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Another promise

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* After over a year of promises, Bruce Rauner told Chuck Sweeney that he’ll have a budget and tax plan in two months’ time

Asked for specific details, Rauner said he would roll out his plan in the next 60 days.

“The first 18 to 24 months will feature a lot of restructuring, less spending and lower taxes. It will be very different from Gov. Quinn’s plan” of more spending, Rauner said.

* Then again, he said he was a couple to a few weeks away from releasing his tax plan way back on April 2nd

Rauner also said, during a brief stop at the Scott Bidner farm northwest of Champaign, that he soon will unveil “a comprehensive tax review and tax overhaul” plan.

He said his campaign is “in the mid-stage of that and we hope that in the coming few weeks we come with a comprehensive plan recommending how we should overhaul the tax code.

“We’re a couple, a few weeks away from that. Early on in our campaign we want to set an agenda that’s for economic growth, tax overhaul, spending overhaul, bureaucracy reduction and investment in education and all will be part of our plan that we will be rolling out in the coming weeks.”

* The Quinn campaign has compiled a list of some of Rauner’s promises to unveil his plans since March 21st of last year…

“I am going to be releasing detailed plans in the coming months, but in the meantime I’ll share with you a few priorities.” (Bruce Rauner via Facebook post dated 3/21/13)

“Rauner says now is not the time to talk about specifics and what he would do to bring fiscal discipline to the state.” (WTAX Radio. 6/19/13.)

“Asked by a reporter if he was saying government unions should be eliminated in Illinois, Rauner said, “We need to modify their power.” Asked how, he said, “I won’t go into it today. We’ve got a detailed plan.” (State Journal-Register, 6/20/13

“He didn’t say, when asked, if such vouchers would be allowed to pay for education at parochial schools. We’ll get to that plan later,” he said.”(State Journal-Register, 6/20/13

“Later, though, while talking to reporters, Rauner declined to offer specifics, saying “we don’t have details on it yet,” but that an announcement was forthcoming.” (Champaign News-Gazette, 7/16/13

“Our focus is on the campaign,” Rauner said Friday. “I’d like to have some specifics as part of the general election, but we’ll see where we are in the process. The critical thing is that we win the race, and that’s going to take a lot of attention.” (Quad City Times, 10/11/13

“We are working on a plan now and that will be developed in the coming months.” (Reboot Illinois. 1/17/14.

“Bernard Schoenburg: Still waiting for some ‘detailed plans’ from Rauner” (

“He said his campaign is ‘in the mid-stage of that and we hope that in the coming few weeks we come with a comprehensive plan recommending how we should overhaul the tax code.” (Champaign News-Gazette, 4/2/14)


  1. - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 1:59 pm:

    We are the hollow men
    We are the stuffed men
    – T.S. Eliot

  2. - Dan Johnson - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:02 pm:

    In their defense, it’s really hard to come up with a bakanced budget plan to cut taxes, increase education spending and cover pension costs. That arithmetic is tricky.

  3. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:02 pm:

    He’s going to look pretty silly if, after more than a year of claiming to be working on “comprehensive, detailed plans,” he comes out with just a bunch of generic talking points.

    Don’t over-promise, over-deliver.

  4. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:06 pm:

    Isn’t it awful how easy it is to check dates on that internet thingie?

  5. - SAP - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:09 pm:

    Does Bruce know that ,if he gets elected, he has only about 8 months from today to craft a budget address?

  6. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:13 pm:

    If the Rauner Crew isn’t big on scrutiny, just wait after all this stalling the scrutiny might heap on a half baked plan that says nothing about anything, and leads to questions about everything.

    - wordslinger - is On It, “under promise, over deliver” but if I could add, humbly, “make the case, don’t be the case”. Rolling out piecemeal plans with no solutions to just do it makes the case Rauner is clueless to Government.

    “Like sands in the hourglass…”

  7. - Northsider - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:18 pm:

    @ Dan Johnson (2:02 p.m.): Indeed. One might even say that only works in Cloudcukooland.

    Betcha Rauner’s “plan” (if it’s ever actually released) involves tax cuts for the rich and service cuts for the rest of us. Any takers?

