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Afternoon news

Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* We will let this ScribbleLive feed, as well as those in the right column, carry us through the rest of the afternoon unless something major breaks…


New TIF money to be declared a surplus?

Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* From the WTTW-TV page carrying a recent Chicago Tonight interview…

“One of the consequences of the property tax increase is more property tax revenue in TIF [Tax Increment Financing] districts,” Burns said.

There are 153 TIF districts in the city, and typically, any additional increment generated would go into the TIF districts, according to Emanuel spokeswoman Kelley Quinn.

“Aldermen Burns and Pawar came to the administration with the idea that any additional funds generated in TIFs would immediately be declared a surplus. It was a good, creative idea that the mayor fully supported,” Quinn said in a statement. “This means that CPS will get 50 percent of the surplus, while the City will receive 20 percent, of which will go towards pension payments.”

I haven’t seen any react from the CTU just yet, but Karen Lewis has been full of new revenue ideas as of late, including Ald. Fioretti’s commuter income tax…

“Revenue is the issue,” says Stacy Davis Gates, Political Director with the Chicago Teachers Union. “Pensions are not the issue. He proposed a commuter tax. He also proposed other innovative ideas.”

* By the way, while we’re on the topic of Fioretti…

ld. Bob Fioretti (2nd) slammed Mayor Rahm Emanuel Monday, calling some of his decisions “inescusable” and saying his administration had “fumbled” many projects.

He also said he’s been mulling a mayoral run in next year’s election while “meeting with people all across the city in every ward.”

“I’m honored and I’m encouraged by the responses that I hear,” he said at a City Club of Chicago luncheon Monday. The alderman promised he “will make the announcement at an appropriate time, in the appropriate place.”

* To get back to the pension issue, though…

The dialogue regarding why the Senate Republicans voted against this proposal but put green lights on others, and how the state might handle other communities that come to Springfield to adjust their pension systems is especially interesting in the long run. Now that the Mayor has broken through, others are saying they will follow…

“Personally, I was patient until Mayor Rahm Emanuel went to Springfield and showed the rest of the mayors of the state how to get it done,” Hanover Park Village President Rodney Craig said. “Then my patience kind of runs out.”

Because the General Assembly made pension reform happen for Chicago, Craig said, “I want the same level of commitment to the municipalities of the rest of the state.”

On Monday, Craig and other members of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference met with the Daily Herald Editorial Board to insist a state law that reduces pension benefits for police and firefighters is needed to stabilize municipal budgets and prevent pension systems from collapsing.

* Related…

* Rauner urges Quinn to veto Emanuel’s pension bill

* Ald. Pawar Kicks off Re-election Bid, Says ‘Maybe’ to Future Mayoral Run


*** UPDATED 1x *** SERS seeks to delay state pension reform implementation

Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* Check out this resolution that was recently approved by the SERS Board of Trustees…

(1) express our concerns about the serious implementation issues SERS faces as we struggle to prepare for the effective date of the new pension law and for the burden SERS will face if the law is implemented and then found unconstitutional,
(2) request that the Attorney General seek or agree to a stay of the new law’s implementation until the lawsuits that challenge the new law’s constitutionality are finally completed, and
(3) if the Attorney General will not comply with point (2), request that the Board of Trustees be allowed to select its own counsel to defend SERS and the Board in the lawsuits that name them as defendants so that SERS and the Board are able to express their position in the lawsuits and seek or agree to a stay of implementation of the new law until the lawsuits that challenge the new law’s constitutionality are finally completed.

The resolution passed unanimously.

H/T to a regular reader who brought this matter to our attention yesterday afternoon.

*** 12:43 p.m. - *** From comments below, an update from resident pension expert RNUG…

This is old news. I did hear that the lawyers for Kanerva / Maag filed additional information / arguments immediately after the favorable AZ ruling but that was a while back. Truthfully, I had expected we would have known something by now. Right now it’s anybody’s guess; maybe the AZ decision has the ISC rethinking their unpublished opinion.


Popped for pop

Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* Umm…

Nahshon Shelton didn’t want to pay the 22-cent tax on his $1.79 two-liter of Pepsi on Saturday afternoon, Chicago Police said.

So he allegedly pulled a blue-steel Intratec .22-caliber submachine gun out of his Gucci satchel inside the convenience store in the 4000 block of West Madison Street where they tried to make him pay it — and he threatened to kill everyone there, a prosecutor said.

This “is my neighborhood, I’m tax exempt!” he would later allegedly tell the cops, the Sun-Times is reporting. “Man, you know what, I’ll keep it real. I had to put them in their place.”


