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The other strategy

Thursday, Apr 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* Mark Brown…

As Rauner campaigned for governor during the Republican primary, he was often asked how he could win in November when so many of his party’s recent nominees had stumbled against the state’s Democratic tide rising from Cook County.

Their doubts were understandable, having watched Democrat Pat Quinn prevail in 2010 despite carrying just three of Illinois’ 102 counties.

Rauner’s answer: he would defeat Quinn by cutting into the Democrats’ usual Cook County advantage, even predicting he would receive 25 percent of the Chicago vote because of his business and civic ties here.

By asking city voters to call his campaign office if they want to help stop the property tax increase, Rauner seems to be trolling for disillusioned city Democrats to add to his database of potential anti-Quinn voters. They will join the names of the folks who signed Rauner’s term limits petitions for more personal attention later down the road.

It’s pretty smart politics really and probably more cost-effective than Rauner’s other strategy of just spreading his money around town to see how many people he can buy, which is standard Republican operating procedure except for Rauner having LOTS more money.

The whole column is really well done.

That “other strategy” is what Neil Steinberg was referring to last week in a now-somewhat infamous column.

You will recall Steinberg elaborated on a Sneedling that “Hermene Hartman, publisher of an obscure Chicago African-American periodical, N’DIGO, who pocketed $51,000 of Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner’s bottomless pail of money and then decided, my God, he’s the man to back, the billionaire with a heart of gold that beats in time to the hopes of the black community.” But it was the lead-in paragraph to that that is causing a stir now…

Let me be clear: As a general rule, individuals will sell out the interests of their groups in return for personal benefit. It isn’t just a black thing. Jews collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, helping them to round up their own people in the hopes they’d be the last to go. The Republican Party will deny global warming until the ocean laps at Pittsburgh simply because doing something about it crosses the immediate profit of the coal burners and oil companies and carbon spouters who write the checks. No tobacco company has any trouble finding people who, at a hefty salary, stare into the camera and say no, all that lung cancer stuff is just fiction.

Then there was apparently a Tweet by the Quinn campaign that was deleted. And a Retweet, as well.

All of that leads us to this snippet from a Conservative-backed “news outlet”…

Some in the Chicago Jewish community say that they were outraged by Quinn’s support of the Nazi rhetoric, which was disseminated over Passover, the holiday marking the ancient Jewish people’s release from slavery.

“Coming during Passover just a few days after the [anti-Semitic] shootings in Kansas, this kind of rhetoric was beyond outrageous,” said one local Jewish community insider. “Community leaders immediately contacted the governor’s office and urged retraction.”

Sources say that the heads of several major Jewish organizations personally registered their outrage with Quinn.

Can we all just agree right here and now that Henry Gibson and the Blues Brothers are the last to make an Illinois Nazi reference? All other analogies just seem to end so well…


* Rand Paul to Chicago African Americans: The GOP wants you


  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 8:06 am:

    ===Rauner’s answer: he would defeat Quinn by cutting into the Democrats’ usual Cook County advantage, even predicting he would receive 25 percent of the Chicago vote because of his business and civic ties here.===

    How about a Ground Game.

    “That’s baloney.”, Rauner scoffed. “A ground game won’t match my TV appeal, and my wife, did I mention my wife, Diana, Diana and I, we will Shake Up Cook County, and Bring Back Republicans in Cook by TV!” Rauner boasted.

    When reminded about how his lack of Ground Game led to a 17 point evaporation of a TV lead in the polls, but a 3 point win in the precincts, Rauner countered, “Career Poli…um, Union Bos…uh,… My wife, Diana, isn’t she great? Diana and Democrats will make a huge difference.”

    Asked about his Latina running mate, who couldn’t even get podium time at an Immigration event and the GOP, Rauner asked, “Who?”, and laughed himself silly.

    GOTV, Ground Game, finding and voting “pluses” against the Unions and the Democrats is vital, not “must see TV”. See Brady 2010 on that lack of GOTV.

  2. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:04 am:

    Who is running the GOTV at the Rauner campaign?

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:05 am:

    ===Who is running the GOTV at the Rauner campaign?===

    The Media Buyer.

  4. - Downstater - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:09 am:

    Rauner and his campaign have reached out to voters in the City of Chicago and he will get a larger share.
    Those Democratic union voters in the primary who crossed over to vote for Dillard were never going to vote for Rauner or a Republican. Throw them out of the voting equation in the primary and Rauner wins handily in the primary.
    As far as a ground game, it is being developed and will be there on election day, in spite of the hysteria stated by some.

  5. - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:09 am:

    “===Who is running the GOTV at the Rauner campaign?===

    The Media Buyer.”

    No, the ground game is being run by disillusioned Cook County voters, who at Rauner’s request, are calling his office in droves, paralyzing tele-communications through the entire metro area.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:14 am:

    ===Those Democratic union voters in the primary who crossed over to vote for Dillard were never going to vote for Rauner or a Republican. Throw them out of the voting equation in the primary and Rauner wins handily in the primary.===

    If Dillard had 195 votes got years ago…

    If Bartman hadn’t touch that foul ball…

    Wish away what did happen IS the recipe for defeat.

    In the 2014 GOP Primary, 58% of people pulling ballots chose anyone but either Rauner.

    Same as 194 votes cost Dillard in 2010.

    Facts are stubborn things.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:19 am:

    ===As far as a ground game, it is being developed and will be there on election day, in spite of the hysteria stated by some.===

    Is this a re-post from November 2013? August 2013? lol

    Man, I remember hearing about this vaunted Rauner Ground Game for the Primary, which in reality was a Farce!

