==

    I don’t even see ‘em anymore on the Trib site. I just blocked Facebook Connect on its site. Only time I run into them is in a private browsing window dodging paywalls.

  63. - Cassandra - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 5:41 pm:

    I guess it’s up to the S-T, but I feel somewhat queasy about a general interest newspaper blocking commentary on issues although I agree that personal attacks on named individuals, say, alleged perpetrators of crimes, should be blocked. These often have a racist bent.
    And, let’s face it, reporters often provide coverage that is incomplete or even factually wrong. Who has time to write a letter to the editor if one spots one of these (frequent) errors. Sometimes commenters provide useful information.

    In a country that is becoming increasingly polarized regarding so many political and cultural issues, I like to be reminded that there are other viewpoints out there. Comments sections, when one has time to read them, often provide that reminder.

  64. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 5:54 pm:

    RNUG, me too.

  65. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 6:14 pm:

    ===r does coughing up $350/yr for a subscription buy a “special dispensation” for insulting posts?===

    It’s $500 and I’ve banned subscribers before.

  66. - 47th Ward - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 8:34 pm:

    When A Guy and Arizona Bob have been here for longer than an election cycle, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, same as I give Oswego Willy, who’s been here forever,

    I’ve left a comment on the Tribune maybe once on my life, and I think it was in a Zorn column. I would never consider commenting anywhere else but here, thanks only to Rich’s diligence and the respect most of us have for each other.

    This is a community and I really like it here. I don’t want anyone messing it up, even when I’m the one making the mess. I expect to be deleted when I’m out of line and i’ve deserved all of my deletions.

    The best thing you can do when deleted? Learn from it. The worst? Complain about it.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 9:13 pm:

    - 47th Ward -,

    ===This is a community and I really like it here. I don’t want anyone messing it up, even when I’m the one making the mess.===

    Don’t worry, it was my turn today.

    I admit when I am wrong. I was wrong.

    What other comment board do you feel compelled to apologize to? This is a community more than just a bunch of comments.

    So -47th Ward -, as I made it my turn, I apologize, even with your very gracious benefit of the doubt, which I greatly respect. Thank you, sincerely.

  68. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 10:01 pm:

    You people and your comments.
    Get off my lawn!

  69. - Excessively Rabid - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 10:04 pm:

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  70. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 10:10 pm:

    - ER -, you know I don’t speak “German”…

    Restaurant Quality quote, well played.

    - Michelle Flaherty -, Please… Just don’t call Officer Krupke.

  71. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 10:15 pm:

    47 brings the wisdom in a few, brilliant, short sentences.

    Michelle brings the wisdom in a couple short, funny sentences.

    Mr.JM brings the wisdom in a few, hilarious, words.

    I hate you guys.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 10:20 pm:

    … and - wordslinger - is the gold standard for us all…

    Yeah, I hate all you guys too.

    Watching M*A*S*H the movie, talk about great writing.

  73. - A guy... - Tuesday, Apr 15, 14 @ 9:54 am:

    ====47th Ward - Monday, Apr 14, 14 @ 8:34 pm:

    When A Guy and Arizona Bob have been here for longer than an election cycle, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, same as I give Oswego Willy, who’s been here forever,=====

    47, Speaking only for myself here, I’m not really in search of the benefit of the doubt, so apply as you wish.
    A second misnomer is that I’ve only been around for one Election Cycle. Untrue, my friend. I don’t think it matters, but it’s nonetheless untrue.

  74. - ToasterMike - Wednesday, Apr 16, 14 @ 10:42 am:

    Robert Feder must not remember the “old” days of newspapers, when everyone was free to send in their comments to the editor, and the editor was under NO obligation to publish the comments! I applaud the decision to stop posting comments, as long as people can still send them in! Somewhere along the line, people got the crazy notion that their comments deserve public attention. Let’s stop that.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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