Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner denounces “sexist political smear campaign” - but won’t say what’s sexist about it
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Rauner denounces “sexist political smear campaign” - but won’t say what’s sexist about it

Thursday, Jun 19, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here for the back story. From a press release…

Bruce Rauner’s gubernatorial campaign today called on Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn to denounce the Democratic Governors Association’s sexist smear campaign targeting Rauner running mate Evelyn Sanguinetti.

“Pat Quinn should immediately call on his allies and supporters to end their sexist smear campaign against Evelyn Sanguinetti,” Rauner campaign spokeswoman Leili Doerr said. “Born into a family of immigrants with little means, Evelyn has combined talent, hard work and self-determination to achieve great things for herself and give back to the local community. She is the living embodiment of the American dream. She deserves better than a Quinn-led sexist political smear campaign.”

Evelyn’s been beating the odds her entire life. Evelyn’s father legally immigrated to the United States from Ecuador, and her mother entered the country as a Cuban refugee. Her parents were still teenagers when she was born in Miami, Florida, and Evelyn grew up with Spanish as her first language. She earned a scholarship to college and received a bachelor’s degree from Florida International University. She soon moved to Chicago to attend The John Marshall Law School, fell in love with Illinois and plans to never leave. Following law school, Evelyn worked as an Assistant Attorney General in the Illinois Attorney General’s Office under Jim Ryan before transitioning to private practice. She currently serves as a member of city council in Wheaton.

I’ve asked the Quinn campaign and the DGA for comment.

…Adding… I’ve asked the Rauner campaign to explain what, exactly were the sexist words in the DGA’s press release. So far, I haven’t heard back. Here is the full press release…

BREAKING: GOP Candidate for Co-Governor Claims “Magical” Powers
If Money Can’t Buy Billionaire Bruce The Election, Maybe Magic? Right-Wing Ticket More Out Of Touch Than Anyone Thought

Just when you thought a ticket led by a billionaire who brags about being in the top .01 percent of Americans, has nine fancy homes, and has proposed to cut income for people working full-time on the minimum wage, couldn’t get any more out of touch – in stepped Bruce Rauner’s running mate Evelyn Sanguinetti.

A day after saying she would functionally serve as co-governor if elected, Sanguinetti revealed today that she believes she possesses “magical powers” that will help the right-wing ticket win in November.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported Wednesday:

“At an event earlier this month hosted by the Palatine Township Republican Organization, Sanguinetti talked about her passion for serving Republican women and a woman’s ‘magical’ and ‘special powers.’

‘No offense to the guys, but to let them know that something special happens when we (women) promote our candidates because when we knock on doors, something magical happens…they let us in! And this is where we use our special powers to disarm, right, and talk about our candidates,’ said Sanguinetti, a Wheaton Republican. ‘So that’s my first passion is serving Republican women and letting them know how they can get out and really get out that vote.’”

As reported on Tuesday, Sanguinetti views her role not as the #2 to Billionaire Bruce, but rather as someone who will ‘make decisions in his stead.’

Read about the “magical” comments here.

And about Rauner’s role as co-governor to Sanguinetti here.


That’s far less harsh than any Kass column on Lisa Madigan, IMHO.


  1. - Not Five Thirty Eight - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:28 pm:


    What is the context

  2. - siriusly - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:32 pm:

    How is it a smear when she said the stupid things? Questioning her understanding of the duties and powers of the Lt. Governor is not a smear. That’s called a question.

    A smear would be like saying Pat Quinn is a corrupt Democrat just like all the other corrupt Democrats. Clearly a billionaire should know the difference.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:32 pm:

    (Sigh )

    ===Evelyn’s been beating the odds her entire life. Evelyn’s father legally immigrated to the United States from Ecuador, and her mother entered the country as a Cuban refugee.===

    Yeah, she so in tune, got no podium time to discuss that background at the Immigration summit, lol

  4. - Chi - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    Seems like Evelyn’s parents may have beaten some odds. What “odds” has she beaten?

    Further, if “beating the odds” is something we should look for in a candidate, why should we vote for Rauner?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===She earned a scholarship to college and received a bachelor’s degree from Florida International University.===

    Is that that Piano Concert thingy? Why do they fail to always mention that? Be proud!

