Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** You can’t release what you haven’t yet filed
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*** UPDATED x1 *** You can’t release what you haven’t yet filed

Tuesday, Jul 8, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Quinn for Illinois Media Advisory

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

CHICAGO – Governor Pat Quinn will be joined by Illinois workers to call on Republican billionaire Bruce Rauner to release his 2013 income tax return and complete tax documents, including schedules, from previous years.

WHEN: 2 p.m.

WHERE: Plumbers Hall

1340 W. Washington Blvd

Chicago, 60607

OK, first of all, Rauner hasn’t even filed his 2013 taxes yet, so how can he release them? He filed for an extension. Rod Blagojevich did exactly the same thing when Quinn was RRB’s running mate. Not to compare Rauner to Blagojevich, of course, but what Rauner did is totally legal and acceptable practice.

The part about the releasing all schedules from previous years isn’t a bad point, though.

*** UPDATE *** AP

Republican candidate for Illinois governor Bruce Rauner says he’ll release his 2013 income tax returns once they’re ready.

Rauner Spokesman Mike Schrimpf says Rauner got a six-month extension of the April 15 filing deadline. He says Rauner will make his returns public before the Nov. 4 election.

Again, RRB did this very thing in 2006 and his running mate did not complain at all.


  1. - Sausage - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:10 pm:

    If Rauner’s initials are BVR, is it OK to start calling him the Beaver?

  2. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:10 pm:

    == If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from. You make a big election about small things. == Barack Obama

    Meanwhile, “none of the above” remains the frontrunner in the minds of many for this November.

  3. - Gift Giver - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:13 pm:

    I’m a Rauner guy, but I’m not sure I get your point, Rich. First, do we know he hasn’t filed the final return? Second, there is a filing that I believe includes income and tax payments. Asking to have that released isn’t unreasonable considering the final doesn’t have to filed until weeks after voting starts.

  4. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:21 pm:

    Reminds me of when I went to view a copy of Quinn’s tax return. Had a state employee watching me while I was doing it and taking notes…

    Wonder if they still do that.

  5. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:22 pm:

    ===do we know he hasn’t filed the final return?===


  6. - Anon - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:24 pm:

    What the hell does it matter? I mean seriously, do everyone a favor and try to get some actual governing done instead of wasting everyone’s time on a political stunt.

  7. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    It’s not uncommon for people to file extensions, especially someone with high income and assets. It’s almost irresponsible not to. But it’s probably asking too much for Quinn and Simon, both who have lived in a government bubble most of their adult lives, to understand that.

  8. - What would Betsy Say? - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    Shouldn’t this be a Sunday afternoon press conference?

  9. - Larry the Cable Guy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    Rauner’s response to the question: Why do you need a delay to file your taxes? Now that there will be funny.
    To the question: What’s he hiding? Can’t wait for that amdwer. That there will be funny too.
    If only someone would ask him these questions.

  10. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    Looks like a nice place at least:

  11. - Brass - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:33 pm:

    Are Quinn’s tax returns available online? If so, where?

  12. - Adam Smith - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:33 pm:

    Keep chasing the shinny object everyone…

    Quinn is seeing his numbers continue to lag and he absolutely MUST change the subject any chance he gets.

    All we will hear from Quinn is, tax returns, Payton Prep, and any horror story they can concoct from a company GTCR invested in.

    Meanwhile, the state sinks deeper into fiscal chaos.

    Knowing all we can about candidates helps us judge their character. Bruce Rauner is a hard-nosed businessman who spent his career making gobs of money. He also, like every single human on the planet, ties to legally pay as little in taxes as he can.

    But if the voters of Illinois didn’t fall for these distraction tactics we wouldn’t have the mess we are in already.

  13. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:35 pm:

    ==What the hell does it matter?==

    What has Rauner got to hide from the previous years? Why is he so secretive about this? He claims he wants to get rid of loopholes, maybe I wanna know which ones he has gotten over all these years to hold his feet to the fire about what he will advocate for as governor to his partners at the federal level, our representatives in Congress.

    And Quinn has been doing “actual governing.” Just because you stick your head in the sand when it happens doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Just because it’s not your preferred policy outcome also doesn’t mean it isn’t “actual governing.”

  14. - Grumpy Gus - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:35 pm:

    Rich…would you please stop allowing PQ to spew the lie that Rauner is a “billionaire?”

    His spokesman has given an estimated net worth, and it is significantly less than that. You’re allowing PQ to perpetrate a lie every time you post one of his releases word for word.

    Would you allow it if Rauner said “Convicted axe murderer Pat Quinn?” in every release? Of course not.

    Call PQ out for his lies!

  15. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:37 pm:

    ===His spokesman has given an estimated net worth===

    Not sure I buy into it, though.

