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Question of the day

Monday, May 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last week, Rep. Mike Bost ran a local bill on the House floor

Senate Bill 2721 sponsored by Representative Mike Bost and Senator Dave Luechtefeld will authorize Jackson County to generate revenue to repair the Grand Tower Levee by issuing bonds. In 1994, voters in Jackson County approved a referendum for the issuance of bonds needed to repair the Grand Tower Levee. Unfortunately, not enough bonds were sold and the timeline to sell the bonds expired – which led to Bost and Luechtefeld’s legislation to help repair the Grand Tower Levee.

* As it turns out, this was Rep. Bost’s final bill. Bost is running for Congress against Bill Enyart (who also traveled to Springfield to testify for the bill after it was bottled up by the House Democrats). Here’s Bost’s speech on his final bill

And just in case you can’t watch videos where you are, he didn’t throw any papers in the air this time.

Bost has occasionally been someone of a lightning rod over the years, but he remains quite popular on both sides of the aisle. I covered his first successful race when he won a Democratic district in the 1994 GOP landslide. The HDems targeted him for defeat for years, but he always held on.

* The Question: Your thoughts on Rep. Mike Bost leaving the House this fall?


  1. - Retirement - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 1:20 pm:

    He has his 20 years in for his state retirement. He is now trying to start on his federal retirement. I live in his district, was never too impressed with him!

  2. - wordslinger - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 1:20 pm:

    –”I feel like somebody trying to be released from Egypt! Let my people go!”–

    Is he going to part Lake Springfield on his way out of town?

    Strangely enough, he will be returning to Little Egypt.

  3. - Abe the Babe - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 1:32 pm:

    Let his people go!

  4. - Anon - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 1:32 pm:

    Bost shed more heat than light on issues. Too partisan for my taste. He likes to attack Democrats for the rule giving the Speaker sole authority on moving bills, even though Republicans –including him — initiated that rule for Daniels.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 1:45 pm:

    I have given a few pointed jokes towards Rep. Bost. His role on the GOP side many times dictated his responses, but Rep. Bost brought his own flair and style and those responses were not just cursory, but many times, epic on nature.

    While all that is true, Mike Bost is someone I have an incredible amount of respect for in the Lower Chamber.

    Mike Bost is what should have been for the HGOP a formula member; candidate that is not on lock step with all the members of the Caucus, but is an absolute perfect fit for his district. Mike Bost may not have won in DuPage, or the Quad Cities, Cook or Sangamon, but that downstate Illinois voter understood Mike Bost, and more importantly, Mike Bost understood his voters. That is still the secret to recruiting. All these races Bost won were won because Mike Bost was only typical in being typical to those who would return him to the House every time he faced a challenge.

    Mike Bost works hard. It’s not busy work to seem like someone is working hard, Mike Bost worked for his district, selfishly in the best possible way, to try to ensure his district got all it needed.

    Mike Bost was “districtly Partisan”. The Reagan Rule of understanding the GOP narrative that made him important to his constituents mattered. Being a Represebtative of his home and it’s values was first, and making sure the way he was seen by those voters as a member of the GOP solidified the “Bost Brand”, wrapped with the GOP tag as a positive, not a drag on who Bost is/was, or a negative on the man the people know.

    Being a product that was embraced by his voters, worked hard, worked for his district, being unique to his home, and making voters understand that the Republican Mike Bost is the same Mike Bost they know and trust to do what is right, not always what is right through a GOP light.

    When Bost and another took over to be that “responder” to the HDems, the role is what many are going to remember; the ranting, the paper toss, the ‘Edward G. Robinson’ - Moses of the minority, but I hope the Durkin Crew understands all that can be learned from a Mike Bost. It’s the Bosts that make a majority caucus. It’s the Bosts that will not be out-worked, defined, pigeon-holed, and it’s the Bosts that understand taking on a role in the Caucus is to try to make a difference to make things better, not a “role” to make My Party look inept or like slugs keeping seats warm.

    I don’t know how the Enyart race will end. Mike Bost’s time in the House was full and productive. Bost could make a fine Congressman, and could very well be a voice Illinois, especially Southern Illinois needs in DC. I do know that Mike Bost was critical to building that Daniels majority, kept his seat when many counted him out time after time. His district, never counted him out, but counted on Bost to be the member they knew he had always been. The Caucus and the district were not disappointed.

    I will miss Mike Bost. Representative, I had hoped for the likes of you a better opportunity to be back in that majority again. No one can say it fell upon you that the HGOP fell short. You held up your end of the bargain by winning beyond cookie-cutter ideals. You made your own mold and broke it. You were you, and thank you for that. Good luck, and if you run as you ran in your first successful run for the Statehouse, heaven help your opponent.


  6. - 4 percent - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 1:46 pm:

    Mike wore his heart on his sleeve. Districts are certainly different based on constituent needs but he was beloved and ran a great district office in an area where state government has a huge impact (SIU, prisons, etc). While he was rough around the edges, he was passionate and cared about his district.