    If you want to own the pathetic Primary Ground Game, ok. Nothing is showing me, today, it is going to be any better. Heck, both Rauners never talk Ground Game, but they mention Diana Rauner now…

    You can pretend, I won’t burst your own bubble, until you try to sell your pretend Ground Game as real.

  8. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:19 am:

    Nice subtle sarcasm Willy! The media buyer doing his/her job rather well methinks. Seems the real problem is with field ops. Anyone know whose doing that?

  9. - A guy... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:23 am:

    Willie, all of those were excuses for losing. Here’s the latest memo; Rauner won. Despite a huge cross-over effort by the unions and Democrats. Factor in that some of those union members might have a little buyer’s remorse. Your analysis continues to be flawed. You must be arguing that Dillard had a ground game. If he did, I didn’t see it anywhere. He lost his home county for Pete’s sake. But he won Sangamon- put it together brother. This election was not close and never was. When they’re decide by 187 votes, 3% statewide is a landslide. Interpret it any way you want to.

    Whether you like it or not, Rauner has made inroads into Cook, Chicago and other Dem strongholds. I saw more Rauner lawn signs than any other Gov candidate put together. Must have been someone out there. Your continuing remarks about Evelyn are making you look bad on several fronts. Get over it.

  10. - A guy... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:25 am:

    ===Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:19 am:

    Nice subtle sarcasm Willy! The media buyer doing his/her job rather well methinks. Seems the real problem is with field ops. Anyone know whose doing that?====

    Not him! He’s got 2000 signs in his garage saying “I’m sorry” with the GOP logo on them.

  11. - OneMan - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:26 am:


    Get with the program, everything Rauner does campaign wise (and everything else) is wrong…

  12. - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:31 am:


    “Those Democratic union voters in the primary who crossed over to vote for Dillard were never going to vote for Rauner or a Republican. Throw them out of the voting equation in the primary and Rauner wins handily in the primary.”

    You do realize that those Dem voters that crossed over to vote for Dillard will now mostly vote for Quinn? They’re not going to stay home. You do realize the same union backed organizing that almost overcame a 20 pont defecit in a very short time will now be organizing for Quinn? You do realize that Illinois is a blue state? You do realize that a lot of GOP voters, such as myself, who are union employees, are going to vote for Quinn instead of the GOP nominee? You do realize that more people voted for someone other than Rauner that voted for Brucie? You do realize that the Baron has shown no evidence of any ground game to this point, which leads me to believe his support is soft?

  13. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:32 am:

    Four pollls were conducted by multiple firms not named We Ask America in Illinois Feb/March and had Rauner at 32 (on 3/16), 36 (3/5 ), 32 (2/19), and 40 (2/8). WAA conducted 5 polls over the same time frame and found him at 44, 47, 40, 36, 36.

    The numbers lead me to believe their might have been some “house effects” at play.

    Wow. Clearly I was buried with work last week because I somehow missed that Steinberg column! Wow. Just wow.

  14. - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:33 am:

    A Guy

    “Here’s the latest memo; Rauner won”

    He just barely won the GOP primary in a Blue state. He hasn’t won anything yet.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:34 am:

    ===Rauner won===

    The Primary, below 50%. The General, whole different animal.

    ===Factor in that some of those union members might have a little buyer’s remorse. ===

    Based on what? Seems to me, the Unions seem pretty motivated, and given how the IEA received “General Election Bruce”, I wouldn’t count on those delegates saying, “yeah, Bruce is better.” Nope.

    ===This election was not close and never was. ===

    Rauner 40.1%

    Dillard 37.3%

    Less than 5 points in a four way, and it’s not close? Dope.

    === I saw more Rauner lawn signs than any other Gov candidate put together.===

    Signs don’t vote. Signs don’t drag voters to the polls. lol

    === Your continuing remarks about Evelyn are making you look bad on several fronts. Get over it===

    “Slip and Sue” was brought on to show diversity and bring a Latina is part if that. She couldn’t even get Podium time to showcase her? No one points her out at an immigration forum? She is a liability when you can’t even use her in the most obvious ways.

    Now Diana Rauner…lol

    “Slip and Sue” should be replaced by former Senator Meeks. More qualified, can actually speak, especially to his own constituencies and issues, has a base…get over her, lol

  16. - naperville nanny - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:35 am:

    Rauner better worry about disappointed conservative GOPers that are appalled at his recent massive tilt to the left and the promotion of his wife to second banana.

  17. - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:36 am:

    You do realize that more people voted for someone other than Rauner than voted for Brucie?


  18. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:38 am:

    ===Not him! He’s got 2000 signs in his garage saying “I’m sorry” with the GOP logo on them.===

    If that had a point, I sure missed it. Public Humor and Sarcasm is best when people can see it.

  19. - jeffing in Chicago - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:42 am:

    I read Steinberg more often than not. If he thinks Hartman was bought off by $51k of Rauners money, how many votes did Quinn buy in the last election with $50M of our money for his vaunted anti-violence program? You will not read about that with Steinberg but you will here. Which is why I read here daily.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:42 am:

    ===Rauner better worry about disappointed conservative GOPers that are appalled at his recent massive tilt to the left and the promotion of his wife to second banana.===

    - naperville nanny -, please learn! It’s Bruce and Diana, Democrats and Raunerites, and special guest “star” Evelyn, who you just can’t seem to find, even when attending things.