  16. - Black Ivy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:38 pm:

    As Rich stated, it’s Rauner’s perogative. Rauner is a self-made, acknowledged, wealthy man. This is not news, simply more class warfare. I prefer my governors to be personally and professionally successful. Thank you very much. #yawn

  17. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:39 pm:

    As 47 and Soccermom have pointed out many times, “the other guy’s rich” ain’t enough.

    Quinn should be wailing on the insider deals, the bust-out nursing homes and Stu Levine.

    All Rauner’s response to those questions to now have been “I had nothing to do with it, I didn’t know.”

    It undermines his whole campaign of outsider/hands-on-businessman.

  18. - Sir Reel - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:41 pm:

    I’m not a fan of either Quinn or Rauner. But at least Rauner makes his money in the private sector. Quinn hasn’t had a job outside of the public sector or its closely affiliated non profit sector since he was a kid. Whatever taxes Quinn pays are in effect somebody else’s taxes.

  19. - CirularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:44 pm:

    Hey if Mitt asked for an extension he still had to paid what he owed on 4-15…anyone find out what he paid…ask about his ag losses?
    Romney tied himself in useless knots. PQ should do the same to Mitt.
    BTW maybe media will start covering the BizWiz 400 deals ….start with predatory lenders at HomeBanc Mortgage Corp in Atlanta. we think they led the nation in tanking at the start of the BushDepression

  20. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:45 pm:

    Is this the first year in the last 4 years or so that Bruce Rauner had filed for an extension?

    That would be fun to know in the prism of the unfiled tax returns, today.

    If Rauner has always asked for extensions, ok, I get it.

    If this is the first time in the last 4 years Rauner asked for an extension, that is another story, and another story too.

    Those past tax returns, any filed from the Chicago address as the Denied Daughter attended Chicago’s Payton Prep?

  21. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:49 pm:

    Oh come on Republicans - for years you’ve been telling us it’s important to vote on “character” issues. We’ve also been told that although the New Testament commands charity less one goes to Hades for eternity, that’s a private command that should be excluded from the morality we want to see in our government. Well, a tax return tells us, among other things, how much of a person’s wealth they donated to charity (unless they are seeking to be anonymous about it, which I’d give Raunner the benefit of the doubt if he claimed that, but he hasn’t - in fact haven’t his ads touted his charitable charicter? Or is that Oberweiss - I get these millionaire candidates mixed up). And as I mentioned the other day, Dold’s campaign has in the past pressed Brad Schneider for his tax records (they suspected it showed a failed business) - if it’s good for the federal races, it’s good for the state ones.

  22. - How Ironic - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:51 pm:

    @Sir Reel,

    You do realize that Rauner made MILLIONS from ’somebody else’s taxes’ when he personally raked it in managing public pensions right?

    “GTCR has raised a significant portion of its money, perhaps the largest percentage, from public pension funds. They supplied half to two-thirds of the firm’s funds, by Mr. Rauner’s estimate.”

    In other words, your guy will have made 10x if not more than Quinn from “Somebody else’s taxes”.

    Fire - Ready - Aim from the Raunerbots….again.

  23. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:53 pm:

    The “late filing form,” Form 1040-ES iirc asks the taxpayer to estimate taxable income and to indicate that a reasonable amount of tax has been withheld or paid quarterly/will be paid before the filing deadline. Accountants, help me out.

  24. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:57 pm:

    Sir Reel, that’s just not true. I believe you’ll find that Governor Quinn was an attorney in private practice for a number of years.

  25. - DuPage - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:57 pm:

    @OW 12:45=…past tax returns, any filed from the Chicago address?…

    Good point, if it was not the Chicago address, he would have reason to try to hide them. I wonder about his drivers license during the “Chicago years”?

  26. - How Ironic - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 12:58 pm:

    “Accountants, help me out” says “Arthur Andersen”…irony of the week right there.

  27. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:01 pm:

    Some choice we have here. Billionaire who made his money doing who knows what to whom by whatever means necessary, and a supposed reformer who’s spent his entire adult life feeding out of the public trough or trying to feed out of the public trough.

  28. - Raymond - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:05 pm:

    === You do realize that Rauner made MILLIONS from ’somebody else’s taxes’ when he personally raked it in managing public pensions right? ===

    Rauner expounded on that in this video interview, starting at about the 2:28 mark:

    “All the pension capital is looking for a high rate of return … they’ve been able to find it historically in venture capital and private equity. It’s driven into our industry in large amounts.”

    So the pension funds sought higher risk/higher return, and Bruce was more than happy to help them with that - for a hefty fee.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:05 pm:

    ===… if it was not the Chicago address, he would have reason to try to hide them. I wonder about his drivers license during the “Chicago years”?===

    Phil Ponce during the GOP Primary debate asked Rauner about that driver’s license.

