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Rate Rauner’s three new TV ads

Tuesday, Apr 29, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Bruce Rauner’s gubernatorial campaign began airing three new television advertisements today, highlighting his extensive efforts to help the community and improve education as well as his cross-party appeal.

The ads all feature racial minorities.

* The first ad we’ll look at is called “Beautiful Thing”


“My name is Cornell Nelson. I’m from the South Side of Chicago. I support Bruce Rauner. Early on, I stayed out of trouble. Later on, I got captured by the streets. I ended up at this place called A Safe Haven. Bruce made a great difference. He’s helped provide meals in these neighborhoods. He’s helped provide clothing. People don’t know he’s had his hand in doing this for a very long time. Bruce did that. It’s a really beautiful thing.”

* The next ad is entitled “Principle”


“My name is Lula Ford and I taught public school for 22 years, I was a principal for 5 and I was an assistant superintendent. That’s why as a Democrat I’m voting for Bruce because I realize he’s very much about education for children, especially in underserved communities and the inner city. He will follow through on every promise he has made about education, and he is not afraid of a fight. And I think he knows he’s in for one, but I think he’ll be triumphant. Bruce is the real deal.”

* And the third ad is called “Wrong Direction“…


“I’m Manny Sanchez, former co-chair of Latinos for Obama. The state is going in the wrong direction and has been going in the wrong direction for too long. I absolutely think that Bruce Rauner would be the right and the perfect and the optimal candidate for Democrats, for Independents and for Republicans. We need to have a leader who’s honest, who’s fresh and who’s willing to tell the people, whether they want to hear it or not, the truth and that’s what Bruce Rauner brings to this race.”


  1. - Ghost - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:22 am:

    Well done. simple, to the point, effective.

  2. - Oneman - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:26 am:

    Very good, simple and going after a bit of Quinn’s base…

  3. - Walter Mitty - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:26 am:

    They are very good. This taps into the voter sentiment out there. Very smart to make it “okay” to vote for change… Well done.

  4. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:27 am:

    Whole lotta nothing. More puffery. The ads talk about Rauner’s alleged leadership traits but nothing about how he will help make the state a better place with actual policy decisions.

    Mr. Sanchez needs a reality call. Illinois is improving, slowly, but improving. Pension reform was passed, the fiscal situation is improving and the unemployment rate is dropping.


  5. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:28 am:

    Testimonials are generally very effective, unless it turns out later those making them have something goofy in their background or were paid.

    A 30% Rauner vote in the city will win it for him. That’s what he’s going for. Too bad for Brady that he didn’t figure out that obvious truth.

  6. - Chi - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:34 am:

    What are Rauner’s policy proposals to right the ship and Shake-Up Springfield? Manny? Cornell? Anyone? Are we still equating his ability to right checks with an ability to govern?

  7. - Walker - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:34 am:

    Election will turn on Cook Co, and Bruce is going after some voters there.

    Textbook execution.

    A Safe Haven is a good homeless services organization. I wasn’t aware Rauner had anything to do with it.

  8. - Chi - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:34 am:

    *write checks

  9. - Mason born - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:35 am:

    Good ads right in the sweet spot. No substance but that wasn’t the intent anyway. These seem to be attempts at inoculations against PQ’s eventual smears.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:37 am:

    “B”, solid “B”…

    Having unknowns saying your a “good guy” to offset possible “Boogeyman” persona is good groundwork and fine inoculations, but still confused as to what the problem seems to be, in English, for this touted Latina Lawyer that just can’t speak for Bruce Rauner.

    I guess she “checks boxes”, the voters just can’t check her out.

    I am speaking about Evelyn Sanguinetti, in case like me, you forget about her.

    Solid “B”, but these minority testimonials remind me; you have a minority woman on the Ticket as a runningate being overshadowed by a Spouse, and now 3 minorities in the Main Stream. Not ready for Prime Time or governing?

  11. - olddog - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:37 am:

    Very effective ads. But …

    Here’s another testimonial, from a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education: “I had a personal encounter with Bruce Rauner. Two years ago, I received the Kohl Education Award from Dolores Kohl, the woman who created it, a great philanthropist who cares deeply about the forgotten children and annually honors outstanding teachers. After the awards ceremony, Ms. Kohl held a small dinner at the exclusive Chicago Club. There were two tables, 8 people at each table. I sat across from Bruce and of course, we got into a lively discussion about charter schools, a subject on which he is passionate.

    “As might be expected, he celebrated their high test scores, and I responded that they get those scores by excluding students with serious disabilities and English language learners, as well as pushing out those whose scores are not good enough. Surprisingly, he didn’t disagree. His reaction: so what? “They are not my problem. Charters exist to save those few who can be saved, not to serve all kinds of kids.” My response: What should our society do about the kids your charters don’t want? His response: I don’t know and I don’t care. They are not my problem.”