    And remember, Scott Walker hid (lied) about his true agenda before he was elected, too.

  8. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:19 pm:

    I hear the budget plan is ready to go, they just need to get the numbers to add up. It’s taking longer than they thought.

  9. - Sir Reel - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:29 pm:

    It all depends upon your definition of “soon.” Using geologic time (pace of glaciers, etc.), he’s right on schedule.

  10. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:30 pm:

    I don’t think Rauner is foolish enough to have a “tax cuts for the rich” plan - it won’t have any tax increases and will have lots of service cuts to the poor and illusory theoretical savings from wishful thinking with state employees. Maybe some overinflated savings estimates from increased privitization.

  11. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:34 pm:

    He’s always had a plan, but it has nothing to do with how he’ll govern once elected.

  12. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:37 pm:

    I certainly wouldn’t make a dinner date with Rauner and let him plan where to eat because we’d die from starvation.

  13. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:47 pm:

    @Dan Johnson:

    Not if you use the square root of -1.

    Look, is anyone surprised? A close friend of mine and I were discussing yesterday. I said if it were my campaign, Labor Day.

    Let the blogs and editorial boards complain.

    No one is gonna remember on Election Day as long as they are satisfied.

    Let’s not pretend that 3.7 million voters are on the edge of their seats, checking Rauner’s website every morn, because they just can’t wait to read his budget plan front to back.

    Voters. Don’t. Care.

    Quinn can spend the summer trying to make them care, or he can spend the summer hammering Rauner for nursing home atrocities. I would go with the latter.

  14. - Walker - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:49 pm:

    It’s gonna take “a lot of restructuring” to have a ghost of a chance to cut taxes and still meet the Illinois Arithmetic Challenge.

    Hmm. “No IRS, No Dept of Energy, No EPA…Oh wait that wasn’t it. I know I had three, but I forget right now.”

    Good luck to him. This isn’t the same kind of “restructuring” he, and his expert business advisors, are familiar with.

  15. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 2:56 pm:

    This is an opening for our governor to tell us why he is the better choice for voters this November regarding budget issues.

    Don’t hesitate Governor, don’t wait around for Mr. Rauner to issue something you can then possibly jump on. Get out there and enlighten us about how you have a handle on the state budget.

    Shine! Governor Quinn! Shine! The spotlight is on you! Show us how Mr. Rauner would be in over his head on this issue! Don’t be defensive! Go on the offense. Voters will appreciate a governor when he shows he is tackling the tough issues of governing! Show us that something is better than nothing, right!

    Be our governor, Governor!

  16. - Jimbo - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:05 pm:

    I’m willing to be he’ll reveal his plans the second week of November, unless Pat Quinn wins.

  17. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:07 pm:

    –This is an opening for our governor to tell us why he is the better choice for voters this November regarding budget issues.–

    Were you in a coma when he proposed that budget with the big books filled with numbers and line items in it? Then talked about it in an address before the GA and at editorial boards across the state?

  18. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:07 pm:

    ===Get out there and enlighten us about how you have a handle on the state budget.===

    Because VanillaMan has been in cryogenic hibernation for the past five years and doesn’t recall a single thing Quinn has done as Governor.

    Can anybody help him out? Maybe we could suggest key words he can enter into his google machine to help with this recurring problem.

    I’ll start: “full pension payment.”

  19. - Jimbo - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:08 pm:

    His plan is simple. Fire all of the state employees and rehire them under the new pension rules, then borrow against the pension fund, default on that borrowing and have the fund declare bankruptcy. This won’t work or be legal, but it is his plan none the less.

  20. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:08 pm:

  21. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:10 pm:

    SAP — how hard can it be to put a budget together? What does it take, a week? Two? I mean, it’s not that complicated. You just figure out how much money you’re going to have, then decide where to spend it. boom, you’re done.

    right, Mr. Rauner?

  22. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:11 pm:

    Roland — were you inspired by my comment on the cupcake story? Or are we both just on the same poetic wavelength?

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:15 pm:

    - VanillaMan -,

    How about all those Comments you have made that “Quinn, status quo, one party rule, no accomplishments”…

    Now you have given that up to be a Quinn cheerleader, avid begged for “openness” as Quinn has been governor and has a record you rail on constantly.

