Chicago Tribune: Same Safety Standards for Ride-Share
Thursday, May 8, 2014 - Posted by Advertising Department The following is a paid advertisement. “As we’ve said before, the part-time/full-time distinction is meaningless to the customer ordering a ride. The same safety standard should apply to all ride shares and, yes, to taxis. We’re increasingly wary of leaving it to the ride shares to police themselves when it comes to making those checks, given (Uber’s) unapologetic disregard for rules. UberX just underscored that point.” Chicago Tribune editorial, “UberX thumbs its nose at the rules,” May 8, 2014 Ride-share companies claim they can regulate themselves, but time and time again they prove they have no interest in following the rule of law or even in protecting their own passengers. As the Chicago Tribune editorial board points out, the distinction between ride-share drivers is “meaningless.” What’s important is that everyone is held to the same fundamental public safety and consumer protection standards that come with the proper chauffeur licensing. Instead, multi-billion dollar companies like Uber and Lyft continue to fight the same public safety protections that transportation companies currently follow, including HB 4075, which would provide safety standards for all drivers across the board. Customers deserve to have the peace of mind knowing that their driver has passed a comprehensive police background check and drug test and carries sufficient insurance in case of an accident. It’s time for these common sense safety standards for everyone in the transportation industry. Ask Uber why they would want less. Vote YES on HB 4075 and support ride-share protections for all!