  6. - Frenchie Mendoza - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    I’m sorry — but Sanguinetti talking about “special powers” and “magic” is weird. Very weird.

    Quinn’s right to pounce on it. Sanguinetti is Sarah Palin weird, no matter her background, upbringing, and (lack of) experience.

    Rauner’s shot is cynical and shallow and a bit icky. Rauner’s a phony.

  7. - William j Kelly - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:35 pm:

    Watch for rauner to throw a brick thru his campaign HQ window tonight.

  8. - Norseman - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:36 pm:

    Cue the violins.

    I’m going to have to rethink who is going to run Illinois government because poor Ev has been picked on for saying things that are goofy.

  9. - Chi - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:36 pm:

    Rauner campaign wants to have their diverse ticket and eat it too. We must applaud their selection of a woman for LG, and we must not question anything she says.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:37 pm:

    ===Following law school, Evelyn worked as an Assistant Attorney General in the Illinois Attorney General’s Office under Jim Ryan before transitioning to private practice.===

    Where she saw corruption but never reported it, saw insider deals, but can’t recall any time she told a superior. Brilliant litigator, fighting corruption blindly.

    ===She currently serves as a member of city council in Wheaton.===

    The town she sued, a Personal Injury lawsuit, that her running mate lives to talk about tort reform.

    She’s a gem!

  11. - MrJM (@MisterJayEm) - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:39 pm:

    So it’s sexist to vet Evelyn Sanguinetti?

    It’s sexist to treat the bizarre words that come out of Evelyn Sanguinetti’s mouth with seriousness?

    Is it sexist to treat Evelyn Sanguinetti like an adult?

    What a patronizing load of hooey.

    – MrJM

  12. - Willie Stark - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:42 pm:

    Yeah, good luck with convincing people Quinn, who currently has a female Lt. Gov, and the Dems are sexist. Perhaps Obie could lend Rauner “Gloria” to denounce the DGA and Quinn. Victomology is a GOP reflex, isn’t it?

  13. - in the know - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:43 pm:

    “She is not a witch, she is not anything you’ve heard about her. She just has magic.”

  14. - A guy... - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:47 pm:

    Watch how people of decency interpret this. He’s right. If you’ve read my comments over time, you’d know that I know and very much like Pat Quinn personally. He may surprise some of you with how he responds to this.

  15. - Soccermom - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:49 pm:

    If it is sexist to criticize a woman who is running for public office, then I want to hear a bunch of GOP apologies to that poor little Lisa Madigan. Sheesh.

    This reminds me of when Blago’s team cried “sexist” when someone pointed out that Patti had a six-figure job that did not require showing up or doing work.

  16. - yo - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:51 pm:

    Is it just me, or is she kind of hot? Lol. Now that’s sexist!

  17. - Stones - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:51 pm:

    This coming from a guy who knows something about smear campaigns - Quinnochio?

  18. - Mighty M. Mouse - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:51 pm:

    ===Watch how people of decency interpret this. He’s right. If you’ve read my comments over time, you’d know that I know and very much like Pat Quinn personally. He may surprise some of you with how he responds to this.===

    A guy… with all due respect, I really don’t understand. Could you possibly rephrase this and say it again but in a different way? That might help.

  19. - Adam Smith - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:52 pm:

    Ok Willy, you’re still miffed Bruce didn’t pick you for the ticket. We get it.

    Look at the previous post today and see what Sanguinetti actually said and tell me the DGA response is not ridiculous.

    I’m not nominating the woman for a Nobel Prize. I’m just saying that the DGA and Quinn are desperate at a very early stage and will say and do anything to divert any attention from his abysmal failure as a governor.

    But we know there is no shame among Democrats. And Willy’s guzzling their Kool Aid at a pretty fair clip.

  20. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:55 pm:

    ===tell me the DGA response is not ridiculous===

    Since the Rauner people did not say what specifically was sexist, perhaps you Rauner supporters could specifically point out where exactly the sexism is.

    Here’s the complete release…


    BREAKING: GOP Candidate for Co-Governor Claims “Magical” Powers
    If Money Can’t Buy Billionaire Bruce The Election, Maybe Magic? Right-Wing Ticket More Out Of Touch Than Anyone Thought

    Just when you thought a ticket led by a billionaire who brags about being in the top .01 percent of Americans, has nine fancy homes, and has proposed to cut income for people working full-time on the minimum wage, couldn’t get any more out of touch – in stepped Bruce Rauner’s running mate Evelyn Sanguinetti.