    It’s been fun seeing Diana over “Slip and Sue”, considering Evelyn, a female minority, takes a back seat to a Democratic voting spouse, to rally the GOP base after a Unity Brunch.

  21. - OneMan - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:43 am:

    You do realize that more people voted for someone other than Rauner than voted for Brucie?


    You know what they call the candidate in the last election for governor who got 46.8% of the vote…


  22. - naperville nanny - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:48 am:

    -Oswego- Don’t worry, I’ve learned the Rauner team effort plan. My guess is Diana takes the Lt. Gov office suite in the Capitol and Evelyn gets a room somewhere in Stratton building IF they win.

    Maybe we should start a “Where’s Evelyn?” campaign like “Where’s Waldo?”…….

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:49 am:

    ===You know what they call the candidate in the last election for governor who got 46.8% of the vote…


    Well done!

    Quinn had a ground game to drag him over the finish line, Brady and measurements for drapes.

    Will Quinn have a ground game again, and will Rauner have a wealthy media buyer? Probably, but will Rauner’s Crew realize Quinn will be in the streets with ID’d “Pluses”. What will Rauner’s Crew have, same as the Primary? That cake won’t bake.

  24. - Walter Mitty - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:54 am:

    I think all the points are valid thus far. What I am interested in is rank and file teachers and other public unions. It is one thing to show up for a primary as the last chance to vote against Rauner and get “our” guy DLard in… And a whole lot different to support Quinn. If there is a ground game, there is enough discontent of voters to make Rauner the winner.

  25. - Upon Further Review - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    @Oswego Willy:

    While your percentages are correct, they tend to distort the fact that this primary was closer than predicted. Voter turnout in the primary was amazingly low, so the percentages are less reliable.

    Baron von Rauner was supposed to secure the nomination with a double digit win — over twenty percentage points according to some pollsters. He did not do so. To date, he has not done much of a job of appealing to those Republican base voters who supported any of his primary opponents.

    Hermene Hartman is a deservedly obscure journalist with a reputation for publicizing people who pay her off with consulting contracts.
    N’DIGO is a scam. Hartman routinely praises Wayne Watson the disgraced leader of Chicago State University. It is pay to play. Same deal with Hartman and Rauner.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:00 am:

    ===If there is a ground game, there is enough discontent of voters to make Rauner the winner.===

    Great point, but a Ground Game is like studying for an Exam; you have the answers, you know where to get the answers to pass the Exam, but will you get those answer for the Test to Pass. You have no answers, you or you have answers but can’t pull them out to pass the test, you fail.

    Voter turnout is so sadly low, even in an Off Year Governor’s race General, the GOTV of found and voted “Pluses” matter.

    Boasting about Cook voters for anyone never trumps GOTVing “pluses” another can actually vote for them.

    That is real, not something from TV…

  27. - Anon - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:01 am:

    So “buying people” is standard operating procedure for Republicans exclusively? To not include Democrats in that claim truly shows how big of a hack Mark Brown is.

  28. - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:02 am:

    Walter Mitty

    “It is one thing to show up for a primary as the last chance to vote against Rauner and get “our” guy DLard in…”

    I cannot speak for all the unions, but I do know that D-Lard was not AFSCME’s guy, which is one of the reasons they got in so late. Rutherford would have been backed by AFSCME. But when his campaign fell apart Dillard became the choice.

    I guarantee you that the unions will be out in full force this fall in support of Quinn. Rauner shot himself right between the eyes when he came out so anti-union in the primary. I am a GOP voter. I voted for Dillard in both 10 & 14. But again I will be voting for a Democratic Governor because of the GOP nominee’s anti-union and anti public employee stance.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:05 am:

    ===So “buying people” is standard operating procedure for Republicans exclusively? To not include Democrats in that claim truly shows how big of a hack Mark Brown is.===

    Lets get this out of the way; “We do it, but they did it too” is lazy and shows that trying to be the same, but not the same, but the same is Dopey.

    I didn’t mention Brown’s piece because how Rauner thinks his cake should be baked is up to that Crew. You need to ask Brown why the N’Digo is fascinating. I can’t speculate to that, I will let others.

  30. - Soccermom - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:08 am:

    One Man — So far, it looks like a two-man race. So it will take 50 plus one to win it. that means that the numbers of people who voted against the primary winner will matter a great deal.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:11 am:

    - URF -, much respect, I understand your Comment, I will leave others to make that specific case, like you, so I can learn more about what may/may not be going on.

    When Rauner’s Crew, themselves comment on this, I will pay attention to that too. Time will tell more about this too

  32. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:16 am:

    Rauner was polling around 40% and in real vote he got….around 40%. The “ground game effect didn’t effect Rauner’s numbers at all, but others like Brady did do worse. And comparing Brady’s 2010 campaign to Rauner this year is just dumb. They are completely different campaign teams. Here’s a news flash, Willy, Rauner’s campaign team is in large part made up of those who were on Kirks campaign in 2010…the campaign that WON.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:16 am:

    “What do you call a candidate who gets one more vote than all their opponents?


    Primaries are that; Primary, picking the winner to advance.

    General Elections are about choosing winners to govern. Different animals.

    Ok, ok, since some races, you win the Primary, you likely win it all, the race for Governor of the state of Illinois is not one of the races, k?

