Ride-Sharing: Read the Fine print - Support HB 4075
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Ride-sharing companies claim in their Capitol Fax advertorial on May 5th that HB 4075 “undermines…regulations that prioritize safety and accountability” and that they have “developed strict criteria and comprehensive insurance policies that are 3 times what is currently provided in Illinois.” Really? Then why do they force all their users to sign a waiver agreeing to use their service “at your own risk?” Uber even admits “you may be exposed to transportation that is potentially dangerous, offensive, harmful to minors, unsafe” and then forces its users to “release the company from any and all liability, claims, or damages.” Recently, an Uber driver in San Francisco hit and killed a 6-year-old girl, only to have the company deny responsibility and keep the little girl’s family from any insurance compensation. When you read the fine print, the truth is multi-billion dollar companies like Uber are fighting against the same public safety protections that all licensed commercial transportation companies in Illinois currently follow. HB 4075 provides standard police background checks, drug testing and proper insurance covering the public while the driver is working, “App on to App off.” HB 4075 provides common sense protections. Ask Uber why they want less.