    Diane Ravitch, Jan 16, 2014.

  12. - SonofSuperAbe2014 - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:38 am:

    Grandson, most of the populace in Illinois are not feeling any uplift. The ads play right into the sweet spot of the average voter.

  13. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:41 am:

    I know these people. I’ve worked with Ms. Ford. I know Mr. Sanchez. I know a lot of guys like Mr. Nelson. I am from the near South Suburbs and I know what the reality has been like all my life.

    They are not saying anti-Quinn crap like Quinn is spewing out everyday about Mr. Rauner. These three testimonials are simple, clear and effective. They are saying what a majority of Illinoisans believe. They are telling us it is OK to vote for this man.

    That is powerful. That will win this election. Knowing that we can shake up Springfield with a man who does not have fangs, is how these ads will win this change election.

    Anyone who can claim otherwise is incredibly delusional and so partisan to not be credible on this election.

    We’ve seen more than a few multi-millionaire candidates use their money to start programs to help citizens in some way. Often with an eye to run for public office. You can just see these people coming at you. Jack! Ryan and his work with poor minorities in school. Wood with her work with breast cancer. Hull and Gidwitz - lord we’ve seen these people reach out to folks in need and just know they will turn to us and ask for our vote.

    But this is different. It is a more powerful presentation. This is not a guy who just opened a store front a couple years ago. This isn’t a guy who just now, is showing interest in schools. When you have people like Lula Ford supporting you, you are not a fraud - because Lula Ford is one of the real things.

    Two African Americans, and one Latino. There you go. You want Cook County voters to give you a chance. This is how that is done.

    Watch Mr. Brady - not showing that you know these kinds of folks from these kinds of communities is the reason you lost what should have been a blow-out in 2010.

    Rauner isn’t going to lose this.

    Having accepted mediocrity from the Democrats for so long has jilted Illinoisans from believing in their state - to expecting to read news that curdles the cream in their coffee. If Quinn wants to win - he needs to show that he can fix what voters are saying is wrong with Illinois.

    If not - he is so finished!

  14. - Elmira Eddie - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:42 am:

    Bruce sure has his ads on TV everywhere now—even saw an ad with wife on the Animal Planet show about that bald musician that goes around with therapy for angry kitties!

  15. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:42 am:

    Solid A. Different ads are made for different purposes. Not every ad is about policy. When you’re a new face you need to have ads about you as a person to try and control the narrative defining who you are, and try to prevent your opponent from writing that definition. That’s what these ads are clearly aimed at.

  16. - Jimbo - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:45 am:

    How much did the Rauner campaign pay these folks? I know campaigns pay people to appear in commercials, but I think it will look like buying support in these cases. It will tie in nicely with attacks against him for trying to buy the mansion.

  17. - Oneman - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:46 am:

    VM — never knew you were from the near south suburbs…

    Grew up in Dolton….

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:50 am:

    === Bruce made a great difference. He’s helped provide meals in these neighborhoods. He’s helped provide clothing. People don’t know he’s had his hand in doing this for a very long time. Bruce did that. It’s a really beautiful thing.”===

    ===Rauner isn’t going to lose this.===

    It’s April 29!

    Rauner faced Zero shots from the “2″ and “Fiasco Friday Guy”. Both Rauners have not been tested, and on April 29, Rauner is not going to Lose? Yikes.

    All these Ads, and still no ground game by Rauner. Gotta vote voters, not TV them and hope they vote, pretty please.

  19. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:51 am:

    Riverdale here - born in Blue Island. Long family history in Pullman, Markham, Harvey, South Holland, Lansing, Cal City, Ford Heights, Park Forest and anything south from Roosevelt Road to Joliet.

    Geez we worked hard for every break we ever got, didn’t we?

  20. - Chi - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:54 am:

    What does “Shake Up Springfield” mean? What policies or budgetary ideas does it entail?

    Your comment above reads to me like a compliment to Rauner for running a potentially successful long con; having the patience to really put one over on everyone. Maybe that’s just my bias. But still, what is he planning to do if he wins?

  21. - Chi - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:57 am:

    Rauner has two recognized strengths;
    1. The ability to run (or delegate someone to run) a good marketing campaign.
    2. The ability to write large checks.

    These are not reasons to elect someone Governor.

  22. - Oneman - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:57 am:

    True that VM…

    As I say when they ask that security question…

    It is neither blue nor an island…

  23. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:57 am:

    Jimbo, does Quinn really want to go down that road with his $50mil scandal clouding over him?

  24. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:58 am:

    Rauner isn’t going to lose this.