  34. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:22 am:

    ===Rauner was polling around 40% and in real vote he got….around 40%. The “ground game effect didn’t effect Rauner’s numbers at all, but others like Brady did do worse. And comparing Brady’s 2010 campaign to Rauner this year is just dumb. They are completely different campaign teams.===

    How did Dillard make up 17 points, wishing? See, the Crews were different, but results show 17 points made up is not just “luck”. Being dumb would be thinking Rauner had this all in the bag and losing 17 polling points means zero.

    ===Here’s a news flash, Willy, Rauner’s campaign team is in large part made up of those who were on Kirks campaign in 2010…the campaign that WON.===

    Not against Quinn but Alexi. News flash, Quinn, his populist ways, are not Alexi, and both Rauners, Diana Rauner, and even Evelyn, (when anyone has to acknowledge her) ain’t Mark Kirk.

  35. - Pre - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:23 am:

    Dear Bruce,

    Stop hiring consultants, digital media experts, and social media young guns. Just stop. Since you have the money to spend, I’d suggest having the following no later than Memorial Day:

    -15 volunteer phone banks across the state
    -2-3 paid full time staff focused on early voting and absentee ballots
    -2-3 paid full time staff to manage a walk program focused on northern Illinois
    -Create a high school / college intern program for the summer and provide them new running shoes so they can walk all over the state or alternatively glue a phone to their hand.
    -Hire 1-2 people and start building out a voter integrity program.
    - Walk a few precincts yourself.

    A Republican that wants to win and not just spend your millions.

  36. - OneMan - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:24 am:

    Now a somewhat serious question about the unions and the like…

    Considering how Quinn has treated the unions, pension ‘reform’ the AFSCME raises, etc. is his argument of ‘compare me to that guy’ enough?

    I am not a union guy, but I don’t see Quinn as a friend of labor and more of less hostile than Rauner. Is that enough?

  37. - Upon Further Review - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    I do not think that any of the Republican candidates had a ground game. It was all paid media and mailings.

    The people who look like goats are the pollsters who had “Rauner the Railsplitter” running away with it.

    Against Quinn, this could be a race of sorts, but the Republicans have not looked so disorganized in ages.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    “Dear - Pre -,

    Shhh! We all are 3 months away from an Arizona Condo and a time share in The Keys. You make total sense; stop.


    Everyone hired by Bruce and Diana, (and Ester, Elizabeth, whoever.)”

  39. - Upon Further Review - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    I had a nightmare: a well funded Blagojevich facing off against Rauner and matching him dollar for dollar in a cage match.

    Bromo Seltzer now!

  40. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:35 am:

    You’re right, Alexi iana Quinn. Id Saudi he awa at pūheʻe opponwnt that Quinn in 2010. Alexi, even with his flaws was less of a flawed candidate than Quinn, and had enormous backing from “Illinois’ favorite current President” down the stretch…much more than Quinn. Kirk wasn’t exactly Mr. Perfect and Unflawed candidate himself, but the campaign had a winning strategy. There’s no question Brady had a flawed campaign strategy that lost the election. The two campaigns were apples and hand grenades in terms of their strategy, and Rauner is rightly going with Kirks apples instead of Brady’s grenades. Rauner is not Brady.

  41. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:39 am:

    ==Alexi iana Quinn. Id Saudi he awa at pūheʻe opponwnt that Quinn in 2010==

    That should say “Alexi isn’t Quinn. I’d argue he was a tougher opponent than Quinn in 2010″
    Stupid iPhone.

  42. - Upon Further Review - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:39 am:

    I would be surprised if N’Digo had one hundred subscribers.

    It is one of those give away papers that has boxes cluttering up the Loop. It does not have a strong following like the Chicago Reader.

    The minor flap in the Sun Times may be the entire splash that Hartman’s support of Rauner is likely to entail. It will be quickly forgotten.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 10:40 am:

    ===Rauner is not Brady.===

    If Rauner’s Crew continues to think “talking” about a Cook County Ground presence, and not doing anything about it but having Diana Rauner commercials on the Lifetime Channel, the Election Day apparatus will mirror Brady on the most important day, and may very well lead to a Brady result that night.

  44. - Soccermom - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    Anonymous, I’m just really impressed that your iPhone speaks Hawaiian…

  45. - Walker - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 11:11 am:

    Anonymous: I thought you’d started speaking in tongues.

  46. - Walker - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 11:22 am:

    Targeting Cook County, rather than avoiding it, makes sense for Rauner. There are almost as many voters in Cook County suburbs — who might go big for Rauner — than in Chicago city proper.

    And the surrounding collar counties will be key for any victory.

  47. - Skeptic - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 11:43 am:

    “If he thinks Hartman was bought off by $51k of Rauners money” Why did my eyes see “Bartman” in that sentence? Maybe Brucie has a thing against the Cubs.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 11:47 am:

    ===Maybe Brucie has a thing against the Cubs.===

    Probably not. Both Rauners have a piece of the Red Sox…

    …and the Bulls … and the Steelers… and average “Joe” really.

  49. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 12:04 pm:

    That’s the first time I’ve seen Godwin’s law in the opening of a discussion -’s_law

    That usually comes later on, after some insults are traded and anonymous heated comments are exchanged.

  50. - Downstater - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 12:47 pm:

    One thing the likes of Oswego Willy seem to forget is Quinn outspent Brady 3 to 1. Don’t see that happening this time around.
    Sophisticated campaigning and targeted marketing strategies, along with lots of well placed media will carry Rauner to victory. Brady was a dull candidate, who generated little enthusiasm. Rauner has people fired up. The ones not supporting Rauner in the primary were the “My Party” folks. The one who feel entitled to rule the party and don’t like folks rocking the boat. I would suspect the entitled/establishment party people will back Rauner. They all ready are in the downstate area.

