Rauner wouldn’t move police and fire to 401(k)
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor) * From Chicago Tonight…
The attempt to split the union base has already drawn ire remarks from AFSCME…
Police and fire unions would be a valuable ally. They bring one heckuva ground game to the table among other things. Their political strength is the primary reason they were excluded from the Chicago pension bill, which the Tribune editorial board called on Gov. Quinn to sign…
So if the City Council raises property taxes as a result of this bill, Gov. Quinn should not be blamed for signing this negotiated measure. But in the editorial’s closing lines…
Present Pat Quinn is being criticized for Past Pat Quinn signing a bill that could mean higher property taxes if local governments short their pension payments. However, Present Pat Quinn should sign this pension bill that contains similar mechanisms because it shouldn’t be held against Future Pat Quinn? The Governor isn’t giving any public indication as to how he might rule on this bill. To complicate matters further, Rauner encouraged him earlier this week to veto the bill. * Mark Brown devoted his column to the difficulties the police and fire unions could pose to the Mayor when he comes back to town to overhaul the remaining pension systems…
* Meanwhile, some alderman and the Cook County Clerk are proposing TIF dollars as a way to offset at least some of the potential property tax increase. Here are the main parts of David Orr’s proposal, which Greg Hinz doesn’t expect to go over well at City Hall…
* There are other ideas…
Question of the Day
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor) * Earlier this morning I posted some of the “rules of the road” bestowed upon every Capitol Fax intern. Rule #1: Assume everyone is wearing a wire. There are a few others, but you get the gist. Question: What advice would you give to someone that might be joining a political campaign for the first time? We have done a QOTD like this in the past, and the responses were exceptional. I figure the timing is just about right for us to revisit the topic. I think I even saw a comment suggesting such a QOTD, so have at it.
Keep calm, and Scribble on
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor) * It should be another fairly quiet day. I’ll try to get a few more posts up this afternoon. In the meantime…
Quinn raises what Rauner contributes
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)
So what if he spent it all? Even if Quinn has more cash on hand at the moment, the Governor won’t be writing himself checks like Rauner…
Quinn didn’t raise more in the opening quarter than Rauner contributed. Rauner’s quarterly report is here. Gov. Quinn’s is here. * Mayor Emanuel reported $7 million in cash on hand…
* Related…
Assume everyone is wearing a wire, and stick with your friends
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor) * One of the biggest lessons Rich tries to install in his interns, myself included, is “Rule #1″ - Assume everyone is wearing a wire. That’s not supposed to make one paranoid, and unable to trust anyone. There are other lessons for that. Rule #1 taught us not to do anything we wouldn’t want our mothers to read about in the morning paper. I keep thinking about Rule #1 as I read these stories about Derrick Smith…
They’re out there, man. * Rule #3: Friends aren’t necessarily the ones that buy steak dinners or always have a joke. Friends are the ones that would bring you chicken soup when you’re sick. Stick with your friends…
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor) * Rich is on vacation this week, and Oscar hasn’t quite mastered home row. That means you are stuck here with me for the time being.