A new record
Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * According to statistics generated by my web hosting company using Apache log files, we reached a milestone last month. CapitolFax.com had nearly 5 million page views in the month of May (not including spiders, spambots, etc). That’s more than double what it was in May of 2012. I don’t usually share this sort of data because my advertising sales are based on the target audience, not the quantity of clicks. But that’s a pretty darned amazing stat and I figured you ought to know. Also, the number of unique IP addresses using this site in May grew by more than 57 percent compared to the same month two years ago. * More importantly (for advertising purposes), a check of the top IP addresses found that at least 20 percent of those May page views - or at least a million - came from within the Capitol Complex, which is my target audience during session. That’s about 50,000 Statehouse/Stratton Building-area page views per session day. And that doesn’t count all the cell phones, etc. which aren’t connected to the LIS wi-fi system. Not bad for a little state politics website, eh? * Anyway, thanks so much to all you subscribers and readers out there. And thanks to the commenters who truly help make this site live and breathe. And many, many thanks to the advertisers who allow me to keep this little monster of a website going strong.
- wordslinger - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:43 pm:
– (not including spiders, etc).–S
Spider, Paulie, Carlo, won’t see them no more.
Congratulations, dude.
Has the Trib asked you to make a bid yet?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:44 pm:
I was saving this for tomorrow’s QOTD. You must have had a dozen ads on the site last week. Cha-ching! Congrats Rich, the stats only confirm what I’ve believed forever, this is the premiere political blog in Illinois.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:47 pm:
===You must have had a dozen ads===
There’s a limit on the number of ads which can appear here. Too many and messages get lost and the site loses its effectiveness as an ad vehicle. I could’ve sold at least three or four more last month if we hadn’t hit our limit. Not sure what to do about that “problem.”
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:48 pm:
Congrats! You deserve it—Cap Fax is a terrific site!
I was out of touch most of the month so you were minus my 22 clicks for the month.
- Give Me A Break - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:50 pm:
Just think of all the dog treats and “doggie spa days” we are all funding.
Makes me proud to say I knew Rich which he was just one of the great unwashed sitting in the little press area of D-1 watching Mary Lou Cowlishaw hold court when she chaired Elem. & Secondary Education for the two years Lee ran the House. See Rich, we are both getting old.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:50 pm:
===Not sure what to do about that “problem.”===
Maybe if you got rid of the White Sox news feed there’d be more room?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:52 pm:
Many congratulations.
This place is the “Blog of Record” for Illinois Politics. Period, end of story. That speaks volumes to all you created.
It’s one thing to create the ultimate Illinois Political Blog, it’s another to also make it the ultimate Illinois political community.
It lives and breathes, every day.
Thanks for having an unbeatable political hangout.
- No Longer A Lurker - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:52 pm:
Rich, congrats to you. I hardly ever post but do enjoy lurking on your site for information regarding Illinois politics.
- A guy... - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:52 pm:
We do what we can. And obviously so do you. Nice work.
- Mighty M. Mouse - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 2:54 pm:
Congratulations! You’re a huge success and you earned every bit of it.
The White Sox news feed is the only one I always look for. Go Sox!
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:01 pm:
Sorry, I didn’t mean to visit that often.
Congratulations! This proves that you are the go to source for Spfld Info.
- OneMan - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:03 pm:
Well was Oscar in the picture last year?
If not, there is your answer…
- siriusly - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:06 pm:
That should totally validate this blog format Rich, please don’t try to “update” again !!
Congrats and thanks as always for your great work.
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:12 pm:
Oh crap - I feel my client’s ad rates going up already.
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:13 pm:
Errr, I mean, Congratulations on the well-deserved success Rich!
- Almost the Weekend - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:13 pm:
Congratulations Rich, this is a great website without bias and accurate reporting. The Tribune and Sun-Times should be taking notes.
In 2012 when Obama said you didn’t build that, he was wrong!
- Precinct Captain - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:14 pm:
==That should totally validate this blog format Rich, please don’t try to “update” again !!==
But the ad men say we always need shiny new things to keep us coming!
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:16 pm:
===I feel my client’s ad rates going up already===
Actually, you just gave me an idea. Maybe May ad rates should be higher for those who don’t advertise in other months.
- Concerned - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:18 pm:
“I could’ve sold at least three or four more last month if we hadn’t hit our limit. Not sure what to do about that ‘problem.’”
Um, time to raise your rates!
- jim - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:18 pm:
Rich, congratulations are in order. you’ve built a real powerhouse here.
- x ace - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:23 pm:
“Congratulations. I knew the record would stand until it was broken. ” ( Yogi Berra )
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:28 pm:
Rich, congratulations!
This is a such a great site and community. This is a place where ideas flow freely, and many people and views are welcome, as long as they respect the rules and try to contribute. That’s what makes it so special, and so different, the diversity.
- Bring Back Boone's - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:37 pm:
Congrats Rich!
- Amalia - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:38 pm:
I talk about this site all the time to civilians who are not into the political scene but who ask which site they should frequent if they want to know something about some political issue of the day. You not only provide the information, but you attract very interesting people who comment and the dialogue is always informative and instructive. congrats on the big number.
- Anyone Remember - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:41 pm:
Congratulations. To me the best testimony to your success is how the fellow posters here “chastise” the clueless and / or sock puppets before they get deleted.
Rich, if you really want to make some serious money, figure out how to put that in a bottle and sell it newspaper comment sections …
- Jeff Ward - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 3:50 pm:
It’s such a simple concept. Provide your readers with content they actually want and, not only will they come to your site, but they’ll pay you for the privilege. I cannot understand how or why newspapers continue to utterly reject that reality, Who gives a flying bleep about D304s new green cleaning policy?