    A day after saying she would functionally serve as co-governor if elected, Sanguinetti revealed today that she believes she possesses “magical powers” that will help the right-wing ticket win in November.

    The Chicago Sun-Times reported Wednesday:

    “At an event earlier this month hosted by the Palatine Township Republican Organization, Sanguinetti talked about her passion for serving Republican women and a woman’s ‘magical’ and ‘special powers.’

    ‘No offense to the guys, but to let them know that something special happens when we (women) promote our candidates because when we knock on doors, something magical happens…they let us in! And this is where we use our special powers to disarm, right, and talk about our candidates,’ said Sanguinetti, a Wheaton Republican. ‘So that’s my first passion is serving Republican women and letting them know how they can get out and really get out that vote.’”

    As reported on Tuesday, Sanguinetti views her role not as the #2 to Billionaire Bruce, but rather as someone who will ‘make decisions in his stead.’

    Read about the “magical” comments here.

    And about Rauner’s role as co-governor to Sanguinetti here.

  21. - LincolnLounger - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:55 pm:

    Well, the good news is that Evelyn and Jeanne Ives despise each other, so there’s that.

  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:56 pm:

    So, before any of the Rauner supporters here say one more word, tell the rest of us what, exactly were the sexist words in that above release.

  23. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:58 pm:

    Meh. Me thinks Bruce is making too much out of this. His campaign is using this as a means to remind people about her background and how tough her parents had it.

    But, in all truth the woman brought it on herself with her magic talk.

  24. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 3:58 pm:

    Sexism would imply she was being unfairly targeted because of her GENDER. What does her gender have to do with her being criticized (rightly, IMO) for things she SAID?

  25. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:01 pm:

    - Adam Smith -, I am a Republican, I am not going to vote for a Raunerite. That does not make me a Democrat.

    ===Watch how people of decency interpret this. ===

    So only Raunerbots are decent, that’s a hot one!

  26. - Frenchie Mendoza - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:11 pm:

    Rauner misunderstands the word “sexist.” This alone should be cause for concern, but I suspect when he — Rauner — says “The sarcasm directed at Sanguinetti is sexist” he really means “The sarcasm directed at Sanguinetti is a bit too critical for what was meant to be a light-hearted comment.”

    Rauner’s tone deaf and dim. Throwing around “sexism” charges for what clearly isn’t sexism is — and will continue to be — a mistake.

  27. - Amalia - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:12 pm:

    I think the response to Rauner would be “bite me.”

  28. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:14 pm:

    They’re going to have to develop thicker skins or they’ll drive themselves crazy before November.

    “Soy Boy” Quinn is constantly held up to ridicule for things he says and does — “Squeezy,” “Canoe Czar,” “Night and Day,” “Put on this Earth,” “Mighty MIssissippi” and on and on and on.

    And Sheila with her banjo? And the less-than-complimentary references to her appearance, or that she has no game except her last name?

    For crying out loud, Rauner’s been running around the state for months claiming that everyone’s corrupt — except for the guy who had Stu Levine on the payroll for $25 large a month. That’s a little heavier stuff.

    To cry “sexist” over some tweaks about some silly statements is Eternal Victim writ large.

  29. - Soccermom - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:16 pm:

    She made a silly remark. Which is fine — we all make silly remarks now and then. The problem is, most of the things she says seem to be silly. So now the media have her on “Silly Watch.” And she seems to be giving them good value on that one.

  30. - D.P.Gumby - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:17 pm:

    To Brucie “sexism” means “now, don’t you be sayin’ mean things about the little lady.”

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:17 pm:

    ===They’re going to have to develop thicker skins or they’ll drive themselves crazy before November.===

    Had a comment, saw this, yours is better.

    This ain’t beanbag. This blog is not a newspaper drive-by platform.

    Make your case. Get thicker skin. Understand the discussion in the macro and micro, and for goodness sake, there is humor in this too.

    You should be able to see why others see humor on those you support when they say Dopey things.

