Credit Unions – Individual service, united in focus
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] As not-for-profit financial cooperatives, credit unions hold a strong belief in giving back to their communities at the credit union level and on a geographic basis. Twenty-four chapters unite the state’s 333 credit unions and are integral to fulfilling their mission for nearly three million consumer members. Like the boards at credit unions, chapter boards are also run by volunteers. The Illinois Quad Cities Chapter alone serves 10 credit unions and their 234,000 members in a three county area. Similarly to other credit union chapters, Illinois Quad Cities is particularly active in community charitable activities and worthwhile causes. This includes helping consumers protect their personal information by sponsoring community shred days to properly dispose of documents. The chapter also hosts “community nights” to provide local organizations a forum to request financial support. As a result, more than $15,000 has been provided to a variety of local charities. Motivated by their stories, credit unions separately hold fundraisers to support these groups, as well participate in events for others, including the local children’s hospital. Members know credit unions will be there for their daily financial needs and support their community – just some of the many virtues that define the credit union difference.