And speaking of the “shadow governor”…
Monday, Jun 9, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Greg Hinz reports that Bruce Rauner appears to be siding with Bob Schillerstrom for RTA Chairman over his vanquished GOP primary rival Kirk Dillard…
One source says Rauner staffers are making calls to RTA board members and those with influence on board members to urge backing for Mr. Schillerstrom. Another influential official says that Mr. Rauner himself has made it clear personally that Mr. Schillerstrom is his preferred candidate.
“There are issues there” between Messrs. Rauner and Dillard, said one official who regularly talks with Team Rauner. The nominee was upset when Mr. Dillard attended “a press conference” with Gov. Pat Quinn not too long after the primary, while failing to attend a post-primary GOP “unity breakfast” the day after the primary with the other three Republican gubernatorial candidates, the source said. […]
Mr. Dillard said talk about attending a “press conference” with Mr. Quinn apparently stems from the fact that both were at a recent groundbreaking for a building at Western Illinois University.
“There were 1,000 people there. I’m an alum. I sponsored the bill” appropriating funds for the building, Mr. Dillard said. “Am I not supposed to show up?”
Mess with the bull, get the horn, as they say. But could Rauner end up shoving Dillard even closer to Quinn?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:23 pm:
That’s not too petty on Rauner’s part, is it?
- OneMan - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:26 pm:
If the pick is between the guy who ran robocalls against you and the one who didn’t it isn’t that hard of a pick is it?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:30 pm:
If the pick is between the guy who won 37% of the primary vote against you vs. the one who didn’t, it isn’t that hard of a pick, is it?
Why not toss Dillard a bone and keep him in the fold? Campaigns are about addition, not subtraction.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:31 pm:
===“There are issues there” between Messrs. Rauner and Dillard, said one official who regularly talks with Team Rauner. The nominee was upset when Mr. Dillard attended “a press conference” with Gov. Pat Quinn not too long after the primary, while failing to attend a post-primary GOP “unity breakfast” the day after the primary with the other three Republican gubernatorial candidates, the source said. […]===
See I missed all this going on too…
I was still wondering about “Democrats and Independents for Rauner” hours after the Unity Breakfast.
My bad.
Schillerstrom is a team player, bowing out for Tom Cross, who is now close to Rauner and his money…
See, I don’t mind the politics. To the victor go the spoils.
Rauner is using his leverage, with Schillerstrom, and taking care of Schillerstrom for the Cross deferral, but don’t tell me Rauner is NOT a politican. He is.
As for Dillard, you wait too long to secure the Union help, you lose. May not have been all the Dillard’s Crew fault, but waiting too late is coming back to haunt again, and sting again.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:32 pm:
Dear Rauner staff:
Your time would be better spent calling volunteers.
On the same time, thanks for giving us some insight to how you would govern.
P.S. When you refuse to release your budget proposal, reporters still have to find something to write about. Also, it makes them cranky when you laugh at them, although they will never admit it. Except Ben Joravsky.
- anonymoose - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:34 pm:
Of course, Mr. Dillard could be magnanimous, strongly support the Republican gubernatorial candidate, hope Mr. Rauner wins and provides Mr. Dillard a choice assignment as an agency head.
But there is that history of endorsing a Democrat thing (Mr. Obama) that may be entirely too much for Mr. Dillard to resist.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:34 pm:
47th Ward: I agree with you: addition.
Speaking of the shadow governor, is Quinnochio still shadowing Quinn, and does Quinn have a giant chicken shadowing Rauner yet?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:35 pm:
===Why not toss Dillard a bone and keep him in the fold? Campaigns are about addition, not subtraction.===
They want to add Democrats at the expense of Right-Leaning GOP voters and Establishment GOP members who won’t tow the Raunerite Line.
I am confused too - 47th Ward -, I thought by now - Cincinnatus - would be trying to convince us how great Rauner is!
It’s not about the 37% of Dillard, it’s about alienating Repubs by getting as many Dems to offset the GOP losses.
- wordslinger - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:36 pm:
Now that’s some old-timey politics!
Didn’t Dillard show up at the Rauner party on primary night to congratulate him? How many times do you have to kiss his, um…. ring?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:40 pm:
===They want to add Democrats at the expense of Right-Leaning GOP voters===
More reason to keep Dillard close, lol.
===giant chicken shadowing Rauner===
YDD, Quinn is using the Invisible Man to highlight Rauner’s mystery budget.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:42 pm:
===But there is that history of endorsing a Democrat thing (Mr. Obama) that may be entirely too much for Mr. Dillard to resist.===
I am sure Mrs. Rauner would love someone who endorses Obama, and even gets in front of a mic to thank Gov. Quinn for funding.
Since Mrs. Rauner is in Ads touting her Democratic leanings, but voting for “Bruce Rauner”, not only is she fair game in this comment, making your point on Obama and Dillard and any Rauner is just adding Obama to add him, not adding to the realities here in Dillard, Rauner, Schillerstrom, and good ole fashion politics.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:47 pm:
=== Quinn is using the Invisible Man to highlight Rauner’s mystery budget. ===
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:49 pm:
- 47th Ward -,
Don’t forget… ===…and Establishment GOP members who won’t tow the Raunerite Line.===
But maybe you are more right, it’s more of a reason to keep Dillard close, lol.
- CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:49 pm:
OK…this should end the Mr. Shakey claim by Mitt. Bob Schillerstrom has about as much business running the RTA as Oswego Willy. Anybody ask if Bob did any work for GTCR? after his “retirement” from DuPage Co. Board.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:53 pm:
Dillard needed to recognize that he wasn’t going to be the nominee when polls showed he needed a miracle to win. He needed to have learned to accept the possibility that Rauner would beat him.
