Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Rauner the disciplined dodger
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rauner the disciplined dodger

Friday, May 23, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some folks say it should be easy for reporters to get answers out of political candidates. But it ain’t as easy as it looks.

For example, check out how aggressive some Chicago reporters were this week with Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner over his adamant refusal to talk about any of his fiscal plans beyond platitudes.

Rauner just laughs and repeats his talking points, despite their pointed questions. He wouldn’t even name one person who sits on the advisory groups that he claims he’s put together.

Talk about disciplined

*** UPDATE ***
The DGA provides a partial transcript, in case you can’t listen to audio files at work…

Q: The other day you referred to Democrats in Springfield as using the budget for political football. You are doing robocalls out to various districts telling people to vote no. You have not presented any kind of alternative plan and you say you are not going to do that until after the legislature is gone home. Aren’t you playing political football…Don’t you feel responsibility to say where you actually do stand so that Republicans in the General Assembly might have an idea what you actually stand for, specifically.

RAUNER: We will be coming out with our plans and our recommendations long, long before the election and the voters will have a clear choice.

Q: What’s taking so long? Because you’ve been running for 15 months. You know what the problems were. You knew that the tax is going to expire in 2015 as scheduled as you propose. What is taking so long? Who are these experts by name that you are working with?

RAUNER: We will be coming out with our plan in due time, long before the General Election.

Q: What is due time?
RAUNER: At the right time…

Q: What’s the right time? You’ve said this for months?
RAUNER: (Laughs) OK, I understand, next question.

Q: When are you going to tell us what you’re for instead of against?
RAUNER: (Laughs) Soon.

Q What is soon? Seriously? This is what everybody’s saying. You’re ducking the question. What tax rate would you agree to?
RAUNER: As I’ve been clear throughout, we will come out with a plan, both on tax policy and tax plan as well as a spending plan.

Q: What they’re going to do in the next two week, you’re going to have to live with next year if you win the election. So don’t you have a responsibility to weigh in, to explain to voters and to politicians what you think you want them to do?
RAUNER: I’ve been clear. I want them not to extend this temporary income tax.

Q: What you want them to do, not what you don’t want them to do?
RAUNER: (Laughs) To be clear, we’re going to be coming out with a plan on taxes and in spending in due time, at the right time, and long before the election.

Q: Will that come with your pension plan, too, that you’ve promised?
RAUNER: (Laughs) We’ll have a pension plan, an education plan, a transportation plan.

Q: Why should anyone believe this after hearing it month after month? Aren’t you shortchanging the voters?
RAUNER: (No response)


  1. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:05 am:

    He’s the anti-Quinn of discipline.

  2. - Chi - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    Good for the reporters. You can’t force him to answer, but for chrissakes if the public sees/hears this dodging and puts up with it, then god help us.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:07 am:

    “Can’t you reporters just leave me alone do I can just win the election, get my Title, and … whatever?”

    Maybe the press should ask “Slip and Sue”? She might know who is advising or these budget plans.

  4. - walker - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    Follows instructions well

  5. - Makandadawg - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:09 am:

    We need the reporters to continuing doing their jobs but watch when many of these same media outlets endorse BR this fall.

  6. - Arizona Bob - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:12 am:

    I recently went to a Rauner volunteer meeting, and their policy talking points were among the weakest I’d ever seen. I was planning on knocking on doors for him to get GOTV data for the database when I’m in Illinois this month, but I won’t knock on doors for any candidate that doesn’t give me the ammo for convincing the person to support him.

    He’s going to be a tough sell for voters in well educated suburban communities that ask pertinent questions about his policies.

    Smart voters knowledgeable about the issues won’t vote for Quinn, but Rauner really isn’t giving them much reason to show up to the polls and vote for him (or at all).

    Of course, Obama won re-election despite having perhaps the worst performance record of any President since Jimmy Carter just by defining his opponent negatively and appealing to the politics of division and class warfare, so who knows, maybe this is a winning strategy for Rauner.