  51. - Downstater - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 12:51 pm:

    Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn said today he supports a Republican-backed proposal to limit how long statewide elected officials can serve and defended his term-limit credentials against criticism from GOP governor candidate Bruce Rauner.
    Now, who is leading and who is following?

  52. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 12:59 pm:

    ===One thing the likes of Oswego Willy seem to forget is Quinn outspent Brady 3 to 1. Don’t see that happening this time around.===

    Money can’t buy “love”. Especially when you spend months and months slamming Unions, citing Walker and Daniels as your heroes, touting 401Ks instead of Pensions, and you have no Ground Game for all these “names” you have.

    Gotta vote ‘em, Rauner’s Crew proved in less than 6 weeks, the Union GOTV found the weakness. The same mistake will not be made.

    ===Sophisticated campaigning and targeted marketing strategies, along with lots of well placed media will carry Rauner to victory===

    Can’t wish them to the Polls. Quinn’s Crew and Unions won’t.

    ===Rauner has people fired up.===

    They are called Unions, and they won’t stay home.

    ===The ones not supporting Rauner in the primary were the “My Party” folks. The one who feel entitled to rule the party and don’t like folks rocking the boat===

    Based on what, “Exit Polling”? lol. The “be quiet and get on board” or Both Rauners, and his Democratic voting Wife Diana will just Tom Hagen you.

    That’ll work.

    Raunerites don’t want Slytherin Republicans. Rauner wants Raunerites, Democrats, and moderate Indies. If Lemmings of the conservative GOP vote Raunerite, good, but they aren’t courting them.

    See; Democrats and Indrpendents for Rauner, mere hours after a Unity Brunch…

  53. - anon - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 1:19 pm:

    Don’t buy the Godwin’s law at least as far as claiming that any analogy to one of the major historical events of the previous century is unacceptable and off-limits. The analogy should be judged on whether or not it is apt. Anyone who claims that someone may not use an apt analogy is just bullying.

  54. - Rauner's inner mono - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 1:32 pm:

    i’m a downstater, and a “its my party” GOPer and I don’t support Rauner. Am i alone?

  55. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    - Rauner’s inner mono -

    Don’t worry. Both Bruce Rauners, they care about people. They both want to help. They are your friends.


    “I want to get to know every legislator on a first name basis. I want to get to know them, their families, their hopes, their dreams, their fears, their weaknesses, their vulnerabilities. I want to get to know them well.”

    Raunerites are for Raunerites. If you are not with them, they want to know your fears, your weaknesses. They come as friends, looking to make you vulnerable, a lemming. They both are not Republicans; Raunerites are not part of any party, so a new cake needs to be baked, with very different ingredients, excluding a GOP base vote, or voter, including establishment and conservatives. So,…

    You are not going to be alone, and may not be alone. I am with you, “So that’s two” (h/t Danny Kaffee)

  56. - Skeptic - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:02 pm:

    Strikes me that Rauner’s lips keep flappin’ but he still ain’t sayin’ nothin’. Shake up Springfield. Cut the minimum wage. I mean raise the minimum wage. Ban Union Bosses! Um no, I didn’t really say that. Cut taxes, cut spending except for Education and Jobs. More revenue through growth but I won’t say how. (Have I hit all the talking points?) To me, his big swing to the left makes his positions (whatever they are) more attractive to a leftie like me, but that big swing is precisely the reason I wouldn’t trust him any further than I could throw him. I suspect (with no evidence to back it up) that I’m not alone in feeling that way.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:19 pm:

    - Skeptic -,

    I understand your points, valid points in many people’s eyes. Political strategy dictates attacking Quinn, and trying to find sweet spots to get elected, all the while presenting yourself as the vessel of your beliefs.

    That is the “rub” for me. The flip-flopping or hiding realities of issues or policy positions is as old as campaigns.

    To the character of Bruce Rauner, living his life one way, and running a campaign that would demonized the life the Real Bruce Rauner, and in fact has, but tells his Raunetbots and the silent Raunerites to ignore how I live with Clout or insider deals, or “donate” but never bribe, and make hundreds of millions of dollars off Pensions, but that whole system is bad.

    See? That is the “rub”. Honesty and integrity, ethics and morals, and running like Blago, and laughing at us all.

    I get you - Skeptic -, but I go a big deeper to the hypocrisy of the Man, not just his hollow words, no matter which of the Rauners say it.

    Much respect.

  58. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:21 pm:

    –One thing the likes of Oswego Willy seem to forget is Quinn outspent Brady 3 to 1–

    Really? Like my old math teach would say, “show me your work.”

  59. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:35 pm:

    == Anyone who claims that someone may not use an apt analogy is just bullying. ==

    Apt analogies are always welcome by any one at any time.

    But any one who defends comparing people to N a z i’s as an “apt analogy” in this case has a skewed world view.

    One I hope I never understand.

  60. - Skeptic - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:36 pm:

    Godwin’s Law (CapFax Correlary): “As the length of the comments to a post increases, the probability of someone being compared to Blago approaches 1.00″

  61. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:40 pm:

    - Skeptic -, lol, ok…

    How about both Rauners are Charles Foster Kane.

    Still pretty accurate, and abandons the “B”.

    Fair? lol…

  62. - Skeptic - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:42 pm:

    OW: Works for me!