  32. - TheHouseOfLyons - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:19 pm:

    If I’m guessing correctly, I think Rauner is focusing on Sanguinetti’s line of “a woman’s ‘magical’ and ‘special powers.” which clearly raised a gender-related “trait”. Then I suppose that any criticism of the gender-related trait (even though it is kooky) is sexist?

    My best guess anyway…

  33. - Steve - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:20 pm:

    The tear jerk appeal is amazing. What underdog story will we hear about next? Walking to school 40 miles? Helping old people cross the street? Flying to a 4th world country to work as a volunteer in soup kitchens?

  34. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:28 pm:

    As far as I can tell, the only one who has referenced gender in any way was Sanguinetti in her original remarks.

    Is it “sexist” for her to claim that women have “magical” and “special powers” that men don’t?

  35. - Wensicia - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:30 pm:

    It’s demeaning to all other women for Rauner to claim sexism where none exists.

  36. - OneMan - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:31 pm:

    Further, if “beating the odds” is something we should look for in a candidate, why should we vote for Rauner

    Well being that wealthy and not inheriting most of it is kind of beating the odds so to speak…

    Heck, put the DGA on the defensive for this,why not. It’s the middle of June, no one besides junkies paying attention to any of this anyway.

  37. - Emanuel Can't - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:31 pm:

    Well, what she actually said and what the DGA said she said are two different things. Not sure it qualifies as sexist, but the DGA is making stuff up to make her look like a crazy woman.

  38. - Amalia - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:38 pm:

    @Emanuel Can’t, what are they making up? I’m extraordinarily sensitive to the sexist woman/crazy woman syndrome and they are not putting words in her mouth. She said those things. She is the one who has the problems.

  39. - x ace - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:39 pm:

    If She thinks that qualifies as “Sexist” , Maybe she should sue John Marshall for Educational Malpractice.

  40. - Katiedid - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:44 pm:

    ===It’s demeaning to all other women for Rauner to claim sexism where none exists.===

    This. So much this.

  41. - Emanuel Can't - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:45 pm:

    Amalia. No she didn’t. Read what she actually said in Rich’s earlier post.

  42. - walker - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:52 pm:

    Evelyn Sanguinetti’s comment about women’s special powers and magical impact at the door, was a little strange, but mostly harmless. DGA called her on it, pulling it out of context exaggerating its potential meaning.

    Ho hum, political spitball, as usual. Let it go.

    Rauner’s campaign then seriously claims that DGA’s was a “sexist attack”, actually giving Sanguinetti’s slight faux pas some more public awareness.

    And showing that they, or at least Leili Doerr, don’t seem to know or care about the definition of the term “sexist.”

    Perhaps they think they need a preemptive strike on the idea of some sort of “witch” hint, which would be truly sexist. Just guessing.

    Too early to be so touchy.

  43. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 4:55 pm:

    In fairness to the Rauner campaign, if they actually believe that women do in fact *have* magical powers, then it makes sense that they think it’s sexist to deny that claim. ;)

  44. - Soccermom - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:00 pm:

    I’ve gotta say, this has been a pretty busy day. I hadn’t seen the DGA thing, and I wouldn’t have if Rauner hadn’t amplified it.

  45. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:02 pm:

    *Grabs a bucket of popcorn. Sits back and tunes into Illinois “news.” Sighs, noting that the least favorite phase of Illniois campaigns–the “battle of the press releases”–is about to begin. Shudders and switches over to the national and global scene.*

  46. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:04 pm:

    I find Sanguinetti’s original statement to be less ridiculous than both the Quinn campaign’s press release and the Rauner response.

  47. - What's in a name? - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:06 pm:

    If her audience was largely republican women and she was trying to motivate them to become active in door to door work, the comment may not be as crazy as it looks in print. She needs to learn to write down what she plans to say and have someone read it first. There is a Sarah Palin ring to it though.

    BR’s response is more than a little over the top.

  48. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:06 pm:

    *Steps out onto the front porch. Glances up at the sky and sticks finger out to see which way the wind is blowing. Thinks, “Yup. Voter burnout is going to hit early this year.”*

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:07 pm:

    === I hadn’t seen the DGA thing, and I wouldn’t have if Rauner hadn’t amplified it.===

    That Crew in Rauner’s Press shop, it’s like the thin skin warrants a response, as feeble as it was, and playing as many victim cards as needed.