He didn’t do that. So when he lost to Rauner, he wasn’t ready yet to flush his own dreams away of being governor. The guy who wasn’t ready to campaign wasn’t ready to reach out and embrace his party’s nominee. Not a surprise when you see Dillard’s political trajectory.
Rauner and Dillard could find a lot of common ground politically, but Dillard is not willing to accept second string status again. Rauner can’t trust Dillard. When Dillard lost to Brady in 2010, he got comfortable accepting the myth that goes with candidates that barely lose - Brady got lucky. So when Rauner spanked him all the way through the campaign, then won in a close race over Dillard, Dillard returned to the myth that he ought to have won and was the choice of the people who aren’t stupid. Pity salve, actually.
Dillard is a good water boy. He carried water for Edgar. He carried water for Obama. He hoped all that water carrying would end up good for him. Now that he has lost twice, Dillard is tired of carrying water. He didn’t do it for Brady, and he won’t do it for Rauner.
Rauner sees this. So he picked the guy who would work with him without chips on his shoulders and who is looking forward to a bright future - not nursing a grudge against what should-have-been.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 12:55 pm:
disappointing mistake by Rauner. doesn’t matter how angry he is with Dillard, lining up with Schillerstrom can only hurt his claim that he’ll shake up Springfield. Schillerstrom & Co. is what is wrong with Springfield. can’t believe he doesn’t know that.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 1:04 pm:
Hey…HEY! No offense taken - CFS - in case you were wondering, lol.
BTW, Where do they store Thomas the Train, and does the Chairman get to talk to Thomas?
- Wensicia - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 1:35 pm:
The man who would be king is sending a message, kiss up or get kicked out.
- Demoralized - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 1:38 pm:
That’s Sir Topham Hatt @OW. Not “Chariman.”
- Jake From Elwood - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 1:42 pm:
Folks, you are burying the lead.
Smilin’ Bob is going to be put in charge of regional transportation. Ugh.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 1:44 pm:
- Demoralized -, apologies!
Maybe - CFS -, right about appointing me. Plus, I can see my meeting with the Rauner Crew at this point like “Tommy” going to his ceremony to be “Made”…
- Property taxpayer - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 1:48 pm:
Actually, the RTA chairman isn’t “in charge” of anything.
- A guy... - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 1:48 pm:
Or maybe, just maybe, Schillerstrom is a better choice given his executive experience. I think this was Dillard’s to take, but he played footsie too long. That’s always been a problem for this very nice guy; not enough conviction on anything to act quickly. It cost him. Again.
- JSlim - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 1:59 pm:
Actually, I think Schillerstrom is a pretty good choice. He’s actually run a large govt organization and worked a lot on RTA/ regional issues. And he can work w/ Dems.
Backing good competent people who know something about the job seems to make for good politics too.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 2:09 pm:
- JSlim -,
There is more here than “competent people”.
This IS about Rauner, his Crew, telling the GOP, “Be quiet, get in line, it’s about Bruce, cross him and he goes after you.”
This is very telling as others commented. Rauner and his Crew know all about “rewarding”, and now they are learning about the “hammer” part they keep talking about.
“It’s tough being a Republican in a Raunerite GOP.”
That is the reality, not about good choices for appointed positions, period.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 2:14 pm:
The Democratic Party of Illinois is to Illinois politics, as the Illinois Republican Party is to wishing for Wisconsin demographics.
- northshore ciynic - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 2:17 pm:
Maybe someone should give Rauner the excellent strategy used by the first Republican from Illinois - Team of Rivals… worked pretty well back then, probably still does.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 2:36 pm:
Yes, giving the job to someone with executive experience instead of to a career political hack who in the primary accused you of killing grandma, is a terrible idea
- Walker - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 2:38 pm:
If Rauner wants to sell himself as a change from the insider politicians, he must stop acting like one.
Really stupid for Rauner to get involved in this. In fact it might be advantageous for Rauner to have Dillard right where he can watch him.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 2:48 pm:
Why do politicians feel they’re entitled to a new government job when they lose their current one?
- A guy... - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 4:56 pm:
=== Walker - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 2:38 pm:
If Rauner wants to sell himself as a change from the insider politicians, he must stop acting like one.
Really stupid for Rauner to get involved in this. In fact it might be advantageous for Rauner to have Dillard right where he can watch him.====
Walk, if history teaches us anything, this isn’t a place where people get “watched”.
It looks to me like Dillard wanted to make a little hay first and then accept this job. Sounds a little too much like having cake and eating it too. There hasn’t been this much fireworks over a $25K job since Walmart opened a new store and needed executive management.
- Almost the Weekend - Monday, Jun 9, 14 @ 8:37 pm:
So Rauner Team is waging an intra-party war in Republican rich Dupage County, and he already is having problems uniting Republicans in Illinois because he is socially moderate, and using Scott Walker rhetoric on government unions, many of whom downstate are Republicans. Duly Noted!
- Reformed Public Servant - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 7:44 am:
Pushing Dillard, even if only in the press, closer to Quinn assures a landslide PQ victory in November. Careful Rauner…
- Cuzzz - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 12:15 pm:
Dillard was not at the unity breakfast the day after the primary because there wasn’t one originally scheduled and Kirk was at a hearing which he co-chaired in Springfield. But Dillard was at a unity breakfast with Rauner that following Saturday. Is Dillard supposed to stop being a State Senator and not show up for work to appease Rauner? Is Rauner mad at the GOP mayor of Macomb or Rep. Hammond for showing up at a building opening too? Kirk was the alumni President for years at WIU and a major player in securing a new buildings funding and was invited by the University to an event. Rauner’s staff really serves him poorly and that was proven when he barely beat Dillard by a vote and half per precinct statewide even with all his gazillions. Really a dumb and classless move by Rauner’s out of state staff!