    Either way, there wil be a lot of lessons learned in Illinois politics this November.

  7. - horse w/ no name - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:12 am:

    If by “discipline” you mean repeating the same non-answer over and over, fine. I can train my 6 year old nephew to do that. It’s called the repeat game. How about crafting a better response as a start to the “discipline” process. You know who was a super disciplined manager, Blago. Remember “Madigan and his Republican allies” over and over and over again. Discipline ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:13 am:

    I have no beef that the reporters are giving Rauner a pass. I guess what could be confusing me is if Rauner is so frustrating to reporters to pointed questions, wouldn’t an enterprising reporter look into Stu Levine, or drivers licenses and homes and Chicago addresses to put some heat to answer …something…to put Rauner’s Crew on notice that passive reporting is now over?

    Don’t want to give us anything, ok. How about we give you this and see how you respond?

    Frustration, you would think, would lead to deeper investigation?

  9. - Nobody's Perfect - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    Whoa Capt Fax!
    While the vaunted Tribbies reporters have been “hard” on ShakeyMitt Rauner.
    They have generally ignored or covered up the numerous biz scandals that touch nearly everyone of the 400 outfits he bought and sold with public pension dough.
    They have failed to go to Duluth to talk with a very chatty Stu.
    They failed to talk with about of the talking head academics who are quoted in every other story.

  10. - Confused - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:16 am:

    What a breath of fresh air to have a major GOP candidate being described as “disciplined.”

  11. - wordslinger - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:16 am:

    He may not be disciplined so much as that he, literally, has not formulated answers to any of the questions.

    It’s not like he’s in any hurry on anything. His campaign home page still features a piece complaining about unions getting involved in the GOP primary.

    It’s Memorial Day weekend, isn’t it? Catch up.

  12. - Langhorne - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:18 am:

    if he really had advisory committees doing actual work, there would be a leak here or there by now. at least a hint, esp if there was something new. nada. editorial boards may criticize him, but he will just advertise past them. continue to bash quinn. thats all.

    just over five months to go. he says he will lay out his detailed plan(s) well before the election. mid august would be the halfway point in the time remaining. anyone want to take bets over/under on release of plans by that date?

    if he does come out w any detailed plans, my prediction is that they will be unrealistic and unattainable. DOA in the dem legislature. but they might promise a lot and sound good, however shallow.

  13. - Wensicia - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    They should keep hammering him. Every time he criticizes action the governor or GA takes on current issues, immediate follow-up should be “What do you suggest instead?” Keep at it and report on his non-answers every day. Sooner, rather than later, he’ll have to come up with some direct answers.

  14. - justsayin' - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:20 am:

    What you call discipline, I call deceit and dishonesty.

  15. - Almost the Weekend - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:29 am:

    =Of course, Obama won re-election despite having perhaps the worst performance record of any President since Jimmy Carter just by defining his opponent negatively and appealing to the politics of division and class warfare, so who knows, maybe this is a winning strategy for Rauner.=

    Arizona Bob he took a page out of George Bush in 2004 against John Kerry. Obama defined Romney before he could define himself. The most heinous campaign strategy I have ever seen was what George Bush did to John McCain in the 2000 Republican Presidential Primary in South Carolina. Democrats are finally learning how to play hardball, don’t act like the GOP are such little princesses.

  16. - A guy... - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:33 am:

    Make a plan, marry it, execute it. Or your schedule. He revealed a couple small bites on it. It’s discipline. Tight discipline. He’s on the record the way he wishes to be. He’s not throwing out any life preservers to the guys with a deadline; current legislators or reporters. Critics don’t like it. They’re not his target.

  17. - Now What? - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:34 am:

    sounds like someone has a secret plan to get us out of Vietnam . . .

  18. - Norseman - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:35 am:

    Somebody hijacked Arizona Bob’s pseudonym. You had a good comment.

  19. - wordslinger - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:39 am:

    =Of course, Obama won re-election despite having perhaps the worst performance record of any President since Jimmy Carter–

    Pretty happy with that W legacy, are you?

