What now for Roskam?
Friday, Jun 20, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Peter Roskam’s voting record is pretty darned conservative for a statewide bid here, but he’s a very ambitious fellow. I was asked today at my CAPAG speech what I thought. I don’t really know. I’m not sure anyone does. If he’s been permanently knocked off the leadership ladder, he may start looking around for something else. Greg Hinz…
Mr. Roskam still has a seat on the powerful Ways and Means Committee, but his time in GOP Congressional leadership may be history.
His seat is safe, but Mr. Roskam is not the sort to quietly sit on the back bench.
U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk’s Senate seat could beckon if the senator decides not to run in 2016; I can’t see Mr. Roskam challenging him in a primary. Mr. Roskam always has been considered more of a House guy, but that rivalry with Mr. Schock won’t help him any.
What’s Peter Roskam’s future right now? I suspect he’d like to know the answer, too.
Any ideas?
- Empty Chair - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 2:40 pm:
If the mid-terms don’t go well for the GOP and blame can be placed on the tea party, Roskam has a chance to be re-slated in January when leadership elections happen again. Jeb Hensarling has already said he’s going to challenge McCarthy for the Leader spot.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 2:42 pm:
VP possibility(?)
That is the only thing I see that doesn’t make say “No” in less that 5 seconds.
- Jimmy - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 2:54 pm:
I hear WIND is looking for some new talent.
- Roskammed - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 2:55 pm:
Maybe leaving politics altogether to be the spokesman for Hair Club for Men?
- train111 - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 2:56 pm:
He should be required, by heart, to sit down with a street map of the western and northern suburbs and accurately draw out the boundary lines of his congrssional district.
That’s more torture than any back bencher seat in Congress would ever be.
- walker - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:00 pm:
Not much.
- Responsa - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:04 pm:
Many competent political analysts believe Mr. Cantor lost his seat in the House of Representatives largely because he was too focused on being in party leadership, while sort of ignoring the actual people of his district. They showed him.
I think Mr. Roskam is well regarded in his district, but he might want to think on this and consider this. If he continues to be elected (which I think he will) he’ll have many opportunities to serve on important committees, to talk to the media, and to do important work in the House without being speaker, leader or whip.
- Cheryl44 - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:06 pm:
President. Of Concerned Women of America (or whatever the name of that org is).
- Wowser - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:06 pm:
To the q of what is next? No idea. I will say, his comments to sun times reporter not long after he lost were impressive.
- The Captain - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:13 pm:
DuPage County board president? I’m at a loss for good ideas.
- JSlim - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:14 pm:
He still has life in the House- just has to wait for it. As a Ways & Means member, he’s in better position than most and could take advantage of any number of leadership shake-ups in coming years.
Boehner actually got booted from his leadership position in the 90’s, then chaired a House committee, and made a comeback to become Maj Leader/ Minority Leader, then Speaker ten years later.
- MrJM (@MisterJayEm) - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:32 pm:
Coat check at the Barack Obama Presidential Library?
– MrJM
- ChinaTown - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:35 pm:
We have a winner:
- MrJM (@MisterJayEm) - Friday, Jun 20, 14 @ 3:32 pm:
Coat check at the Barack Obama Presidential Library?
– MrJM