    I thought the sand thing, but I thought it was Schrimpf in “Panic Mode”, instead of letting this blow over. It should have been left alone after the clarification, period.

  50. - Amalia - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:11 pm:

    yep, still finding the statement and the Dem response to be substantially the same. and ridiculous, from the R. Lt. Gov. Candidate. Magical powers reminds one of the witch motif which is inherently, and historically, sexist.

  51. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:15 pm:

    Rauner follows what folks used to call the IBM theory- I Believe in Money. That is the sum total of his world view. Everything else he says is just so much baloney designed to distract people from his ongoing pursuit and worship of money.

    “Don’t look over here at may fellow billionaire writing me multi-million dollar checks- look over there at someone saying something unkind about my token non-wealthy running mate.”

    Goshalmighty this guy is truly something. Just looking at him struggle to impersonate a normal person is a challenge. To listen to him is downright painful.

    But what’s really awful is that he will be governor come January.

  52. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:20 pm:

    *Swirls tea cup around, reads the leaves, and makes a prediction: The one who wins this election is going to be the one who shows the most respect for the Voters of Illinois.*

  53. - Former State Employee - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:24 pm:

    I’m only reminded of the Tea Party darling from Delaware who claimed, “I’m not a witch!”…..UPDATE: she did not win

  54. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:32 pm:


    The LG, if you aren’t hurting, you’re helping, if you aren’t helping, you’re hurting.

    Magic? Co-Governor? Dopey releases that keep the discussion going? Having to continually explain why “Slip and Sue” is qualified?

    “Slip and Sue” ain’t helping…

  55. - Chris - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 5:39 pm:

    “Magical powers reminds one of the witch motif which is inherently, and historically, sexist.”

    I think of ‘magical powers’ as more a rejection of that part of Christianity that feels the need to call for Harry Potter, etc, to be banned from school libraries (bc ‘magic’ is ‘evil’ donchaknow).

    But, seriously, no one looking great out of this.

  56. - North 40 - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:05 pm:

    Does anyone really care? If she’s magical, can’t she just lower my taxes…

  57. - Wag the Dog - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:13 pm:

    Indignance does not make it so.

  58. - America - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:20 pm:

    @Dupage Dave

    U so right on. He will be Governor in January.

  59. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:22 pm:

    is rauner the only warlock in the coven,now thats sexist

  60. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:25 pm:

    ===A Democrat can make whatever degrading comment they wish, and feel as if they have free license to do so. They One Way Street is astounding.===

    If playing the victim every 5 minutes, like Raunerbots do, guarantees victory, then those Raunerbot “victims” will win, with Rauner actually winning, or if Rauner loses, you Raunerbots have perfected being a victim, but it will be in defeat, lol

  61. - Mighty M. Mouse - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:27 pm:

    ===Rauner follows what folks used to call the IBM theory- I Believe in Money. That is the sum total of his world view. Everything else he says is just so much baloney designed to distract people from his ongoing pursuit and worship of money…

    …Goshalmighty this guy is truly something. Just looking at him struggle to impersonate a normal person is a challenge.===

    How true that is!

    ===But what’s really awful is that he will be governor come January.===

    And maybe JFK was killed by death rays from Mars, but I don’t think so. Just like David vs. Goliath Quinn will demolish Rauner and it won’t be close.

  62. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:33 pm:

    can she take the hex off rauner`s money too?

  63. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:37 pm:

    ===can she take the hex off rauner`s money too?===

    Now! Now the chickens make sense… Still need a wedding gift for Millie and Jimmy…

  64. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:44 pm:

    do you see rauner`s plan in your make belive world

  65. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 6:47 pm:

    ===do you see rauner`s plan in your make believe world===

    If Bull Durham is make believe …even in that movie, Rauner had no plan….

  66. - PolPal56 - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 7:17 pm:

    Brucie Empty Suit issues another policy statement:

    “I am taking a strong stance against DGA sexism.”

  67. - LCP45 - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 8:24 pm:

    Evelyn is a ditz, pure and simply… no sexism here … There is not an assigned sex for this malady…

  68. - me - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 9:32 pm:

    Rauner will be the next Governor.