    Did Diana Rauner, the possible alleged caller to Arne Duncan, but maybe not, but maybe she did…so which parent, Diana, from user that bus, or Bruce, who had a Chicago driver’s license, and did they file, jointly, from the Chicago address for their state and federal income taxes?

    Can a child attending a Chicago school have a servers license at 16 without Chicago being the address on that license?

    Meh. It’s all “Baloney”…

  30. - Kerfuffle - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:05 pm:

    Ho hum - so much ballyhooing over non-important issues. When it becomes a legal requirement to produce tax returns when one runs for office, wake me up.

  31. - Upon Further Review - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:06 pm:

    Maybe Quinn ought to finish Blagojevich’s work and impose a services tax. Think of all of the tax dollars that Illinois could reap from taxing Rauner’s accountants! It might pave a few miles of roads.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:08 pm:

    “…so which parent, Diana, from under that bus, or Bruce, who had a Chicago driver’s license,…”

    “Can a child attending a Chicago school have a driver’s license at 16 without Chicago being the address on that license?”

    Better. Apologies all.

  33. - Sir Reel - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:15 pm:

    I stand corrected. As I said, I’m not a fan of either. In my opinion neither has made their money in a way that impresses me. Making a big deal about Rauner’s taxes or lack thereof is lame.

  34. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:18 pm:

    From Wikipedia == Quinn began his career as a tax attorney in private practice before working as an aide to former Illinois Governor Dan Walker. ==

    Dan Walker was governor from 1973-1977. Pat Quinn finished Northwestern Law in 1980.

    At most, Gov Quinn worked as a tax attorney for 1 or 2 years before being elected to the Cook County Board of Tax Appeals in 1982, and certainly not prior to working for Gov Walker.

  35. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:24 pm:

    FKA — I think that’s a TLDR response. If you read further, you will notice that Governor Quinn was not in any public office for a number of years from 1982 to 2002.

  36. - Just the Facts - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:28 pm:

    Google is your friend. The Illinois Review linked copies of the returns to a story they did when the returns were released. 2010- 2012 all listed a Winnetka address. They were all extended. Notably the copy of the 2011 return lists an extension to 8/12/2013 - a much longer extension than the normal automatic extension to October 2012. In each year they vastly overpaid the final amount of taxes due.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:37 pm:

    - Just the Facts -,


    The Winnetka Address? Wonder what, if anything, signifies living in Chicago as a main residence, ever?

    I get confused on this residency stuff, Clouting, eligibility…

  38. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:51 pm:

    As I alluded to before, sure there were a number of years that Gov. Quinn was not in elected or appointed public office. But it sure wasn’t for a lack of trying.

  39. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 1:53 pm:

    The schedules from the past years interest me more than this year’s taxes. I wonder how much he made from nursing homes in which abuse took place?

  40. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 2:07 pm:

    Interesting that Gov. Quinn decides to attack a billionaire opponent at the Plumber’s Hall. Anyone had to hire a plumber lately? Yikes. (I’m kidding. Sorta.)

  41. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    How ironic, you’re so funny. Not.

    RTB, tax returns for limited partnerships show income at the portfolio, not the company, level, so your curiosity about the nursing homes will have to be satisfied another way.

  42. - Walter Mitty - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    Uh, the guy has alot of money. He is spending much of HIS money for the race. What funds did PQ use the last time around? This stunt only highlights that the current Gov has no clothes. All he has is class warfare. In November, I think he will see the dire straits our state is in will be decided by who has a better plan of substance. I suggest both get to the real work of a plan. Or I vote for OW or now Mark Knopfler as I made a Dire Straits reference… Sorry OW..I am a bit fickle today.

  43. - DateNight - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 4:56 pm:

    If it’s good enough for Blago — it’s good enough for Bruce Rauner V!

  44. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 5:19 pm:

    ==Rauner is a self-made, acknowledged, wealthy man.==

    Has he “self-made” his hundreds of millions? Yes. But it’s joke to pretend he was some poor scrap of nothing before that. His dad was the vice president at Motorola. In a Sun-Times profile Rauner said he grew up “upper middle class.”

    ==Bruce was more than happy to help them with that - for a hefty fee==

    A hefty fee that was conveniently switched to equity to dodge taxes.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 8, 14 @ 10:02 pm:

    - Walter Mitty -,

    As long as I am in the mix, I’ll take my chances.

    Ok, Rauner says he will release. Now it’s a waiting game.

  46. - WindyCity - Wednesday, Jul 9, 14 @ 12:52 pm:

    When Rauner filed his three illegal homeowner exemptions, were those on time?

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