    That wasn’t a prediction. It was recognition of this guy’s determination. Unseen throughout the Brady campaign. You would know that if you read through everything.

    You so focus on what you perceive as other’s mistakes, you kind of forget why we come here to read, socialize and post. This blog is not about what you think is my, or other good folk’s, mistakes. You don’t have to quarrel with everything we post. We all know what you believe because you are like a broken record, all damn day.

  25. - A guy... - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    I don’t grade with letters anymore. Ads either get the job done or they don’t. So it’s Pass/Fail for me. This one’s a Pass. Big Pass. They go right to the core of what different communities in Chicago and around the state are thinking. He knows he needs a boost in Chicago and Cook County. He has people who know/trust/admire him there who are credible in the neighborhoods.

    This isn’t done in a vacuum. They’ve worked hard and polled these neighborhoods and communities to truly understand their priorities. Now, they’re applying the knowledge and the data. Excellent application of data and messaging.

  26. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:01 am:

    Blue Island was an island in Lake Chicago, thousands of years ago. It looked blue to South Cook county settlers, rising as it does, above the clay lowlands along the Calumet. It was an obvious place to build an awesome town, naturally drained as it is. Western Avenue goes up the biggest hill south of the Chicago River, probably until you get to Elkhart, Illinois on I-55.

  27. - Another guy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:02 am:

    Republicans for Pat Quinn in 3…2…1… (crickets chirping) Is this thing on?

  28. - Hit or Miss - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:05 am:

    Good ads. Very positive in their tone which is a refreshing change from most political ads. The fact that they contain almost no substance, only positive opinions of Rauner, will not be noticed by many people.

  29. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:06 am:

    What does “Shake Up Springfield” mean?

    It is like when your dad got angry and claimed he was going to “ring your neck”, or “tan you hide”. It is an emotional statement. But then you do know that, but want to point out how it doesn’t factually say anything.

    Gee, no one has ever pointed that out before today, right?

  30. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:09 am:

    ===It is like when your dad got angry and claimed he was going to “ring your neck”, or “tan you hide”. It is an emotional statement. But then you do know that, but want to point out how it doesn’t factually say anything.===

    So it’s hyperbole, and Rauner is not going to do what he says?

    Basically he is all threats, no follow through? Got it.

  31. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:14 am:

    From Rauner’s website:

    –Government union bosses and trial lawyers run this state. They wholly own the Democrat Party, but they also own parts of the Republican Party, too.–

    I guess Manny doesn’t take offense at that, lol. And Rauner doesn’t mind taking support from the head of a big-time tort litigation firm.

    When Bruce shakes up Springfield, I wonder if that means Manny’s firm will no longer get MBE bond counsel work from the state, like the $1.3 billion state GO financing last year.

  32. - Snucka - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:21 am:

    To OW’s point about ground game: Rauner was averaging 45% in the last few polls before the election. He ended up getting 40%. That kind of performance is not going to get it done against Quinn, who will have the full support of the Democratic Party, unions, etc.

  33. - Walker - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:28 am:

    We can argue about substance all day long, but sadly substance doesn’t usually win elections.

    Rauner still has an uphill battle on name recognition, but he’s taking the right steps to create a winning image. And he’s focusing in the right areas.

    How he deals with focused attacks, will tell the tale.

    VMan has a good handle on this race, at this point, IMHO. But I wouldn’t be so confident this early.

  34. - Oneman - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:28 am:

    I guess the question might be…

    Do you rate the ads within context (that is target audience, general knowledge level of voters, etc) or within a bigger context of ‘What about X’…

    If in general you are rating ads in terms of ‘What About X’ every ad is going to be a bad ad since it does not provide the level of information/detail you are looking for.

    I think the idea behind rate the ad is ‘Do you think it helps convince people to vote for the candidate’ not ‘Well he said this at a press conference/dinner party/etc’

    Then again I may be wrong.

  35. - A guy... - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    ====wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:14 am:

    From Rauner’s website:

    –Government union bosses and trial lawyers run this state. They wholly own the Democrat Party, but they also own parts of the Republican Party, too.–

    I guess Manny doesn’t take offense at that, lol. And Rauner doesn’t mind taking support from the head of a big-time tort litigation firm.

    When Bruce shakes up Springfield, I wonder if that means Manny’s firm will no longer get MBE bond counsel work from the state, like the $1.3 billion state GO financing last year.====

    and when thousands/tens of thousands of people view these commercials, they’re all going to go to a website to find these copy points, make the short or long suppositions you do and then end with an accusation. Yep, that’s what they’re gonna do, cause everyone’s like you. Thankfully, they’re not:) You’re a better blog street guy than main street guy.
    Funny story for you. I was talking to one of my adult children a day ago. As we spoke, she googled on her phone to get more information about what we were discussing. I asked her “Who are you, Wordslinger?” She had no idea what I was talking about, just an incredulous face and a final “What the he–’s a wordslinger? lol

  36. - Endangered Moderate Species - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    The Rauner team continues to elevate their game. The strategy of improving their weaknesses and softening Quinn’s strengths may just prove to be a winning formula. Cook County is the battleground and Rauner is determined to go after Cook County votes.