  20. - Grandson of Man - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:40 am:

    If you support Rauner, how can you trust him also if he won’t lay out plans? What about if he gets in and raises taxes and does other stuff that you adamantly oppose, and if he turns further left than you want? What about if he’s not laying plans because he realizes he may have to do something that will anger his supporters?

    Quinn doesn’t have that worry so much because he’s already angered a diverse group of people.

  21. - Wensicia - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:40 am:

    The Tribune is Rauner’s best friend. They’ll make non-stop complaints against Quinn and Madigan, but you won’t hear anything negative about Rauner from them.

  22. - wordslinger - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:47 am:

    –The Tribune is Rauner’s best friend. They’ll make non-stop complaints against Quinn and Madigan, but you won’t hear anything negative about Rauner from them.–

    The Trib’s for sale. Rauner has friends who could buy them.

    Actually, scratch that tinfoil hat comment. Given the market for dailies, Quinn has friends who could buy them, too.

    The Tribbie newsies have to be a little leery about how corporate spun off all the newspapers from the broadcast properties.

    Without a buyer in the near future, what was once unthinkable becomes possible.

  23. - SAP - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:48 am:

    C’mon Wensicia, even the Tribbies have started calling Rauner out. And if Arizona Bob is losing faith, I’m starting to think Rauner needs to take a position or two.,0,6397335.story

  24. - Chi - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:51 am:

    “The Tribune is Rauner’s best friend. They’ll make non-stop complaints against Quinn and Madigan, but you won’t hear anything negative about Rauner from them.”

    The Editorial Board, for sure, but the news department just wrote that story this week about his failure to answer policy questions.

  25. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:53 am:

    Rauner told everyone he is a salesman.

    Salesman know how to stick to the script.

    Team Quinn might find it frustrating.

    But every perceived strength is also a potential weakness.

    At the same tme, when reporters ask the same questions over and over, instead of printing unresponsive answers, you can start saying failed to provide, refused to respond, etc…

  26. - Obamas Puppy - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 11:58 am:

    Disciplined or just a lack of a plan?

  27. - Wensicia - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:05 pm:

    I was referring to the Tribune editorial staff, sorry I didn’t make myself clear.

  28. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:06 pm:

    Talk about a contrast to Quinn. Sheesh.

    He’s like a robot. The original “Raunerbot”!

  29. - Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:07 pm:

    For a guy who’s not a “career politician,” he sounds remarkably like a career politician.

    Once “The Plan” is unveiled, then critics can start picking it apart. I have no doubt this guy has consultants galore (think Eli Gold). His smart alecky dodging isn’t helping him, though.

    Before our eyes Rauner’s morphing into what he has been most critical of.

  30. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:14 pm:

    I do agree that Rauner should show why he is better than the current group in charge of our rapidly sinking ship of state.

    But let’s be honest: Any plan put forth by Rauner would be instantly chopped to pieces by the super critics around here. “The OMG you can’t cut any of that” shrieking was avoided in the House with the one speaker in favor, one against vote today. I have to give Madigan his due, he is protecting his majority flock from their propensity to harm themselves pretty admirably.

    In the meantime, the Quinn, Madigan and Cullerton plan(s) offered by the supermajority veto-proof party in Illinois continues to stumble towards whatever finish line awaits them.

    But let’s focus on Rauner instead?

  31. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:14 pm:

    ===Before our eyes Rauner’s morphing into what he has been most critical of.===

    With complete respect;

    “Before our eyes Rauner’s morphing into what he has been hiding about himself all along.”

  32. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===He’s like a robot. The original “Raunerbot”!===

    Both Rauners are the “AlphaBot Raunerbot”

  33. - William j Kelly - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:30 pm:

    Who said journalism was supposed to be easy?

  34. - wordslinger - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:31 pm:

    Louis, fear of criticism doesn’t cut it. Goes with the territory. Rauner is certainly critical of Quinn’s record.