  63. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:44 pm:

    == Honesty and integrity, ethics and morals, and running like Blago, and laughing at us all. ==

    Is running “like Blago” anything like running “with Blago”?

    Does hypocrisy and hollow words mean calling Blago “a person who’s honest and one of integrity” when you know he’s bad news?

    Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Seeing the words “honesty and integrity” triggered a flashback too strong to resist.

  64. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:46 pm:

    Skeptic’s Law? With an assist from Oswego Willy?

    Skwilly’s Law? Osweptic’s Law?

    I don’t know what we call it, I just know I like it.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:50 pm:

    - FKA -

    Quinn has to own it. Got hammered in 2010 for it too. The “Oh yeah but that guy is too” just reinforces Rauner as … Kane (how was that - Skeptic -?) and nothing changes that both lack certain qualities. Tried that against Quinn in 2010, they can revisit it, but the Rauner life hypocrisy still is as true as it was before.

    Now I feel bad for a Fictional character, lol

  66. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 2:53 pm:

    It’s - Skeptic -’s.

    A case can be made “B” was a fictional character too, but I digress…

  67. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:01 pm:

    lol! Poor Kane.

    At least in fictional works, we can take solace in knowing that the protagonists are only harming fictional lives.

    In this particular story, however, none of the main characters come across fondly and I am greatly perturbed by the harm they may do to non-fictional lives.

    “None of the above” would be leading in a runaway right now among all but the most blindly partisan.

  68. - Jeanne Dough - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:16 pm:

    “Those Democratic union voters in the primary who crossed over to vote for Dillard were never going to vote for Rauner or a Republican.”

    You’re correct that the cross-overs were never going to vote for Rauner, but many would have voted for Dillard in the general, especially if we had helped pull him to victory in the primary. And while Pat Quinn will never be our BFF, we have no idea what Rauner actually plans to do, once he is elected. All we have to go on is his inflammatory rhetoric during the primary.

    I, for one, will now cast a vote for the guy who at least supports collective bargaining for public employees. AFSCME Steward has it right.

  69. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:26 pm:

    Respectfully, I do not believe we can say Pat Quinn supports collective bargaining rights. Bruce Rauner being terrible on the issue does not mean Pat Quinn is great on the issue.

    They are both bad. And Pat Quinn deeply damaged collective bargaining rights for many Illinoisans.

  70. - Jeanne Dough - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    “They are both bad.”

    Can’t argue with that.

  71. - liandro - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:42 pm:

    One of the standard blah-blah Democratic attacks is that Republicans don’t care about minorities. Sometimes they are subtle, sometimes…well, let’s just say sometimes they are very blunt.

    Where they really get going is when Republicans do seek out minority votes, which isn’t rare at all. Then comes out the accusations of condescension, hypocrisy, prevarication, bribing…whatever they can throw at the wall to undermine the Republican effort as “not genuine”. The idea is to cut down Republican inroads before it gets to the part where Democrats have to explain what, exactly, wonderful things their party has done for minorities (or IL in general).

    True nationally (Leader Reid’s comments on Hispanic Republicans is a classic example), true in Illinois.

  72. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:47 pm:

    –One of the standard blah-blah Democratic attacks is that Republicans don’t care about minorities.–

    Democrats don’t have to say anything. The record shows that minorities, for the most part, don’t care to vote for Republicans.

    Wasn’t always the case. Some things you earn, over many years.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:54 pm:

    - liandro -,

    Latina Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti didn’t even a discussion for Republicans on Immigration.

    Sanguinetti couldn’t even get podium time.

    My Party owns it. When Dopey things like having a minority/Latina on the ballot, and she gets no time to speak.

    Gotta eat it, gotta own it.

    Unless she can’t hold up her end of the bargain and speak to it, then it’s on her and her running mate for choosing her.

  74. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:55 pm:

    “Latina Lt. Governor Nominee Evelyn Sanguinetti…”

    Stupid phone.

  75. - liandro - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:03 pm:

    Agreed, Word, that’s been the trend. At some point, though, Democrats have to own their results–which are not good.

    My point is that when Republicans campaign to groups that Democrats think own, they do everything they can to undermine those efforts without having to defend the results of their own policies.

    Some Republicans shy away from engaging because of this…easier to build the old coalitions. I am not one of them. Rauner (and Paul, and whoever) should keep reaching out and making his case. He’ll get hit with all the normal attacks, and I’ll call out those silly attacks as I see ‘em.

    Democrats want minority votes? Earn them every cycle. R’s shouldn’t stand down from that fight.

  76. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:10 pm:

    Interestingly enough, the party with two white males running for Governor and Lieutenant Governor this time around isn’t the Republican Party.

  77. - A modest proposal - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:12 pm:

    I think Rauner’s ground game is being underestimated by Mr. Oswego Willy. There were certain dynamics present in this primary that haven’t been present before. First, there were 50,000 more GOP voters this time around. I am thinking that those voters were actually Dems crossing over to vote against Rauner. I do not believe it is possible to poll Dems who may crossover. That 50,000 accounts for 7-8 percentage points? I am guessing.

    Additionally, Dillard was on the way up in the polls. Polls are not an indication of what will happen on election day. They are an indication of where the election stands at that moment in time.

    Does Rauner have room for improvement. Yes, he has a lot of room, but was his turnout 14 pts behind - I do not think so.