  37. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:33 am:

    Gee, A Guy, it’s just some information. Why it’s offensive to you, only you can answer.

  38. - LincolnLounger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:34 am:

    Those are fine, probably very effective.

    At what point do we get specifics and substance?

  39. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:37 am:

    ===and when thousands/tens of thousands of people view these commercials, they’re all going to go to a website to find these copy points, make the short or long suppositions you do and then end with an accusation. Yep, that’s what they’re gonna do, cause everyone’s like you. Thankfully, they’re not:)===

    So both Rauners want Lemmings? The goal is to hide, and run Ads, and to make sure the spoon-fed images, even if the fly in the face of reality, are really there to give buzz words and hyperbole to fool voters to vote against their better self?

    I am learning loads today.

    I though “Bruce Rauner” is going to “Shake up” and “Bring back”, but in the harsh light of day, Bruce Rauner is using “Bruce Rauner” to just say whatever, and count on voters to nog check up on the facts.

    Sounds like a “Career Politician” to me

  40. - Mokenavince - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:44 am:

    The Rauner team will win one vote at a time. Look where Quinn, Madigan, and Cullerton have taken this state.
    The add is head and shoulders above the Quinn adds.
    Now if we get out the vote, that’s another story.

  41. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:45 am:

    –At what point do we get specifics and substance?–

    If he plays his cards right, some time in January, 2015.

    Some media types and Quinn will try to turn up the heat, but “cut waste, run like a business, stand up to the special interests” might do the trick.

    He wouldn’t be the first guy to run and win solely on a vacuous throw-the-bums-out campaign.

  42. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    The ads will help, not hurt.

  43. - A guy... - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:51 am:

    === wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:33 am:

    Gee, A Guy, it’s just some information. Why it’s offensive to you, only you can answer.====
    And here I was trying to cheer you up. Meet me half way man, consider being happy for a few minutes.
    ===- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:37 am: I am learning loads today.====

    You’re fibbing. It’s a series of ads from people who know him, support him and like him. I think their target is people who don’t make fun and rant about him every day. Just a hunch.

  44. - Oneman - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:56 am:

    At what point do we get specifics and substance?

    When it becomes necessary in order to win the election. As much as we would all like good government and budget sanity, lets not kid ourselves. Both Quinn and Rauner have one basic goal, win the election and will do what they can and need to do to reach that goal.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:57 am:

    === I think their target is people who don’t make fun and rant about him every day. Just a hunch.===

    I gave it a Solid “B”, so I don’t think I am being unfair. The fact that the back and forth here goes beyond the Ads doesn’t take away the Solid “B” I gave. Maybe some are sensitive to those not “being quiet and getting in line”? Just a hunch.

  46. - another guy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    A Guy- I learned long ago to just skip over OW and Wordslinger posts. Lot’s of rehashed opinion with very little original insight. It makes the blog a much more enjoyable read.

  47. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:12 am:

    Nice, reassuring testimonials from members of his target audience. They will probably work, but make me want to yak.

    “He will follow thru on every promise he has made about education” . How about starting by telling us how you do away w the income tax increase, and maintain or increase funding for education?

    “Willing to tell the truth, whether we want to hear it or not”.
    Excuse me? There is a big difference between name calling and truth telling. Remember, what was it, one third of republicans are corrupt? Union bosses run springfield. We can reduce taxes, increase spending for education, cut bureaucracy, overhaul medicaid, etc, etc. We can easily do all of these conflicting things, at the same time, enacted by a democratic legislature, once we have heard “the truth”, delivered unto us by the baron.

    Damn, i got some on my shoes.

  48. - Larry the Cable Guy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:26 am:

    Manny Sanchez says Bruce Rauner will “tell the truth”. Now that there’s funny. Maybe after the election he will start telling the truth.

  49. - rolling meadows - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:31 am:

    great ads (values)

    Those are fine, probably very effective.

    At what point do we get specifics and substance?


  50. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:36 am:

    Quinn dumped Ford from the Illinois Commerce Commission a year ago.

    Said Crain’s: Both Ms. O’Connell-Diaz and Ms. Ford were reliable supporters of utility positions on the commission and were holdovers when Mr. Quinn took office four years ago. Mr. Del Valle and Ms. Maye are expected to sympathize more with consumer interests, in keeping with Mr. Quinn’s consumer advocacy background.