Well, this is awkward because…

Lawmakers in both the House and Senate have proposed a hike in the Illinois soft drink tax.

Soft drinks in the state are subject to a 6.25 percent tax compared to ‘qualifying food and drugs,’ which are taxed at one percent. The legislation would raise the cost of soda, juice drinks, sports drinks and teas.

The tax would be a penny-per-ounce surcharge on sugar-sweetened drinks.

Add soft drinks to the ever-growing list of items legislators are looking to tax. Over in the House, legislators have heard proposals to increase the cigarette tax, overhaul or eliminate the corporate franchise tax, extend the research and development tax credit, and making tax credits transferable.

* Increasing the motor fuel tax has also been a part of those discussions…

A recent proposal to raise the Illinois fuel tax to pay for state transportation costs is meeting opposition.

Retail gas station owners announced their opposition to such a plan on Monday in Springfield. They say raising the tax hurts drivers and businesses during a tough economy.

Bill Fleischli is the vice president of the Illinois Petroleum Marketers Association. He says the state should stop diverting money intended for roads to other areas of the budget.

BlueroomStream subscribers should have access to video of yesterday’s media availability with the petroleum marketers.


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* Here is what is in the news on this Tax Day…

* Suit filed in wake of concealed carry permit rejection: “The training class was worthless because it did not qualify consumers for the concealed-carry permit,” the lawsuit alleges. “(Ambrose) wasted a significant amount of time taking the worthless class, and had his application for a concealed-carry permit rejected.” … Illinois State Police officials said earlier this month that the agency had denied concealed carry licenses to 327 applicants who received inadequate training from an instructor in Bolingbrook.

* FBI director in Chicago: ‘Painfully aware’ of city’s gun violence: “There is not an easy answer on violent crime, especially gang-related crime that is so embedded in the culture,” he said. “Chicago has a larger and more ingrained and sophisticated street gang structure than many American cities…You can’t arrest your way to a healthy neighborhood.”

* Illinois House orders new audit of anti-violence spending under Quinn: The House resolution pushed by state Rep. David Reis, R-Willow Hill, directs Auditor General William Holland to study that spending. Further, Reis’ resolution asks Holland to audit state funds disbursed by the Criminal Justice Information Authority to a social-service provider that helped implement the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative, the Chicago Area Project.

* Daley nephew released from McHenry County jail

* In Illinois, a Challenge Recruiting Rural Students for State’s Flagship University: While the size of the freshman class at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has decreased slightly, from about 8,200 in 2004 to about 7,200 in 2013, the number of students who matriculate from rural counties has sharply declined. In 2003, there were 1,017 freshmen from rural counties who enrolled, compared to only 600 rural students in the freshmen class during the 2013-14 school year.

* Illinois Debates Continuing Free ACT Test: State board officials estimate it will cost $14 million for all high school juniors to take the ACT test next year, which they want to keep even though it is scheduled to be phased out with the implementation of other exams … By keeping the ACT and adding new exams at the elementary and high school levels, the cost of state testing would total $54 million next year, double this year’s $27 million.

* I-Team: Watchdog group questions one gas company: The CUB e-letter warns residents “don’t be fooled” by the pitches and promises of Nicor Advanced Energy.

* Quinn Touts Help for First Time Home Buyers

* Cross, Frerichs Treasurer Contest Cues Up Fierce Clash

* Lt. Gov. Simon, husband report $208,000 in Illinois income

* IDOT Increases Safety Precautions for Highway Workers

* Prospect Hts. names new city administrator

* [Quincy] department heads attempt to justify budgets to aldermen

* District 150 OKs 200 pink-slips, Peoria Police costing district unbudgeted $180,000

* Pekin City Council approves $12 garbage fee

* Massac County Picks Banterra Bank as Temporary Courtroom


Rich went on vacation, and all we got was this lousy intern

Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* Yup. It’s me, again.

You guessed it: I am coming out of retirement briefly to take you through the next week or so because Rich is off enjoying spring break. Once he comes back, I go right back in the box.

* If you were here the last time I filled in, then you know the jokes get a lot worse as the week goes on.

You would also know most of the day’s posts will be up first thing in the morning since I am on state time during the day. I appreciate all of your comments and emails, which is why my Twitter account and email address are available at the top of every post I do.

So here we go, gang. How is everybody this morning?


Proft explains himself

Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I had an e-mail exchange with Dan Proft last month that I meant to post at the time, but didn’t get around to it because session had kicked into high gear and I was buried with government stuff. I asked him for permission yesterday to reprint our exchange and he agreed.