  69. - Guest - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 9:38 pm:

    “No offense to the guys, but…when we knock on doors, something magical happens…they let us in!”
    -Evelyn Sanguinetti

    I’m not exactly sure what Ms. Sanguinetti means by this comment. It comes across as sophomoric.

  70. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 9:38 pm:

    ===Rauner will be the next Governor.===

    Did “Slip and Sue” put you in a trans?

    You base your opinion on your 6 word sentence and nothing else?

    Gov. Walker will be a big help.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 9:40 pm:

    ===I’m not exactly sure what Ms. Sanguinetti means by this comment. It comes across as sophomoric.===

    Stop insulting sophomores, lol

  72. - Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 9:49 pm:

    I still can’t believe how nobody is talking about how Rauner had chicken’s locked in a cage that was not up to PETA’s Standards, during his budget rollout. Such a travesty ignored by the media

  73. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 19, 14 @ 11:10 pm:

    Perhaps this should be seen as a turning point in this campaign. The ridiculousness of the situation can’t continue. Sanguinetti doesn’t seem to be working out and the heckling banter and partisan bullying over her mistakes are extreme.

    Rauner is ahead in the polls by a lot, according to some. The partisan attacks haven’t been working so far. So to look for another line of attack, these partisans are going after Rauner’s Lt. Governor candidate. It looks more like shooting fish in a barrel.

    I recommend replacing Ms. Sanguinetti by Mr. Rauner. This press release is an attempt to stop the hemorrhaging she is causing. If it works she can limp along until November. But if it doesn’t, someone is going to call it quits and there will be a replacement.

    If you want to see Rauner lose, go after Rauner while building up Quinn. Going after Sanguinetti, believing that she will cause Rauner to lose is betting on a scenario which has never happened before.

  74. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 12:19 am:

    @Rich -

    I will tell you what is sexist about it.

    Sanguinetti’s statement to the Palatine Republicans.

    If someone leads their public remarks with, “No offense to the guys…”, “No offense to the ladies…”, “No offense to the Catholics…” you can bet the next words out of their mouth probably should have stayed I their mouth.

    So, whether it is the idea that women possess magical powers men lack or the idea that women must rely on magical powers because they lack earthly abilities…well, I suspect there is plenty to be offended by if one chooses.

    If anyone should be offended, it is either the Republicans she was speaking to that day or John Marshall. Either she was speaking down to her audience or she really is a simpleton.

  75. - Bray Wyatt - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 4:49 am:

    Voodoo magic demands chickens be sacrificed to allow the spirit of the loa to take possession of a host. Witness no chicken sighting between the presser and talk of secret magic flowing from the aspiring co-governor’s lips. According to folklore, sheep shall be our next sign. “She’s got the whole world in her hands…”

    Follow the buzzards

  76. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 4:59 am:

    - VanillaMan -,

    You are On It.

    Been saying for a long time; dump “Slip and Sue”, bring in a former state Senator, with a political and social base of voters, who is recognized for his leadership, and has political instincts that will help in a General Election.

    Former state Senator Rev. Meeks.

    I am not the first to suggest this, but it’s the best thing for Rauner’s Crew. It also covers many sins; lack of government experience, a voting base, built in name recognition for a helping running mate…

    “Slip and Sue” is only going to get better by hiding… that is her helping.

  77. - Bill White - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 5:52 am:

    Can Ms. Sanguinetti be replaced if she refuses to drop out? After all, she did win the primary.

  78. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 7:13 am:

    -Former state Senator Rev. Meeks.–

    He wouldn’t take the pay cut.

  79. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 7:15 am:

    ===He wouldn’t take the pay cut.===

    Welp, you have me there…

  80. - The Prince - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 7:20 am:

    Overblown on both sides.

  81. - Demoralized - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 8:48 am:

    I don’t see anything sexist about it. It’s kind of a dumb reaction by the Rauner campaign. They couldn’t come up with a better counter to the DGA that that?

  82. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 9:15 am:

    They are not going to dump her.

    She ain’t Sarah Palin, and even if she were, there will not be enough media attention to highlight her ineptness. And even if there was, the damage among conservatives would be far worse for dumping her than the damage among swing voters for keeping her.

    But yeah, her choice as a running mate raises questions about Rauner’s judgement and his campaign’s ability to vet ideas. Griffin should be especially troubled.

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