    I guess this is payback.

  51. - Upon Further Review - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:38 am:

    Sorry, Manny. You must have some inside info that the general public has not heard (and I have been listening for months). All Rauner does when asked questions is to duck and cover.

  52. - Chicago Publius - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:39 am:

    Family trees here are kind of interesting. Lula Ford was Emil Jones’ go-to-person at the ICC. Manny Sanchez was Rich and Rahm’s go-to-guy for the MBE part of bond deals. Are they still part of the family tree — or are they trying to graft themselves onto a new trunk?

  53. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:39 am:

    We’re talking about TV ads, not policy papers. Demanding policy and specifics doesn’t address the effectiveness of these ads.

    They work.

    If demanding policy specifics is all Quinn’s supporters can say about these ads - then they are missing the point of campaign television ads completely, and in a way, also acknowledging that the ads are good by trying to change the subject.

    It is really ridiculous to attack those of us who like what we’re seeing and aren’t dismissive of them.

  54. - JMA - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:40 am:

    VanillaM - Enjoy all your posts, but especially on this thread. Well done.

    The difference between Brady and Rauner is HUGE. Brady was boring & looked bored at many events. Rauner is the opposite of Brady. Fired up, excited and determined. These ads are brilliant.

  55. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:45 am:

    –Quinn dumped Ford from the Illinois Commerce Commission a year ago.–

    Quinn also dumped Sanchez from the Sports Facility Authority when it looked like he was going Rahm’s way on the Kelly Kraft appointment fight.

    Still, that was an uncompensated gig. You’d think the state bond work would have smoothed over any hurt feelings.

  56. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:46 am:

    Quinn dumped Ford from the Illinois Commerce Commission a year ago.


    ICC commissioners serve a term and it is not at all uncommon for them to only serve out one term there. Ford served for two full terms, ten years. That claim is garbage and an insult.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:54 am:

    Usually, Rauner says, “That’s baloney”…

    The motives of Ford or the others are relevant as much as Gidwitz backing Rauner too.

    If looking at “pretty Ads” is the goal, then fine. If the goal is to try to hide the education of voters, fine too. To question those questioning and not being quiet or following in line, that kinda reminds me of the Two Rauners. No, not kinda, if does remind me of Two Rauners.

    Bruce Rauner’s vacation Pal said it best; “Bruce Rauner” is sounding more and more like a politician.

    Raunerites are the most sensitive supporters, and they get that from the “Bruce Rauner” persona I guess.

  58. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:56 am:

    You guys talk about specifics?
    Then be specific!

    Don’t smear and attack the folks giving their testimonials, by making claims that you know their true reason for supporting Rauner as political payback. What utter garbage!

    Any African American supporting Rauner is being attacked for not supporting - Quinn? - really? We can’t imagine anything but political payback as a reason a public official would support someone else for governor? You really want to do that to people because they’re not supporting Quinn?

    Claiming that these people are supporting Rauner because of political payback against Quinn is a ridiculous smear against good people.

  59. - Sour Grapes - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:00 pm:

    Is it true that Ford and Sanchez were NOT re-appointed to a board by the Governor? Sanchez-ISFA, and Ford the ICC?

  60. - Chi - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:11 pm:

    It’s not a smear. It’s a fair question (for the two it applies to):
    Does the fact that Quinn decided not to reappoint you to state board X influence your decision to support Quinn’s opponent? If not why not? Shouldn’t it influence your decision? If a Governor thought I wasn’t good enough to serve on a Board I had been appointed to, I would be insulted. Were you insulted?

  61. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:12 pm:

    Governor Quinn has been a professional in using government patronage since freaking Dan Walker’s administration - eons ago. Then he served as Rod Blagojevich’s running mate and Lt. Governor. Now he is governor over an executive branch filled with Blago-appointed folks.

    That is a pretty low hurdle to clear here. Any claims that this guy would dump anyone from office because they are somehow not up to his standards - it absolutely laughable.

    Don’t even go there.

  62. - Chi - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:17 pm:

    Mr. Sanchez, Ms. Ford;

    Your defenders claim that the Governor removed you from state board X because he wanted his own political appointees there, and you were Blagojevich appointees. Is there any connection between your previous support of Blagojevich, and present support of Rauner? A predilection for bluster over policy, perhaps?

  63. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===Any claims that this guy would dump anyone from office because they are somehow not up to his standards - it absolutely laughable.===

    Ok, how about…

    ===Quinn also dumped Sanchez from the Sports Facility Authority when it looked like he was going Rahm’s way on the Kelly Kraft appointment fight.===

    Seems plausible. Seems plausible enough to ask the question.