    Rauner will be vague as possible for as long as possible. Not the first politician to do that.

    If they pass some kind of budget next week, Rauner might not have to offer anything substantive on the issue at all.

  35. - Anonymous - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:34 pm:

    It’s May. By fall nobody, especially voters, will remember that Rauner hasn’t released his budget plan in response to being questioned like a kid in the backseat questions his parents if “are we there yet?”

    Meanwhile, his opponents are digging their own grave by proving they can’t function. What benefit towards winning would Rauner have by releasing anything now vs waiting until after May when Springfield is officially incompetent? Quinn and Madigan are going to give any Rauner proposal serious consideration, which would make it look like nothing could be accomplished until Rauner stepped in? LOL

  36. - Precinct Captain - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:39 pm:

    ==It’s May. By fall nobody, especially voters, will remember that Rauner hasn’t released his budget plan in response to being questioned like a kid in the backseat questions his parents if “are we there yet?”==

    Voters will remember because Rauner himself has repeatedly claimed his plans are right around the corner from public release. If the best you can do is say that your candidate is a liar then he isn’t the person we need as governor.

  37. - William j Kelly - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 12:49 pm:

    Icymi quinnocchio unmasked!

  38. - Arizona Bob - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:01 pm:

    Arizona Bob he took a page out of George Bush in 2004 against John Kerry. Obama defined Romney before he could define himself. The most heinous campaign strategy I have ever seen was what =George Bush did to John McCain in the 2000 Republican Presidential Primary in South Carolina. Democrats are finally learning how to play hardball, don’t act like the GOP are such little princesses.=

    Karl Rove and David Axelrod are pretty much cut from the same cloth. They’re both VERY good at what they do. The difference is that the GOP was stupid enough to drive Rove away, and the Dems were smart enough to keep Axelrod happy.

    There’s no “good” or “bad” in political success. There’s only election day winners and losers.

  39. - Cheswick - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:01 pm:

    I hope the guy who plays Quinnocchio is getting union scale wages, at least.

  40. - Precinct Captain - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:07 pm:

    ==Karl Rove and David Axelrod are pretty much cut from the same cloth.==

    Really? When did did David Axelrod utilize racism to garner votes for candidates?

  41. - Frenchie Mendoza - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:18 pm:

    Rauner’s plan — when he finally unveils it — will be simple: reduce agency headcount 20% across the board, reduce pay 20% for those not laid off, and eliminate all pensions.

    This is all he will say — and this is all he will run on. It’s all about public employees — and nothing about structural issues.

  42. - Anon III - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:19 pm:

    Rauner’s job, and Quinn’s too, is to get elected. Different problem for each.

    There will be an election. If everything is wonderful, the incumbent will be re-elected. If things are just so-so, there will be a debate on policy and issues – plans. If State government is in the dumper, if the State economy is poor and if unemployment is among the highest in the Nation, then there will be no discussion of plans. A majority of voters will vote for a change.

    Reporters asking questions about a plan are acting as if the political situation calls for a debate on policy and issues. Those pencil guys are out of touch with reality. They should ask some voters if they want to hear about a plan, or if they would just like to have a solvent and functioning State government.

  43. - Frenchie Mendoza - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:22 pm:

    BTW — he will allow a strike, too. The strike will last 2-3 weeks. Employees will be given a choice of signing a new contract with drastically reduced benefits or being fired.

    Obviously, I hope this doesn’t happen — but this has been Rauner’s MO since the beginning. It’s all about forcing the employees that helped him earn his money to earn less money.

  44. - Weenie Caucus - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:33 pm:

    Thank you Bruce for buying the weenies at our cookout this weekend. See you there!

  45. - Skeptic - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:46 pm:

    Rauner: “I can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of a budget plan.”

  46. - Frenchie Mendoza - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:56 pm:

    Strategically, I assume all Rauner has to do is announce a simple plan: reducing workforce, reducing salaries, run it — and then win on it.