  7. - Louis Howe - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 1:52 pm:

    The 2014 election is shaping up as another GOP opportunity to pick up competitive legislative districts as in 1994. The Cook Partisan voting index for the 13th Congressional is “Even.” Obama won it with 50% in 2012 down from 55% in 2008. Enyart beat Plumber in a three way race with 50% in 2012.
    Bost is hoping election history will repeats itself.
    It’s not a bad bet. In downstate, the Democratic Party is on life support. Since 1990 when there were five downstate Democratic Congressmen, we now have two, if you Cong. Bustos a Democrat.
    The Illinois House Democrats have dropped from 26 to 15.
    The reason for this dismal performance is beyond this post, but the trend line won’t be changing anytime soon as long “Identity Politics” rules the Democratic Party’s agenda.

  8. - Memory - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    Mike Bost is a classic. He is a great guy who will be missed. God’s speed & give ‘em hell in DC!!

  9. - Norseman - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 2:06 pm:

    There was certainly a FLOOD of emotion in that last speech. We’ll miss his entertaining speeches. He was an above average member of the GOP caucus and will be missed.

  10. - Give Me A Break - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 2:07 pm:

    Like Bill Black he is different off the floor than doing his stuff on the floor. He dealt straight with me never went back on his word and was good to work with. Great sense of humor too. While I’m a Dem, he always was willing to help.

  11. - Abe the Babe - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 2:11 pm:

    ==Let his people go!==

    In all seriousness, Bost is more flare than substance. If he “represented his district” than his district must have demanded representation that encourages partisanship, discourages facts, and loves hypocrisy. Why else would they send someone to make a national buffoon of himself ridiculing chamber rules that he once voted for under daniels. And they must have loved when he voted against every revenue enhancing bill only to beat on the administration for closing facilities in his district.

    Bill black was theater too. But at least he backed up the performance with substance and bi-partisanship.

  12. - John A Logan - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 2:19 pm:

    Mike Bost is a man of his word. He understands the 115th district, and worked hard for his district for 20 years. I have great respect for him, and think that he will win this November because his track record speaks for itself to republicans and democrats alike. Many will remember him for his bombastic rants, but that was simply a symptom of being placed in the floor leader role, a gift that was bestowed upon him so that he would stay out of the republican primary against boy genius Plummer. I wish him all the best, he has carried the family name well the last 20 years. If Springfield had more members like Bost, the state would be better for it.

  13. - too obvious - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 2:57 pm:

    “If Springfield had more members like Bost, the state would be better for it.”

    Which state, Indiana?

  14. - Dirty Red - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 3:07 pm:

    I wouldn’t start writing his Springfield obituary just yet.

  15. - A guy... - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 3:15 pm:

    I only knew he was there when he screamed; a few times over 20 years. He wasn’t a great choice as floor leader, but hey, he wanted it and the pickings were slim. Good luck Mike Bost. If you get to DC, screaming doesn’t set you apart.

  16. - yo - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 3:52 pm:

    good point, dirty red. notice how he said “this is my last bill in this chamber…”
    once he loses the congressional race (hopefully) he will probably be back in GA

  17. - Makandadawg - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    Bost is a good example of the problems with power in the legislature. He won his district election handily and represented us/his voters as best he could. For many years his party was not in power and so he could get little done. For me that would be very frustrating but he stuck it out. I do not know what is next for him but nothing will change much for us voters here in southern Illinois.

  18. - Precinct Captain - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 7:22 pm:

    ==the trend line won’t be changing anytime soon as long “Identity Politics” rules the Democratic Party’s agenda.==

    I suppose it was identity politics responsible for Jim Allen and Winnebago County’s Jim Thompson racism? Get a grip.

  19. - Louis Howe - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 8:19 pm:

    @Precinct Captain…Downstate is much more than Winnebago County…rural America has jettisoned democrats over the last two decades…gays, abortion, and immigration reform aren’t the issues working Americans care much about but Democrats can’t seem to stop talking about them…Knock on a few precinct doors downstate and actually talk to people.

  20. - dr. reason a. goodwin - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 9:01 pm:

    Mike is a straight shooter and true to his word.

  21. - Chapin Rose - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 9:05 pm:


  22. - wordslinger - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 9:14 pm:

    –.gays, abortion, and immigration reform aren’t the issues working Americans care much about but Democrats can’t seem to stop talking about them–

    LOL, so Democrats aren’t “working Americans.” Got it.

    You don’t speak for everyone Downstate, dude. Peddle your nonsense on your own.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 9:26 pm:

    ===@Precinct Captain…Downstate is much more than Winnebago County===

    Especially since Winnebago County borders Wisconsin, your premise seems…odd.

    Google Maps is free…

  24. - Come On Glenn - Monday, May 12, 14 @ 11:17 pm:

    Phony, part of the problem, don’t let the door hit you……

  25. - LBJ - Tuesday, May 13, 14 @ 10:59 am:

    Some of you who have been in the game will remember that Mike had the fortitude to tell then Speaker Lee Daniels that he would not vote to gut workers’ comp. He was under immense pressure to vote for it but didn’t. That took guts. He didn’t always vote your way but was always honest.

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