    Not laughable, but interesting. The three were chosen for a reason to be in Ads, so no one can question why those people specifically?

    You put your “mug” in an Ad, you can be asked follow up questions.

  64. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:21 pm:

    If Jesus Christ Himself came down and endorse Rauner certain posters on here would question His motives and try to spin it negatively. Just the way it is here.

  65. - Chi - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:24 pm:

    “You put your “mug” in an Ad, you can be asked follow up questions.”

    Ask Kirk Dillard.

  66. - liandro - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    Here’s a completely different but related question: Does the fact that Quinn uses petty politics and patronage to lash out (instead of just getting the best people for the job) affect my opinion? Yes, yes it does.

    I’m not so naive that I expect an IL governor to ignore politics. But I also think Quinn takes it way overboard, and IL has suffered due to his pettiness and refusal to tone down the patronage.

    Will Rauner be better on that? Don’t know. I only know Quinn is terrible on the issue. My standard is higher than “doesn’t end up in jail” when it comes to giving (and denying) political favors and taxpayer funds. Quinn’s $50 million taxpayer-funded slush fund has really made me turn the corner on how I perceive him.

  67. - liandro - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:31 pm:

    To the post: I love that Rauner is choosing to stand and fight over minority voters and Chicago voters. Keep it up–you’ll do better than Brady in both the short term (this cycle) and in the long-term impact on behalf of the Republican party.

  68. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:40 pm:

    ===… and in the long-term impact on behalf of the Republican party.===


    Mrs. Rauner, “I’m a democrat, but I’m voting for Bruce.”

    Mr. Ford,

    ===…Bruce Rauner would be the right and the perfect and the optimal candidate for Democrats, for Independents and for Republicans.===

    Ms. Ford,

    === That’s why as a Democrat I’m voting for Bruce===

    The Rauner Crew are looking for voters to vote Raunerite, not make inroads for My Party.


    The theme is simple. Democrats vote for Rauner. Period.

    This dopey bill of goods that this is GOP outreach ignores the plain language; I’m a democrat, I support Bruce Rauner.

    That is their cake, if they get it to bake, good on them, but this Lemming idea that this is the ILGOP being led out by Rauner, is “baloney”.

  69. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:42 pm:

    A+, it negates the narrative that Rauner/Repubs don’t care. he has written his personal checks for these causes. I am waiting for the vermin to personally attack these 3 as is the standard. These ads are a great component to his campaign. What’s next, Oberweis wil say something smart?

  70. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:48 pm:

    Mr. Sanchez, apologies.

  71. - Barney - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:53 pm:

    is the Illinois Mirror web site ran by Rauner?

  72. - Barney - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 12:58 pm:

    Rich see the April 17 post on Illinois Mirror

  73. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 1:10 pm:

    Yeah, it’s a good idea to take things from Illinois politicians and their supporters at face value.

    Who could have any reason to look into motivations and relationships?

    No one’s being attacked. Relationships are being pointed out. So. What.

  74. - Hit or Miss - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 1:22 pm:

    The ads remind me a lot of cotton candy at the county fair. Great looking and sweet but with almost no substance (buts lots of air) and next to no nutritional value.

  75. - Frosty The Snowman - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 1:31 pm:

    Rauner certainly hired the right firm to run his campaign. They have always managed to put out some “killer political ads”. They are very good.
    The minority political ads are the right way to go about it. I tip my hat to any minority or union member that is considering voting for Rauner (or any Republican for that matter) because they will be ostracized by their peers and neighborhood. It has gotten “that bad” that these folks are even thinking of voting for someone other than the Democrat Party candidates. It takes guts to stand up and say, “Okay. I have had enough. Maybe I will lose my “free beer” by voting for this unknown named Rauner but I will at least once again regain my pride back.

  76. - Chi - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 1:44 pm:

    What, in voting for an “unknown”, allows you to regain pride? GOP messaging has sure worked on you. Does it make you feel more manly to vote Republican? Serious question.

    Also, you’re telling me I’ve been voting Democrat this whole time for free, and I could’ve gotten some free beer in the deal? Not so serious question.

  77. - DuPage - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 1:57 pm:

    Effective ads. Big money talks. Those people are not under oath. While they may or may not be getting paid directly, their favorite charity may get a surprise donation after they appear in an ad for Rauner. Perhaps jobs will open up in the future? Probably we will never know “the rest of the story”.

  78. - chad - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 2:13 pm:

    B+/A-. These ads are very good. Won’t repeat what has already been said, but will add that these impact nicely on independent and moderate white women — and Rauner has not sufficiently appealed to them yet.

  79. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 2:38 pm:

    No one’s being attacked. Relationships are being pointed out. So. What.