- 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 4:18 pm:
47th Ward, not the answer. We aren’t trying to put our Bullpens in the basement. Abreu back tonight!
Congrats Rich. I don’t know of any other state that you can get all of the news all of the time. Good Job!
- Team Sleep - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 4:20 pm:
The best argument for why Cap Fax is both relevant and fun to read is that Rich and his network are close to the action and actually speak to the people who run the Statehouse. Nothing against the IPI or Illinois Mirror or Think Progress or HuffPo but a newsletter and website run by a guy who actually is at the place where decisions are being made and news and events are happening is helpful and allows those not immediately connected to the Statehouse and the Governor’s Mansion to know what is happening in real time.
- Keep it Simple - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 4:29 pm:
- Arizona Bob - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 4:45 pm:
Well deserved Kudos, Rich. I’ve looked for something similar in other states, but what I’ve found pales in comparison to what you put out here.
Too bad the other “media” haven’t figured out what you have….find out what info people need and want, add a bit of humor and a bit of “family” through comments, and the world will beat a path to your door.
Since the Sun Times syndicate dropped comments on stories, they’re about as much fun as “Budapest!”
- Arizona Bob - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 4:47 pm:
Just curious, Rich. How many paid employees do you have, and when do they get to vote on unionizing?LOL
- Langhorne - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 4:52 pm:
Amazing stats. Well deserved. Excellent reporting by rich, backed up by knowledgeable and insightful comments from people who are there, or have been there. Commenters may argue points of view, but the arguments are sound.
I really enjoy the way drive by comments, and sock puppetry gets shut down.
- Wally - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 4:54 pm:
Congrats, that is great!
- Rich's Mom - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 5:19 pm:
Proud Momma and your Grandma would be proud!
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 5:24 pm:
Wow. Congrats!
No better place to be for information, discussion, and best of all, hearty fellowship, all wrapped around our beloved Illinois and its unique political culture.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 5:24 pm:
It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it — and you do it very well.
There were sessions when I got out of town as it ended because I could not stand to even see the Capitol Dome. I know some years you are disgusted as I was, but you contain it well - better than I could in your shoes.
- Mr. Big Trouble - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 5:26 pm:
I certainly am educated every time I pop in here for a look.. Congrats to you Rich, and thanks!
- Wensicia - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 5:32 pm:
Congrats! I’ve told people at work if they want to keep up with changes in pensions and school related information, they need to check Capitol Fax daily.
- Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 6:00 pm:
Well done, Rich. Congratulations! Appreciate you keeping us all better informed.
“Movin on up…”
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 6:43 pm:
As an advertiser who does both one offs and multi-months, it’s not a bad idea. I’ll reach out to you via email on this - it might be time to move past the one size fits all model, without overcomplicating it.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 7:00 pm:
Yeah - but how many clicks are OW’s?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 7:05 pm:
===Yeah - but how many clicks are OW’s?===
In all of May, right?
- Steve Downstate - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 9:32 pm:
Congrats, Rich, and thanks for crafting a politcs-oriented blog that is consistently relevant and thoughtful.
- Jeff Trigg - Monday, Jun 2, 14 @ 9:42 pm:
Congrats Rich, you earned it. I remember the early days of this blog. You’ve come a long way and outlasted a lot of wannabe political bloggers, including myself, to make this one of the best state politic blogs in all the land.
- Val and Dave - Tuesday, Jun 3, 14 @ 12:47 am:
We are SO VERY PROUD of you Rich! You deserve all the accolades! You work(ed) hard and did this yourself! Not only are you so damn smart and savvy about politics and life, but you’re one of the greatest people we have known. True blue friend, big heart of gold and a great character with great character! We admire you so much and are proud to have known you since the early lean years at Sangamon State and Commie Nights at Bruce’s Tavern. We did have some fun in Springfield in the 1980’s, didn’t we? And you were a big part of it. Congratulations on doing it your way! You rock Rich! Keep on keepin’ on!
- Sunshine - Tuesday, Jun 3, 14 @ 8:24 am:
Some report the facts as they know them. You report the facts as they are.
You have built a base of knowledgeable commenters with great insight to not only what has happened, but how it happened and what we can look forward to in the near and distant future.
A great site, a well informed, and a trusted and distinguished narrator. You are the greatest Rich! Don’t let up!
- PoolGuy - Tuesday, Jun 3, 14 @ 9:24 am:
congrats Rich, it’s beyond impressive. you’re the Mark Zuckerberg of online Illinois politics.
- Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jun 3, 14 @ 7:19 pm:
Way to go, Rich! Fabulous development for Cap Fax and a testament to all of your hard work and interesting, thought-provoking articles cited, as well as other pieces of information (e.g. Qs ot Day, inCLUDing the occasionally, fun SPORTS banter that goes on!), photos, Caption Contests etc.–let alone your own insightful input/opinions regularly inserted into the Blog.
Thanks for sharing this terrific news with everybody, and although the start of this particular week has been challenging for mySELF to comment much, whenever I do I often thoroughly enjoy the experience, learn much, and, to be honest, once in a blue moon even realize something’s someone’s said may really get my dander up, which sometimes causes me even more so to realize how strongly I may actually feel about the nature/content of some subject or issue referenced to, or another’s comment(s) about it! And, yet, isn’t that what public discourse among the Citizenry in a Free Society should be all about…!?
Thanks to Capitol Fax Blog, we Illinoisans who care enough to look in–and all of the other welcome visitors–can appreciate such a forum in which to state our opinions, or just plain communicate something, in a serious way, or sometimes just for kicks and giggles in a more LIGHThearted fashion! Thanks for all you do to make it happen and God bless you and yours!