Proft sent me a characteristically ascerbic note last month about a post I did disagreeing with his big-bucks support for Keith Matune, a Republican who finished just a smidgeon behind GOP Rep. Ron Sandack in the March primary

The worst thing Proft did though, was that when the truth came out [about Matune’s multiple arrests], he didn’t back away. Instead, he doubled down, forcing the House Republicans to spend a fortune to keep the seat. If Proft’s guy had won, the House Democrats would have assuredly jumped in and made the House Republicans spend even more money to defend the seat.

Look, this is a free country. Proft can do whatever he wants. But the Matune race shows his only real priority was defeating a Republican he didn’t like, not winning a Republican seat. It was totally irresponsible to push a supremely flawed candidate so hard.

* Proft’s response…

Your analysis of Sandack-Matune conveniently ignores the substance of Sandack’s legislative record–the focus of the campaign material I put out. Additionally, it ignores the details of the Matune allegations Sandack misrepresented or outright manufactured and any context to his 20-year old arrests for such crimes against humanity as public urination.

But I’m “reckless and irresponsible.” Okay. Someday–and I know today is not that day–I hope you’ll give consideration to your routine defenses of all things GOP establishment, particularly when those defenses offer no contextual consideration of their performance–you know, those guys in the superminority–much less mine.

I am forever fascinated by the differing standards of analysis.


* Lemme let you in on a little secret. We disagree about a lot of stuff, but Proft and I have a history that’s been mostly friendly, albeit peppered with occasional acrimony, which I actually have enjoyed. So I chuckled at his e-mail and, since I’m not generally in the habit of sending long e-mails, my reply was brief…

You do have a way with words. But your response completely ignores my points.

* Proft fired back…

Which is what, the shibboleth from Team Durkin you’re re-purposing that Matune would’ve put the district in play in the general? Nonsense. 60%+ GOP district.

They were making the same argument against [Peter] Breen and he is unlikely to even draw an appointed opponent (certainly not one of any consequence) according to what I understand.

* My reply…

More nice words. You may refer to it as a shibboleth, but it’s real. More importantly, though, you forced leadership to spend money it didn’t have on a primary to fight off a very flawed candidate.

Shibboleth: An old idea, opinion, or saying that is commonly believed and repeated but that may be seen as old-fashioned or untrue.

* Proft…

They spent money to defend a very flawed candidate. As they did with Pihos. No one forced Durkin to spend money. His choice. Just as it was my choice.

Two years ago against a woefully underfunded candidate Sandack won 54-46. This time by 150 votes. Maybe there is an actual uneasiness with Sandack in his district with darn nearly half of the GOP primary electorate that should be considered? Is that possible? Should that be part of the assessment? Why is Sandack such an unpopular incumbent (and was before his marriage vote)? Compare his fav/unfav numbers to Pihos, for example, before I ever spent a dime in either race (except on polling).

We don’t exist to do leadership’s bidding because they have titles. That philosophy begets the superminority–as they have proven. I don’t see offices as someone’s birthright where someone else gets to decide who runs and who doesn’t and when. That approach pushes talented people away–a long-running problem with the GOP.

So when does a decade-plus of under-performance demand questioning of “leadership’s” decision-making? I am baffled by the deference they are supposed to be afforded.

Oh, and considering our interests are now aligned for the general election and Durkin has expressly asked for me help, “leadership” has a strange-way of party-building or asking for help. But that too will be left on the cutting room floor, I suppose, as it doesn’t fit the narrative or a plucky group of legislative leaders financed by the politically promiscuous trying to stave off assaults from the radicals who believe in free minds and free markets.

* At that point, I said he’d made some good arguments, then shifted the discussion to our mutually beloved White Sox. I’m just not into these long back and forth e-mail arguments and figured we were finished arguing and now it was time to talk about other stuff.

Look, I don’t agree with everything Proft wrote or everything he has done, but that’s not required. Some of y’all hate the man and you have your reasons. But while I’ve winced more than once when he’s said or done something I didn’t agree with, I have never, ever disliked him.

My best friend in the world once told me that you should never hate more than three people at once. If you hated more than three, it probably said more about you than them. A disagreement is just that. It ain’t personal and you shouldn’t make it personal unless everybody’s going to the mattresses.

* Anyway, try to address his points in your comments instead of his personality. And keep my best friend’s warning about hatred in your thoughts. Thanks.


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Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Apr 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* AG Raoul lays out extensive defense of state immigration laws
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* USDOJ wants to join challenge to Illinois law that requires nonprofits to disclose demographics of boards and officers
* It’s just a bill
* As Chicago continues to look the other way, Decatur city council bans sweepstakes machines
* Illinois Hospitals Are Achieving Nursing Excellence Through ANCC Magnet Program
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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