    “Quinn dumped Ford from the Illinois Commerce Commission a year ago.”
    “You’d think the state bond work would have smoothed over any hurt feelings.”
    “If a Governor thought I wasn’t good enough to serve on a Board I had been appointed to, I would be insulted. Were you insulted?”
    “I guess this is payback.”

    Those aren’t questions. Those are personal attacks and groundless accusations made against appointed public officials who left their appointed offices when their terms expired. Governor Quinn did not make any statements against these people when their terms ended.

    So why the hell are you?

  80. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 2:46 pm:

    VMan, what are the “statements against people?”

    I know actual facts confuse you, but that’s your problem.

    What is the terrible crime of pointing out that Rauner’s chose for a testimonial was a Blago appointee that Quinn did not reappoint?

  81. - skeptic - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 4:24 pm:

    “If Jesus Christ Himself came down and endorse Rauner certain posters on here would question His motives and try to spin it negatively. Just the way it is here.”

    It’s called (wait for it …. WAIT FOR IT…) being a skeptic!

  82. - D.P.Gumby - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 4:30 pm:

    deceptively simple, deceptive, and simple. Expecting Brucie to spend enough money to runs tons of ads, if the goal is simply to switch a few AA and Latino votes from Quinn, then may be worth it. Wonder if they are running in any downstate markets?

  83. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 4:38 pm:

    ===“If … came down and endorse Rauner certain posters on here would question His motives and try to spin===

    I keep getting this email. Over and over. Same email;

    “Be quiet. Get on Board. We play the tune, you dance. We know better, stop questioning us!”

    I will give Rauner’s Crew credit; this “Stop questioning Bruce, get in line!” Talking Point is embraced so well, anyone questioning either Rauner faces this marginalizing, “that’s baloney” response, no matter the questions, and no matter the facts refuting.

    Tom Hagen would be proud of this.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 4:45 pm:

    An FDA Director, attached to Fast Food Corporate Compliance

  85. - liandro - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 4:58 pm:

    Oswego, if all you are picking up on is that these folks are Democrats, than you are missing an important part of the picture. In addition, if turning soft Democrats and lean D independents into a Republican general election voter doesn’t appeal to you, I’m not sure what kind of Republican you are. You attack the close-minded “purity” Republicans, but don’t want independents or persuadable Democrats to be appealed to? What?

    There are large swathes of voters in the Chicago area who don’t really consider voting for Republicans, simply because that’s how they grew up. Brady’s (and others) tactic of mostly ignoring them wasn’t just stupid short-term, it was stupid long-term. You may hate Rauner the man, but he is the Republican gubernatorial nominee and this is exactly what I want out of the Republican gubernatorial nominee’s campaign. So yes, this is exactly what Republican need to be doing long-term.

  86. - The Prince - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 5:08 pm:

    Agree with Liandro 100%.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 5:16 pm:

    - liandro -,

    You are missing my whole point;

    Rauner wants voters to vote for him. This is not a big picture GOP movement, even if its orchestrated by Raunerites, who captured the GOP Nomination. Micro, not Macro outreach, focused on a Raunerite concerned for Rauner, not a Nominee of My Party looking for inroads for My Party collectively.

    Big difference.

    The bottom line is this dopey bill of goods is not an attempt at anything resembling GOP outreach. The very specific language makes this all too clear; I’m a democrat, I support Bruce Rauner.

    That is their cake, if they get it to bake, good on them, but this Lemming idea that this is the ILGOP being led out by Rauner, is “baloney”.

    If, ===…this is exactly what I want out of the Republican gubernatorial nominee’s campaign…===, then you are not hearing what is being said, but what you want to hear.

  88. - Jeanne Dough - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 5:35 pm:

    “…these impact nicely on independent and moderate white women.”

    Statements such as this always feel a bit like being patted on the head. Women are looking for the same thing in a candidate that men are: integrity and a workable plan for governing.

  89. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 6:49 pm:

    Yeah. After reading the 1000th Rauner rant from OW, you have to wonder if he’d just vote for Quinn and stop making us scroll on past his next 10,000 rants until November.

    OW hates Rauner worse than Pat Quinn does.

    We get it. We get it. Now please stop.

  90. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 7:04 pm:

    It’s my 1000th?

    Did you make me a cake - VanillaMan-? Chocolates? I hope it’s a watch, not the $18 kind, but a really swell digital one, that’s a calculator and compass…

    Maybe both Rauners will sign it for me. I am quite moved that - VanillaMan - kept track. It was just yesterday it was one tiny Rauner Comment. Should there be a “Reunion” Comment? I am so touched that - VanillaMan - took the time to tabulate. Are you tired, - VanillaMan -, would you like some water or something?