  78. - Powell - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:19 pm:

    Quick fact check here. Brady outspent Quinn by about $4 million

  79. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:19 pm:

    ===Does Rauner have room for improvement. Yes, he has a lot of room, but was his turnout 14 pts behind - I do not think so.===

    When you absolutely have no way to control your own turnout of “Pluses”, and no mechanism to determine how your “Pluses” are turning out, you have no Ground Game. You are then guessing and hoping and quoting polls, as Rauner’s Crew did, nervously watching how it would end, 17 points to the light.

  80. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:21 pm:

    Liandro, I think some Illinois Republicans get it, as witnessed at the immigration rally.

    As far as the Hispanic vote, Reagan got it, as did both the Bushes. They didn’t demonize Mexican labor. As late as 2004, W got 40% of the Hispanic vote.

    Romney got 27%.

    You can trace the demise of the once mighty California GOP to the aftershocks of Prop. 187, pushed hard by Gov. Wilson. The GOP there has never recovered from that.

    I was surprised (not really) that Rauner had nothing to say on the issue at the rally. Clear your throat, dude — 20% of the state is of Hispanic heritage. They and many of us want to know what you have to say.

  81. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:23 pm:

    ===- Powell -,

    Quick fact check here. Brady outspent Quinn by about $4 million===

    Well, if that is true, that “3-1 Quinn money advantage” might be … off?

  82. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:33 pm:

    –Well, if that is true, that “3-1 Quinn money advantage” might be … off?–

    LOL, that was a ridiculous statement.

    Downstater, if you have to make things up to prove your point, maybe your point is not worth making.

  83. - Mason born - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:38 pm:

    Oswego Willy

    Rarely do i disagree with you on politics. That being said I don’t think anyone that i know who is a member of AFSCME is even close to ambivalent about voting for PQ. You are right Rauner shot himself with the rhetoric in the primary. However i think Quinn shot himself with SB1, the contract talks, and the denial of raises. We don’t know if any wound is Fatal yet and a lot will have to do with the First aid from the campaign and the enemy fire from the opponent. I suspect it is going to get very very ugly. If i was Rauner i’d toss a little cash (or better yet arrange for the donations) for a PAC to attack the Quinn is Union friendly meme from the Left. I think if Quinn can be forced to defend those three things his wound may be more debilitating.

    Where i disagree with you comes down to AFSCME members staying home. While i doubt any significant number ever pull a lever for BR. I suspect the enthusiasm to go pound pavement in November is going to be lacking with a candidate that is only incrementally better than the other (on Union stuff). IMO

  84. - TRUE GOPer - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:40 pm:

    What makes the Rauner people think that established elected republican officials are 100 percent behind Rham’s buddy who has voted Democratic in the past. I’m sure the Quinn people are talking to and have been talking to these people for quite some time now

  85. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:41 pm:

    ===Where i disagree with you comes down to AFSCME members staying home.===

    With respect, - Mason born - where did I say that?

  86. - AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:42 pm:

    Mason Born

    “Rarely do i disagree with you on politics. That being said I don’t think anyone that i know who is a member of AFSCME is even close to ambivalent about voting for PQ. You are right Rauner shot himself with the rhetoric in the primary. However i think Quinn shot himself with SB1, the contract talks, and the denial of raises. We don’t know if any wound is Fatal yet and a lot will have to do with the First aid from the campaign and the enemy fire from the opponent. I suspect it is going to get very very ugly. If i was Rauner i’d toss a little cash (or better yet arrange for the donations) for a PAC to attack the Quinn is Union friendly meme from the Left. I think if Quinn can be forced to defend those three things his wound may be more debilitating.

    Where i disagree with you comes down to AFSCME members staying home. While i doubt any significant number ever pull a lever for BR. I suspect the enthusiasm to go pound pavement in November is going to be lacking with a candidate that is only incrementally better than the other (on Union stuff). IMO”

    I think you meant this for me ?

  87. - Mason born - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:45 pm:


    At 12:59 (Sorry had some filed work to do playing catch up)
    =They are called Unions, and they won’t stay home.=

    Basically you’ve said they won’t. My contention is the fire in the belly for Quinn among union members is next to non existent.

  88. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:45 pm:

    ===What makes the Rauner people think that established elected republican officials are 100 percent behind Rham’s buddy who has voted Democratic in the past. I’m sure the Quinn people are talking to and have been talking to these people for quite some time now.===

    I will say electing Tom Hagen, should not be too high on any member of the General Assembly, no matter the Party, lol

  89. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:45 pm:

    == Brady outspent Quinn by about $4 million ==

    Perhaps the discrepancy between this and Downstater’s comment can be explained with outside spending?

    I won’t have the chance to check the numbers for a few hours, which is the only reason for throwing the idea out there right now. Personal PAC and others on both sides spent a lot of money. Perhaps both comments are telling the “truth” here without meaning to mislead?

  90. - Mason born - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:46 pm:


    No see above part of problem of being outside of Cell range.

    That being said do you see much enthusiasm for PQ or is it a fear still of BR?

  91. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:53 pm:

    ===Basically you’ve said they won’t. My contention is the fire in the belly for Quinn among union members is next to non existent.===

    I think they will not stay home, as education of Quinn v. Rauner and that reality soaks in. “Walker”, “Daniels”, “Wisconsin”, “Collective Bsrgaining”

    Remo, “Why take a chance…”

    The fiery rhetoric will put enough of a fire in the belly to be impactful against Rauner, otherwise the polling and the 180 Rauner has taken…never would have happened.

    Rauner has real fears, Unions have real Rauner quotes.