    He will assume that this gives him enough political capital — or cover, whatever — to implement the “will of the voters”. It also also him to do the same old Blagojevich-style “consolidation” that allows for non-state entities to do state business — without state oversight and with all the profit.

    It’s simple — but that’s the idea. The simpler the better is what he thinks will give him the win. It’s very Blagojevich-esque with, I suspect, the same results: (literally) crazed directors at the helm of agencies, loss of institutional knowledge at all levels, and — I’m guessing, but I’d rather say “I’m predicting” — lots of litigation and prison sentences at the end.

  47. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 1:57 pm:

    The ball will be in Quinn’s court for the entire duration of this election.

    If he can demonstrate that he can do the job, Quinn gets elected. If he can’t, then voters will consider the alternative.

    Rauner will remain as attractive an alternative to Brady and Quinn 2010 voters, as he can, right up to the day after the election.

    That means he stands for nothing except he is not Pat Quinn, Michael J. Madigan, Rod Blagojevich, Bill Brady or George Ryan.

    The people in political power right now are writing the script Rauner will use to win. What the people in political power need to do is demonstrate that Illinois and its problems are, or are being, fixed enough to win reelection.

    This election is about Pat Quinn, not Rauner’s plans.

  48. - Oneman - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 2:00 pm:

    Does detail now get him any votes?


    So why not stay on message

    Also why add to the mix as the budget stuff is going on?

    If you can’t win the election, nothing else matters

  49. - Walter Mitty - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 2:03 pm:

    Oneman… Spot on… The press needs to ask these questions and he will have to answer… Doing now does nothing for him.. Now, they need to ask the super majority what their plan is?

  50. - MrJM - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 2:08 pm:

    Rauner’s demeanor reminds me of something… a something-oil salesman, a snake-something salesman, a something-something salesman…

    – MrJM

  51. - wordslinger - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 2:11 pm:

    –Does detail now get him any votes?


    So you’re okay with him lying about having detailed plans?

    That’s a good start to “shaking things up.”

  52. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 2:20 pm:

    The press needs to ask these questions and he will have to answer.

    Depending upon the press to sink your political opponent is not a plan. It is also astonishing to believe that the press is so in the tank for Quinn that it will do his PR work by hounding Rauner.

    It is better to say nothing and win an election, than lose it by saying something that can be twisted into a campaign disaster that would save an incompetent incumbent from facing the consequences of his own incompetence.

    If Pat Quinn wants to win, then he has to show himself as a winner. He is not doing that, according to the latest polls.

  53. - veritas - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 2:20 pm:

    So let me get this straight: Quinn’s new campaign slogan is: “My plan doesn’t work, but at least I have one!”

  54. - Wensicia - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 2:36 pm:

    It’s worth noting he finds this fruitless back and forth to be amusing.

  55. - efudd - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 2:53 pm:

    As a voter in every election, both primaries and general, who leans Democrat but always splits his ballot, I have one question for the GOP, national and state. At what point will you learn that you will not win an executive office election with the ole “Anyone but (insert name here)” platform?

  56. - archimedes - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 3:05 pm:

    V-Man 1:57PM. “This election is about Pat Quinn, not Rauner’s plans.”

    I sure hope you are wrong. If you are right - there is no need to have an opposing candidate. We can just have a Yes/No for Pat Quinn. If “No” then just slide in any old Republican in.

    If Rauner DOES have opinions, plans, ideas on the issues, etc. then the lack of divulging what those are shows a real lack of confidence that he can get elected. If he does NOT have plans, opinions, etc. it shows someone who doesn’t care about the job he is seeking.

    Right now, I’m not seeing discipline - I’m either seeing ignorance or apathy.

  57. - Wensicia - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 3:23 pm:

    ==I’m either seeing ignorance or apathy.==

    Or outright deception. He knows what he wants to do if he becomes governor, but saying so would cost him the election.