    I will say - VanillaMan -, you have set my bar high, 10,000? Of you could keep track of each thousand, man, that would be outstanding.

    Welp, I got 9,999 more to go, or does this not count? I won’t be voting for Quinn, I know, I blew the ending, but funny thing about stories, they don’t always end as predicted.

    However, with friends and followers like you - VanillaMan - I hope the next 1000 really…effect and… reach you…as these first 1000.

    Can I ask? Since you ignore or don’t read my comments, how did you know I got to 1000? I will wait for the next 1000 to get your answer.

    Thanks for everything, see you around Campus.


  91. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 7:26 pm:

    Very effective ad. Simple and to the point, and oh yes, effective. This man will be the next Governor. I support the fellow. He is an outsider. He cannot be bought. He won’t be bought. He cannot be scared off by the Lifers now in power. God Bless Mr. Rauner.

    Thomas Pliura
    210 E. Center St.
    Le Roy, IL 61752
    ph. (309) 962-2299

  92. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:14 pm:

    –Family trees here are kind of interesting. Lula Ford was Emil Jones’ go-to-person at the ICC.–

    Emil was a big hitter for Quinn against Hynes last time out. Looks like he’s into him for about 20K so far this time.

  93. - JMA - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 10:54 pm:

    Vanilla…Oswego has doused Rauner with gasoline from almost day one. It’s old….”I’m a Republican but Rauner, Blah blah blah.”

    Hopefully Rich allows this post to stay…not all do.

    Thanks much! :)

  94. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 29, 14 @ 11:06 pm:

    –Hopefully Rich allows this post to stay…not all do.–

    Yeah, you’re real edgy there, JMA. Sorry The Man is keeping you down.

    I’m confident that Willie can take whatever you’ve got. Not too heavy.

    It’s the fact-free Eternal Victim crowd that cries a river every time someone nudges them out of their playpens by questioning their willful ignorance.

    If you’ve got no game, don’t hate the player that does.

  95. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 30, 14 @ 12:04 am:

    –OW hates Rauner worse than Pat Quinn does.

    We get it. We get it. Now please stop.–

    Why? Can’t handle a difference of opinion?

    VMan, you should be strong in your well-informed, thoughtful opinions.

    Don’t let Willie scare you.

    Just gaze into the contents of your belly-button, like you always do, sort the contents, and you’ll find sublime confidence in your wisdom.

    But do me a favor: Don’t make yourself out again to be a victim of Farnham’s alleged crimes.

    You yammered on and on about that, how you lived in a state that was a laughingstock. Poor you.

    Somehow, you tied despicable, incomprehensible crimes against children to Blago and term limits. I’m sure you can explain that more fully.

    You know what you didn’t do, in all your self-pitying weeping?

    You didn’t mention the kids. Not once.

    It was all about you, daddio, and your stuff about gubmint.

    See you in church.

  96. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 30, 14 @ 6:40 am:

    (Tips cap to - wordslinger -)

  97. - Chicago Concerned - Thursday, May 1, 14 @ 3:29 pm:

    I don’t understand why his wife, who is now involved in his campaign and appearing in his ads, has not come under pressure to step down from her post at the Ounce of Prevention Fund. Two of the people featured in the ads (Manny Sanchez and Lula Ford) serve on the Board of the Ounce of Prevention Fund. There seems to be a clear conflict of interest here. If you are supposed to be a non-partisan, nonprofit organization, it doesn’t seem right to have the President and 2 board members openly campaigning for a candidate, especially when that candidate’s interests are in direct opposition of what is best for the constituents served by the nonprofit. It also makes me wonder if Bruce would even know any minorities if it weren’t for his wife and the work she does.

  98. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 7, 14 @ 5:28 pm:

    Does it bother anyone about the ad titled, “Beautiful thing”, when the black guy says, “I was captured by the streets”? I’m not into politics, but that just irritates me. What a bunch of nonsense, who gets captured by the streets? Come on!! Makes me want to just change the channel. Sounds like a victim statement, get real!!

  99. - IL Heart Dr - Wednesday, May 14, 14 @ 5:32 pm:

    ILLINOIS is in deep trouble and it is embarrassing to say that our state rates last in the country with highest fiscal debt. For sure, there are many issues, but we need someone to right the ship before it sinks. Rauner is not perfect, but at least he has a chance to get us on the right path. It will be painful for some, but hopefully the swing vote will swing his way in the upcoming election. Thus this type of AD campaign that shows support from the other side should be effective and appealing to people who want a responsible government.

  100. - film blue - Thursday, May 15, 14 @ 3:00 am:

    I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself or did you hire someone to
    do it for you? Plz reply as I’m looking to construct my own blog and
    would like to know where u got this from. thanks a lot

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