  92. - A guy... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:56 pm:

    ====AFSCME Steward - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:33 am:

    A Guy

    “Here’s the latest memo; Rauner won”

    He just barely won the GOP primary in a Blue state. He hasn’t won anything yet.=====

    Brady barely won. Quinn barely won. 3% while not huge, goes beyond barely. 99 Red counties, 3 deep blue. Discontented blue at the moment. Time will tell in a general where lots more less red and less blue people vote and more people who’d like to focus on “green” issues.

  93. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 4:58 pm:

    === 99 Red counties, 3 deep blue. Discontented blue at the moment. ===

    Counties. Don’t. Vote.

    Please. Learn.

    “Counties Vote” - Social!

  94. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:03 pm:

    - Mason born -,

    Thanks for pointing out where you got you premise, appreciate that. Hope that clarified my point, and where I am on it.

  95. - A guy... - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:04 pm:

    ==== Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 3:54 pm:

    - liandro -,

    Latina Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti didn’t even speak..====
    Actually she did. In Spanish. To an audience many times larger than the one in the room.

  96. - Mason born - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:07 pm:


    My fire in the belly has more to do with how much they will be willimg to contribute, time and cash, to drag pq over finish line. Quinns gotv may be a harder struggle.

  97. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:09 pm:

    ===Actually she did. In Spanish. To an audience many times larger than the one in the room.===

    “Slip and Sue” got zero…zero podium time, and no intro, but hot 17 seconds in a 2 min Spanish report.

    Former Governor Edgar, Former Speaker Hastert, Rep. Cross, Comptroller Topinka, and no Latina, who is on the ticket to speak?

    Epic. Fail.

    Maybe she was courting Tazwell or Livingston County, since counties vote and all…

  98. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:11 pm:

    - Mason born -,

    Oh, I agree. Tough sledding for Quinn, he did himself no favors, but Rauner, he won’t do any Union or any Union members ANY favors.

    Much respect. I appreciate your take.

  99. - DuPage Rep - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:24 pm:

    For future reference it’s Vicegobernador Candidato Evelyn Sanguinetti.

  100. - Mason born - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:27 pm:


    That is why I think a Rauner is going to, if he’s smart, hit pq on the union front. If nothing else suppressing your opponent’s key demo takes resources he can’t use to hit you.

    On a side note br have any issues with unions in his bus?

  101. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:27 pm:

    - DuPage Rep -


  102. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:30 pm:

    ===On a side note br have any issues with unions in his bus?===

    I don’t know. A good Union would ask Rauner about Union successes in his business life. I will leave that up to them for that Education part.

  103. - DuPage Rep - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 5:31 pm:

    Gracias Hermano Willy

  104. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 6:43 pm:

    –That is why I think a Rauner is going to, if he’s smart, hit pq on the union front–

    He’s going to have to get that “right-to-work” proposal off his website. It’s still there.

    Also, on his website:

    –Get rid of the Quinn-Madigan tax hikes and replace them with a comprehensive overhaul of the tax code that is fair to all taxpayers.–

    Is it possible that this dude will be able to run til November without filling in folks on what he means by “a comprehensive overhaul of the tax code?”

  105. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 6:52 pm:

    –Get rid of the Quinn-Madigan tax hikes and replace them with a comprehensive overhaul of the tax code that is fair to all taxpayers.–

    Seriously. How can anyone vote for this dude until he tells you who pays what?

    There are plenty of cynics in politics, but c’mon. What are you proposing?




  106. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 7:06 pm:

    ===He’s going to have to get that “right-to-work” proposal off his website. It’s still there.===

    How fun. Try to explain that to Unions as “just kidding”.

    Any Union that thinks sitting on their votes will regret it.

    Rauner is not fooling “Right? Exactly right.”

    Spot on, Rauner would love platitudes without answers until November. Quinn showed up at the IEA event, but Quinn needs to be on, every day. Rauner is not going to back off, unless polling tells him too, and the fake Rahm tiff, after they plot the next disagreement at the Rauner Montana Ranch, will Quinn be able to capitalize?

    It’s almost May…

  107. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:22 pm:

    ===Vicegobernador Candidato Evelyn Sanguinetti===

    Did she tell The Univision audience that Rauner pledged to support the U.S. Senate immigration reform bill that Speaker Boehner won’t bring to a vote? Did she mention if she supports passing comprehensive immigration reform in 2014, which is what her running mate was asked at the forum?

    Or did she, like her running mate, smile and spout pablum and fail to give listeners any idea of whether the Rauner-Sanguinetti ticket supports the hopes and dreams of many Univision viewers?

    It’s good to get your mug on TV. But viewers aren’t stupid, they expect substance. Like I said yesterday, my Spanish isn’t too good. I don’t know what she told Univision, but I heard what Rauner told the audience and it didn’t clear up the mystery at all.

  108. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 24, 14 @ 9:33 pm:

    - 47th Ward -,

    How about this from Evelyn’s Bio page on;

    “Evelyn’s father legally immigrated to the United States from Ecuador, and her mother entered the country as a Cuban refugee. Her parents were still teenagers when she was born in Miami, Florida, and Evelyn grew up with Spanish as her first language.”

    So, no one wants THIS woman, the LG Nominee to get Podium time? No one wants to tell HER story, or let her tell her story to that audience?

    Epic. Fail.

    If you are going to hide her, with that Bio and that event, don’t have her show up.

    Embarrassingly pathetic.

    If she is not qualified to speak at THAT event, then what Goodness Gracious IS she qualified for?


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