    Pick. A. Lane.

  24. - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:21 pm:

    @Soccermom - I have to confess I didn’t read that thread until just now. Weird. Now it’s time to go roll the bottoms of my trousers.

  25. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:28 pm:

    I would think this would be a good commercial for Quinn. Headline after Headline of Rauner willing to say and do anything to get elected. Personal attacks included. Rauner gave 4 different explanations of how he got his daughter into a CPS magnet school coinciding with a check for 500,000. Lies from his 2nd wife about her political affiliation. Etc.

  26. - Willie Stark - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:38 pm:

    There ain’t gonna be no plan. The plan is Bruce isn’t PQ. To the extent that leaves you unsatisfied, the most you’re likely to get out of them is billions in Medicaid fraud (not true, but it’s holy writ for the GOP) and low, low income taxes will pay for themselves (also not true, but Reaganomics is also scripture for the GOP). The non-secret secret parts of the plan are to bust the unions and to allow state workers to keep what they have gotten in retirement benefits and everything going forward will be 401k. Nevermind the lack of reality for the later two items; if a peasant like Scott Walker can do it, an economic warlord like Bruce with the combined might of his fellow Civic Committee nobles will have no trouble.

  27. - PolPal56 - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:44 pm:

    Brucie Empty Suit is okay for now, but if he doesn’t get his act together very soon, he’s making a huge mistake.

    Politics 101 - don’t let others define who you are and what you stand for. Brucie is starting to allow that to happen. Nature abhors a vacuum. If he doesn’t start defining his positions, others will look to define his positions for him. And with some of the things he’s said in the past, those positions could be spun very much to Brucie’s disadvantage as he tries to win our blue state.

  28. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:46 pm:

    –There ain’t gonna be no plan. –

    I agree, it’s just salesman blather. But he keeps stepping on it with words like “detailed” and “comprehensive” and “plans,” as in plural, on a number of subjects.

    His peeps should have reined him in a long time ago, and told him to stick with words like “outline” and “goals.”

  29. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 3:48 pm:

    Will it be a real, workable, plan for any of the big subjects? Doubt it. I think it will be a process answer. Assemble his smartypants superstars, with some lofty goals and platitudes. And promise to work out all the pesky details with input from blah blah blah

  30. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 7:35 pm:


    You may be right, but you sure aint crazy.

    Or, instead, Rauner might surprise us by offering a budget more like Topinka might have offered in 2006: expand sales tax while reducing the rate, close corporate loopholes and expand income tax to retirements over $100K while phasing out the increase.

    What recourse would Quinn have if Rauner essentially embraces the principles of the Martire plan?

    Not much.

  31. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 7:52 pm:

    BTW, on this one I do agree with VMan somewhat.

    Incumbents and challengers have various advantages.

    Quinn gets to do ribbon cuttings all summer.

    Rauner gets to complain about Quinn’s budget without presenting his own until Labor Day.

  32. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 8:08 pm:

    No worries for BR. There is plenty of legislation to buy especially from ALEC and other groups, He trying to buy the election so why not legislation. The closer we get to the election the more this sounds like a sneak attack. I am sure Scott Walker, Rick Perry and others are glad to help.

  33. - Howmuchwasthat - Tuesday, Jun 10, 14 @ 11:37 pm:

    He will be writing checks to consultants, writing it off, then calling it his. None will work. He said, “feature a lot of restructuring, less spending and lower taxes. Well, first the restructuring will have to be voted on. He has no idea how things work in office. Not the same as in a venture capitalist office where scrapping off the top is as deep as he needs to get.

  34. - Beeman 65 - Wednesday, Jun 11, 14 @ 11:53 am:

    What’s the difference between not having a plan and not following the plan you have? One is trying to get the office the other is trying to keep it. Neither one seems to realize that governing involves working with others for the benefit of the entire state not just a few citizens.

  35. - Buzz Fugazi - Friday, Jun 13, 14 @ 2:07 pm:

    How many of the elderly will die from neglect in this caper? Soon is not a time. Some is not a number.

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