  58. - wordslinger - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 3:27 pm:

    –He knows what he wants to do if he becomes governor, but saying so would cost him the election.–

    It’s possible he just wants the gig and doesnt’ really have anything he wants to do at all. He wouldn’t be the first.

  59. - Walker - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 3:32 pm:

    VMan does get this race better than most.

    The only mistake Rauner is making is even saying a detailed plan will be coming out soon. It only matters to the insiders, pundits and reporters, and he’s better off without it.

  60. - Just The Way It Is One - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 4:02 pm:

    He can dodge so well, he oughta BUY one! Or in RAUner’s case, a fleet of Dodges! Come to think of it, with all ‘o HIS dough, why not just the heck make a move to BUY and take OVER Chrysler…! (Nah–on second thought, BR doesn’t have the time for THAT! He’s too busy runnin’ around in circles doin’ donuts around the People of Illinois claiming he, and he alone, has intimate knowledge of all the details of that “plan” he has now promised “long before the election.”

    Heck, Brucie! You already got THRU an entire PRImary Election Campaign without any “Plan” with DEtails, and isn’t a mere 5 1/2 months, as we’re at now on the Calendar before the GENeral Election, “long” enough “before the Election” to bestow the Brilliance of this so-called “plan” upon us wee gentry of Illinois…?!

    For Land’s Sake, cut the baloney already, Bruce, and show us your dang Hand–cuz a lot of folks hardly believe you’re holdig a Royal Flush!!

  61. - Budget Watcher - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 4:02 pm:

    Maybe Bernie Schoenburg can get some straight answers from him.

  62. - Wensicia - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 4:11 pm:

    ==It’s possible he just wants the gig and doesnt’ really have anything he wants to do at all.==

    I’ve thought of that; it’s the most depressing scenario of all. The rich guy who pours millions into his own campaign just to get the title ‘Governor’ in front of his name.

  63. - ZC - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 4:16 pm:

    The classic argument for being mum on details is that you do not pin yourself down to stupid panders that reduce your flexibility and ability to innovate in office. The governing situation can change fast and even what you sincerely thought in 2014 was good policy could be stupid by 2015.

    But for my money right now Rauner seems to be aiming for the worst of all worlds, vagueness plus one massive pander that he can right IL’s fiscal ship with no income tax hike.

  64. - Formerpol - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    It’s only May. Rauner should let the Dems self-destruct during the current legislative session
    before saying anything. Only then he will know what disasters he is running against. After Labor Day people will start to pay attention. Can get into more specifics then. Chill out, people.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 4:31 pm:

    I have been bush this afternoon, but reading the Comments.

    === Can get into more specifics then. Chill out, people.===

    Missing the whole point of this leading on and throwing grenades, and really just being about having a title and not much else. Maybe pay attention. This scoffing and laughing at direct questions is more about hubris and entitlement and message and less about any type of governing.

  66. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 4:43 pm:

    Lord OW - that is one wacked comment. You are so obsessed over this guy he could do nothing and you’d read something into it.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 23, 14 @ 4:48 pm:

    === You are so obsessed over this guy he could do nothing and you’d read something into it.===

    Me, and the DGA, the reporters, Rich, a fair amount of Comments here… all seem to be obsessed like I am, or you fail to see why everyone is calling out Rauner too.

    Take Monday off to think about that , lol.

  68. - Roadiepig - Saturday, May 24, 14 @ 12:00 pm:

    I don’t know what is worse- Rauner’s condescending laughter at the reporter who was just trying to get him to say something( or is it anything?) that he might do if he was in charge of fixing the budgetary mess, or the Bots here that keep trying to convince anyone who wants answers from Rauner that he doesn’t have to say anything- just his awesomeness is enough for all of us , and don’t fear- his wonderful plans need to be kept under wraps until after any chance that they might turn any voters off. We truly will get the governor we deserve (again), no matter which one of these faux populists fools enough people come November.

    We should ask for more from our leaders, but if the recent primary proves anything nobody seems to have the time to find out who they are voting for. Like I said- we get what we deserve.

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